Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2312 You are more waste

, the master of protecting flowers in the city! No matter how Cao Zhiben shouted that it was impossible, Hu Chunyu was definitely better.

The internal organs no longer hurt at all, and there are no sequelae. She also noticed that the bone-penetrating cold air that was vague before has completely disappeared.

With a strange look on Mrs. Hu's face, she asked, "Are you really okay? Would you like to let Mr. Cao check?"

"No need to check, I'm really feeling better." Hu Chunyu stood up, and even jumped a few times, "Not only does it not hurt, but it's also a little warm."

"It's better to check." Mrs. Hu obviously did not trust Xia Xia, and said to Cao Zhiben, "Mr. Cao, come and show my daughter."

Cao Zhiben also wanted to confirm that he absolutely did not believe that anyone could cure this unknown disease, not only took two steps forward, but also glared at Xia Xia: "Okay, this old man will check it out, if the old man finds out you What inappropriate means were used, I will never let you go!"

Xia Tian looked contemptuous: "I think you want to do it yourself, right?"

"Hmph, this old man is too lazy to have such a meaningless argument with you." Cao Zhiben didn't answer, his expression became more and more disdainful, and he went to check on Hu Chunyu.

Hu Huayu suddenly reached out and grabbed Cao Zhiben's wrist: "Wait a minute, since my sister is already well, there is no need to watch it again."

"What do you mean!" Madam Hu was immediately upset, and glared at Hu Huayu fiercely: "If there is any hidden danger, let Mr. Cao check it out, just in case, you keep blocking it, is there something wrong? An ulterior motive?"

"On the contrary, I'm afraid that you have some ulterior motives." Hu Huayu said without the slightest hint of euphemism, "My sister and grandma have let him treat them all these years, but he doesn't even know what the disease is, he just keeps Develop medicines, it is said that it can relieve pain and relieve symptoms, and slowly take care of the body, and the disease will naturally be cured without treatment.”

Mrs. Hu was stunned for a moment: "Yes, what's the problem?"

"Of course there is a problem." Hu Huayu raised his eyebrows and said solemnly, "I used to believe that he should not do such a thing. But in recent years, what he has done is very abnormal. , Grandma also became wary of him. It was at this time that Grandma and sister's condition suddenly worsened, and they had to rely on his medicine to continue their lives."

"Then how dare you be so disrespectful to Mr. Cao!" Mrs. Hu couldn't understand Hu Huayu's logic. "Shouldn't it be better? If you offend Mr. Cao, what should the old lady and Chunyu do in the future?"

"That's the problem." Hu Huayu stared at Cao Zhiben coldly, "I want to ask Grandpa Cao, no, it's more appropriate to call you Doctor Cao, why my grandma and Chunyu only drink your medicine to relieve the pain. , and every time you finish eating, you will have regular seizures?"

Mrs. Hu was stunned for a moment, and then retorted: "Doesn't this mean that Mr. Cao's medicine is useful, otherwise the old lady and Chun Yutong would have died of pain long ago."

Ah Jiu said lightly, "Then have you ever thought that it was because they were treated by him that they were in pain?"

"It's impossible!" Mrs. Hu couldn't accept this kind of speculation. "Why did Mr. Cao do this? He did nothing but offend the Hu family."

Cao Zhiben also sneered: "I can't think that this old man is thinking of your Hu family wholeheartedly, and he has worked hard to refine pharmaceuticals, but it is really chilling to treat him like this!"

"I remember, you said that there is no cure for this disease, no medicine to cure it, only your medicine can relieve it"

The coldness in Hu Huayu's eyes became heavier: "But I just said in the summer that my sister is not sick at all, and she was easily cured, so I have reason to doubt your diagnosis and your medicine. What is it for?"

"Okay, how dare you slander this old man like this!" Cao Zhiben's color changed suddenly, and his lips were trembling, he immediately shook his hands and stood up, his grandson said, "That's the case, Lianger, let's go, just leave. Let Mrs. Hu and this girl doll live and die!"

"Come on, stop them!" Hu Huayu shouted coldly, and suddenly dozens of bodyguards rushed in from outside the door, blocking Cao Zhi's grandfather and grandson.

Cao Zhiben turned his head and stared at Hu Huayu: "What are you trying to do? Kill our grandfather and grandson?"

"It's you who did the wrong thing, what should I say." Hu Huayu snorted coldly and raised his hand to get them up. "Today, if you don't explain the past clearly, don't even think about leaving here."

Cao Zhiben laughed in anger, pointed at Hu Huayu and said, "Okay, great, the decades of friendship between my Cao and Hu families can't compare to a hairy boy who can say a few words casually. vision."

"Old man, do you have amnesia, or do you have a problem with your eyes?" Xia Xia said casually: "I didn't say a few words, but told the truth. This girl is not sick, it's you When she was cured, the reason why she felt pain was also caused by your medicine. People like you are not fit to practice medicine."

Cao Zhiben shouted angrily, "I got the qualification to practice medicine fifty or sixty years ago. What kind of thing are you qualified to question me?"

Xia Tian said with contempt: "You don't need any qualifications to teach you. I said you don't deserve you, you don't deserve it."

"It's ridiculous!" Cao Zhiben sneered at Xia Xia's words, "Who do you think you are, the chairman of the Medical Association? Or what kind of Taishan Beidou in the medical world?"

"I am Xia." Xia Xian's expression was still indifferent, and his words were long and simple: "That's enough."

Cao Zhiben laughed, pointed at Xia Xia and said, "It's really like the ghost doctor Zhang Mingtuo, and they are all pretentious.

Not only do you have to practice medicine, but you will also be cured on the spot! "

"Oh, let's try it." Xia Xia smiled with a little interest, "You better have some real skills, or you will be the one who becomes a waste."

As he said that, Cao Zhiben suddenly took out a wallet from his arms and opened it, but there were two rows of fine needles, of different lengths and materials.

Hu Huayu felt that something was wrong. He wanted to take down Cao Zhiben first, but was stopped by Ah Jiu.

"Don't move, just watch from the side." Ah Jiu knew what Xia Xia's temperament was, and she was getting excited now. If someone interrupted, she would definitely be beaten.

Hu Huayu also caught a glimpse of Xia Xia's expression, and held on for a while, but left someone to guard the door, and the rest came over to protect them.

"Go!" Cao Zhiben drew his hand out of the needle bag, and a few silver needles were glued to the bottom of his palm, and rushed towards Xia Tian.

Xia Xia stood still, letting the silver needles sink into his body.

"Hmph, it's so crazy!" Cao Zhiben was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "I'll kill you today to avenge my son's tragic death!"

"Give you ten seconds." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "If you have any tricks, just use them. After this time, you will have no chance."

Cao Zhiben was overjoyed, and more than a dozen silver needles shot out: "This is what you asked for, so don't blame the old man for bullying the small."

Ten seconds passed quickly.

During this period, Cao Zhiben used all the needles in his wallet on Xia Xia's body.

There are all kinds of long needles, short needles, gold needles and silver needles.

There are various methods of playing, stabbing, stabbing, and twisting.

Xia Xia stood still, not even the annoying lazy expression on his face.

"This is my Cao family's Qisha broken magic needle." Cao Zhiben smiled, looking at the almost stabbed thorn and said with a wretched smile: "There are seven kinds of needles in total, and there are seven needles for each kind of needles. Use the seven methods one by one, even if you are an immortal, you will surely die today."

As he spoke, he burst into tears again, raised his eyes and said to the ceiling: "My son, I have avenged your father for you. Today, I will kill Zhang Mingtuo's apprentice first, and then come to Ming and bring his head to sacrifice."

"It's too embarrassing." Xia Tian scratched his ears and said a little boredly: "Your acupuncture method is not very good, and the treatment is not very good, let alone murder."

"You" Cao Zhiben looked at Xia Xia as if he was alive: "You didn't die? What's going on?"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "Isn't it normal not to die?"

"Under the old man's seven evils, there is absolutely no way to survive!" Cao Zhiben really had a hard time accepting this reality: "Could it be that you actually escaped just now? The needle that the old man pierced himself is not bad, but you How could there be nothing at all?"

"The acupuncture is okay, but you can't." Xia Tian raised his hand with a smile, and saw that hundreds of needles appeared in his palm: "Why don't I teach you how to use these needles."

Summer is an understatement, but it is extremely insulting.

"You've only studied medicine for a few years, and you're also equipped to teach this old man how to use acupuncture!" Cao Zhiben almost became angry, "Although I don't know how you avoided it, this old man is the king of herbal medicine, and medicine is the strong point of this old man. ."


As soon as the words fell, a pod of medicinal powder suddenly burst in mid-air, obscuring everyone's sight in an instant, and at the same time there was an abnormal aroma diffused around.

"Not good." Hu Huayu's expression changed, he closed his breath for a moment, and covered Hu Chunyu's mouth and nose.

It's just that the others were not so lucky. First, the bodyguards fell to the ground one by one, and then Mrs. Hu also slumped to the ground.

Although Hu Huayu responded in a timely manner, these powders were extremely toxic and could penetrate directly into the body from the skin.

In less than three seconds, there were almost no people standing in the reception room.

"Cao Zhiben, what are you trying to do!" Hu Huayu insisted that he did not faint, and scolded, "Dare to use drugs in Hu's house, are you impatient?"

"This is Gu Xiang." Cao Zhiben's voice sounded, "I have been dealing with your Hu family for so many years, how can you not understand your weaknesses. As long as the Gu insects are controlled, you are a bunch of waste."

A hand stretched out from the thick poisonous mist and grabbed Cao Zhiben's neck like a chick:

"You're even more rubbish."

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