Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2315 Don't be too boring

"She's not, but it might have something to do with it."

Xia Xia knew what Ah Jiu wanted to ask, so she shook her head.

"I'll go talk to her later."

Ah Jiu searched for her life in Xiaoxianjie before, but she only found Xu Kunlun, her biological father. There is still no whereabouts of her biological mother. Today, when she saw a middle-aged woman who looked similar to her, she would naturally go there. think.

"Who are you talking about?"

Hu Huayu followed the gazes of Xia Xia and A Jiu, and as expected, he saw the woman, who was indeed more than 70% similar to A Jiu, so he said, "That is the distinguished guest my second uncle invited to help, I don't know yet. What is it, when you come, I will help you ask."

"Thank you in advance." Ah Jiu immediately expressed her gratitude.

"Ninth girl will break me." Hu Huayu said a little embarrassedly: "You and Xia Xia have helped me a few times, I have done some small things, what's there to thank."

Xia Xia said lazily: "Can you stop talking nonsense, thank you, thank you, what's the point."

"Yes." Hu Huayu nodded. Just as he was about to say something, the housekeeper Hu Yiwan suddenly approached quietly, leaning into his ear and whispering a few words.

"I have some things to deal with." Hu Huayu stood up and said apologetically to Xia Xia and Ah Jiu: "You wait here for a while, if you stay there, someone will make things difficult for you, don't give me face, what do you want to do? Just do it."

Ah Jiu thought Hu Huayu's words were quite interesting, and said lightly, "You better pray that there are no such idiots, or Xia Xia's temper can't be contained once it gets out."

"Nine girls, it's wrong for you to arrange your husband like this." Xia Xia emphasized seriously: "I have always convinced people with reason, and I hate violence the most."

Ah Jiu gave Xia Tian a white look: "Aren't you blushing at all?"

"What's there to blush." ​​Xia Tian said casually: "I'm telling the truth."

Hu Huayu apologized again, then turned around and left with the housekeeper Hu Yiwan, directly out of the hall.

"Are you the honored guests that Hu Huayu invited over to help?" Hu Huayu had just left when she saw a woman who was a bit mean and sarcastic just from her appearance, and asked provocatively.

A Jiu raised her eyebrows and said lightly, "Who are you?"

"I'm his aunt Hu Yingdie." The mean woman looked at Xia Xia and Ah Jiu up and down with a sneer, "Whether it's looking up and down, or left and right, you two don't seem to be great, I really don't understand. Why did the old woman choose you to be Hu Huayu's help?"

Ah Jiu didn't bother to bother with such a woman, and said casually, "We're just here for dinner, and we're not interested in participating in other things."

"Haha, it's really cowardly to back off now." Hu Yingdie sneered, obviously not interested in Xia Xia and A Jiu, and said with contempt, "Forget it, it's useless for Hu Huayu to invite anyone to come today anyway. , he is not worthy of the position of the head of the family. You two should get out of the way as soon as possible, don't eat and drink here. "

Xia Tian said unhappily: "If you look ugly, just hide at home and look in the mirror to play. It's your fault that you run out to be scary."

"Who are you calling ugly!" The mean woman was instantly ignited, staring at Xia Xia and scolding: "You have the guts to say it again!"

"Say it 10,000 times, you're ugly too." Xia Tian curled his lips, "And the longer you get older, the uglier it will become, it is completely hopeless, and sooner or later you will die of ugliness.


The mean woman was furious, and scolded the man behind her: "You are so deaf, this kid is scolding me, and you have no reaction at all."

At this time, Ah Jiu was stunned to realize that there was always someone standing behind this mean woman.

He is also a rather handsome man. He is not short in stature, but he is always hunched over. He does not look very tall, and his presence is inexplicably low, so that many people will subconsciously ignore his existence, even if they glance at him. When it arrives, it will not leave any impression.

The handsome man's tone was a little timid: "Xiaodie, they didn't say anything, so don't..."


Hu Yingdie slapped her backhand and scolded, "What do you call me?"

"Xiao, Xiaodie, why did you hit me?" The handsome man covered his face, feeling very aggrieved.

"Crack, snap!"

Hu Yingdie directly took a bow at the man and scolded: "You are such a jerk, your wife was called ugly by others, and you didn't respond at all, and you were talking to outsiders, how could I marry you such a waste! "

"He, there are outsiders here, can you save me some face?" The handsome man said pitifully with a pleading tone: "Go home, do whatever you want."

"Clap clap clap!"

The only answer to him was a louder slap, like a violent storm. Because Hu Yingdie grabbed the handsome man's chin with one hand and fanned wildly in his face with the other.

Ah Jiu couldn't stand it anymore, and at the same time felt strange, that man looked tall and big, why let Hu Yingdie humiliate him so much in public?

Sure enough, some people couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted loudly: "If you want to play tricks, you two couples go home and play slowly, don't be embarrassed here!"

"I beat my husband, it's none of your business." Hu Yingdie scolded directly: "Second brother, you better take care of yourself."

Hu Huayu's second uncle showed an unhappy look on his face, and scolded coldly: "Today is a family banquet, and there are distinguished guests here, don't be ashamed!"


Mother, I like to be ashamed, can you handle it? "Hu Yingdie still has the attitude of being soft and hard, and still trains her husband: "I will ask you one last question, do you do anything? "

The handsome man kept his head down, silent, neither nodding nor denying.

"What a waste!" Hu Yingdie gritted his teeth angrily, kicked his husband to the ground with his feet up: "What do I want you to do, get out of here!"

However, the handsome man was amnesty, bowed to Hu Yingdie, and ran away quickly, and even almost tripped over because he was in a hurry, causing another burst of laughter.

"Wait for me, the two of you, this is not over!" Hu Yingdie's face flushed, and she couldn't get mad at her husband, so she pointed at Xia Xia and Ah Jiu: "Today I will stare at you."

Ajiu felt a little baffled, and said coldly, "We haven't provoke you from beginning to end, right? You came over to scold you yourself."

"Hmph, I only want to be cunning now, it's too late!" Hu Yingdie scolded: "As soon as I saw your face, I felt angry, and sooner or later I will shave it!"

"Do you have an opinion on me?" At this time, the woman who looked 70% similar to Ah Jiu finally spoke up, "Hu Yingdie, you still haven't changed, you will still only point at Sang and scold Huai, and use the topic to play this trick. , is there anything you can't tell me directly?"

Hu Yingdie turned around and faced the woman: "Yes, I said it was you, bitch, you

Of course there is still a face to come to my house! "

"Why don't you have the face to come?" The woman's beautiful face showed a puzzled look, "The old lady is my godmother. She hosted a family dinner for me, so of course I will come."

"That's why I hate people like you." Hu Yingdie said more and more viciously: "Obviously I have ideas about my Hu family's property, but I pretend to be pure and innocent, and what kind of godmother do I still recognize, forget it, old lady I will be fooled by you, I don't know you yet."

The woman nodded: "You just don't know me, or you wouldn't say such a thing."

"Qi Yushi, I actually want to ask, isn't this girl your illegitimate daughter?" Hu Yingdie pointed at Ah Jiu and speculated maliciously, "Pretend to be a pure saint in front of others. , what about non-marriageism, and as a result, the children outside have grown up so much."

When the woman saw Ah Jiu, she was also a little surprised, but she still kept a smile on her face: "If I really have such a beautiful daughter, it would be my blessing. There is nothing I can't admit, I can't wait."

"It's disgusting!" Hu Yingdie snorted coldly, not wanting to stay any longer, and turned away.

The woman walked towards Xia Xia and Ah Jiu and said softly, "Do you mind if I sit here?"

"I don't mind, I just have a few questions I want to ask you." Ah Jiu didn't want to go around in circles, and decided to ask straight to the point.

"I guess the question you want to ask should be similar to what I want to ask in my heart." The woman smiled and said, "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Qi Yushi, and I come from the Qi family in Fuliang."

Then she looked at Ajiu again: "Girl, I see you are very kind and close, I don't know what to call you?"

"You look alike, can you not be kind and close?" Xia Xia said with a smile.

Ah Jiu hesitated for a while, and decided to test her real name: "My name is Xu Xiu'er, my nickname is Ah Jiu, and my father is Xu Kunlun."

"Oh." Qi Yushi nodded, without any special reaction, but suddenly pulled La Ajiu's hand: "I like you at first sight, but there are some things that are inconvenient to communicate here, wait for the banquet to find a time to discuss in detail, is it okay?"

Ah Jiu nodded decisively at this time: "The time and place, you can decide, I can do it."

"Okay." Qi Yushi smiled and patted Ajiu's head, then took out a note from the bag, wrote down the contact information, and handed it to Ajiu: "You keep this for now."

After leaving the note, she pleaded guilty and got up and hurried away.

A Jiu glanced at it and remembered it, and she pinched the note into powder.

"The old lady is here!"

After about ten minutes, I don't know who shouted, and I saw a graceful and luxurious old lady, surrounded by seven or eight people, slowly walked into the hall.

The one who accompanies the old lady is the cheap Shizu Wanguiren from Xia Xia. At this time, this old man doesn't have the energy of immortality, and he is no different from a normal old man.

Hu Huayu and Qi Yushi followed closely. The others could only slowly follow behind to join in the fun. Even Hu Huayu and his father, Hu Yingxiong, did not squeeze into the front row.

Xia Tian looked up at the old lady, and after a while, she suddenly showed a strange expression: "It's interesting."

"What's interesting?" Ah Jiu asked in confusion.

"This old lady is a bit interesting, and this family is also a bit interesting." Xia Xia replied with a smile: "Today's banquet, there is a good show to watch, I hope they can do more and don't make it too boring."

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