Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2320 You really kneel

About fifteen seconds ago, Mrs. Hu opened the secret box, and a white Gu worm crawled out of the box.

Then, a huge and strange air pressure diffused from the box, suffocating everyone present.

The white Gu worm woke up and flew directly towards Hu Huayu.

Hu Yingxiong and the other three brothers were anxious one by one, but they had not recovered from the suffocation, and could not stop this situation, they could only watch this Qi Gu fly towards Hu Huayu.

At this moment, a light suddenly burst out from the crowd, followed by a bang.


After the sound, the Gu worm suddenly exploded into a pile of meat dregs, and everyone's bodies recovered their freedom.

"Who, who fired the gun?" Madam Hu stared at the people in the banquet hall furiously, and shouted angrily, "You dare to shoot the Qi Gu, it's unforgivable, get out of here immediately!"

Hu Yingxiong reacted abruptly, pointed at Xia Xia and said, "It must be him, just now everyone couldn't move, only he and the woman around him could move."

"Dad, you have to be logical if you want to frame things." Hu Huayu immediately explained for Xia Xia: "Xia Xia is active, but he didn't make any changes during the whole process, and he didn't have a gun in his hand. How could it be him."

"Hmph, who knows if he has hidden a gun." Hu Yingbao got up after slandering Qi Xia, "Anyway, he was the only one who moved just now, not him, let's control him first!"

Xia Xia couldn't help but glared at Hu Yingbao: "You idiot should be beaten, right?"

"Look, his arrogance is still so arrogant, he must have done it." Hu Yingbao was startled, and quickly shrank back, "Even if it wasn't him, there must be something wrong with him."

Ah Jiu said lightly, "If you want to do it in the summer, you don't need a gun at all, you can do it anytime, anywhere, and no one will find out if you do it. This person chooses to do it when everyone can't move, which shows that he knows when the consciousness qi appears. The vision of this can only be someone who has participated in the election banquet for the head of the family before."

This is very reasonable, even the Hu Yingxiong brothers have nothing to say for a while.

According to this logic, we can first rule out Xia Xia and A Jiu, followed by Alan and Qi Yushi. These are the first time to participate in the election of this kind of patriarch. There is this vision.

"If it's one of you, come out and admit it now, I don't have to go into it." Madam Hu looked at the others with a solemn expression, "If you don't admit it and get caught in the end, then don't blame the old man for chasing him. In the end, the weeds are wiped out."

In the banquet hall, no one stood up to admit it.

"If that's the case, then don't blame me." Mrs. Hu was really angry and said coldly, "Dare to shoot here, you are really brave, but your brain is not smart enough. After shooting, there will definitely be gunpowder and smoke. The smell of gun oil, no matter how hard you hide it, you can't hide it from Gu worms."

As soon as Mrs. Hu raised her finger, several little ladybugs with gray stripes and white background flew out from the bottom of her sleeves and flew among the crowd in the banquet hall.

It's just that the last few ladybugs all fell on Summer's shoulders without any surprise.

"Look at it, I'll say he did it." Hu Yingxiong was overjoyed, pointed at Xia Xia and said to everyone, "You still don't believe it, now the evidence is solid."

Hu Yingbao also breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped forward to catch Xia Tian: "Boy, what else do you have to say."


Xia Xia slapped Hu Yingbao away with a slap.

"How dare you fight back! Kneel down for this old man!" Seeing that Hu Yingbao was shot flying, the Duke Mo was furious, and raised the crutches in his hand to hit Xia Xia.

"If you want to kneel, then kneel." Xia Tian curled his lips and said casually.

Mo Gong suddenly felt a sharp pain in his knees, and without paying attention, he immediately knelt down at Xia Xia.

"You're really kneeling, it's too polite." Xia Xia smiled.

Ah Jiu touched his forehead with some headache and said, "You guys want to do things, just do it well, what are you doing to provoke him?"

"What have you done to Duke Mo!" Now, Hu Yingxiong couldn't help it anymore, he turned his head to Mrs. Hu and said, "Mom, you saw it too, this kid is so lawless and doesn't take our Hu family seriously. "

Mrs. Hu also frowned, and some couldn't understand the purpose of Xia Xia's actions, so she could only look at Wan Guiren.

Wan Guiren said indifferently: "This can't be done by Xia Xia, and he doesn't bother to use such inferior means."

"You are his master, so of course you helped him." Hu Yingxiong retorted dissatisfiedly: "Even the little Gu worms who distinguish tastes have identified him as him. Is this still fake?"

"The little Gu worms didn't find the smell of guns when they came to Xia Xia." Wan Guiren explained casually, "It's purely because they smelled the master's breath, so they stayed on his shoulders to show their affection."

Hearing this, Hu Yingxiong couldn't help sneering: "You are bullshitting! These Gu worms were all born from the Gu ancestors of my Hu family, and the Gu ancestors never left the southern border. Gu masters can only be Gu clan. The first ancestor, or the Gu god mother-in-law, how could Xia Xia be the Gu master!"

"I said, Xia Xia has the aura of a master, but I didn't say that he is a Gu master." Wan Guiren said softly, his tone still indifferent.

"Absolutely impossible! I think you're with Xia Xia, and you're planning to do something wrong!" Hu Yingxiong still retorted, because he knew what it meant. If Xia Xia really has the breath of a Gu Lord, then what kind of family owner are they fighting for? At that time, the entire Gu clan may have to obey Xia Xia.

Wangui people are too lazy to follow Hu Ying

Xiong cares about this kind of thing, and said casually: "Whether you believe it or not, it is the truth."

"In short, this kind of argument is hard to convince the public." Hu Yingxiong still objected loudly, saying: "It is far-fetched and far-fetched. Why can't Xia Xia be the culprit of the shooting just now? You raised a Gu worm, do you also believe that they will recognize Xia Xia as the master?"

Old Madam Hu pondered, of course she didn't believe it, these little Gu worms were almost raised by her own hands, and they ate all her flesh and blood, how could they suddenly recognize others as masters.

If you don't recognize the Lord, then there is only one possibility, Xia Xia is the one who just shot.

"Xia Tian, ​​what do you say about this?" Mrs. Hu decided to give Xia Xia a chance to explain, "As long as you explain it well, I will believe you."

Xia Xia said unhappily: "Why should I explain, what qualifications do you have to ask me to explain?"

"I think you're out of words and can't find any excuses." Hu Yingxiong scolded coldly: "Come here, take him down for me and put him in a secret cell. I will interrogate him afterward, and he will definitely still have him. mate."

Xia Xia looked at Hu Yingxiong with contempt, and said disdainfully, "That's why I look down on an idiot like you the most, if you dare to do it, don't even recognize it, and you always think about framing it on others, and the method of framing it is so low-level, it's really worth beating. ."

"What did you say!" Hu Yingxiong saw that Xia Xia dared to bite him back, and immediately became furious: "Mom, you must not believe what he said, he is clearly talking nonsense."

Xia Xian was too lazy to talk nonsense, and flicked his fingers at the little ladybugs on his shoulders: "Don't stay here, go do your business."

The ladybugs seemed to understand people's words, and immediately flew away from Xia Xia's shoulders, then circled the banquet hall twice, and finally landed on Hu Yingxiong's head.

"This, this... this must have been done in the summer!" Hu Yingxiong immediately explained: "Mom, you saw it just now, and I was standing next to you not far away. If it was really me who fired the gun, you can definitely I found it. Besides, at that time, I couldn't move, how could I shoot?"

Mrs. Hu was also puzzled. She knew exactly what her son was capable of. It was absolutely impossible to escape the suppression of Qi Gu, and it was indeed impossible to fire a gun.

"Who would have shot then?" Hu Huayu was also a little puzzled. "If it doesn't work, you can only do a body search. The smell can be hidden with special methods, but the gun will never disappear out of thin air."

"You are really stupid." Xia Xia said with a smile: "Who said that it was a gunshot, and even if it was a gunshot, who stipulated that the gunshot could only be from a gun?"

Hu Huayu was stunned for a moment: "The sound of the gun wasn't from the gun, it could still be from something."

"This can also make a gunshot."

Xia Xia picked up a chicken bone and made a shooting gesture at Hu Yingxiong.


Suddenly, another gunshot rang out, and Hu Yingxiong fell to the ground immediately, with a look of horror on his face, as if he was really shot, but he touched his body and was unharmed, and he couldn't help but get up again.

"It's a very simple thing, you have to think about it so complicated." Xia Xia threw the chicken bones aside and said with a smile: "It's just ventriloquism, you are also fooled, it's too stupid."

This time, the people in the banquet hall couldn't help looking at each other, they were actually deceived by this small trick.

"The gunshots are ventriloquism, so what killed Qi Gu?" Hu Huayu was the first to regain his senses and asked Xia Xia.

Xia Xian glanced at him impatiently and said, "It's none of my business, you want to go."

"It's a needle." A Jiu's mind flashed, and he explained, "And it could also be an extremely thin ice needle. After the Gu worm was shot, the needle also melted."

"It's all just the two of you who are talking nonsense here, and there is no real evidence." Hu Yingbao had already crawled back, stepped forward to support Mo Gong, and stared at Xia Xia viciously: "I believe in starting from the beginning to the end. You're the one who's making a fool of yourself!"

Xia Xia's indifferent expression: "If you believe it, believe it, it only shows that you are hopelessly stupid."

"Ice needles, it's not easy to hide." Ah Jiu looked around, and quickly figured it out: "You can't hide it on your body, so you can only hide it in some specific equipment."

Saying that, Ah Jiu suddenly looked at the cane that Duke Mo had been holding: "This old gentleman, can you show me your cane?"

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