Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2323 I'm just too lazy to fly


There was an indescribable fear in the eyes of the man with gold wire glasses, and he couldn't understand what was going on.

"Don't you understand?" Xia Xia said lazily: "Then you don't need to understand, just die, and I have no obligation to explain to you."

"Save, save..."

The man with golden glasses covered his stomach in pain, and his voice was squeezed out between his teeth with difficulty.

"If you think too much, it's impossible to save you." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "If you tell me who your mastermind is, I can give you a treat."

Hearing this, the golden-eyed man immediately said without hesitation: "He is the wind..."

It's a pity that as soon as these three words were uttered, the whole person spewed blood like a spring. In just a few seconds, almost all the blood in the body was sprayed out, and then he fell to the ground, obviously he couldn't die any more.

"It's really trash, it's not a pity to die." A figure slowly walked out of the darkness, staring at Xia Xia with a gloomy expression: "I didn't expect that killing someone like you would actually require me to go out."

Xia Tian raised his eyes and glanced at the man opposite: "Are you their boss?"

"The boss can't talk about it, I'm just a spokesperson for the organization in the East, and I'm just one of them." The visitor stopped at Xia Xia and ten meters away, and said proudly, "Introduce myself, I'm Feng. Heavenly King, lucky to meet you."

"Are you from Tiangong again?" Xia Xia said unhappily: "It seems that I want to find a time to go abroad to uproot your broken organization, so as not to always come to me for trouble."

Feng Tianwang had a sneering look on his face, looking at Xia Xia as if he was looking at an idiot: "Xia Xia, you are really a superb, a wonderful flower, a kind of... indescribable pervert. Forgive me for using this word, it is not a derogatory meaning. , but a supreme compliment, you should like it."

"If you like your sister, you're a pervert." Xia Tian pouted and said unhappily, "I'm a genius, not the same as you idiots."

Feng Tianwang smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't matter whether you are a type of person or not. The important thing is that you must die today. However, I can fulfill an unfulfilled wish for you."

"I'm not interested in fulfilling any of your unfulfilled wishes." Xia Xia still had a casual expression on his face, "If you want to fight, hurry up, I'm going to find Jiutou, don't waste my time."

"Fight?" Feng Tianwang disagreed with this, "Although my martial arts, apart from the palace master, have no opponents. But I have never advocated using violence to solve problems, but here!"

Saying that, he tapped his own head with his finger.

"It's the same as the truth." Xia Xia said with contempt: "Didn't you kill this idiot with glasses?"

"Didn't you kill it?" Feng Tianwang looked surprised: "I think about it, I know how I would kill my own men."

Xia Xia was even more upset: "It bothers others to act in front of me the most, and they act so badly."

"That's the fun." King Feng shook his head in disappointment: "Don't you like watching the prey stab in every way, and even turn to the hunter to kneel down and ask for help? How tempting is that, the dying man's Struggle, I never get tired of seeing it. Especially the so-called strong knelt in front of me, the feeling is just... hiss, indescribable."

"Idiot." Xia Xia felt that this person was an idiot through and through, "Fight or not, no

Fight and die, don't waste my time. "

"Very good, very energetic." Feng Tianwang laughed twice, raised his finger and pointed at Xia Tian: "Then I'll let you see what an insurmountable gap is like a moat, lest you always fall into the fantasy of invincibility in the world. in, unable to extricate himself.”

Hearing this, Xia Xia didn't react, just glanced behind him, then turned and kicked.


This kick directly kicked into the void, but made a deafening explosion.

The Wind Heavenly King standing on the opposite side suddenly turned into a wisp of light wind and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Interesting, you can actually see through my wind barrier, it seems that I can have a good time this time." Feng Tianwang's figure gradually solidified, but it was the elbow of his right hand that blocked Xia Xia's kick.

Xia Xia was still lacking in interest, and said casually: "You are very boring, this method is too low-level."

"Then play something high-end." Feng Tianwang sneered, flipped his hands up and down abruptly, and pushed it gently, only to see a gust of wind, like a high-speed train running, rushing towards Xia Tian's back.

"That's it?" Xia Yun took a sly step, bypassed the gust of wind in a flash, and punched Feng Tianwang's abdomen.

The corner of Feng Tianwang's mouth evoked a sneer, and sure enough, this was another stand-in, and it was blasted into a wispy wind.

"This place is too small, let's play in the sky." Feng Tianwang's voice sounded from mid-air, and then he saw seven or eight hurricanes standing out of nowhere, and in the blink of an eye, the Hu family's big villa was blown into one place. The slag, and even the top of the mountain was cut down by an inch or two.

Xia Xia rose into the air, punched lightly and lightly opened several hurricanes, and went straight to the figure floating in the air.

"You can actually fly, I really underestimate you." Feng Tianwang can control the wind himself, so he can naturally fly in the wind, and he can't help but be a little surprised to see that Xia Xia is also floating in the air.

Xia Tian said indifferently: "It's just the basic operation, what's so surprising, every wife of mine can fly, I'm just too lazy to fly."

"I can only give you one point for this. It's too forceful to pretend." Feng Tianwang gave a bad review. He raised his hand and created a high-speed rotating wind ball, raised his hand.

He threw it at Xia Tian: "Eat me a whirlwind pill."

"The name is too ugly to hear." Xia Xia waved his hand casually and dismissed the wind group, "It's really uneducated, have you ever been to school?"

"It's like you're very literate." Feng Tianwang replied angrily, "You don't go to school."

Xia Xia said disapprovingly: "I am the smartest person in the world. I don't need to go to school. I learned those things at a glance."

"If you are a genius, then I'm a genius among geniuses! Eat me a big wind knife!" Feng Tianwang snorted coldly, crossed his hands slightly, and then slashed out, only to see two huge wind knives, Slashing towards the summer with great speed.

The figure of Xia Xia passed through these two wind knives like a ghost, flashed to the King Feng Tian in an instant, squeezed his fist and slammed it down.

"This move again?" Feng Tianwang's face was full of disdain, "You thought I would be hit again by the same move... ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, Xia Xia was heavily punched in the face, and he didn't even have time to use the substitute. The whole person fell heavily to the ground like a shell out of the chamber.


The mountain is wide.

Fujino Ninja held the scabbard with one hand and pressed the hilt with the other hand, staring at him without blinking.

Alan on the opposite side.

Allen is known as the God of Killing. Twenty or thirty years ago, he was a world-class top killer, known as the textbook of the killer world.

Against this person, even half a second of neglect is not possible, because even a short moment is enough for him to kill any opponent.

"Have you seen enough, the knife is rusted and can't be pulled out?" Allen just stood opposite, looking impatient, as if he was out to hang out, ignoring the other party at all.

Fujino Ninja, whose name is Ninja, is actually a samurai, a swordsman with a sword, because there is no distinction between swords and swords in the island country.

"Today, I'm going to end your life with [Yesha], and use the shame of my Fujino family!" Although Fujino Ninja was agitated, he didn't lose his mind. Allen seemed to have flaws all over his body, but this is certain It's an illusion, it's a bait, it's a trap... He will never fall for such an obvious trick!

Allen shook his head and looked up at the sky: "Hurry up, if you don't fight again, then..."

"That's it?" Fujino Ninja's eyebrows tightened, and he looked around vigilantly. He suspected that Aaron was so fearless, maybe he really arranged something behind.

Allen yawned: "It's almost time for me to go to bed. My routine is very regular, and it's impossible to make an exception because of you."


Fujino Ninja felt humiliated, pretended to be provoked, took a half step forward, the knife in his hand was instantly unsheathed, turned into a white light, and slashed towards Allen's neck.

"This knife is okay." Allen narrowed his eyes and gave his evaluation with a smile. Half a second before the tip of the knife was about to touch his body, he moved slightly to the side and moved away from the knife, "However, the speed is faster than Your father is several grades worse, and can't hurt anyone at all."

"You...you're going to die!" Fujino Ninja twisted his body and took a bizarre pace. He came to Allen in three or two steps, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, and a half-moon slash came.

Allen hopped lightly on his toes, jumped backwards, and frowned suddenly, because Fujino Ninja was already waiting behind him at some point.

"Long night ignorance, a knife to break the moon!"

The Fujino Ninja seized this opportunity and immediately used the unique trick of his Fujino family's [Long Ye Yi Dao Liu], and chopped it out at Alan.

"I'm careless." Allen had no choice but to take this move, feeling that he might lose blood, but he had no other choice.

At this moment, several hurricanes suddenly erupted on the side for no reason, instantly destroying the Hu family villa into slag, and at the same time setting off a sky of dust, directly destroying the blade of Fujino Ninja's sword.

"Hahaha, God help me too." Allen laughed, the knife in his hand flew up and down, opened an exit from the knife, and escaped safely.

"Why don't you stop! Who is wronging my business!" Fujino Ninja was furious, raised his eyes and looked around angrily, trying to find the bastard who interrupted his spellcasting, but saw two figures fighting in mid-air.

Allen naturally saw it: "You can fly in the summer, this world is really magical. That's already a fight between gods."

"There is a flaw, come again!" Fujino Ninja saw the opportunity, and in a flash, he arrived in front of Allen, and once again resorted to [Breaking the Moon Sword], but this time it was faster, fiercer, and unparalleled.

It's a pity that at the moment when his sword was about to become ready, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and hit him heavily.


After the loud noise, let alone the sword, Fujino Ninja was directly killed.

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