Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2341 You are really unworthy


Just after Xia Xia's words were finished, and within three seconds, something went wrong on the stage.

I saw that after the white man puppet screamed, he suddenly flew up and kicked the magic stick named Guo Tianhe off the stage.

The dwarf fell heavily to the ground and passed out.

"I'll tell you." Xia Xia saw this and just smiled.

Yi Xiaoyin saw some clues: "It seems that these people are not simple, there is a lot of mystery in it."

"Mostly it was made by the mother-in-law Gu. Zheng Xiangshan doesn't have that ability yet." Hu Huayu narrowed his eyes and looked at Zheng Xiangshan on the stage with a puzzled expression: "I don't know what the hell they are playing."

"Whatever his calculus is." Xia Xia yawned lazily: "As long as you don't provoke me, and Yiyi's wife, they can do whatever they want."

Liang Miaozhu glared at Xia Xia dissatisfiedly: "What's the matter, Brother Yu and I are not people. If you provoke us, you don't care, right?"

"What do you think?" Xia Tian rolled over and replied nonchalantly.

"Humph!" Liang Miaozhu stared at Xia Xia angrily, "You wait for me, and I will definitely let you know how good I am in the future."


At this time, Zheng Xiangshan on the stage waved to the bodyguard not far away with a face indifferent: "Drag people out." Then he said loudly to the people under the stage: "Everyone has seen it, if you yourself He is not skilled in medicine, or even has no medical skills. He just wants to deceive everyone and gain fame. Then Zheng Mou here to advise, it is best not to be boring, this

People are the foreshadowing. "

Having said that, more than half of the people who were eager to try it all quieted down.

After all, when you come to power, you want to gain face. If you are kicked down by someone, you will lose all your face, and you will also be labeled as "inexperienced in medicine". How can you be in the medical world in the future.

However, there was no shortage of warriors in the crowd, as well as people with real skills, and soon many people passed this level.

It’s just that I don’t know if it’s intentional or unintentional. Most of the doctors who passed the first level are from the medical field of the southern border. Most of the doctors from the north have been eliminated, and there are not many left.

Yao Wuxin's face couldn't be hung any longer. He brought a large number of doctors from the north and traveled thousands of miles to the southern border, just to fight for the doctors in the north, but now it seems that they took the initiative to send their faces over to make people smoke.

"Wait, Brother Zheng, does this rule need to be changed?"

After another Southern Border doctor passed the first level, Yao Wanxin stood up and said to Zheng Xiangshan.

"Oh, what do Yao Lao have to say?" Zheng Xiangshan's expression didn't change much, he just asked with a faint smile: "If there is really something wrong, Zheng will definitely obey."

Yao Wanxin frowned slightly, looked at Zheng Xiangshan dissatisfied, and thought to himself: I haven't opened my mouth yet, you kid blocked the road, what are you pretending to be with me here.

"I feel that there are some minor flaws, just to talk about it." Yao Wanxin, for the sake of the reputation of the northern medical community, could only pretend that he did not understand Zheng Xiangshan's suggestion, and said directly: "These three human puppets, the old man also After observing for a long time, it is true that many intractable diseases can be simulated, but most of these diseases occur.

In the south, this is really unfair to doctors who rarely travel in the south, what do you think? Zheng Xiangshan laughed: "Yao Lao, it's not unreasonable, but the symptoms are divided into north and south, is there also a medical way?" I believe that as long as you are proficient in medicine and have rich experience in practicing medicine, there is no disease that cannot be cured.

North is irrelevant. "Hehe, that's the case. Yao Wanxin just wanted to spit on Zheng Xiangshan's face: "However, as the saying goes, one side's soil and water nourishes the other side, and the disease comes from the soil and water, so naturally there is a difference. The north heals the north, and the south heals the south.

It is the potential rule of division and governance in our medical community for many years. "Speaking, his face suddenly became solemn, and he raised his finger and pointed in the direction of Xia Tian: "The only one in the medical world that can treat the north and the south is the only one. If Brother Zheng really wants to make a big difference in the medical field, he will not be able to leave the North and South, and he should take care of it.

Better. "

Zheng Xiangshan froze in his heart, secretly thinking that he was indeed a little floating.

Yao Wanxin then put down another powerful medicine: "Otherwise, if this kid and Zhang Mingtuo exert their strength and directly establish a sect and recruit apprentices, will there be room for you and me to survive?"

"This..." Zheng Xiangshan suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Ordinary doctors, there is no difference between the north and the south, they can go wherever they want. But the medical world is different. Not only is it divided into north and south, but it has been divided for a long time. With the Yangtze River as the boundary, it is almost impossible to communicate with each other.

This has also led to the growing difference in medical skills between the northern and southern medical circles. In the end, even if one wants to integrate into one, it will be quite difficult.

Zheng Xiangshan is ambitious, and what he wants to do most in his life is to unify the medical world in the north and the south, and become a veritable leader of the medical world.

Inviting the northern medical community to come over was actually his handwriting. His original intention was to suppress the northern medical community and establish his absolute authority in the southern medical community.

It was only after such a reminder from Yao Wanxin that he realized that if he suppressed the northern medical field too much, it would be more difficult for him to go north after he had settled the southern border.

From the perspective of the overall situation, he was indeed short-sighted in doing so.

If he can't unify the north and the south and merge the medical skills of the two worlds, then the cheap ones will be others. Especially the ghost doctors, including Zhang Mingtuo and Xia Xia.

The biggest reason why Zhang Mingtuo was targeted was that his medical skills broke through the medical circles of the North and South.

The bondage has reached a height that far exceeds dozens of positions of the same generation.

What is even more terrifying is that in the summer, this kid was born twelve years ago, and the medical skills he showed were even more terrifying.

This will naturally lead to panic and common hostility in the medical community of the North and the South. If there are more such people, will there be room for them?

When there is a common foreign enemy, the medical community in the north and the south will temporarily put aside their prejudices and eliminate such anomalies first.

The Wangui people have been assimilated by them, and Zhang Mingtuo was driven into the mountains by them back then.

Now, it is natural to kill the summer as well.

"Yao Lao is very right." Zheng Xiangshan had completely understood it at this time, and said convincingly: "It's Zheng who is stingy and ill-considered, so let's revise the rules. Colleagues in the northern medical field still have some questions. People with great medical skills."

Yao Wan smiled satisfactorily: "Brother Zheng is too humble. Today, in the medical world, only you can achieve great things. This old man is a half-hearted person, but he also wants to see this grand scene before his death."

The two complimented each other, and then Zheng Xiangshan calmly adjusted the Gu worms in the human puppets that resembled illnesses.

Sure enough, more and more doctors from the north passed the test, and gradually reached a delicate balance with the medical community in the south.

Gradually, the assessment of the first level has almost reached the end. "Are there any colleagues in the medical field who would like to come and try?" Zheng Xiangshan said this, but his eyes turned to Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin: "Xia Xia, Miss Yi, it is widely rumored that the two have great medical skills, don't they? I plan to come up and show my hands, let everyone open

Open your eyes? "

Xia Xia replied lazily: "Only an idiot who is incompetent will show his hands at every turn. Medical skills are not juggling, so what is showing?"

"What do you mean!"

"It's arrogant!"

"Fuck Nima, dare to disrespect President Zheng!"

"Kick them out, they don't deserve to be at the meeting at all!"

"..." "Everyone is quiet." Zheng Xiangshan still had the expression of kindness and elders, and said to Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin: "Zheng has always been fair in his work, and both summer and Miss Yi have been full these years. Controversial. That's why Zheng Xiangshan gave you a

This is an opportunity for self-defense, I hope you don't mistake yourself. "

Yi Xiaoyin sneered when she heard this.

What Zheng Xiangshan's idea was, she knew very well, in fact, she wanted to force her to stand in line with Xia Xia.

If you decide to join them, you must donate your medical skills for free in exchange for a living space in the medical world in the north and south. If you don't want to hand over your unique medical skills, you have to swear that you will never pass on the medical skills to others.

If you refuse directly, then you will be the common enemy of the medical world in the north and the south in the future, and will face endless joint killings until you are so troubled that you leave the medical world yourself, as is the case with Zhang Mingtuo.

Unfortunately, this time they picked the wrong opponent.

Whether it is Xia Xia or Yi Xiaoyin, they are not people who can infer with common sense.

Yi Xiaoyin is because of her tenacity, this little thing can't wipe out her fighting spirit at all, but it will make her more and more brave;

Xia Xia is because he doesn't like these clowns at all. If these people add a piece and multiply by ten thousand, they are not his opponents. Then there is nothing to worry about. It would be a blessing to kill them.

"It seems that you don't want your medical colleagues to see the world?" Yao Wanxin also asked with a smile: "Or do you think we are not worthy of seeing your medical skills?"

"That's right, you really don't deserve it." Xia Xia said lazily.

"I think you are all liars, gods!" Someone couldn't take it anymore, and pointed at Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin and scolded: "You don't know medical skills, you can only cheat money!"

"Yes. The Divine Doctor Group and Yiren Pavilion will make money and know how to treat diseases!"

"They just got a false reputation, and they have been hiding and dare not show their faces ten years ago, probably because they are afraid of revealing their secrets."


Xia Tian shook his head: "A bunch of idiots."

"Hey, hurry up and open their eyes!" Liang Miaozhu was so angry that he helped Xia to refute a few words, but he couldn't say anything to others, so he had to urge Xia: "It's too much to say."

Zheng Xiangshan sighed: "Since the two of you don't cooperate, then Zheng is not reluctant. But while all my colleagues in the medical field from the north and south are here, I also solemnly remind you that you can make money from medical skills, but don't overdo it. share. Otherwise..."

"Don't do it." Xia Tian slowly stood up and looked up at Zheng Xiangshan, "Old man, do you remember what I said to you?"

"What?" Zheng Xiangshan was stunned for a moment, but he really didn't remember what Xia Tian said that impressed him.

"Why do you want me to cooperate with you?" Xia Xia looked at Zheng Xiangshan casually: "It's because you don't take a bath, or because you're going to die? Remember?"

Zheng Xiangshan finally remembered that when Xia Xia first arrived in southern Xinjiang, he took someone to inform Xia Xia of the meeting, and Xia Xia answered him that way. Just what does this have to do with now? "Of course it does." Xia Xia said with a smile, "Because you're going to die."

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