Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2359 You think this is over

The person here is Ye Yumei.

As for Zhao Yuji, she also found Yue Fangyuan, but did not come in, but controlled the scene outside.

The big battle just now caused some people in the entire southern border to panic. If it is not appeased in time, it is likely to make the situation even more urgent.

"Long-legged girl, you're here too." Xia Xia's eyes lit up, showing a very happy expression: "I thought you had returned to Xianyun Continent."

Ye Yumei glared at him and said coldly, "Concentrate, Old Ancestor Wildfire is not so easy to deal with, you will be killed if you are not careful."

"Just this old trash?" Xia Xia stepped forward and hugged Ye Yumei, and said disapprovingly, "I've been punched, and it's almost dead."

"You just get carried away too easily." Ye Yumei shook her head involuntarily, "Do you really think people from the Immortal Cultivation Alliance are so easy to deal with?"

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Even if he is not easy to deal with, if you help me now, then he will be 100% dead."

"What if we didn't come?" Ye Yumei asked.

"That's fine." Xia Xia said casually: "Although this old man is powerful, it is not difficult to kill him, at most it will take some time."

"You two are my friends, it's not over, right?" Zhao Yaoyao rushed over with some dissatisfaction, and said to Ye Yu, "Where's my sister?"

Ye Yumei said lightly: "She is maintaining order outside, otherwise, there will be a big chaos."

"This space is quite magical. It actually connects the Xianyun Continent and the Earth." Ye Mengying said with emotion: "After that, can we freely travel between these two places through this space?"

"You think too much." Ye Yumei shook her head and said solemnly: "This space was created by the ancestors of Wildfire, but at the same time, it is being watched by another more powerful person, so we can't make the decision."

Yue Qingya's explanation is clear: "This space has its own unique operating rules, which are beyond our control.

"The Misty Immortal Gate, and the Sun and Moon Demon Sect?" Old Ancestor Yehuo felt the familiar aura from Yue Qingya and Ye Yumei, and immediately scolded: "Are you the Misty Immortal Venerable and the descendants of the Sun and Moon Devil Lord? "

Ye Yumei came back to her senses, and the flying sleeves in her hand immediately wrapped tighter: "Why do you ask so many questions, can't you just die honestly?"

"Xiaomei, he can't die yet." Yue Qingya said lightly: "He came from the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, and he lived for more than 10,000 years. It is a humanoid treasure house. You might as well keep him alive. After the seal, keep it for a while. Research slowly."

Ye Yumei glanced at Yue Qingya speechlessly: "When you talk about this kind of thing, you can still take it for granted, you really deserve to be the fairies of the righteous path."

"You mean to say I'm hypocritical, right?" Yue Qingya didn't care at all, she smiled and said, "It's okay, I don't mind."

Ye Yumei didn't know what to say when she saw her being so frank. Because the two of them had always been each other's confidants, she knew very well that Yue Qingya was indeed a pure and innocent person.

"Damn, do you really think this old man will be slaughtered by you?" The ancestor of the wild fire was furious, and suddenly the fire burst into flames, and an extremely fiery light lit up from his body.

Ye Yumei raised her eyebrows: "Is this the devil's heart?"

"Xiaomei, use your unique skills." Yue Qingya smiled at Ye Yumei, "In fact, you have been secretly learning for many years, right, just try him out."

Ye Yumei was stunned for a while, then sighed slightly: "You really

Is it the roundworm in my stomach, you know that? "

"Of course I know." Yue Qingya laughed, and quickly made a few handprints on her chest, and said lightly, "I also found a matching mantra handprint, which is just right for you."

"Okay." Ye Yumei bit her lip and said to the others, "Everyone stand back and let Qingya and I deal with this lousy old man... Hey, Xia Tian, ​​come back to me!"

Before the words were finished, Xia Xia rushed out, and in an instant he arrived in front of the glowing wildfire ancestor.


Without the slightest hesitation, he slammed it with one punch.

"Hahaha, idiot!" Ancestor Yehuo was punched, he laughed instead of anger, and was extremely proud: "You all die for this old man!"

I saw that a ray of light rose and cut thousands of miles in an instant.

Then, beams of light seemed to transcend time, and they appeared out of nowhere.

I don't know what to do, but I've been entangled in the summer.

"This is the devil's heart." The ancestor of wild fire laughed: "As long as you are attached, it is not just you, these women of yours, and everyone, everything, everything, everything that has anything to do with you. All... will perish one by one, and there will be no traces left in the world."

"Fart!" Xia Tian curled his lips, not believing this at all, and still punched him.

The more fists smashed, the more white light wrapped around him.

"It really doesn't make people worry." Ye Yumei's eyes widened and she forcibly swallowed the swear words back. Immediately Yunqi flew past.

Yue Qingya stood there and didn't move. As soon as she raised her hand, she saw Qingshuang all over the sky, suppressing the scorching heat wave.

Everyone else felt refreshed physically and mentally, and no longer had the feeling of being roasted at any time.

"The way of heaven is elusive, and the creation is mysterious. The power of the gods is majestic, and the sword is boundless!"

Yue Qingya lightly parted her red lips and chanted a few sword spells lightly.

All of a sudden, I saw six beams of radiant sword energy like water, piercing the void and rushing straight down.

Six giant sword qi, with a trace of thunder

, firmly nailed the white light that swayed far away.

"Isn't this, ask Tianjun's qi sword mantra?" The ancestor of wild fire laughed wildly: "Among the descendants of Xianzun Xianzun, this kid still has some achievements, even if I am in the void, I often hear his name mentioned by the congregation, but unfortunately he went to the demon realm and refused to use it for me."

Yue Qingya's beautiful eyes stared at the ancestor of wild fire: "Wait, what did you just say?"

"I didn't say anything." The ancestor of wild fire sneered: "You are a good girl, and you may surpass Wen Tianjun in the future, but you don't have that chance. Today, you will definitely become the nourishment for the old man to reshape the golem. "

As soon as the words were finished, Xia Xia's fist arrived, blowing the wildfire ancestor's head with a punch.

"Dare to be disrespectful to my immortal sister's wife, you think you didn't die fast enough." Xia Xia said with a displeased expression.

The head of the ancestor of the wild fire soon solidified again, and he sneered: "The only people who died are you. The devil's heart is extremely hot, it can't be slashed, it can't be suppressed, it can't be extinguished..."

"Then I'll just give you the Fire Breaker." Xia Xia smiled, and suddenly used the Sea Ding Shen needle to point out towards the void.

I saw that in mid-air, another force poured out, and the white light was gathered up little by little, rolled into a light group, and then kept compressing, compressing, and compressing.

"Husband, you are holding back your energy

bomb? "Zhao Yaoyao asked curiously.

"No, I'm pressing a dinner for this old man." Xia Xia smiled and flicked the light group that was pressed to the extreme to the mouth of the wildfire ancestor.

The ancestor of wild fire sneered: "Do you think the old man will be recruited?"

"Of course you." Ye Yumei suddenly flashed behind the ancestor of the wild fire, the purple awn in the hand flashed violently, and the palms pierced the back of the ancestor of the wild fire, and then nailed a few golden wedges in it.

There was a look of horror on the face of the wild fire ancestor: "What did you do to the old man!"

"Seeing how old you are, I'll give you a great gift to spend your old age in peace." Ye Yumei sneered, and then her figure dissipated, not at all like summer.

Xia Xia said to Ye Yu, "Long-legged girl, am I going to beat him?"

"You can just beat it up." Ye Yu Mei hurriedly retreated several dozen meters away.


Old Ancestor Wildfire felt that something in his body was devouring his power. As soon as he opened his mouth, the light ball that Xia Xia had just rubbed also entered his mouth.

Yue Qingya commanded the six sword qi, and cut off all the demonic fire of the wild fire ancestors.

Ye Mengying, Yi Xiaoyin and others were not idle either, busy cleaning up the scattered fires.

"If that's the case, then everyone will die together!"

The ancestor of wild fire found that his body was gradually out of his control, and his anger rose from his heart, and he immediately thought of self-destruction.

"In front of me, you don't even have the chance to blow yourself up." Xia Xia smiled, and immediately pierced the Dinghai Shenzhen needle into the forehead of the ancestor of the wild fire.

The wildfire ancestor was completely extinguished now.

The white light inside and outside the body gradually dissipated, and he soon turned into an old man who was less than 1.5 meters tall.

A trace of purple aura froze his body like ice.

Eventually, it turned into a purple statue.

"It's still a success." Ye Yumei muttered to herself: "However, you can't be too happy. Although this Wildfire ancestor has been in seclusion for ten thousand years, his cultivation has not recovered. On the contrary, it has declined a lot. "

Yue Qingya nodded: "Actually, it was also because of the sisters that during this period of time, he removed many of his strongholds in the Immortal Cloud Continent, and broke his followers to condense devil energy for him."

"However, the ancestors of the wild fire have been sealed, and the rest of the remnants are nothing to worry about." Ye Yumei said coldly.

Yue Qingya's attitude did not change at all, and she still said cautiously: "You can't take it lightly at any time. Just listening to what he said, my master may really be alive, but in the demon realm."

"So what?" Ye Yumei said with a look of disdain: "Ji Qingying had already killed him once, and even if he was still alive, he was just lingering on."

Yue Qingya said seriously: "I don't feel at ease if I don't find him completely."

"You are his good apprentice. You are so cruel to bully your teacher and destroy your ancestors." Ye Yumei subconsciously complained.

Xia Xia flew over at this time and asked curiously, "Long-legged sister, what are you talking about with Sister Shenxian?"

"Talk about you big bastard, get out of the way." Ye Yumei glared at Xia Xia unhappily.

"Long-legged girl, you're looking for a beating, right!" Xia Xia was also upset, and he stepped forward and hugged Ye Yumei, and he was going to teach her a lesson in public.

Others just don't see it.

At this time, a rather discordant voice reminded:

"Do you think this is over?"

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