Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2365 This is not enough

"Is this not going to work?"

Xia Xia swept across the Pacific Ocean at a very fast speed, but it didn't take long to find that Xu Jiaona, who was in her hand, had passed out.

The World Killer Contest is still two days away, so Xia Xia is not in a hurry to board that carnival island.

At this time, he remembered that he seemed to have passed a luxury cruise ship just now, so he might as well rest on it.

So, Xia Xia turned around with the fainted Xu Jiaona.

Not long after, the people on the luxury cruise ship looked terrified one by one.

"Ah, here again, here again!"

Someone pointed at the white waves that were rushing over at high speed from a distance, so frightened that he almost fell to the ground.

"Hurry up, hurry up and hide!"

The young man in red shorts also shouted.

"Everyone, don't move!"

The third master Sheng had seen the world, and immediately stopped the people who were fleeing: "This man has such a mighty power, it's useless to hide, it's better to give it a shot and see if you can get acquainted."

"It's all up to the third master." The young man in red shorts is just a second-generation ancestor with a family of billions of dollars. This trip to Carnival Island was purely instigated by others, holding the idea of ​​coming over to indulge. I have never seen such a scene before. out of ideas.

Third Master Sheng lowered his posture and shouted respectfully: "Sheng San, in Qingniu Palace, Xia Laoshan, I have seen seniors."

The white line stopped abruptly in front of the cruise ship, and then two figures landed safely on the deck.

"Qingniu Palace? It sounds a little familiar." Xia Xia threw Xu Jiaona at random, and pulled out her ears, with a puzzled expression on her face: "People from Laoshan, what are you doing at sea?"

After seeing Xia Xia's face clearly, Third Master Sheng couldn't help but be a little surprised. It was obviously difficult for someone of Xia's age to be a senior.

"If I go back to the senior, I was entrusted by someone to protect the son of the old man." Sheng Sanye thought for a while, but still kept a low profile, and did not despise him because he looked young, "I don't know where the senior is in the paradise. Cultivation? It’s also good to form a good relationship and come to visit in the future.”

"Don't try to lie to me, you can't do it." Xia Tian curled his lips, and lay down on a reclining chair casually: "My name is Xia, summer, spring, summer, autumn and winter, the best day in the world, you know it, no Knowing each other. I'm just here to rest, don't make trouble for yourself."

"You, you are actually the genius doctor Xia Xia?" Sheng Sanye's eyes widened when he heard Xia Xia's name: "Aren't you supposed to be in the southern border, why... are you here?"

Xia Tian glanced at the old man: "You know me?"

"I've heard of it." Sheng Sanye said respectfully, "My master is Gu Qingyan, the spectator of Qingniu Temple, and he went to Zhongnanshan Anxin Temple some time ago."

Having said that, Xia Xia finally recalled it, and said lazily, "Oh, it's that old Taoist priest who rode a bull. Didn't I abolish his cultivation."

"Yes." The third master Sheng didn't have the slightest angry expression, but said more respectfully: "Master still misses Mr. Xia's mercy, otherwise, he would have died a long time ago. So he asked the whole view to remember you. kindness."

"There is nothing to be unkind." Xia Xia said lazily: "He came to trouble me, and I abolished his cultivation base, which has already canceled each other out."

The third master Sheng had a wry smile on his face: "If the master knew that I met Mr. Xia but didn't express my gratitude, I'm afraid I would be unhappy because of it."

"It's none of my business whether he's happy or not." Xia Xia was not interested in spending time in such an indifferent place, and said directly: "I'm just here to rest. As long as you don't come to court death, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you."

Third Master Sheng said quickly, "I'll let everyone withdraw from this floor and give Mr. Xia and Mrs. Xia a rest."

"If the eyes are decorations, it's better to donate them to useful people." Xia Xia said a little unhappily: "Do you think she looks like my wife?"

"Uh..." Third Master Sheng didn't know what to say, so he clasped his fists and immediately apologized: "I said something wrong, please forgive me."

"Where did your boat go?" Xia Xia asked casually.

The young man in red shorts replied immediately, "We're going to Carnival Island. We were invited by the Earl of Carnival to participate in the carnival."

"Exactly, I'm going to that broken island too." Xia Xia yawned and asked casually, "I'll be there in two days, is there any problem?"

The young man in red shorts was stunned for a while, then shook his head subconsciously: "In two days, how can..."

"There is absolutely no problem." Third Master Sheng responded first.

Xia Tian waved his hand: "Okay, nothing to do with you."

The young man in red shorts wanted to say more, but was stopped by a look from the third master Sheng.

The third master Sheng got down the feminine man on the top of the mast, and the group hurriedly evacuated the top floor and moved to the lower floor.

After withdrawing to the room on the next floor, the young man in red shorts couldn't help but wonder: "Master Sheng, who is this kid?"

"Yeah, it looks about the same age as us." The feminine man was also a little unhappy. "It's like 25,000 to 80,000, and it makes people uncomfortable to look at it."

"No matter what you think of him, in short, don't provoke him." The third master Sheng didn't explain much, but solemnly warned: "You have seen his ability just now. I am not his opponent in a hundred. ."

The young man in red shorts rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Then we can make a good move.

Would it be good to treat him and impress him? "

"It's best not to." Third Master Sheng hesitated for a while, but still refused: "It is rumored that he has an unusually eccentric temper and is moody. If he is not careful, he will offend him, and then he will end up in ruins."

The feminine man was startled, and couldn't help but complain, "So cruel! That's too scary."

"Then how should we deal with it?" The young man in red shorts spread his hands, and said helplessly: "It's impossible to let them be on the top floor, and don't care about anything?"

Third Master Sheng also felt that something was wrong, so he had to say: "No matter what you want to do, you'd better let me know and I'll take you there. In this way, even if you offend him, there is a buffer, so you won't directly follow up with him. You juniors tear your skin off."

Feminine men are somewhat disgusted by the term junior. I am a big brother everywhere. When did I become someone else's junior, and he was still a young man about his own age.

It's just that they are unhappy and unhappy. They also help to explain the horror of Xia Xia. Just relying on the ability to run at high speed at sea, it is already terrifying.

"Then we can only treat it with delicious food first." The young man in red shorts actually had some other thoughts in his mind, but

He didn't say it: "Just try not to offend him."

Third Master Sheng nodded: "let's deal with it like this first."


At this point, on the top deck.

"Cough cough cough..."

Xu Jiaona finally woke up and felt a splitting headache, as if someone used her head as a tire and drove for thousands of miles at a high speed.

My brain felt like it was being accelerated to the point of melting, and my body was hurting everywhere.


Xu Jiaona stood up slowly, her body was still swaying, she looked up to see Xia Xia sleeping on the reclining chair, and couldn't help asking.

Xia Tian replied lazily: "Not yet, it's really coming, and you're gone."

"My head hurts."

Xu Jiaona opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but the words turned into a painful moan: "What's wrong with me?"

"It's nothing." Xia Xia explained casually: "Physical fitness is too poor to support high-speed scurrying."

"My physical fitness is good." Xu Jiaona woke up a little, and also remembered why she fainted, and smiled bitterly: "You're going at high speed, you're going supersonic."

Xia Tian said calmly: "Supersonic speed is not impossible, it's just unnecessary."


Xu Jiaona didn't refute, because she felt that Xia Tian really had such ability, and because she knew it, it was a little difficult to accept it for a while.

"Hi, Mr. Xia, and this lady, how are you?"

The young man in red shorts before, hugging a decent suit and two waiters pushing a dining car, walked over slowly, "Excuse me, my name is Wu Zhengye, it's nice to meet you two."

Xia Xia didn't even look at this person, and still lay lazily.

"Hello, my name is Xu Jiaona." After all, Xu Jiaona was from a veteran family in Dijing, so she immediately put on her attitude and said politely, "I don't know what your relationship is with Mr. Wu Zhengan, the former richest man in Tianjin and Hong Kong?"

"Oh, he's my grandfather." Seeing Xu Jiaona seeing through his identity, Wu Zhengye laughed immediately: "Is Miss Xu from the Xu family in Dijing?"

Xu Jiaona smiled lightly and did not respond directly, but changed the subject and said, "Although the Wu family is an emerging family in Tianjin and Hong Kong, but the family is rich, haven't you thought about moving to the Imperial Capital?"

"Miss Xu is joking." Wu Zhengye didn't answer the call, but just said with a smile: "I asked someone to prepare some food, and I asked the two of you to taste it."

Xu Jiaona glanced at it. In addition to the precious seafood, there were also some rare wild game at sea: "Young Master Wu, you're welcome."

"Where is it." Wu Zhengye was not polite, he just found a seat and sat down. After glancing at Xia Xia, he asked again, "I have a presumptuous question, I don't know if I should ask it or not."

Xia Tian replied directly: "Then don't ask."

"Uh, then I won't ask." Wu Zhengye's expression stiffened, but he still smiled.

"I'm really hungry." Xu Jiaona's stomach was empty and she was about to eat something.

As soon as I sat down, I picked up a knife and fork, cut a small piece of steak, and put it in my mouth.

Suddenly, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.


At this time, a gunshot rang out, and the knife, fork and steak were instantly exploded into a pile of slag.

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