Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2379 Don't beat around the bush anymore

Chapter 2379 Don't beat around the bush anymore

"Don't be so rude to a lady, especially such a pretty lady."

A blond foreign man suddenly appeared in the living room, looking at Augustus, who claimed to be the son of the Count of Carnival, with a dissatisfied expression.

"who are you?"

Seeing the person coming, Su Beibei's expression did not change much, and asked coldly.

"Hello, Miss Su, I'm..." When the blond man was about to introduce himself, Augustus got up with blood all over his mouth and glared at him fiercely: "How dare you do something to me, you Get crazy!"

The blond man didn't panic at all, and smiled lightly: "I'm just teaching you the correct way to get along with beautiful women."

"What kind of thing are you, you are also worthy of talking to me like this. I am the only heir of the earl and the future owner of Carnival Island!" Augustus looked furious, but unfortunately he did not take any substantive action, even Those subordinates did not act rashly when they saw that he was beaten.

Su Beibei quickly understood that the status of this blond man was definitely not ordinary, and to some extent even higher than that of the earl's son.

"But you are not yet." The blond man looked indifferent, waved his hand, and said to the person: "Send our great future Earl in to rest, he has a lot of important things to do next, and he can't be without energy by then. "

"Yes." Several men in black immediately left with Augustus' mouth full of blood, not caring at all about his protest and anger.

Su Beibei said lightly: "It seems that you have invested in a good project, and the future benefits are simply immeasurable."

"It's nothing." The blond man sat down slowly and gestured to Su Beibei, "Miss Su, please take a seat."

Su Beibei didn't feel afraid, and sat down very naturally.

"Actually, I have been admiring Miss Su for a long time." The blond man beckoned to call for a servant, brought red wine and a wine glass, and poured a glass for Su Beibei himself: "Actually, I wanted to find time to chat with Miss Su, It's just that there has never been a suitable time. Today's time is not suitable, but since I met it, it can meet my small wish. "

"Okay, just cut to the chase if you have anything to say." Su Beibei didn't pick up the other party's red wine, and was too lazy to listen to those clichés: "Just tell me what you want to do. I'm really tired of hearing this nonsense."

The blond man put the red wine aside and said with a smile, "Miss Su, it's really refreshing, then I won't beat around the bush."

"You've been beating around the bush several times." Su Beibei's beautiful eyes lit up sharply: "Since I met that Howard, your people have been following me."

The blond man showed a look of surprise, and then shook his head: "Miss Su misunderstood, we are indeed very interested in you, but it is definitely not that kind of unprofessional gangster, but a noble and elegant knight."

"I'll really give myself money, but I'm beating around the bush." ​​Su Beibei became impatient. "If you don't say anything useful in three sentences, then forgive me."

"Miss Su, why are you so impatient." The blond man sighed and said disappointedly, "Everyone has time, so we can talk slowly."

Su Beibei said lightly, "I'm a very generous person. I'll give you two words this time, and one more sentence. If I don't talk about the key, I'll never say it again."

The smile on the blond man's face gradually subsided, and his eyes were extremely cold. After a while, he said, "Our goal is summer."

"That's right." Su Beibei could probably guess, "Go on, what do you like about summer? What do you want me to do?"

"Don't you feel angry?" The blond man looked at Su Beibei somewhat unexpectedly: "As far as I know, Xia Xia is your man, and your relationship should be good."

Su Beibei glanced at the other party dissatisfiedly: "I'm asking you now."

"Miss Su, you seem to be in the wrong position." The blond man said with a little dissatisfaction: "This is my site, and all my people are near the villa. I know you have some skills, but my subordinates are not dry. Yes, they are all injected with super serum, and each is an invulnerable bio-chemical soldier."

"So what?" Su Beibei looked disapproving: "I think you got your position wrong. No matter how many super soldiers you have, what does it have to do with me."

The blond man felt that there was a lack of communication, he coughed lightly, and changed the subject: "Let's put it this way, summer medicine is what we need. But his people are really uncontrollable, we need your help, let him Be obedient."

"Do you think it's possible?" Su Beibei looked at the blond man speechlessly, shook his head and said, "Why do you villains always think about such good things? If there was such a possibility, Xia Xia would have been controlled by others. Is it still your turn?"

"I think it's very possible." The blond man had a certain look on his face, "Xia Tian is only a human after all, not a god. Besides, even if he is really a god, I have a way to make him obey me."

Su Beibei smiled: "If you really have the ability, then do it. What do you want me to cooperate with?"

"I need your cooperation to give him this pill." The blond man suddenly took out a palm-sized transparent box from his arms, with a golden capsule in it, "As long as he can eat it obediently, he is an immortal. , can't escape my palm."

"Do you really have a brain?" Su Beibei didn't even look at the pill, and said speechlessly, "If you have investigated the summer, then you should

You should know that he is a genius doctor, not a liar and a magician, but a genuine genius doctor. To come back to life, he is just a pediatrician. Do you think he will be controlled by your pills? "

"Miss Su, you have an old saying in China, that those who can swim will eventually die in the water." The blond man said confidently:

Su Beibei couldn't help but complained, "That's called drowning by the good traveller. What a good idiom. Your translation makes it as nutritious as the vernacular."

"This is not important." The blond man waved his hand and said with a smile: "Because he is so conceited with his medical skills, he will eventually be controlled by medical skills. This is the unchanging truth of Dangu."

"I'm sorry, it never changes." Su Beibei corrected again.

The blond man was interrupted by Su Beibei twice, and he felt a little unable to hang his face: "These are not important, you just need to do as I say and give this pill to Xia Xia."

"Hehe, why?" Su Beibei said sarcastically, "Why would I do such a thing? Or, what is the benefit to me by doing this?"

"Miss Su, you still don't understand." The blond man sighed, then clapped his hands, and suddenly the TV in the living room turned on, "Then I'll show you something good."

On the screen, there are a total of four frames.

Among them, the upper left corner shows a warehouse, and there are many women with frightened expressions, including a few familiar faces that Su Beibei recognizes;

In the upper right corner, it seems to be a prison, and there are indescribable monsters locked in it, roaring, ferocious, and extremely terrifying;

In the lower right corner, there is an empty screen with nothing; in the remaining lower left corner of the screen, there is only a chair with a slightly fat man sitting on it, which is Su Xiaocan.

"What do you mean?" Su Beibei stared at the blond man coldly.

The blond man slowly stood up, walked to the screen, and pointed at the women in the upper left corner: "These are the beauties I collected, and I intend to pay tribute to the Count of Carnival, in order to get something very important from him. ."

He pointed to the prison in the upper right corner again: "The prisoners here are all mutant monsters that failed to inject super serum. They are extremely lethal, and they kill anyone they see, without any humanity."

"Su Xiaocan, this is not what I said, it's your brother." The blond man's finger slid across Su Xiaocan, and then tapped on the empty screen: "Here, if you don't cooperate, then it's your home, it's not a What a good place, especially a beautiful woman, tsk tsk tsk, after going, the consequences are unimaginable."

Su Beibei was a little worried about Su Xiaocan's safety, but it was absolutely impossible for her to agree to this person's conditions.

"Miss Su, I've been polite enough to you." The blond man raised his head, "Actually, there are so many women in the summer, it's not that you have to, but I think you are the most suitable candidate, so I spent so much money. I hope you will consider it carefully.”

"Don't think about it, since you want to court death so much." Su Beibei said lightly, "Then I will fulfill you."

The blond man smiled: "Miss Su, you'd better not be impatient, because that will not help you, and it will kill your relatives, friends and..."

At this point, his voice suddenly stopped.

"Why don't you continue?" Su Beibei asked with a sneer.

The blond man opened his mouth, but did not make a sound, and his eyes gradually showed a look of horror.

"Baby girl, just such an idiot, what are you doing so hard?"

Sure enough, Xia Xia appeared in the living room without warning, and said lightly: "Just these idiots, they have been touched upside down by the shadow group, and they don't know anything."

"No, it's impossible!" The blond man struggled to leak a few people out of his mouth: "You, you..."

"Are you surprised?" Su Beibei said with a displeased expression, "I really think you have devised a strategy and won thousands of miles by yourself."

The blond man's mouth was crooked, his saliva could not stop, he gritted his teeth and said in a trembling voice: "You, your brother...die..."

"If you die, Su Xiaocan will be fine." Xia Xia said lazily: "You have been arresting people for so long, haven't you inspected the goods?"

The blond man suddenly widened his eyes, showing a look of more and more astonishment.

At this time, in the lower left corner of the screen, a figure slowly entered the field of vision, walked towards the bound "Su Xiaocan", and then collapsed with a shot. Then he ripped off the skin on his face, revealing a face that was completely different from Su Xiaocan, but it was one of the blond man's subordinates.

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