Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2391 Don't worry about grabbing your position

For the next two days, people on the island were largely sent off safely.

Aside from Xia, Isabella, and Su Beibe, the only members of the shadow group remained on the island.

Isabella intends to turn this place into a training base for the Shadow Corps. Naturally, she will not leave so soon. Instead, she will stay here for a few more days.

After Su Beibei found that there were not so many people, the shape of these islands was a bit interesting, so she played around and made some observations. In fact, she didn't want to go back to Jianghai too early, because she might be caught by Zhao Yuji and go to Xiaoxianjie to continue. train.

It doesn't matter in summer, as long as he is accompanied by his wife, he can stay anywhere.

However, Xia Xia did not complete the task given by the second master, Allen.

Because the so-called daughter of the old friend was not found on the island, Isabella was asked to investigate the killer, but also no such person was found.

Either that woman has long since died, or she has just washed her hands and quit the so-called killer world.

In a word, Ellen's message is wrong. After receiving Xia Xia's reply, Allen didn't worry too much. He could only hope in his heart that the daughter of the old friend could live in peace.

"Husband, why didn't you go with Beibei?" Isabella sat and approached Xia Xia, smiling and teasing: "She's been very jealous these two days."

Xia Xia said lazily: "Bei girl went to play, she said she wanted to investigate the topography of these islands."

"These islands are really strange." Isabella nodded, and then said to Xia Tian: "Members of the Shadow Corps, some interesting things have been salvaged from the ruins of the castle that sank into the sea in the past two days. Do you have any? Interested?"

"What?" Summer asked casually.

"Some data and materials." Isabella laughed and continued: "After burning and soaking, most of them can't be read, but the data team has been repaired and cracked."

Xia Tian replied strangely: "I'm definitely not interested in these things, so there's no need to tell me."

"Just ask." Isabella smiled. "According to that James, the God-destroying organization that has been targeting you before has also received funding from the Earl of Carnival."

"Accept it if you accept it." Xia Xia didn't care about it at all, "Anyway, there are not many people in the God Extinguishing Organization, just a bunch of idiots, don't worry about it."

Isabella was a little worried: "What if they make a comeback?"

"Don't be afraid of making a comeback, those wastes have no ability." Xia Xia showed a casual expression, "I can't play any tricks anymore, let alone girl Bei, even Shi Chun can kill them."

"That's true. But as long as I think of mice hiding in the gutter, I'm still in a bad mood. I must dig them out and eliminate them completely." Isabella nodded, almost all women in summer are immortal cultivators. Now, and their families have long been protected by members of the Tiandao Group and the Shadow Group for 24 hours, basically there will be no surprises.

Xia Tian nodded and agreed, then laughed again: "You already know where that idiot is hiding, right?"

"I know, that guy is hiding in the general crowd, and I thought I didn't find it." Isabella said indifferently: "But the kind of breath on the killer can't be hidden at all."

"Then you killed him?" Xia Xia asked casually.

Isabella shook her head and said with a smile: "Just marked him, these mice are so annoying

, it is best to cut the grass and root out, otherwise it will always be annoying to run out one or two. "

"But there are too many mice in the world, and there are too many idiots looking for death. It's impossible to kill them all." Xia Xia didn't have such a big reaction, and said casually: "But it's still relatively rare to be in such a hurry to look for death like you. ."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Isabella looked puzzled.

Xia Xia replied lazily: "You said it yourself just now that the killer's aura can't be hidden, so where did you get the confidence to think you could fool me?"

"Husband, are you okay?" Isabella frowned, "I'm your wife Isabella, you won't fall for evil, right?"


Xia Xia slapped her hand and slapped Isabella directly: "If you want to kill me, come directly, and I will give you this chance. You have to pretend to be my wife, and you are so ugly to pretend to be."

"Damn, my illusion is so perfect, how can I see it." After Isabella got out of the way, she got up with the face of an Asian girl. Isabella must be ugly.

Xia Tian yawned, and said with some lack of interest, "Where are you a mouse?"

"I'm a phantom saint among the seven saints." The woman stood up slowly and said to Xia Tian, ​​"There is only one purpose to find you, and that is to get back the fragments of the earth's will, and that thing should be in your hands now. superior."

"Phantom Saint, isn't that a man?" Not far away, Su Beibei's surprised voice sounded: "It seems to be dead."

"Maybe, there's more than one saint." Isabella also appeared at a nearby rock, her face full of sarcasm: "The wholesale ability is just like that, you just don't know where your confidence comes from. , dare to pretend to be me."

The girl was surrounded by herself, and was a little flustered in her heart, but she was not afraid, and she still said coldly: "Okay, since you are all here, let me open up and say, I only want that fragment, as long as you hand it over, I can let it go. You are on your way."

"Are people so arrogant now?" Isabella laughed. "Even the Count of Carnival is dead. Do you think you are better than him?"

"Count Carnival is nothing but a mutant monster." The girl still had a defiant expression, "and behind me is a huge organization, a behemoth that you can't fight against."

Su Beibei curled his lips: "Is that the one called the Temple of Longevity?"

"It doesn't seem to be very good." Isabella said with a smile: "Zhan Musi, who is in charge of your seven saints, has already surrendered to us."

"That traitor will be punished by the archangel sooner or later." The girl said impatiently, "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, will I hand it over?"

Xia Xia yawned lazily and said sarcastically, "Don't say that that thing is not in my hands now, even if it is, it can't be given to you."

"It's not in your hands, then in whose hands?" The girl widened her eyes and pointed at Xia Xia: "Who did you give it to, tell me quickly."

"Who gave it to, is it necessary to tell you?" Xia Xia said with a smile: "You really think you are a character. Killer wife, she pretended to be you just now, so I'll leave it to you to handle it."

Isabella nodded: "Of course, it just so happens that Zhan Musi said some information that can't be verified. Since you've delivered it to your door, then it's better to use the waste."

"Hmph, I'm not self-sufficient!" The girl shouted disdainfully, and suddenly turned into an afterimage, which instantly swept to Isabella's side.

"That's it?" Isabella's beautiful eyes were slightly sideways, a little uninterested.

The girl let out a contemptuous laugh, and then disappeared into sight, not even the afterimage.

There were only the surging waves all around, and Xia, Su Beibei and Isabella who were standing still.

"Let her escape?" Su Beibei asked with some doubts.

Isabella smiled and said with contempt, "If I was deceived by this low-level illusion, then my career as a killer would be in vain."

As soon as the voice fell, Isabella just lifted her left palm slightly, and saw a few cold lights flashing in the air.


A few blood lines splattered, and the Asian girl immediately revealed her figure.

She fell to the ground and her body was tightly bound by several fishing lines. As long as she moved a little, her skin would be cut immediately, and the fishing line would also be embedded in the flesh, and the blood would not stop.

"It's really too weak." Su Beibei shook his head, "How can the Seven Saints send some people who have neither ability nor brains to do things?"

Xia Xia said with a smile: "The idiot organization, of course, only has idiot members."

"Okay." Su Beibei suddenly felt a little boring: "If your opponents are all such incompetent idiots in the future, it will be boring."

"It's really boring." Xia Xia felt a little bored, "Bei girl, why don't we do something interesting."

"Fuck you, and you want to take advantage of me, right!" Su Beibei stared at Xia Tian with her beautiful eyes, and warned, "Don't think about such beautiful things, you want to play with your killer wife, I'm not in your shoes."

Summer was just a casual talk. If Su Beibei suddenly agrees, it will make a lot of money. If you don't agree, it's nothing, it's just a daily adjustment.

"However, you handed over that fragment of the Earth's will to that woman." Su Beibei couldn't help asking at this time.

"Yeah, I gave it to her." Xia Tian nodded and admitted.

Su Beibei asked with some doubts: "That thing should be very unusual, why don't you give it to Ye Yumei and Yue Qingya to study it, and give it directly to the woman of unknown origin?"

"It's the same for anyone to study." Xia Xia replied casually: "That thing is not a treasure, and it will be very harmful if you touch it for a long time. I don't want the fairy sister and the long-legged sister to come into contact with it, you can't anymore. Contact. Since the woman wants it, then give it to her, and we have nothing to lose. "

Su Beibei asked, "I think you are drawing that beautiful woman."

"Baby girl, in your eyes, am I that shallow?" Xia Tian showed a sad expression.

"Yes, you are." Su Beibei replied affirmatively.

Xia Tian pouted and said with a smile: "You say yes. That woman is really good-looking, but she's not a human being, so you don't have to worry about her taking your place."

"I'm not worried about this." Su Beibei retorted subconsciously, and then felt wrong: "What do you mean by grabbing my position and grabbing my position?"

Xia Xia said solemnly: "Of course, it is to grab my remaining wife's place. Don't worry, you have always been in the front row, and no one can take it away. After all, we have been friends for so many years."


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