Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2394 There really is a Dragon King

Chapter 2394 There really is a Dragon King

"You guys, come with us to the Dragon Palace too."

The black-scaled giant raised his steel fork and pointed at Su Beibei, Isabella and the others, his tone was very arrogant: "When the matter is made clear, if you have nothing to do with this woman's escape, we will definitely send you a respectful gift. return."

Kong Shuixiang showed a look of horror on her face, her body shrunk into a ball, obviously she didn't want to go back to that place. It's just that she doesn't have any right to speak now, so she can only wait for Su Beibei and Isabella's answers.

"Do you want to visit that dragon palace?" Isabella looked at Su Beibei with a smile and asked softly.

Su Beibei nodded: "We must go, but why go with them? Can't we go by ourselves?"

"Do you think our Dragon Palace is a tourist attraction?" The black-scaled giant scolded with some displeasure: "The Dragon Palace is heavily guarded, and trespassers will all be executed. If there are no insiders to lead you, it is impossible for you to enter. Now I'm asking you to come in, if you don't know what's good or bad, then I'll arrest you and act as an experiment together... I'll give you ten seconds to think about it."

Su Beibei laughed: "It seems that this Dragon Palace is indeed fake. It is a place for secret experiments, but I don't know which organization it belongs to."

"From a distance perspective, it's self-evident." Isabella replied casually.

"The time is up, if you haven't made up your mind, then don't blame us for doing it." The black-scaled man gave his subordinates a look, and they immediately surrounded Su Beibei, Isabella and others with weapons in hand. past.

At this moment, a large wave suddenly erupted on the sea surface thousands of meters away, and then a huge shadow flew out of the sea and smashed heavily on the beach, throwing those who wanted to face Su. Bebe and Isabella's hands were smashed.

"What's the situation?" The black-scaled giant was startled, raised his steel fork and looked around in alarm.

"Don't look, I'm here." Xia Xia floated down from the air and said with a displeased expression: "I don't really like eating fish, and I don't like being eaten by fish, so be careful next time, I want to invite me there. As a guest, it’s best to use a more formal way to invite me, so I usually won’t refuse, after all, I am a more reasonable person.”

Su Beibei glanced at Xia Tian: "Are you sure you are reasonable?"

"Of course. Convincing people with reason is the principle of life. Bingbing's wife has always told me that." Xia Xia replied solemnly: "I have always hated violence, and I will not take the initiative to use violence. Only others use violence against me. I will use it when I have it.”

"It's like the truth." Su Beibei rolled his eyes silently, not believing a word of Xia's words.

The black-scaled giant stared at Xia Xia coldly, and said in a cold voice, "It seems that you don't intend to resolve this matter peacefully?"

"What's the solution?" Isabella laughed and pointed to Kong Shuixiang, "You talk about her, we just want to save a mermaid at sea. You said she was the maid of your Dragon Palace, what proof do you have? ?"

"She has the mark of our Dragon Palace on her body, just behind her buttocks." The black-scaled giant replied coldly, "It's a unique mark that no one or any organization can imitate and impersonate."

Su Beibei punched Shuixiang and gave an apologetic look, then looked at the position behind her buttocks, and sure enough, there was a peculiar mark, which looked like two steel forks crossed together. This mark should be made of special materials, the color changes anytime and anywhere, and it is perfectly integrated into the scales, as if it were purely natural.

The black-scaled giant asked coldly, "How is it, do you have any objections?"

"Of course there is." Isabella folded her arms and smiled, looking at the black-scaled giant like an idiot: "I have never heard of a dragon palace marking its maid, but only a certain These laboratories will mark the experimental items. You should honestly admit, which organization are you, and what kind of human experiments are you doing?”

"I don't know what you are talking about!" The black-scaled giant's expression changed, and he immediately waved the steel fork in his hand, stirring up the rolling water curtain: "Since you are so uncooperative, don't blame me for reporting the truth to the Dragon Palace, you just wait. Let's face the punishment of the Dragon Palace."

Then, when the water curtain was empty, the black-scaled giant disappeared.

"People are gone?" Su Beibei couldn't help asking.

Xia Tian nodded: "Let's go."

"You just let him go?" Su Beibei asked in surprise.

"Otherwise, let him have dinner together?" Xia Xia asked strangely.

Su Beibei was stunned for two or three seconds, and then said, "Shouldn't you keep him and ask about the Dragon Palace?"

"What's there to ask?" Xia Xia yawned lazily and said with a lack of interest, "Then the Dragon Palace will definitely send someone over, and it won't be too late to catch him. The big black guy is only a small one. It’s just a minion, I definitely don’t know much, and it’s useless to catch it.”

Having said that, Su Beibei can still understand.

"However, there must be something wrong with this Dragon Palace." Isabella frowned, "And it's so close to Carnival Island, there might be some connection between the two."

Su Beibei nodded: "Yes, they also said just now that Earl Carnival seems to have signed some agreement with their Dragon Palace."

"Well, I'll ask someone to find it and see if there is any information about this Dragon Palace." Isabella thought about it and made a decision.

At this time, the mermaid Kong Shuixiang said hesitantly, "Aren't you going to run away?"

"Run away, why

Or run away? "Su Beibei looked puzzled.

"That Dragon Palace is not easy to mess with." Kong Shuixiang said with lingering fears: "There are submarines, and there are many quite terrifying weapons. It is still too late to escape. If it is too late, we will have to die."

Su Beibei said amusingly: "You said they have submarines, so what do you think we should use means of transportation to escape?"

"Is there no plane on this island?" Kong Shuixiang asked.

Isabella said lightly: "Even if there is, it's useless. According to you, the Dragon Palace must have many advanced weapons. It is estimated that our plane was shot down as soon as it took off."

"Yes." Kong Shuixiang lowered her head and fell into sadness: "It seems that I can't escape death. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have escaped, and it has also affected you."

"You have some conscience." Su Beibei laughed and patted the other person's shoulder: "However, meeting us is the greatest blessing in your life, because you are safe and will return to normal, It's even more trivial that you want to go home."

Kong Shuixiang was not comforted, she said with a wry smile: "You know too little about the Dragon Palace, they are not so easy to deal with, otherwise, you should send me back."

"That's impossible." Isabella shook her head, "It's okay if you don't know, now that you know, it must be to take down this inhuman organization, not only to save people, but also for ourselves. safety."

Su Beibei knew what Isabella meant. This place was to be used as a training base for the Shadow Corps. If there was such a terrifying organization nearby, it would be too unsafe. Of course, it had to be completely eradicated.


At this time, a huge roar suddenly came from the sea, as if some ancient giant beast woke up from its deep sleep.

Then, I saw layers of waves rushing towards the Carnival Islands like a tsunami.

In front of the waves, these small islands are as small as the gravel in the rainstorm, which is really insignificant.

Among the surging waves, there is a clear and incomparably huge figure, which makes people look terrified.

"They seem to have a dragon king in this Dragon Palace." Su Beibei sighed subconsciously.

Isabella couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that this organization is really researching something incredible, not just simple human experiments."

Seeing this scene in the summer, I couldn't help but get excited, and said with a smile: "It's interesting, let's try how talented you are first."

Saying that, Xia Xia took out the Sea Ding Shen needle, and stabbed it against the monstrous waves that rushed towards him.

It was caused by the tip of the needle, like an invisible barrier that was born out of thin air, actually blocking the huge wave.


Dinghaishenzhen is naturally the nemesis of the sea.

Where a needle is located, even the surging waves that cover the sky and the sun are difficult to get half a point.


The huge figure behind the waves seemed to be provoked, and immediately let out a deafening roar.

Immediately, the sea boiled again, and layers of waves rolled up, smashing these small islands into pieces.

"Hey, that's far from enough." Xia Xia shook his head, showing a disappointed look: "No matter how high you stack the waves, you won't be able to break the sea stabilizing needle. It's better to be honest and show up to fight with me."

The Carnival Islands were almost surrounded by sea water, but they were not shattered.

The barrier of Dinghaishenzhen has formed a circle, enclosing all the islands, and it is as stable as Mount Tai.

Su Beibei had the feeling that he was in a marine zoo, watching the rolling changes outside with novel thoughts.


The huge figure in the ocean waves was provoked again, and suddenly raised his hand and smashed it heavily on the protective barrier of Dinghaishenzhen.

"You're the only one who knows how to use fists, right?" Xia Xia pouted, and suddenly his figure flashed, and the whole person disappeared from the place.

In the next second, he ran to the huge figure and punched it.

This punch is neither fast nor slow.

But the power was used up to 70% to 80%.

A punch was thrown out, and there was even a time-space stagnation for a second or two.


Then, a huge figure in the waves suddenly flew out.

The billowing waves also disintegrated layer by layer, and soon returned to calm, as if a heavy rain had just fallen, and the wind and waves were calm now.

Before the slightest bit, the scene that seemed to be coming to an end.

"What the hell is that?" Su Beibei looked up into the distance, but couldn't see the huge figure clearly.

Isabella also frowned and said subconsciously, "Could it be Godzilla?"

"What nonsense." Su Beibei rolled his eyes, "Isn't Godzilla going to play King Kong, how can he come here to play with us when he has time. Besides, why don't you just put an atomic breath, brother, just follow him? What kind of boxing?"

"That's the monsters in the Pacific Rim." Isabella joked lightly: "In the setting of the movie, don't all the monsters invade the earth from the bottom of the sea."

Su Beibei was speechless for a moment.

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