Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2399 I pick the third one

Jianghai City.

A high-end coffee shop.

In a rather elegant cubicle, a young man and woman sat opposite each other, as if they were in a showdown.

"I really don't have the slightest chance?"

The young man is quite handsome, but he is a little thin, and his face is still tired from lack of sleep for a long time, and his whole person does not look very sunny.

"Of course not. There are many people who want to chase me. Do you have enough money?"

The girl sitting across from her did not hide her money-worshiping nature in the slightest. Whether it was a bag or a watch, it was a valuable brand, and the clothes on her body were even more valuable.

Moreover, she is really beautiful, especially the delicate makeup on her face, which is put on some short video platforms, and it will definitely crush those big Internet celebrities with millions of fans.

"But I think, shouldn't this kind of love be more about character?" The young boy was a little unwilling, clenched his fists, raised his eyes and looked at the girl opposite him sincerely.

The gold-worshiping girl curled her lips and looked disdainful: "It's like you have a good character."

"I've never lied to you at least!" The young boy was hurt by the words and tone of the opposite, his emotions instantly lost control, and he roared angrily: "Am I with a sincere heart, better than those who deceive you every day? Yes, they are rich, but is their money clean? It's not their parents', I don't have much money, but every penny is earned by myself. You can't look down on me because of this!"

These words were very loud, and it was obviously true that they really came from the heart, and it was because their self-esteem was stinged that they had a passionate rebuttal.

Many people in the coffee shop looked over, and after listening to these words, they probably understood what was going on.

It is nothing more than a story of licking a dog and meeting a gold-worshiping girl, and licking it to the end with nothing.

This kind of story used to attract some eyeballs, but now it's a rotten street. I've long been tired of hearing it, tired of reading it, and even thinking about it is a little annoying.

It's just that this kind of story is still happening every day.

The gold worship girl frowned slightly, and said unhappily, "Why are you yelling so loudly? You've disturbed others, you know?"

The young boy seemed to have seized the opportunity, but his voice became even louder: "Don't digress from the topic, I just ask you one thing, I have paid so much for you, do you agree to be my girlfriend! "

"I'm sorry, you are a good person!" When the gold-worshiping girl said this, her expression did not fluctuate at all.

The young boy shouted angrily, "Just because of the money!"

"Yes, just because of the money!" The money-worshiping girl was obviously a little impatient, and said directly: "But do you have it? Don't say too much, even if you have 10,000 yuan in your phone now, I will promise you immediately!"

The young boy was shaking with anger because he only had a few hundred dollars left in his phone.

"No, right." The gold-worshiping girl sneered, stood up, and put a half-price coffee coupon on the table, "Then don't waste my time, this time aa, don't pester me in the future."

The young boy was so desperate that he could only cry.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit with a pot belly suddenly stood up and said to the girl who worshipped gold: "You said just now that as long as the boy has 10,000 yuan in his mobile phone, he will promise to be his girlfriend?"

"Who are you and want you to meddle in your business here?"

The boy glanced at the middle-aged man disdainfully.

"Mr. Xia, why are you here?" The young boy was startled when he saw the middle-aged man, and said quickly, "This is Mr. Xia, the boss of our Magic Medicine Group, who is worth hundreds of billions."

The girl who worshipped gold immediately changed her face, her eyes were full of stars: "Ah, it turns out to be President Xia. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. I heard that you are the richest man in this year's 100 rich list."

The richest man in Xia had a kind smile on his face, and said to the gold-worshiping girl, "I just ask you, does what you just said count?"

The gold-worshiping girl was stunned for a while, and she began to doubt the relationship between the young boy and President Xia. Could it be that he had an illegitimate child? It shouldn't be. If he had already touched his bottom, he was a poor peasant of three generations.

However, since Mr. Xia is willing to vouch for the young boy, it means that the other party will definitely have a promising future in the Shenyao Group. He agrees first, and if it doesn't work, he will break up later.

"Of course, Mr. Xia asked, how could I break my promise." The gold-worshiping girl had to admit it in public.

"That's good." President Xia nodded, then looked at the young boy, and said earnestly: "You are the most motivated person in our company, I have always seen your efforts, and you are the first to come to the company every time. There are no exceptions, every time I work overtime until the latest, but I never complain about being tired... I have never called for a raise in the past five years. It's really hard for you. Today, you took a half-day off. I'm really curious, what will happen to you who work so hard? Stumbling forward. Unexpectedly, it is a life-long event, and I will make an exception today to help you.”

"Mr. Xia, this is what I should do. I am willing to die for the company!" The young boy burst into tears when he heard these words. At this time, even if President Xia asked him to die, he would not say a word.

"It's useless." President Xia laughed, "I'm not the kind of person who forces employees to die in the summer. Come, give me your cell phone!"

The young boy wiped his tears, unlocked the code, and handed over the phone.

Mr. Xia immediately downloaded an app on the other party's mobile phone, then quickly registered an account, and then loudly said to everyone in the cafe, "As long as you download the Shenyao Loan app and register an account, you can take out a loan without any Qualification evaluation, for example, this little brother has a quota of 30,000 yuan, and he can withdraw 10,000 yuan now. Change your life, marry

Bai Fumei, what are you waiting for, download it now... ah! "

Before he could finish speaking, President Xia suddenly flew up, smashed the glass of the cafe, and fell heavily on the street, causing him to lose consciousness.


In the distance, in a hidden corner, a bald director rushed out from behind the camera and yelled at everyone: "Who, who, actually beat people!"

"I called." A lazy voice sounded from the side.

The bald director angrily walked up to the man, slapped the table and scolded, "You are so sick, aren't you! Why are you beating people, don't you know we're shooting an advertisement?"

"I know." The expression on the man's face didn't change, and he still said slowly: "Because this is an advertisement, I held back and beat him until the end. Otherwise, he would have been beaten up long ago, and you too. Just as bad."

"What do you mean!" The bald director was directly provoked, poked at the lazy young man and scolded: "Do you know who I am, and which company's advertisement this is? "

The lazy young man asked casually, "I don't know.

, you have to listen to it. "

"I'm Jiang Kaimou, the top domestic commercial and MV director, and earn millions of dollars every minute! I've worked with many top stars!" The bald director had a proud look on his face. After praising himself, he said to the lazy young man. : "Today, this is an advertisement of Jianghai City's leading enterprise Shenyao Group. How dare you make trouble here?"

"First of all, I've never heard of your idiot's name." The lazy young man scratched his ears, with an impatient look on his face: "Secondly, the leader of Jianghai City is a magic doctor group, not a magic medicine group, and a magic doctor. It is also impossible for the group to shoot such a tasteless advertisement, so it is you who are making trouble, not me."

"Who do you think you are!" The bald director exploded with rage, pointing at the other party and shouting, "If you say no, it's no, you think you are the boss of the Shenyao Group, Xia Xia!"

The lazy young man nodded: "I am the summer, but it is the summer of the Shenyi Group. The Shenyao Group you mentioned is a fake, a company full of liars."

"Haha, did you hear? He said that he is Xia Xia, the boss of the Shenyi Group, and the richest man in this year's 100 rich list!" The bald director laughed angrily at Xia Xia's words, looked around, and sat down in the coffee shop. And the guests watching the lively shouted loudly.

In the cafe, the sound of laughter sounded immediately, and the atmosphere was full of joy.

"Boy, I don't care if you are unintentional or deliberate, but you hindered Lao Tzu's filming plan." The bald director saw that the lazy young man didn't speak any more, so he restrained his anger and directly offered a condition: "I also Don't embarrass you, I'll give you two ways, either you honestly lose money, or I call the police and arrest you in the bureau, you choose one."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "I'll pick the third one."

"What third?" The bald director was stunned for a moment, and then shouted angrily: "There is no third...ah!"

Before the words were finished, the bald director also flew out, smashed several other windows, and lay beside the "President Xia".

The people in the cafe felt that something was wrong at this time, and immediately rushed out screaming.

However, the previous young boy, the gold-worshiping girl, and a group of so-called filming staff were quickly captured and taken away by the police who rushed out of the surrounding area.

"Wife Xiao Yiyi, this is the good show you asked me to watch, and it's not so good." Xia Xia said with a little dissatisfaction.

Lan Yiren, who had been hiding in the corner, walked out slowly and said with a smile, "I think it's okay. Recently, in Jianghai City, there have often been such so-called commercials, MVs, and short-form teams, and they all want the script. Do your best to smear the genius doctor group and you, but you don't dare to directly point to the genius doctor group, but use some name like the magic medicine group. However, don't underestimate these people, upload the video to the short video platform After that, many people will believe it, which will reduce the reputation of the Shenyi Group."

Xia Xia asked casually: "Well, it was found out, which idiot is doing this kind of thing?"

"I found out." Lan Yiren nodded and smiled at Xia Xia, "Are you going to see that person?"

"Who, is it necessary?" Xia Xia couldn't help asking, feeling that Lan Yiren's smile was meaningful.

Lan Yiren was noncommittal: "It's up to you to see it or not."

"See you then." Summer said.

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