Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2407 Don't mess up the mess

The next morning.

Lan Yiren walked out of the room refreshed, made breakfast for everyone, and then woke everyone up one by one.

Su Beibei directly said that she would not eat breakfast. She was going to fight with the quilt for another 300 rounds, and no one should call her.

Then there was Liu Han, who sat at the table full of energy.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Lan Yiren asked when Liu Han didn't seem to wake up when he remembered the battle in the middle of the night.

Liu Han looked up at Lan Yiren and laughed: "My sleep effect has always been very good. I can sleep until dawn when I touch the pillow. The quality is excellent."

"That's a good thing." Lan Yiren responded casually and brought her a Western-style breakfast.

"Thank you, Sister Lan." Liu Han thanked him and asked, "Is there anyone else sleeping in?"

Lan Yiren nodded: "Something happened last night, everyone slept quite late, and it's normal to not get up in the morning."

"What happened last night?" Liu Han showed an unhappy expression while eating breakfast: "Why don't I know, you guys had supper together while I fell asleep?"

"It's more serious than that." Lan Yiren teased with a smile.

At this time, Shi Chun's room door was slowly opened, and Yun Xiaodong walked out with a blushing face, and his expression was a little timid.

"Xiaodong, how did you... get out of Shi Chun's room?" Liu Han looked at Yun Xiaodong blankly, "And your face is so red, what are you doing?"

When Yun Xiaodong was asked by Liu Han, her face turned even redder, and her fair neck looked more like rouge had been applied: "No, nothing, I just borrowed her room to sleep for the night."

"Why?" Liu Han was still puzzled.

Then, Shi Chun yawned, walked out slowly, wrapped his arms around Yun Xiaodong's slender waist naturally, and said with a smile, "How is it, Xiaodong, did you sleep well last night?"

All of a sudden, Yun Xiaodong's ears turned red: "You, don't do it."

"Hey, you can't be Lily!" Liu Han only felt a chill all over his body, and shivered in the daytime: "You two are related, this is immoral."

"Eat your breakfast, why bother." Shi Chun gave Liu Han a white look, then took Yun Xiaodong's hand, and naturally sat down beside Liu Han, "Xiaodong, ignore her, we eat ours. ."

Looking at Shi Chun's performance, Lan Yiren touched his forehead speechlessly. This girl has really learned a lot from Xia Xia.

"Brother-in-law, doesn't he eat?" Liu Han took two steps, away from Shi Chun and Yun Xiaodong, who had a strange atmosphere, and turned to ask Lan Yiren.

Before Lan Yiren could answer, Shi Chun interjected, "Brother-in-law must have fought with Sister Lan for hundreds of rounds last night, so it's strange to get up now, after all, there are only tired cows, not bad fields. ."

"Nice girl, you're saying anything." Lan Yiren raised his hand and hit Shi Chun, "If he hears it, I will beat you up."

Shi Chun wrinkled his nose: "I didn't say anything wrong."

"Who did you just say is the ploughing cow?" Xia Xia suddenly appeared across from Shi Chun and asked with an unhappy expression.

Shi Chun rolled his eyes, and immediately changed his attitude: "You heard it wrong, how could I say such a thing. I mean that my brother-in-law is super powerful and dominates the world."

"Don't do this." Xia Xia pouted, how could he not know what kind of temperament this little girl is, just too lazy to care about it

: "If you speak ill of me later, don't blame me for beating you."

Shi Chun shook his head abruptly: "That's impossible. My admiration for you, brother-in-law, is like a surging river, and it's like the flood of the Yellow River.

Xia Tian glared at Shi Chun, then looked at Yun Xiaodong, and asked casually, "How do you feel?"

"Ah?" Yun Xiaodong was stunned for a moment, then realized that Xia Xia should have asked her how she felt after entering the Qi refining period, so she said, "Shi Chun helped me a lot last night, and my realm has basically stabilized, but I have just been refining Qi. The third floor, I don’t know what to do later.”

Xia Xia glanced at Shi Chun suspiciously: "What did you do for her?"

"It's nothing, stabilize the spiritual energy, clear the meridians and the like." Shi Chun didn't expect Xia Tian to ask some questions, and he rolled his eyes and made up the words casually.

"Don't do those messy things." Xia Xia gave her another look and warned faintly.

Shi Chun immediately defended: "Brother-in-law, you have wronged me, I didn't do anything messy, just after Xiaodong's body oozes impurities, he took a bath for her and checked her body for any other ills. ."

"You, don't talk about it." Yun Xiaodong thought of Shi Chun's help last night, and his face turned red again.

"It doesn't matter, we are all girls, so what are we afraid of?" Shi Chun didn't think there was anything he couldn't say, he hugged Yun Xiaodong and said, "We didn't talk about different things, we'll use girlfriends in the future. How to get along."

Liu Han's face wrinkled, and his butt was two or three inches away from Shi Chun.

Xia Xia also knew that Shi Chun was just joking, not to mention that Yun Xiaodong had just entered the qi refining period, and he really needed someone to take him. Among all his women, Shi Chun was more suitable. As long as Yun Xiaodong had no opinion, the two of them would be relatives. Whether it's his girlfriend or his girlfriend, he doesn't bother to take care of it.

After breakfast, everyone dispersed. After all, everyone has something to do. Go to work, go to school, go to bed, go to bed. The latter, it was summer, he had nothing to do, so he went straight to Su Beibei's room to make up for his sleep.

"Ah You

Damn hooligan, what do you want to do! Su Beibei woke up immediately, looking at Xia Xia with a stunned expression: "Why, I want to come to the Overlord to force the bow, I'm not afraid of you!" "

"Baby girl, you're thinking too much." Xia Tian yawned lazily, "I just want to catch up on sleep."

Su Beibei glared at Xia Xia fiercely: "Then go make it up, what are you doing in my bed?"

"I sleep. I usually like to hug people to sleep." Xia Xia explained with a smile: "Little Yiyi's wife has gone to work, and the other wives are not here, so I have to hug you."

"Hugging you big bastard!" Su Beibei said coldly, "Do you want to hug you and never move your feet?"

Xia Tian was stunned: "Hey, girl Bei, how do you know?"

"I still don't know you big pervert!" Su Beibei was instantly drowsy, pointed at Xia Xia and said, "You wipe all the dirty thoughts in your mind for me immediately, I won't let you succeeded."

Xia Xia felt a little wronged and defended: "I just want to catch up, girl Bei, you think too much."

"Fart!" Su Beibei blushed, pointed at Xia Xia and said, "You kind of put on your clothes and tell me this!"

"Isn't it normal to take off your clothes when you go to bed?" Xia Xia said solemnly: "I never wear pajamas or anything."

Su Beibei was so angry that she picked up the pillow and smashed it

: "I don't care if you sleep in pajamas or not, go out immediately."

"I'm not going out, I want to catch up on sleep." Xia Tian closed his eyes and snored.

Su Beibei couldn't help the rogue, pointed at him and said, "Okay, you sleep here, I'll go out."

Saying that, he left his room angrily, went to Lan Yiren's room, then took a quick shower and changed into the new clothes in Lan Yiren's closet without hesitation.

"Don't you want to catch up on sleep?" Su Beibei changed her clothes, and when she returned to the living room, she found that Xia Tian was lying on the sofa, and asked angrily, "What are you wearing here!"

Xia Xia smiled: "I can't sleep without you by my side, so come to the living room and try."

Su Beibei pointed at Xia Xia solemnly, and warned, "If you don't ask me for permission, you will enter my room again. Don't blame me for turning your face."

"Okay, then I'll ask your permission before entering." Xia Xia nodded.

"I wouldn't agree." Su Beibei rolled her eyes, then heated up her breakfast and finished her meal in a hurry.

After cleaning up the dinner plate, Su Beibei glanced at Xia Tian who was lying on the sofa, and said, "I have something to do today, you'd better not follow me, if it breaks down, then you will go to Xianyun Continent. Ask Cousin Ye and the others to apologize."

"Baby girl, what you said is a little too much." Xia Xia defended lazily: "I never do bad things. The bad things are idiots who don't want to do business in the first place. I just let them be exposed in advance."

"I don't want to hear your cunning." Su Beibei said lightly: "If you feel bored, you can go to your little long-legged wife, Yiyi's wife, and a good apprentice. If you can't, go hunting. Yan, find a new replacement wife or something."

Xia Xia looked at Su Beibei strangely: "Bei girl, you are saying the opposite, in fact, you want me to stick to you."

"Virtue, who do you think you are, don't follow me." Su Beibei rolled her eyes at Xia Xia, added some makeup, and went out directly.

As soon as Su Beibei left, there was only Xia Xia on the top floor of the Divine Doctor Building. He really felt a little bored.

At this time, the phone rang at the right time.

Xia Tian took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Zhao Qingqing, so he connected: "Qingqing girl, do you miss me?"

"Yes, master, I miss you." Zhao Qingqing didn't hide it at all, and followed Xia's words and sent an invitation: "Come to Dijing, I'll be waiting for you in the room."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Xia Xia hung up the phone, opened the window on the top floor of the Divine Doctor Building, and swept out like lightning.

After more than an hour, Xia Xia arrived at Zhao's house in the imperial capital, the room where Zhao Qingqing lived.

"Master, are you really here?" Zhao Qingqing looked at Xia Xia with a look of surprise, "I thought you would arrive at night."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "My dear apprentice misses me, so of course I have to come and see her soon."

"Master, you have breakfast... eh?" Before Zhao Qingqing finished speaking, her mouth was blocked.

A few hours later, the two appeared together at Zhao's restaurant and had lunch together.

Zhao Xiaozhuo and his wife looked at each other silently, then hurriedly finished the rice in the bowl and slipped away silently.

"Master, there is someone who has been looking for you for the past two days." Zhao Qingqing said something at this time: "He claims to be your little brother, and he has very, very important things to look for you, and you need to meet him. ?"

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