Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2410 You only say yes or no

Chapter 2410 You only say yes or no

"Then we'll have to find another way."

Hua Yinglu had to shake her head, showing a very regretful expression.

Su Beibei didn't expect that the other party would admit it so quickly, and said somewhat unexpectedly: "This is giving up, don't you plan to use some tough measures?"

"That's fine." Hua Yinglu gave a wry smile and said directly: "I have learned the methods of summer, and I don't want to set up such a strong opponent for the Flower God Cult. I said it earlier, we actually don't have one. Malicious."

"Isn't this malicious?" Su Beibei obviously didn't believe it, and pointed to the people lying on the ground.

Hua Yinglu explained lightly: "There's no way, our existence cannot be known to ordinary people for the time being, they just passed out, they will wake up in an hour, they won't remember what happened just now, and they won't do anything to their bodies. What's the problem."

"Since there is no malice, it's easy to discuss the matter. Let's find another place to chat." Su Beibei was actually still somewhat interested in this flower god religion, and took the initiative to send an invitation to Hua Yinglu.

Hua Yinglu hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at the two bamboo hats standing behind her.

"Yes." One of the bamboo hats with a white beard said lightly.

Su Beibei didn't want to show off with three people with strange identities, so he took them directly back to the top floor of the Divine Doctor Building.

"The atmosphere here is so complicated." Hua Yinglu frowned as soon as she came in. "It's like a battlefield of gods and demons. It's very ferocious, but it was stunned by another powerful aura."

Su Beibei said lightly, "Because people often come here to ask for trouble, I killed a few idiots last night."

"So that aura that suppresses everything is summer?" Hua Yinglu sighed, and said with some doubts: "What exactly does he exist, I really can't see through it."

"That's right." Su Beibei was too lazy to make tea, so he went straight to the refrigerator to get a drink, turned his head and asked, "What do you drink?"

Hua Yinglu was stunned for a moment and said, "Just give me a bottle of green tea."

The two bamboo hats answered in unison, "Ice Coke."

"Crack, crack, crack!"

Su Beibei took out three bottles of drinks from the refrigerator, and didn't bother to hand them over one by one, and threw them directly.

The three of Hua Yinglu took it easily, and they didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Actually, I really don't know much about your young lady." Su Beibei took a jar of yogurt, sat back on the sofa, and confessed directly: "At that time, I was transported to the boat, and I just heard her discussing with a man. Elopement plan. I heard that they are quite pitiful, so I promised to help them."

Hua Yinglu asked directly, "Did Miss Su hear the name of the man who eloped with our lady? Where are they going?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask much." Su Beibei shook his head, "but he looks pretty handsome. I don't know about the rest, so it might not be of much help."

"Our young lady is the saint of our Flower God Cult. Even if she gives up the inheritance of the Flower God Cult, the soul imprint in her body cannot be concealed." Hua Yinglu said sincerely: "As long as Miss Su cooperates, let me We can use the artifact in the sect to extract some of the man's marks from your soul and memory, and we can still trace their whereabouts."

"I definitely can't agree to this." Su Beibei shook her head directly, not because she wanted to protect the young lady, after all, they didn't know each other well, but because she couldn't let someone unknown to her friend or enemy enter her because of this. memory and soul.

Hua Yinglu also knows that some strong people are difficult, but she can't think of any other way for the time being, so she can only continue to persuade: "Miss Su, I know it is difficult for strong people. But there are some things about our lady, which are very important, if something happens. Accidents may endanger tens of thousands of innocent ordinary people."

"What?" Su Beibei couldn't help asking.

Hua Yinglu shook her head: "Forgive me, I can't say that for the time being."

"You don't want to say any key information, then it's really difficult for me to agree to help." Su Beibei said lightly.

Hua Yinglu asked in dissatisfaction, "Then why did you agree to help them so bluntly then?"

"It was just a whim to help them at that time." Su Beibei explained casually, "and there was no twisting and turning, just need to sit in the room instead of her. It's like you now, with both soul and memory, It sounds like it's about to dissect me."

"Sometimes life is like this." Hua Yinglu said with some emotion: "When you make a mistake, it's just a momentary refreshment, but it is very difficult to make up for it."

Su Beibei disagreed: "Although I was a bit sloppy at the time, it's not necessarily right or wrong. You may not be good people."

"There are no obvious good or bad people in this world." Hua Yinglu showed a wry smile, "If Miss Su is unwilling to help, we can only think of other ways."

"What's the way?" Su Beibei finished eating the yogurt, and said a little boringly: "Isn't it because you want to play yin?"

Hua Yinglu shook her head: "No, just return to the Huashen Sect and let the sect master go."

"Your leader is very powerful?" Su Beibei asked casually.

"It's not a question of whether it is powerful or not." Hua Yinglu said with some concern: "Our leader is not a human being. If he is alive, it is estimated that it is a disaster for your surface people, and I don't know how many people will die because of it."


Bei Bei heard a strange word: "Surface people?"

"Yes, this is what our Flower God Sect calls you." Hua Yinglu took a deep breath and explained slowly: "Because our Flower God Sect lives in the center of the earth and is underground. The bacteria that you humans can't resist at all, any one, it is estimated that it is enough to destroy one-third of you."

Su Beibei asked strangely, "Then why don't you have them?"

"Because we have been quarantined." Hua Yinglu said lightly: "The contact between the center of the earth and the surface is subject to review. But our leader is not restricted by this condition. If he wants to go out, no one can stop him. ."

Su Beibei said: "So, what do you mean is that it is best for me to cooperate with you and find out your young lady, lest your sect master come out in person?"

"Yes, that's what it means." Hua Yinglu bowed solemnly to Su Beibei: "I beg you to cooperate with us for the last time."

"It's impossible, don't think about it." At this time, a lazy voice sounded, and said a little unhappily: "What kind of leader of yours will come out of the mountain, then let him come out. If he dares to mess up Come on, then don't blame me for killing him directly."

Hua Yinglu was startled and looked up at Xia Xia: "You are still here. In fact, I have been trying my best to avoid dealing with you again."

"I knew you would definitely come to find Girl Bei." Xia Xia's tone was still a little unhappy, "You should feel fortunate, if you started with Girl Bei, you would be dead now."

"I know." Hua Yinglu smiled bleakly, "I've learned Mr. Xia's power for a long time, and naturally I won't make that kind of mistake again."

Xia Tian said lightly: "Your purpose is actually to find me, why do you turn so many turns?"

"I'm afraid Mr. Xia will refuse." Hua Yinglu didn't hesitate, and directly stated her plan: "So I want to try to persuade Miss Su first, and then ask Mr. Xia to take action."

"It's been a long time, I'm a tool man?" Now it was Su Beibei's turn to be a little upset, and pointed at Hua Yingluo: "Then what you said just now to find information from my memory and soul is a lie, right? ."

"That's not it." Hua Yinglu said, and took out a green seed from her bosom, about the size of a grain of rice, with a faint green light on it: "This is the flower soul seed, as long as you take it, you can It has the effect of retracing the soul within half an hour, and obtains the memory information of certain fragments of your specific memory."

Su Beibei frowned and said, "It sounds like high technology."

"This is one of the 100,000 kinds of seeds spit out by our flower god ancestral tree." Hua Yinglu said proudly: "This is only the most basic, but unfortunately some seeds cannot survive on the surface, so they were not brought out."

Xia Xia said impatiently at this time: "As long as you find your lady, you will go back to the ground, right?"

"Yes." Hua Yinglu nodded: "Originally, we came to the surface this time, just to marry the carnival earl, and then take back a seed that he stole from our flower god sect."

"I'm afraid it's not a seed, but a fragment of the earth's will." Xia Tian remembered the thing that exploded from his body after killing Earl Carnival, but unfortunately it was later taken away by the Palace Master of Tiangong.

"Do you know the existence of the will of the earth?" Hua Yinglu showed a look of horror, and then she understood: "Doesn't that mean that the Earl of Carnival is dead?"

"Yes, dead, I killed it." Xia Xia said casually: "Don't even think about the fragments of Earth's will that you want, it has been taken away by the Lord of the Heavenly Palace."

Hua Yinglu was stunned for a while, and then slowly came back to her senses: "Forget it, let's not talk about the fragment of the earth's will, the most urgent thing is to find our young lady. She still has something on her body, which is equally dangerous. To replace the fragments of Earth's will for Earl Carnival. If it leaks out, the consequences will be disastrous, and we must find a way to take it back."

Su Beibei immediately made it clear: "that is to say, you don't really care if your lady can go back, but she has something on her body, you must take it back?"

"It's best to bring people back together." Hua Yinglu replied, "If people really can't bring them back, they can only bring things back."

Su Beibei frowned: "why is this?"

"Baby girl, you are a bit stupid." Xia Xia said casually, "Because that thing left their young lady's body, their young lady will surely die."

Su Beibei looked speechless.

"So, Mr. Xia, would you like to help us?" Hua Yinglu made a plea to Xia Xia again, "If you are willing, then we have to go back directly to resume our lives."

"It's not impossible to help you." Xia Xia said casually: "But I have one condition."

Hua Yinglu said immediately, "No matter how much compensation Mr. Xia wants, we will try our best to satisfy you."

"I don't need any payment." Xia Xia waved his hand with a meaningless expression on his face: "After I find someone for you, ask your sect master to come up and meet with me."

"What did you say?" Hua Yinglu looked at Xia Xia with a stunned expression, "Mr. Xia, are you sure? If our sect leader is alive, it will definitely be a disaster for you people on the surface."

"Whether it's a disaster, it doesn't matter if you say it." Xia Tian curled his lips, "Just say yes or not."

Hua Yinglu shook her head: "I can't agree to this, I have to ask the sect master."

Xia Tian said lightly: "Then ask for instructions now."

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