Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2420 Is there any danger I can't solve

Chapter 2420 Is there any danger I can't solve

"I'm talking."

Xia Xia squatted on the roof of the car, tore half of the iron sheet on the roof, and looked at the Mei and his son with a smile.

The Mei's father and son were so frightened that they lost their minds and screamed without grace.

On the other hand, the driver didn't react at all, and was still driving steadily.

"You, you, you... are you a human or a ghost?" Mei Zonghua pointed at Xia Xia and said tremblingly.

"I just met, I don't remember." Xia Xia said lazily.

Mei Zonghua pretended to be calm and said: "You are obviously trapped by the evil god, unless you become a ghost, you will never escape."

"Yes. You must be a ghost." The young man in the black suit first breathed a sigh of relief, then became more frightened, "Dad, there are ghosts!"

"Are you sand sculptures sent by God?" Xia Xia's eyes were full of contempt, "Do you think that shit can trap me?"

"Whether you are a human or a ghost, in short, don't mess around." Mei Zonghua calmed down and scolded: "Even if you get away with luck, those two women don't exist. If you dare to do anything to our father and son, they will be buried with them. "

"Yes. That evil god only obeys my father's orders. If you dare to mess around, your woman will die."

Xia Xia looked at the two of them strangely: "You don't seem to remember at all that besides Yiyi's wife, the other woman is your daughter and your sister."

"Bah, a bitch with her elbows turned out is not worthy of being my sister." The young man in the black suit scolded mercilessly: "She doesn't deserve the surname Mei either. It's better to die."

"You really have a problem with your brain." Xia Xia muttered to himself, "But there is no research value, so I won't waste time on you."

"What do you want to do?" Mei Zonghua hesitated when he heard this.

"Bang bang bang!" The young man in the black suit couldn't bear it at first, and took the opportunity to take out a modified ivory pistol from the upper, which was three shots against the summer.


The young man in the black suit didn't have time to be complacent. As a result, he felt unbearable pain in his thigh. Looking down, there were three bloody bullet holes on it.

"Xia Xia, how dare you hurt my son, I want your life!" Mei Zonghua's eyes were splitting, and he was so angry that he stood up and rushed towards Xia Xia.

"Idiot." Xia Xia shook his head and left.

When the summer was far away, when the car passed a bridge, it suddenly rushed under the bridge.


The car exploded for no reason, and before it sank to the bottom, it burned clean.


At this time, the villa was calm.

Yi Xiaoyin and Mei Aoxue are drinking tea.

When I looked up, I saw that summer was back.

"Mr. Xia, how are they?" Mei Aoxue asked calmly.

"I don't know." Xia Xian sat next to Yi Xiaoyin and said casually.

"Then what were you doing just now?" Yi Xiaoyin glanced at Xia Tian.

Xia Xia said with a smile: "I'll check if their brains are normal."

When Yi Xiaoyin heard this, she couldn't help frowning slightly.

Because this expression is very strange, although Xia Xia often scolds others for being out of their minds, it is a dirty word. Now that Xia Xia said that alone, it would definitely not be a simple curse.

"You mean, there's something wrong with their brains?" Yi Xiaoyin seemed to get the meaning of Xia Tian's words.

However, Mei Aoxue looked at a loss, not knowing what they were playing dumb. It's just that she faintly felt that her father and his brother had nothing to do with each other.

"Where's the big-eyed boy?" Xia Tian didn't want to talk about this topic again, and asked instead.

"In the basement." Mei Aoxue replied, "After it won just now, it dragged its teeth and went underground. I'll send someone to watch it. Do you want to go over and take a look?"

"Forget it, there's nothing to see." Xia Tian pursed his lips and replied lazily.

"By the way, aren't you in Jianghai, why did you come to Saint Luo City and fight with the people in the temple?" Yi Xiaoyin asked softly.

"Wife Yiyi, you don't need to ask. Of course, I missed you, and I felt that you might be in danger, so I didn't hesitate to come here." Xia Xia said with a smile.

In this regard, Yi Xiaoyin didn't believe a word.

However, Mei Aoxue looked at this scene with some envy, and thought of herself, she was inexplicably sad, so she had to drink tea to cover it up.

"Don't say this kind of nutritious nonsense, do you think it will be useful to me?" Yi Xiaoyin's expression was indifferent, without the slightest fluctuation, "Speak seriously."

"Wife Yiyi, what I'm talking about is serious." Xia Xia said with a sincere expression, "These are the most nutritious words, and they are definitely useful."

Yi Xiaoyin was too lazy to pay attention to this rascal, she turned her head to Mei Aoxue and said, "Is there any result of the investigation I asked you to investigate?"

"There are some eyebrows." Mei Aoxue is very curious about the way Yi Xiaoyin and Xia Xia get along, but she can distinguish the priorities, and also knows that some things should not be too explicit, and she has a good grasp of the scale.

"Then let's go back to Lacheng." Yi Xiaoyin stood up slowly.

Mei Aoxue smiled and waved at Yi Xiaoyin: "No, I'll let the information pass over there."

"Then take a look now." Yi Xiaoyin said decisively.

Mei Aoxue glanced at Xia Xia and found that he had no response, so she stood up:

"Well, let's go."

The two went to the conference room together, where there were instruments to receive the signals from Lacheng.

Mei Aoxue was playing with an instrument, and Yi Xiaoyin was sitting opposite.

"Wife Yiyi, what are you doing?" Xia Xia didn't know when to follow him.

"You want to know?" Yi Xiaoyin smiled lightly.

Xia Tian smiled and said, "Yes."

Yi Xiaoyin replied, "Then watch it quietly first."

"Oh." Xia Xia didn't say much. He hugged Yi Xiaoyin's slender waist and really didn't say a word.

Mei Aoxue has been paying attention to the situation behind her, and she is very curious. She knows that Xia Xia is a lawless and willful person. Now this situation makes her a little shaken, or does Yi Xiaoyin have a special way?

"The data are all here." Mei Aoxue said to Yi Xiaoyin and Xia Xia, pointing to the playing screen.

In the picture, there are several photos of strangers, as well as some biographical profiles.

"Wife Yiyi, what are you doing with these things?" Xia Xian lost interest after a second glance, and asked lazily.

Yi Xiaoyin answered this time, with a serious expression: "These people are the top Chinese scientists in the medical and biological fields in the world today. Recently, some of them committed suicide, and some of them disappeared..."

"Who did it?" Xia Tian asked casually.

Yi Xiaoyin looked at Xia Xia: "How are you sure it's not a natural event?"

"In the case of natural events, do you still need Mrs. Yiyi to investigate?" Xia Xia said casually.

"The reason is wrong, but the inference is right." Yi Xiaoyin nodded and then explained: "About a month ago, there have been overseas doctors and scientists who have committed suicide and disappeared one after another. At first, it didn't attract attention. , The key is this doctor named Shen Xiyue. She is a top scientist in the field of brain science. She just decided to return to China for development. After receiving a phone call three days ago, she disappeared. "

"The strange thing is that her family reported the case, but the US police said that there was no such person." Yi Xiaoyin continued, "I happened to have seen Dr. Shen before, and the domestic medical association asked me to come and check. If you don't check, you won't know. An investigation found that at least seven scientists have encountered this situation."

At this time, Mei Aoxue added: "The information on these people has been cleared. These were bought at a high price from the Goblin League."

When Xia Tian heard the name, he immediately thought of Zhao Yaoyao, followed by the good baby.

"This, just ask the good baby." Xia Xia said casually.

"Then talk to her." Yi Xiaoyin also knows the existence of the good baby, but she is not in summer, so she can instruct the good baby without restrictions.

"My dear, you should know what's going on, send me some information now." Xia Tian took out his mobile phone, dialed a number by the way, and said with his mouth open.

The other side replied directly: "You made a mistake."

"Huh?" Xia Tian looked at the hung up phone, a little strange: "What's going on?"

Mei Aoxue looked confused: "Don't you have any other contact information for that person?"

"You don't need a way to contact good baby." Xia Xia said to the computer again: "Good baby, I'm talking to you."

Still no response.

"Is it inconvenient for her?" Mei Aoxue asked.

"Impossible." Xia Xia shook his head and said, "My good baby is the apprentice of the goblin's wife, and the hacking technology is second in the world. Even if she is not free, the program she designed will automatically reply to me."

"Unless there is force majeure." Yi Xiaoyin said slowly.

Mei Aoxue frowned and thought, "Why would a world-class hacker feel scruples?"

"Yes." Yi Xiaoyin immediately thought, "She may be targeted, her identity is in danger of being exposed, so she is temporarily hidden."

"What kind of crisis?" Mei Aoxue asked subconsciously.

Yi Xiaoyin involuntarily looked at the missing scientists displayed on the screen.

Xia Tian asked casually, "Wife Yiyi, do you mean that the baby is missing?"

"It's very possible." Yi Xiaoyin replied cautiously, "It's also possible that she discovered this unknown danger and hid it temporarily."

"No, if she is in any danger, just tell me directly." Xia Xia thought about it, and shook her head to reject the guess. "What is the danger that I can't solve? There's no need to hide it."

This is also true.

Others don't know about summer's ability, and the good baby must be very clear. If there is any danger, send a text message directly to Xia Xia to ensure that the problem can be solved quickly.

"Could it be, this good... good baby doesn't want Xia Tian to know her identity?" Mei Aoxue guessed.

Yi Xiaoyin thought it was possible.

Summer doesn't make sense.

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