Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2428 You have ghosts in your heart

Chapter 2428 You have ghosts in your heart

"Why did she come here?" Xia Xia asked seriously.

Cao Qianqian shook her head with a puzzled look on her face: "You're asking the wrong person, I'm actually not familiar with her, I just met three days ago, and she can't talk to me too deeply. matter."

"Then what does she look like?" Xia Xia asked another more concerned question.

Cao Qian smiled lightly: "Why, if she looks ugly, you won't save her?"

"Of course not." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "My dear baby has helped me a lot, and he is also the apprentice of the goblin wife. I will definitely save her if she is in trouble. But if she looks good, then I will You can save her a little happier. If she doesn’t look good, she might not be so happy when she saves her.”

"I don't know what she looks like." Cao Qianqian replied, "When she came, she wore a mask on her face. Her face was very small and almost completely covered. However, her eyes seemed to have some kind of disease, and they were a little yellowish. a feeling of."

"Okay, nothing to do with you." Xia Xia casually sent Cao Qianqian away.

Cao Qianqian reminded again: "Then be careful yourself. After midnight, lie down on the bed and sleep well, and don't move if you hear any sound."

"I wish I had a little movement." Xia Tian curled his lips and said with some disdain: "Otherwise it would be too boring."

"That's up to you, I've already reminded you anyway." Cao Qianqian didn't persuade him any more. He packed up the tableware and food boxes, and exited the summer room. As soon as he returned to the back kitchen on the first floor, he saw Fatty Cao holding a sharp knife. , standing still in the shadows.

"What did you tell him?" Fatty Cao asked coldly.

Cao Qianqian was startled and almost didn't fall: "Uncle Six, what are you doing standing there, it's scary."

"I'm asking you, what did you tell that kid!" Fatty Cao asked again with a hint of anger on his face.

"It's nothing." Cao Qianqian rolled her eyes and said indifferently, "Didn't I say he's here to find someone, the girl three days ago seems to be his girlfriend."

Fatty Cao frowned slightly: "You didn't tell me about that, did you?"

"Which one? Ah, no." Cao Qian shook her head, and then said to Fatty Cao, "Uncle Six, I think you should sell this store and live in another city."

"Sold it, fart." Fatty Cao was furious, pointed at Cao Qianqian and scolded: "This is a hotel that our Cao family has inherited for nearly two hundred years, how can it be ruined in my hands. Your father gave up back then, and the result was Well, he died before he was forty. I want to live a few more decades."

Cao Qianqian said a little tangled: "However, if it goes on like this, it will be exposed sooner or later, Uncle Six, haven't you noticed that many strange people are often wandering around recently?"

"I found out long ago." Fatty Cao snorted coldly, his eyes full of fierce light: "But they don't have the guts to come in and live. In short, I will never let him go to someone who dares to make an idea for a restaurant. Other things, Then I can't handle it."

Cao Qianqian hesitated for a while, but still said: "Uncle Six, I think this summer, maybe you can help us solve the trouble, or you can talk to him..."

"What to say, what to say." Fatty Cao became more and more annoyed, and stared at Cao Qianqian rather unkindly: "Say, don't worry about those who have or not. This hotel is mine, and it has been passed down for two hundred years. There is no problem, you can hear it clearly!"

"But..." Cao Qianqian was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"And you, I'll go back to your mother tomorrow, I don't need your help here." Fatty Cao's expression turned cold, and his tone was a little unhappy: "You're a bit of a mess, and you're often doing a disservice, go back and focus on your studies, don't be a boss. Worry about unrelated things."


At midnight, outside the Peace Hotel.

A few gangsters approached the back door of the hotel with something in the dark.

"Fake, there's still a stench on your body!" Li Qi, who had changed his clothes, sniffed hard, but he still felt that he could smell the stench mixed with all kinds of sour and rotten kitchen waste, and the anger in his heart was once again. Soaring: "If I don't kill that kid, how can I, Li Qi, hang out in Chinatown."

The two younger brothers hurriedly nodded and joined together:

"Yes, you must make that kid look good."

"Dare to throw the boss into the trash can, it's a shame, and we must take revenge."

Li Qi's face changed slightly, he raised his foot and kicked one of the younger brothers to the ground, and corrected his face solemnly: "He pushed me, the ground was too slippery, and I accidentally fell into the trash can, what a mess. remember!"

"Yes, yes, the boss accidentally fell into the trash can." The little brother with ear studs nodded hurriedly.

Another little brother with a shaved mohawk pointed to the restaurant and said with some fear: "Boss, I heard people say that this restaurant is a bit wicked at night, and it's very haunted, do we really want to go in? ?"

"Fart." Li Qi raised his hand and hit his younger brother, scolding: "What the hell is going on, it's all the time. If you still believe in this kind of thing, ghosts don't exist."

As he said that, he felt a sense of emptiness in his heart, and forcibly added: "It must be the Mingtang that the dead fat man made himself."

Brother Moxigan was still a little hesitant, and muttered to himself: "But three days ago, when I was peeping here, I saw with my own eyes a little girl was given by a ghost..."

"You know the shit, I heard that someone wanted to forcefully buy this restaurant, and then it became haunted." The earring boy kicked Mo Xigan's head and said with Li Qi: "Don't think about it, it must be Fatty Cao's little boy.

trick. "

Li Qi calmed down a little, then pointed at the little brother with earrings and said, "Just a moment, I'll go in with Mo Xigan, find that boy, you can let the wind out."

"Where's the need for the eldest brother to go out, I'll just go with the rotten earrings." Brother Moxigan patted his chest and said confidently.

"No, I have to find that kid myself." Li Qi snorted coldly, and then laughed: "Besides, that Fatty Cao is also very annoying, this time I went in and made a sum of money to let him know about me, Li Qi. sharp."

"Chigo is awesome!" The little brother with earrings clapped his hands happily, "When we get the money, we'll go to the Paradise Dance Club and find the top brand Olivia for a drink."

"Look at what you are doing!" Li Qi scolded and said coldly, "That bitch is not a good bird. Every day I want to attract this kind of fan to my mother, and I'll stick to everything, that's all. Nonstick."

"But, eldest brother, why did we bring gasoline over here?" Little brother with earring lit the oil drum in his hand, and said somewhat puzzled.

"You don't understand this." Li Qi's expression became solemn, and he gathered his two younger brothers, and said softly, "Didn't you say that there are dirty things in this hotel? When the time comes, you will pour oil, and after Mo Xigan and I come out, we will burn this ghost building to prevent it from harming people again."

"Brother, didn't you just say that ghosts don't exist?" Younger Moxigan asked blankly.

"Damn, why are you a wooden head!" Li Qi raised his hand and slapped him on the back of the head, and scolded: "This is called preparation with both hands, besides, if there are other dirty things, who told you that it must be a ghost already."

"Oh oh oh." Mo Xigan's younger brother nodded suddenly: "big brother is big brother, it's really amazing."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go, earrings, you squat down." Li Qi was too lazy to say anything, stepped on the shoulders of the earrings brother, clawed the back door, and reached the window of the room on the second floor in three or two times, and then gently When I climbed up, I touched the edge of the window on the third floor.

I have to say that this Li Qi is quite agile. In less than two minutes, he touched the window sill of Xia Xia's room, and then gently pried open the window and fell into the room.

As soon as he landed, Li Qi met a pair of eyes.

"Ah! Ghost!" Li Qi's whole body stood on end, and in half a second, he broke out in a cold sweat, feeling that his soul was scared out of his body.

In a trance, almost subconsciously saving himself, Li Qi turned around and rushed to the window, making a gesture of jumping out.

Who knew that as soon as he got to the window, he saw a pair of feet kicked in.

"Brother, where are you?" Moxigan's younger brother jumped in from the window, with a strange look on his face: "Strange, it seems like he kicked something just now?"

At this time, a lazy voice reminded: "You kicked someone."

"Who?" Brother Moxigan answered conditionedly.

"Fuck you!" An angry voice sounded from the ground.

Moxigan's younger brother suddenly changed color: "my mother died a long time ago, who took advantage of me."

"If you don't move your feet, it's not just your mother who will die!" Li Qi, who was stepped on by his younger brother, scolded through gritted teeth.

At this time, little brother Moxigan looked down and found that the boss was lying on the ground. He quickly jumped to the side and stepped forward to help the boss: "big brother, why are you lying on the ground? Be careful of catching a cold."

"Who is lying on the ground, I was kicked to the ground by you." Li Qi raised his hand and hit him.

"Then why are you standing in front of the window." Moxigan's younger brother was also a little aggrieved, "I want to come in, not only..."

Li Qi was so angry that he wanted to fight again, suddenly remembered the pair of eyes he saw just now, and immediately became frightened again: "Go, leave this alone, hurry up, get out of here!"

"It's all here, so don't leave." The lazy voice sounded again.

Younger Mo Xigan looked blank and looked at Li Qi: "Brother, who is talking, and you called other brothers to come over?"

"You are such a pig brain!" Li Qi's face turned from white to blue with anger, "It's a ghost, there are ghosts here."


Little brother Moxigan touched the wall for a few steps, and turned on the light switch. The room suddenly lit up: "Where is the ghost?"

In the room, apart from the two uninvited guests, the only one left is summer.

Xia Xia said with a smile: "There are really no ghosts in the world, but you have ghosts in your hearts."

"It's you kid, you're pretending to be a ghost to scare me!" When Li Qi saw Xia Xia's appearance, he was instantly furious, "Boy, you're dead, and now you will avenge your old and new revenge together."

As soon as the voice fell, the lights in the room went out.

"Moxigan, what are you doing with the plane and turning off the lights?" Li Qi was startled, turned his head and shouted at his younger brother.

"I didn't switch it off." The younger brother also felt strange, "Hey, why is the switch missing?"

Xia Tian said casually: "There are no ghosts in this room, but there are other things. You should be excited when you see it, so you can play with it."

"You, don't talk nonsense." Li Qi's legs were shaking like a sieve, but he said firmly: "I'm not afraid of you, ah—"

Before he could finish speaking, the upper body disappeared, and the lower body collapsed to the ground.

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