Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2431 I never said I would let you go

Chapter 2431 I never said I would let you go

"The devil rushes to thunder, the palm of the sky!"

Wherever the palm wind reaches, the black air is billowing.

Every strand carries a huge coercion, and even the space seems to have a feeling of being crushed;

Every trace has black lightning flashes, as well as corrosiveness, and even the ground has been smashed out of countless potholes.


The ground couldn't bear this sense of oppression and collapsed in an instant, and the standing summer also disappeared immediately.

Don't need to think about it, either it was buried in a collapsed hole, or it was turned into steam by black thunder, in short, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

"It's really an ant, vulnerable to a single blow." The Black Qi Demon Lord was sure of his own judgment, and he didn't believe that anyone could resist his slap.

Then he muttered to himself: "We must first break this boundary, open the door, let this gentleman break free from the shackles completely, and then conquer this boundary and revive the glory of my demon gate."

"Stop dreaming, you and your demons just disappeared." A lazy voice came from mid-air: "The earth does not welcome you idiots."

"Who, who's talking?" The Black Qi Demon Lord was furious and followed the voice, only to see an unbelievable situation. Xia Xia was still standing on the roof of a nearby house intact, looking at it with a smile. follow him.

Xia Xia smiled: "Of course I'm talking."

"Impossible, you are still alive? How could you still be alive." The Black Qi Demon Lord widened his eyes and shook his head: "I must have misunderstood, there is no way anyone in this world will be slapped by me Live!"

"Just your palm, it's almost like scratching a tickling. If you get ten more palms, it'll be fine." Xia Tian curled his lips in disdain.

The Black Qi Demon Lord was immediately provoked, he immediately raised his palm, and suddenly slapped three palms at Xia Xia: "The second style of pressing the palm of the sky, the devilish energy covers the sun!"

"Don't press, you are your own pressure cooker." Xia Xia was impatient, and his figure appeared in the eyes of Black Qi Demon Lord in a flash, "I'll give you a slap too."

The Black Qi Demon Lord laughed in anger, and sneered at Xia Xia: "A mere mortal, who dares to challenge this Lord, doesn't know whether to live or die. Then this Lord will see if you can move me a bit... ah !"


Before he could finish speaking, Xia Xia slapped him on the face.

This palm, without the slightest bells and whistles, is just an ordinary big-eared shave.

But the power is thousands of times more powerful than the so-called Heaven-pressing Palm of the Black Qi Demon Lord, because most of the Black Qi Demon Lord's body was smashed.

"This, this..." The Black Qi Demon Lord was frightened and frightened, and the remaining eye was full of horror, "How can a mortal possess such terrifying power, who are you, is it the way of heaven? Fairy?"

"Don't put a high hat on your opponent if you can't beat it, trying to make your failure easier to accept." Xia Xia sneered at this kind of behavior, and mocked with disdain: "You were slapped and slapped by a mortal. Don't talk about such a thing, accept that you are a rookie who is not even a mortal."

"Impossible." How could the Black Qi Demon Lord accept this reality, and continued to argue: "You must be a Heavenly Dao Immortal, or their reincarnation, or her successor, otherwise, how could there be laws in the palm of your hand? The power. If there is no power, how could it be possible to hurt my body with a mere slap."

"An idiot is an idiot, and he always finds various excuses for his failures." Xia Xia shook his head, his expression becoming more and more contemptuous: "It's a pity that I found an excuse, so what if I lied to myself?

"Hmph, it's just that I took advantage of my unpreparedness and became proud." The black qi demon monarch took a sharp breath, and the broken body solidified again, "This monarch has a steady stream of demonic qi. It's endless, even if you have the power of the law, it's impossible to wipe it out."

"Don't blow it." Xia Xia lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the body of the Black Qi Demon Lord, and said lazily: "You only have a corpse, not to mention you are just a mouse who can't help himself."

"Fart!" The Black Qi Demon Lord immediately broke the defense, pointed at Xia Xia and roared: "This Lord is the great Demon Lord of the Zhaoying world. If it wasn't for the sneak attack by that bitch, how could he have been reduced to such a scumbag? Come up from the planet. Now break free, I must revitalize the Demon Sect, return to the Shadow Realm, and restore the former glory of my Great Demon Lord."

"There's a lot of nonsense." Xia Tian yawned and said lazily, "If you don't know where the good baby is, then you should go to hell, too lazy to waste time with you."

"I'm not ashamed to say it!" The Black Qi Demon Lord was completely provoked, and overcame the slightest fear he had just generated, "Then eat me again, I will use my lifelong skills to send you on your way!"

"Nine styles of pressing the palm of the sky, the devil will shatter the universe!"

The shouting didn't stop, only to see the billowing demonic energy covering the sky and covering the sun, like a black cloud over the city, unstoppable.

"No essential change." Xia Xia shook his head, showing a disappointed look, "It's boring."

The black breath rushed over, burying Summer in it.

"Hmph, I said earlier, as long as this gentleman is serious, you will have no choice but to die... Ah, stop!" When the black qi demon was about to be proud, his face suddenly changed, and then he saw that the black qi was rapidly disappearing. .

Like quicksand that cannot be grasped between the fingers, it inevitably becomes empty.

"No, I have been in a coma for countless years before I have the opportunity to wake up, and I have swallowed an unknown number of people, and I have reached the current level. I must not fall short of this." begging for mercy,"

I was wrong, please let me go, I have worked hard for so many years, it is not easy. I will now hide from the world and promise not to harm any human beings again..."

Xia Xia didn't bother to listen to any of his nonsense at all, and the silver needle in his hand, with an unstoppable momentum, slowly faced the billowing black air and handed it out.

"Then fight the fish to death and the net will break!" The Black Qi Demon Lord immediately changed his face, opened his mouth, and sprayed out a black glow.

Xia Tian's eyes lit up slightly and smiled: "That's interesting, but it's a bit late."

The black light was like a cannonball, hitting Xia Tian's body.

Unfortunately, it's useless.

The silver needle pointed in the void, directly piercing the black light.

The Black Qi Demon Lord did not intend to give up easily, and countless black glows burst out from all over his body.

These black awns exploded everywhere, shooting through the nearby ten-mile area, turning it into a wasteland.

The change in Chinatown naturally attracted the attention of all parties. Many family organizations sent people to inquire about the situation. However, after the people sent to see the black qi demon, no one dared to approach, only dared to go far away. Observe the situation.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with summer, and he doesn't care.


Seeing that his black glow had no effect, the Black Qi Demon Lord immediately drank violently and blew himself up.

I saw a black energy that diffused out to the surroundings, so that those who were secretly peeping had to be sharp for a while.

Just at this moment, a ray of black air slipped into the ground, and soon reached a door. Just as he was about to slip behind the door, a silver needle suddenly pinned it firmly.

"The door is indeed here." Xia Xia followed and came to the door, muttering to himself, "It's still a seal point of the enchantment."

That ray of black gas struggled for life, but unfortunately it was useless, so I had to ask Xia Xia for mercy again.

"This gentleman has lost 90% of his skill, and only this wreck remains. Everyone has no grudges in the past, why do you want to kill them all?" That wisp of black energy condensed into a little man the size of a thumb, and shouted at Xia Tian: " As long as you let me go, I can tell you a secret, a great treasure behind closed doors."

"Forget it, I'm not interested in treasures." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "You should spit out the person you swallowed before. I still have something to ask that little girl surnamed Cao."

"Just this trivial matter, you said earlier, I will let her go now." The Black Qi Demon Lord smiled flatly, opened his mouth suddenly, and spit out a small cloud of black gas, like an egg.

Seeing the storm rising, the black gas quickly reached the same height as the people, and then shattered, and the person inside was Cao Qianqian.

"People are still alive and unscathed, you can let me go." The Black Qi Demon Lord said flatteringly.

Xia Tian asked again: "You swallowed the good baby three days ago."

"No, absolutely not." The Black Qi Demon Lord shook his head, "There was a loophole in this boundary two hundred years ago, but there were guards to guard it, so the creatures behind the door couldn't easily come out. Only like this gentleman After recovering at least 30% of his strength, he was barely able to lean out and come to the world outside the door to feed on humans."

Xia Tian couldn't help but glance at him: "Who else is there besides you?"

"There are two more people, one is the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, and the other is the Queen Charm." The Black Qi Demon Lord didn't dare to hide the slightest bit, and answered honestly: "They are the culprits who harm countless creatures in this world. It's just that Recently, two people have been rectifying the internal affairs inside the door, and they are all hiding. I just took the opportunity to come out yesterday to hunt for food."

"Those two idiots are in the door, right?" Xia Xia said lazily.

"Yes yes yes." The Black Qi Demon Lord was extremely humble at this time, and he was almost prostrate on the ground, "This immortal, this gentleman... No, the villain is only a low-level creature in a small world, I really don't mean to offend, Please spare my life, and I will definitely repay your great kindness in the future."

"Your reward is worthless to me." Xia Tian raised his hand and took the silver needle back.

The Black Qi Demon Lord only felt his body loosen, and secretly swore in his heart that he would recover his cultivation in the future, and that he must slash the boy in front of him with a thousand swords in order to dispel the hatred in his heart and the humiliation today.

It's just that no one is strong in the current situation, so I have to continue pretending to be my grandson, pretending to be flattering and thanking: "Thank you for the grace of not killing the immortal, the villain will definitely be grateful, and will never dare to be disrespectful again. It will hurt half a human being, and if this oath is violated, the sky will be thundered."

"Thank you too early." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"Huh?" The Black Qi Demon Lord was stunned and asked, "Shangxian, what do you mean by this?"

Xia Xia yawned lazily and said contemptuously, "I never said I would let you go, but I always said that you were dead."

"You!" The Black Qi Demon Lord suddenly felt that something was wrong, as if he was struck by thunder, "You who kill a thousand knives, you can't do well...die!"

The voice did not fall, and the body completely dissipated, leaving no trace.

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