Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2440 what nonsense are you talking about

This sword, looking majestic, seems to be an upright sword.

Even if the sword has not been cut down, people who see this sword qi will subconsciously feel that it will slash at them, so they can't help but feel fear.

"This sword energy, I'm afraid we are all going to die."

Cao Qianqian just said a word, then rolled his eyes.

When she was about to faint, Xia Xia gave her a hand, and she regained consciousness.

In the Nether Realm, many people and forces have seen this soaring sword energy. There are people who are afraid and decide to avoid it, and there are people who approach quietly and plan to fish in troubled waters.

"Looking at this sword energy, it should be Madman Cao who is going crazy."

Zhang Lingling frowned involuntarily, "I don't know who it is, but it's really rare to provoke him. Let's go and see."

Ning Ruirui frowned slightly, not knowing why she always felt that there was only one person who could trigger this situation.

Just, why is that person here?

Can't figure it out.

It doesn't make sense.

Did you come to find me?

When Ning Ruirui thought of this, she couldn't help but laugh a little.

How is this possible, I should have thought too much.

After thinking about it carefully, she felt that something was wrong with her. Could it be that I missed him?

No no no, definitely not.

Ning Ruirui shook her head lightly, thousands of thoughts flashed through her mind in an instant, and then she threw them all out.

Just when she was distracted, a "click" suddenly sounded under her feet.

Ning Ruirui woke up immediately, feeling that something was wrong.

This is a dangerous situation, and she may step into a trap at any time, and she is actually distracted.

Looking down, his legs were already in the mud.

In front, Zhang Lingling was no longer there.

This is a bit bad, she had heard Zhang Lingling remind it before.

In the ghostly remnant, there are mud pits all over the ghost, some will drag people into the pit little by little, and then the soul will be absorbed clean; some will be muddy little by little, and finally become a bottle Immortal stone statues; some are poisonous... It is not clear yet, which kind is this?

Ning Ruirui let out a long sigh of relief and slowly calmed down.

Don't panic, don't be in a hurry.

This is also the attitude she learned from Xia Xia when she returned to the secret realm of the ruins.

Although Xia Xia's calmness is based on his ability to defy the sky, but in the face of danger, it is possible to find an opportunity to escape from trouble.

Ning Ruirui circulated the spiritual energy in her body, especially the legs that had been stained with the ghost mud.


At this moment, a mocking sound rang out not far away.


Ning Ruirui clearly felt that someone was hiding around, and couldn't help shouting: "If you don't come out again, don't blame me for being rude."

"How could you be rude to me?"

A yin and yang voice rang out, and said sarcastically, "You've been hit by the ghost mud, don't you think you still have the strength to shoot at me?"

Ning Ruirui turned her head and saw that there was a short-haired woman wearing a black tights, staring at her badly.

"What do you want to do?"

Ning Ruirui was a little puzzled, she didn't know this woman at all, why she was so hostile to her.

The woman sneered, took out a three-edged thorn from her bosom, and slowly approached Ning Ruirui: "This ruin belongs to our Yue family, and everyone else who gets in will have to die."

"Are you from the Zhongyue family, the guardian of the Four Realms?"

Ning Ruirui heard Zhang Lingling's popular science about the so-called guardians of the Four Realms. These are four families whose mission is to protect the Nether Realm, namely the Xiao family, the Cao family, the Yue family, and the Ning family.

However, the ancestors of the Xiao family later found the secret realm of Tiangong, and they did not look down on the remnants of the netherworld, and directly withdrew from the so-called guardian of the four realms.

As for the Ning family, it has nothing to do with Ning Ruirui's Ning, because this Ning family was exterminated seventy or eighty years ago.

"Yo, I also know the guardian of the Four Realms, so I can't keep you."

The smile on Yue Yishan's face was even colder, her body was vertical, and the thorn in her hand immediately stabbed at Ning Ruirui's snow-white neck.

Ning Ruirui wanted to dodge, but unfortunately her figure was already fixed, and she couldn't avoid it at all.

"It's going to die now!"

"Don't worry, you can't die."

Xia Xia said to Cao Qianqian with a look of disdain: "With this little sword energy, it looks like fireworks."

"Smoke, fireworks?"

Cao Qianqian stared at Xia Xia with a stunned expression, it was really hard to understand, the sword qi was already so big that it scared people to death, yet he still had the time to joke around.

"It's the color that doesn't look good."

Xia Xia looked at the sword energy soaring to the sky, and said with a smile: "Xin Xin's wife likes fireworks, but she prefers pink."

"Boy, how dare you insult me ​​like this!"

Old man Cao is also a generation of swordsmen, but now he is being verbally molested by a hairy boy. If he doesn't get out of his anger, he will be shameless: "In the sun and the moon, a sword kills the sky!"

The sky-high sword suddenly folded, like a whip, with a stern power, sweeping towards Xia unstoppably.


"Don't cut it, just let the fireworks go off, what else do you want to do?"

Xia Xia's figure flashed, and he came to the old man Cao, raised his hand and kicked the sword in his hand, and kicked him out with another kick.

It's just that the sword energy, as if it was tracked by GPS, automatically slashed towards Xia Xia.

"Your master has already flown, what are you still doing here?"

Xia Xia pouted, raised his hand casually, and pinched the stern sword qi out of thin air.

Cao Qianqian thought it was incredible, and became more and more curious, who is this summer?

Xia Tian muttered to himself: "The fireworks should explode, and then turn into colorful lights in the sky."

Immediately, with a sudden force, the sword qi burst out.

The sword qi was like crumbs, splashing everywhere.

Among them are a few strands of larger sword energy, which are really like fireworks. After flashing a dazzling light, they helplessly fall into the distance.


A voice came over without a trace.

Cao Qianqian's ears moved, suddenly turned his head to look in a certain direction, and said to Xia Tian, ​​"Did you hear a scream?"

"heard it."

Xia Xia's eyes also looked over there, and the familiar breath came from there.

Just as Xia Xia was about to go in that direction, a figure flew over, and the sharp sword light slashed towards his waist.

"Summer, stop for me!"

Entering together, the man shouted at Xia Xia.

Xia Xia kicked people flying in the future, and said a little unhappily: "You idiot is endless, right?

If you want to die, you can say it directly, and I will definitely fulfill you. "

The person who came was the white-haired young man he had met outside the Bronze Gate before, the contemporary guard of the Cao family, Cao Suixin.

"If you broke the gate of my Cao family without authorization, I have the responsibility to kill you, otherwise the face of my Cao family will be saved!"

Cao Suixin held the Qingshui sword in his hand and raised his hand directly to Xia Tian: "Come on, fight me in an upright battle, you won, and I will not pester you from now on.

If I win, then you kneel down to repent to the Cao family, and then die. "


Summer has no time to deal with such a sick person.

When Cao Qianqian saw this cousin of the same family, he immediately said, "Um, cousin, or else it's okay, Xia Xia also had a reason, not intentional..." "Shut up!"

Cao Suixin angrily roared at Cao Qianqian, "You have no right to talk to me! This person broke the gate of the world and brought shame to the Cao family, yet you are still walking with him!"

Cao Qianqian originally wanted to remind this cousin not to take his humiliation, but instead he was spat on his face, and he felt a little unhappy.

"I never knew what the gate of the world was, and I didn't know what the guardian was."

Cao Qianqian endured the unhappiness, and still persuaded Cao Suixin: "But I know that it is just a door, and it has nothing to do with the honor of the Cao family.

You don't have to lose your life because of a door! "

"I thought you were being held hostage, but I didn't expect you to be acting for a tiger!"

When Cao Suixin heard Cao Qianqian's words, he became even more angry: "You are a disgrace to the Cao family, and you are also worthy of the surname Cao!"

Cao Qianqian was speechless for a moment, and he knew that he couldn't communicate with such a stubborn person at all, so he could only say: "Forget it, it's up to you."

"Hmph, go away and wait for me to kill Xia Xia, and then ask the ancestral hall to deal with the problem of your lineage."

Cao Suixin snorted coldly, turned his head and stared at Xia Xia coldly: "I, Cao Suixin, never take advantage of others, use your best weapon to fight me!"

Xia Xia said lazily: "To deal with an idiot like you, you don't need a weapon."

"Don't be ashamed!"

Cao Suixin scolded, "Don't think that you were better than me because you fought me a little earlier. At that time, I was just afraid of hurting innocent people, so I only used one-tenth of my strength!"

"Well, almost."

Xia Tian replied casually: "I only used 1/10,000 of it."

"Fuck you!"

Cao Suixin was directly overwhelmed by Xia Xia's words. He felt that this person was deliberately humiliating him, and angrily shouted: "With the sword qi of the sky, rise into the sky!"

Xia Tian frowned slightly: "Why is this trick again, you can't do anything else, right?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Cao Suixin was stunned for a moment, "This move is the most powerful move in my Cao Clan's unique Negative Heaven Sword Qi. Except for Cao Clan's direct line, it has never been rumored. Where have you seen it?"

"This trick was used by an old man just now."

Xia Tian said casually: "I've already kicked it away. You can look everywhere, maybe you can still find it."

When Cao Suixin heard this, he couldn't help laughing: "It's ridiculous, you have to have a limit to your arrogance.

This is the strongest form of negative sword energy, even a cultivator of the Golden Core Stage Dzogchen would not dare to take it hard. What are you? "

"it is true."

Cao Qianqian sighed and said to Cao Suixin: "This trick is useless, I advise you not to humiliate yourself."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Cao Suixin obviously didn't believe Cao Qianqian's words: "He had a big dream in the Spring and Autumn Period, didn't you wake up?

Negative Heaven Sword Qi, only Cao’s Zhengmai can use it, and among the positive channels, except for those who created Negative Heaven Sword Qi

Ancestor Cao Jiansheng, only I can use it.

You don't want to say that the ancestor Cao Jiansheng used it just now, it's ridiculous, hahahaha. "

Cao Qianqian nodded slowly: "Yes, it is the ancestor swordsman Cao Jili."

"Ha..." Cao Suixin's laughter stopped abruptly.

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