Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2445 Ghosts are rare in this broken position

In the distance, somewhere high, stood two figures.

Together they looked in the direction of the jungle, staring intently at the situation in the wide field.

"This scene is really spectacular." One of them was Ying Shanhong, his eyes sneered and he said happily.

Standing next to him was a weird man wearing a golden mask. His voice was a little hoarse, his vocal cords seemed to have been cut open, and he even had a reverberation effect: "Are you sure this works?"

"Is it useful to put it aside, don't you think it's interesting?" Ying Shanhong burst into laughter.

The strange man wearing a golden mask couldn't help but look cold, and said unpleasantly: "Ying the door master, the palace master asked you to inquire about the truth, and by the way, inform him of such a thing."

"Are you teaching me to do things?" Ying Shanhong raised his eyebrows, showing an unhappy expression, and stared coldly at the golden-masked eccentric, "Remember, you are just a lingering dog, and you are even qualified to bark in front of me. nothing."

There was a sullen look in the eyes of the strange man in the golden mask, but he didn't dare to make any rash moves, so he lowered his head: "The sect master has taught me the lesson, the subordinates have overstepped, and they won't be able to do it next time." "Haha." Ying Shanhong suddenly He laughed again, and his icy expression turned into a smile, "Oh, this is a serious statement. You are a senior in the Tiangong, and you used to be trusted by the palace master, but now you only made a mistake and was demoted. day

Sooner or later, after meritorious service, the official will be reinstated. "

"Don't dare." The golden-masked eccentric said in a cold tone: "My subordinates have long since lost that kind of extravagance, and only want to serve the door master."

"Call me King Ying." Ying Shanhong stared at the golden-masked eccentric with a half-smiling smile, "I don't like the name Sect Master, remember?"

The golden-masked geek was slightly startled, but still shouted in a hoarse voice, "Yes, Heavenly King!"

"Hahahaha." Ying Shanhong was extremely happy, slapped his palms and smiled: "That's right, since you've decided to stay low and be small, then do it well."

The Golden Mask geek was silent. "Also, don't you intend to hand it over to you?" Ying Shanhong let him go so easily, and asked directly, "I am your boss now, you should hand it over to me. . Or, you are holding it, and you are really doing it

The dream of making a comeback one day? "

"The king's order has long been returned to the palace master. If the king wants it, he can ask the palace master for it." The golden mask eccentric replied in a sullen voice.


Ying Shanhong obviously didn't believe it, but he couldn't ask any further, so he snorted coldly to show his dissatisfaction.

The golden-masked geek didn't respond, but just reminded: "Ying Tianwang, you can talk about these cheap words later. Xia Xia is not an easy match. If there is an accident, I'm afraid it will not be easy to explain to the palace master."

"What could be wrong?" Ying Shanhong looked disdainful and glanced at the strange man in the golden mask: "I think you were afraid of being beaten by Xia Xia. At any rate, you were an independent person back then, but now you have become such a pustule. !"

The golden-masked man's eyes were filled with a sullen look: "Before coming out, the palace lord told you, don't underestimate Xia Xia, let alone provoke him."

"What do you mean?" Ying Shanhong's face sank, and he said proudly, "Do you want to say that I can't beat the summer?"

"This, how does your subordinate know." The golden mask eccentric said lightly: "You have never played against Xia Xia."

Ying Shanhong knew that this man was angry, and he clearly wanted to provoke himself to fight Xia Xia, so he couldn't help laughing: "Do you look at me like an idiot?"

"Don't look, you are." A voice replied slowly.

"Huh?" Ying Shanhong couldn't help but feel angry, "What did you say!"

The golden-masked man waved his hand: "My subordinate didn't speak just now."

"It's just you and me here, you didn't say it, did I say it myself?" Ying Shanhong thought it was funny, this person dared to speak nonsense in front of him.

The voice rang again: "I said it."

Only then did Ying Shanhong realize that the sound came from above them, and when he looked up, he saw two people standing on the top of the tree next to him, it was Xia Tian and Ning Ruirui.

"You, you...why are you here?" Ying Shanhong was shocked, and quickly turned his eyes to the wide field in the jungle in the distance, where countless summers and Ning Ruirui were still densely gathered: "You guys It should be there!"

Xia Xia yawned lazily: "Where are we? Does it have anything to do with you?" "The Mirage Forest Thousand Illusion Formation is still here, how did you escape?" Ying Shanhong was puzzled and muttered. He muttered to himself: "Whoever enters the forest will definitely lose his soul, and then fall into thousands of his own illusions,

It doesn't stop until the oil runs out. Could it be that……"

Xia Tian hugged Ning Ruirui and slowly fell from the tree, and said disdainfully, "Don't worry, you should think about your last words first."

"Who are you, why do you design traps to harm me and Xia Tian?" Ning Ruirui frowned slightly, her hand was already clenching the Floating Cloud Iron Blade, as long as there was something wrong with the two of them, they would immediately use the sword to abolish them.

"Since you found out, then I won't hide it anymore, anyway, the days of dealing with each other are still long." Ying Shanhong quickly calmed down, raised his chin slightly, and looked at Xia Tian coldly: "You guys You can call me the King of Heaven."

"Ying Tianwang?" Xia Xia's face showed the slightest doubt, "The idiot should be dead."

"That is my cousin, and he has indeed passed away." Ying Shanhong's expression was not without resentment: "But the people from Nantianmen

But not dead, I, Ying Shanhong, is the new King of Nantianmen. "

"It's annoying to listen to you from this door and that door." Xia Xia said casually: "Go to the side, you can't play by yourself, you have to come over and seek death."

Ying Shanhong laughed, pointed at Xia Xia and said, "Xia Xia, don't you think that I'm also the kind of coward who gets scared when you're scared, right?"

"What kind of stuff are you, it's none of my business." Xia Tian curled his lips, "I was too lazy to pay attention to you idiots, but you are trying to provoke me. I am not your father, but I will not be used to you."

Ning Ruirui stared at the strange man in the gold mask at this time: "Who are you, and why do you feel like you've seen it somewhere?"

"Miss Ning is probably wrong." The golden-masked geek immediately shook his head and denied: "And I'm just an observer, responsible for observing and recording Ying Tianwang's words and deeds in the secret realm. What you encountered has nothing to do with me."

Ning Ruirui said coldly, "It doesn't matter if you say it doesn't matter?"

"Little long-legged girl, don't pay attention to this idiot, because she is already dead." Xia Xia Chong Ning Ruirui smiled and reminded. "Dead, dead person?" Ning Ruirui's beautiful eyes showed doubts. She looked at this man, although he was wearing a mask and his whole body was hidden in his sleeve robe, but she didn't see any sense of death. It was clearly a big job. Man, turned his head to Xia Xia and said, "Are you sure he is dead?

people? "

"It's already a dead person." Xia Xia said with a smile: "Little long-legged girl, when I killed him, you were also there, forget it so soon."

Ning Ruirui was even more at a loss: "What are you talking about, who is he!"

"I'm no one!" The golden-masked geek suddenly knelt down at Xia Xia, "Xia Xia, I'm just following orders, and dealing with you has nothing to do with it. Please also look at the palace lord's thin face and spare my life."

"Get up for me!" Ying Shanhong was furious when he saw the golden-masked man kneeling down at Xia Xia, because this man had never knelt before him, "Fu Tianzhuo, you are humiliating me!"

The eyes of the man with the golden mask were full of indifference: "Fu Tianzhuo died under the needle of the summer long ago, and now I am Jinpira, the running dog under the lord of the Tiangong Palace."

"Jin Shiluo?" Xia Xia frowned slightly and said casually, "You can still be called King Jin Gong."

The golden-masked geek hesitated for half a second, and then kowtowed: "Thank you Xia Xia for your name, I will be King Jin Luo in the future."

"Okay, it's nothing to do with you, go away." Xia Tian felt that this person was too boring.

"Thank you." The golden-masked geek stood up immediately, but when he was about to leave, he took out something from his arms and handed it to Xia Tian: "This thing is useless to me, it is best to give it to you. Suitable."

"Fu Tianzhuo, how dare you!" Ying Shanhong saw what the golden-masked eccentric was holding, his eyes were split open, and he scolded, "That's the order of the heavenly king, and you actually gave it to an outsider!"

The strange man in the golden mask said calmly: "This is my thing. Although I am no longer the master of a sect, at least the palace master did not take away the token, then I have the power to dispose of it."

"What kind of shit is this?" Xia Xia didn't answer, because he didn't like this thing at all.

The golden-masked geek explained casually: "The Heavenly King's Order, with it, you can freely enter and exit Genting City and the secret realm of the Heavenly Palace." "Anywhere in the world, I can go wherever I want, no orders are needed... Wait." Xia Xian originally Still wanting to refuse, the peerless appearance of the Palace Master of the Heavenly Palace suddenly flashed through his mind, so he asked, "Does your Palace Master live in some kind of Genting?

city. "

"Yes." The Golden Mask geek nodded and didn't.

"Okay, I'll take this piece of shit." Xia Xiawei reached out and took that day Wang Ling into his hands.

Ning Ruirui said with a bit of sourness: "You just said that you can go anywhere in the world if you want, and you don't need any tokens."

Xia Xia smiled: "Little long-legged girl, you don't have to be jealous, that palace lord is not a person, and if you can't compete with you, he won't take away your position in my heart."

Ning Ruirui said angrily: "Ghosts are rare in this broken position!"

"Good, good, good! Very good!" Ying Shanhong saw that his dignified new king was ignored by these three people, and immediately became furious. "Summer, I want you to die!"

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