Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2451 Someone will not agree

Chapter 2451 Someone will not agree


The fat monk folded his hands together, his eyes narrowed slightly, hehe chuckled, and looked at the crowd, "The poor monk advises all benefactors not to speak up, and only cause the death of the soul."

"Thief bald, you dare to kill people here!"

"Let's go together and kill this fat monk!"

"Yes, there are so many of us, why do we need to be afraid of him?"

The audience members shouted and scolded, but they didn't see how the monk could move his hands, so they didn't dare to move forward for a while.

"The poor monk is a cultivator from the upper realm, and he just wants to rest here temporarily. You don't have to be afraid." The fat monk still showed a smile that seemed harmless to humans and animals. Serving on the side is your great opportunity."

Someone immediately understood and spit out thick phlegm: "Damn, this monk wants us to be his dog!"

"You are a cultivator, and we are immortal cultivators. Why should we be your slaves?"

"Dead bald donkey, why don't you be our slaves!"


The fat monk saw the people in front of him cursing, but none of them dared to step forward and shook his head: "This world has really fallen. Cultivators are such things, pathetic and pitiful."

As he spoke, his hands suddenly formed a seal, and he said in a loud voice, "If that's the case, why don't you all serve as servants to poor monks. If the poor monks find that qi machine in the future, you can also get some immortal fate. If you can get it, how about you."

When those people heard that the fat monk even compared them to chickens and dogs, they were even more furious. This time, some people really couldn't help it. They took up their weapons and slashed at the monk.

Swords, lights, swords and shadows intertwined, and it seemed that the monk was about to be chopped into a pile of meat sauce by a random knife.

"Holding swords toward each other is disrespectful to the Buddha, so he uses the means of subduing demons, so that you will suffer the consequences." The fat monk had a kind smile on his face, and often pushed out the handprint he was holding: "The real seal of the Brahma Realm, Weishan! "

Suddenly, people within a radius of ten kilometers felt a huge pressure, like Mount Tai pressing the top, and they couldn't breathe for a moment.

Soon these people couldn't resist the pressure and knelt down one after another.

This kneeling, immediately the spiritual platform is clear and bright, all the stress and troubles seem to have disappeared, and I feel extremely happy in my heart, as if I have arrived in the world of bliss.

"Master, I have realized it. From now on, I will let go of everything and practice with you."

"Master, I will be your dog in the future, and will protect you for the rest of my life."

"Being the master's slave is the honor of my life."

"It's good, the poor monk has transformed more than a dozen people, which is considered to be infinite merit." The fat monk looked at these people who were crying with satisfaction, smiled and took away the handprint, and waved his hand: "As long as you serve with all your heart, maybe there will be another day. The poor monk will take you away together and go to the other side of deep space."

Just when the monk was complacent, suddenly two figures swept in from a distance.

Both of them were women, and they were extremely beautiful.

The big one looked vigorous, and there was a rare sharpness between his eyebrows.

The little one looks cute and well-behaved, and his body and posture all reveal a rare freshness.

The people who came were naturally Ning Ruirui and the good baby.

Summer didn't catch up in time, but he could show up anytime.

As for why, of course, it is convenient to force.

"Master, can this behavior of yours be called a transition?" Ning Ruirui glanced at the people kneeling all over the floor, subconsciously feeling that something was wrong with the monk.

When the fat monk saw Ning Ruirui and the good baby, his slightly squinted eyes lit up, and said overjoyedly: "There are some beautiful women in this land abandoned by the fairy, which is really a blessing for the poor monk. already."

"Hey, monk, why are you staring at us lustfully." The good baby was a little unhappy, "Isn't the monk going to reboot?"

"The two female bodhisattvas are very true." The fat monk folded his hands and said with a smile on his face: "However, the poor monk is not a monk, but a practitioner in the Sanskrit world, so there is no need to keep the precepts."

Ning Ruirui frowned slightly, but still had some doubts: "Where do you think the Sanskrit world is?"

"I think the female bodhisattva has already established the foundation, why do you still know nothing about the world of immortality?" The fat monk was also a little puzzled, but he still explained to Ning Ruirui: "The world of Sanskrit is the A cultivation planet under the Immortal Cultivation Alliance was created by Sanskrit Arhat three thousand years ago. Everyone in the world must shave their fortunes, but once they form a golden elixir, they do not need to keep the precepts."

Ning Ruirui asked cautiously in her heart, "So you are a cultivator of the Jindan stage?"

"Hehe, the female bodhisattva is joking." The fat monk touched his bald head and said with a smile: "If there is only Jindan stage, how can the poor monk dare to walk alone in the starry sky for hundreds of years, and come to this place where the immortals are abandoned. Where is the land?"

The good baby yawned and said a little boringly: "Hey, fat monk, you can directly say what realm you are, and you can come to earth for what you want."

"Since the little girl Bodhisattva has asked a question, the poor monk will tell you." The fat monk folded his hands together and said reverently: "The poor monk is now in the integration period, only one step away from transcending the calamity, but for a while there is no chance. Exactly three hundred years ago, I accidentally read the ancient loan and found that there was a Qi machine ten thousand years ago, which was banished to this star field, so I dared to cross the galaxy and pursue it."

When Ning Ruirui heard this, her heart froze. It was ten thousand years ago. Could it have something to do with the person Zhang Lingling mentioned?

"Did the female bodhisattva think of something?

The fat monk was keenly aware of Ning Ruirui's change of mind, and asked: "Do you know something?" "

Ning Ruirui came back to her senses and shook her head flatly: "I don't know."

"That's it." The fat monk laughed, with a stunned look on his face: "Exactly, the poor monk just noticed that there is a familiar atmosphere in the ruins here. Could it be that the poor monk's chance has arrived?"

The good baby curled his lips and said casually, "You think too much, and you may be in danger."

"Hehe, it's not a poor monk boasting." The fat monk said with a proud expression, "This is a place abandoned by immortals. It is already a rare thing to breed immortal cultivators, but most of them can't even reach the foundation stage. , no one will be the enemy of the poor monk."

The good baby sneered at this and retorted with a smile: "Then you are wrong, there are many powerful immortal cultivators on our earth, and there are many people who have passed the tribulation period. There was a pervert with us just now. ."

"Hahahaha, the calamity period?" The fat monk was amused by the good baby's words, and laughed for a long time: "You are really cute little girl Bodhisattva. The poor monk might as well tell you, even if the aura is better than the Sanskrit sound here ten thousand times. In the world, in three thousand years, there have only been less than thirty cultivators of the Transcending Tribulation Period. How is this possible in this land abandoned by the immortals?"

"This is not an impossible thing, but a fact." Ning Ruirui knew from A Jiuyi Xiaoyin's mouth that those wives who went to Xianyun Continent in Xia Xia were basically in the period of tribulation.

The fat monk smiled in disbelief and waved his hands: "Why do the two female bodhisattvas say such big things, if there are cultivators in the transcendence period on this planet, then there must be a magic circle that covers the sky, how can the poor monk be so relaxed come here?"

These words stopped Ning Ruirui. She didn't know enough about Xiuxian, and she didn't know why Xia Xia and his wives didn't create a defensive formation for the earth.

"Hey, Xia Xia, come out and explain to this monk." The good baby didn't know the reason, so he raised his head and shouted around.

Unfortunately, no one responded to her.

"The two female bodhisattvas don't have to bluff, there are no immortal cultivators in the Jindan stage here." The fat monk obviously didn't have much patience, and said straight to the point: "The poor monk only lives here temporarily and needs to be cultivated for several years. During this period, if you get two female bodhisattvas to practice double cultivation, you will get twice the result with half the effort. Of course, the poor monk will not treat you badly. When you leave, you will definitely leave enough pills and exercises to help you reach the golden pill stage, which is rare for you. Don't miss this opportunity."

"Sister Ning, this monk actually hit our minds." Instead of being angry, the good baby said to Ning Ruirui excitedly: "Do you think Xia Tian will suddenly rush out and smash his dog's head."

Ning Ruirui glanced at the good baby with a little speechlessness, and said to herself: This little girl just said that she doesn't want to have anything to do with Xia Xia in the future, and now she subconsciously puts herself in the group of Xia Xia's women.

In a trance, she also remembered herself not long ago, and her mood seemed to be similar.

"Master, if you want to practice with peace of mind, you can stay here, as long as you don't mess around." Ning Ruirui sighed and said to the fat monk, "But if you want to be powerful here, then Forget it, you will die miserably."

The fat monk aroused a little anger at this time, and said disdainfully: "Who else can hurt the poor monk?"

"I said fat monk, you're mad, but you're not domineering enough." After listening to this, the good baby felt completely inappropriate, and immediately began to instruct: "You should point at Sister Ning, and then say that the old man is going to You have become my woman, or the poor monk has the best cultivation in the world, or you will not feel it at all."

The fat monk laughed again by the good baby, pointed at her and said, "The poor monk really likes you. If he leaves in the future, he can take you with him, and it's not bad for you to be a personal maid with you."

"Forget it." Good baby curled his lips: "One, you're too ugly; two, you're too fat; three, someone won't agree."

"You don't agree?" the fat monk asked.

Good baby nodded: "I definitely don't agree, but I don't have the ability to refuse. So, I'm not talking about someone who is not me."

"Who is that?" The fat monk glanced around coldly, "Here, apart from these kneeling ants, no one is the opponent of the poor monk. According to your words, on this planet, the poor monk's cultivation base is No. 1 in the world... uh!"

Before he could say the word "one", he suddenly flew out.

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