Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2520 improved physical fitness

Chapter 2522 improved physical fitness

"I'm not interested in conquering the world, and it's not difficult either."

Xia Xia was not surprised at all. He had long known that someone was watching, so his demeanor was an understatement.

"Nie Hongfei, why are you here?" Nie Xiaoli looked at the person and felt that the situation was not simple.

"Of course I deliberately waited for you here." Nie Hongfei said lightly.

Nie Xiaoli thought about it and asked directly, "Then the killer just now was arranged by you?"

"Yes." Nie Hongfei nodded, not evasive at all, "It was the owner's order, and then I hired a lot of money. There are many helpers like this, so you should stop."

"You seem to be telling a joke." Nie Xiaoli smiled coldly, and retorted a little unhappily: "It seems that you have been doing things all the time. Originally, I just wanted to leave the Nie family and gain freedom. In the end, you tied my sister. And my mother, forcing me to promise to marry the Zhan family as a bargaining chip for you to gain benefits."

"It's normal to sacrifice one or two members for the benefit of the whole family." Nie Hongfei's expression was quite indifferent, and he didn't think there was any problem with this operation, "Besides, the Zhan family is also a wealthy family. Worry, absolute happiness."

Nie Xiaoli felt sick when he heard this kind of argument, and scolded directly: "I am a human being, not your tool. I have my own ideals and pursuits, why should you define happiness with the words "food and clothing"? "

"Isn't it good to have food and clothing?" Nie Hongfei found it difficult to understand, "Do you know how many people in the world can't even get enough to eat? You know how many people in the world don't even have clothes to wear, yet you have the courage to say this. In other words, it really is a white-eyed wolf."

Nie Xiaoli was annoyed by this divine logic.

"Stewardess wife, this idiot is secretly changing concepts, there is no need to talk nonsense with him." Xia Xia yawned lazily, and said to Nie Hongfei casually: "You like food and clothing so much, why don't I turn you into a pig, like this You will be able to learn what it means to truly have no worries about food and clothing."

Nie Xiaoli quickly adjusted his mind and said coldly, "You are right, there are indeed some people in the world who still have no food or clothing, since you care so much, why don't you donate all your property? ? You should go to charity and help them get out of poverty and get rich.”

"Why?" Nie Hongfei's face changed instantly, and he almost blurted out, "Why should I help those dirty and despicable poor ghosts?"

After he finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong, and when he knew that he had been hit with Nie Xiaoli, Shi Heshen couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and angry.

Nie Hongfei didn't bother to maintain a friendly attitude, exposed his own nature, and scolded: "You were born in the Nie family, ate in the Nie family, lived in the Nie family... For the sake of the Nie family, even if you die, you should never turn back! Now you dare to complain, you are just like your mother, you are an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, it's just damn it!"

For this kind of bullshit, Nie Xiaoli didn't even bother to refute, but just asked: "Xia and I are going to see Danjing, if you have nothing else to do, you'd better get out now, or I will not help but hit you. ."

"Danjing is the forbidden area of ​​the Nie family. No one is allowed to approach without the order of the family owner." Nie Hongfei also put aside the idea of ​​taking advantage of his words, and said directly: "So, you don't have to go."

Nie Xiaoli ignored him and continued to walk towards Danjing with Xia Tian.

"Hey, you're talking to you, didn't you hear it?" Nie Hongfei was furious and stepped forward to stop Nie Xiaoli: "Danjing is a forbidden area, no one is allowed to approach without the permission of the owner."

Seeing Nie Hongfei's nervous look, Nie Xiaoli wanted to go over and take a closer look: "I remember that this place was a tourist attraction before, and Danjing has also been seen by countless tourists. When did it become a forbidden place?"

"The tea garden is the property of the Nie family. The owner said that this is a forbidden area. That is a forbidden area." Nie Hongfei did not panic and explained: "Also, since three years ago, this place has been closed and will not be open to the public. Some problems, the clan elders are dealing with it."

"What's wrong?" Nie Xiaoli asked.

Nie Hongfei's eyes were not without alertness: "This will not bother you. If you have any comments, you might as well go home and wait for a day. The owner of the family will be back tomorrow morning. You can ask the owner of the family if you have anything."

"Because he's not here, that's why I want to come here even more." Nie Xiaoli said coldly, "Otherwise, when he comes back, I guess I won't be able to see it here."

"Xiao Li, don't be impatient." Nie Hongfei continued to persuade, "Danjing is not as simple as you think. You are in trouble now. It is best to reflect at home, so that the punishment of the owner will be lighter. If you are not satisfied, you can go to the middle of the mountain. The villa is looking for the owner of the house, the Danjing thing has nothing to do with you, don't make trouble, the consequences are unbearable for you."

Nie Xiaoli was not frightened by such empty words.

"You're not afraid of death." Nie Hongfei suddenly intensified his tone and said threateningly, "Then if your mother, your sister, and your elder brother die because of your recklessness this time, don't you regret it?"

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Stewardess wife, do what you want. Don't think about this idiot. With me, your family will be fine."

"Do you really think you are an immortal?" Nie Hongfei sneered and looked at Xia Xia with disdain: "The Nie family's background is beyond your imagination, it is not something that a mortal like you can spy on, don't think that you have some skills and medical skills. , you are truly invincible in the world. You must know that there are heavens outside the sky, and there are people outside people, you are just an insignificant ant under the peaks."

"Well, the tone is right." Xia Tian curled his lips and said casually: "It can't be said to be exactly the same as those idiots who think they are superior, or it can be said to be not bad at all."

Nie Xiaoli was also extremely uncomfortable with this arrogant attitude, and replied coldly, "Treating others as ants, you are still noble enough, no wonder you can do bad things that treat people as tools."

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. In short, you can't go to the danjing, otherwise you will be at your own risk." Nie Hongfei knew that he couldn't convince the two people in front of him, so he had to turn to a thorough threat: "Dare to step half a step near the danjing, you include your family members. They will all be hunted to death by the clan elders!"

Xia Tian curled his lips in annoyance: "Although this kind of threat is not a fart to me, but I have always hated others threatening me and my woman."

"Hmph, this is not a threat, but a notice." Nie Hongfei said solemnly with a cold face, "You should know how scary the clan elders are, Nie Xiaoli, so don't go any further."

Nie Xiaoli had already made up his mind, and at this time he said slowly: "I have given way many times before, I have thought about it many times, and even avoided many times... In the end, did I get any good results? No, You will only be more aggressive and greedy. If you don't force people to death, you won't give up at all. Even if you do, you won't have the slightest guilt, and you will feel like you've wasted decades of rice."

Nie Hongfei frowned, already realizing what Nie Xiaoli was going to say next, his eyelids kept shaking.

"So, don't retreat, don't let, and don't run away." Nie Xiaoli raised his head, his eyes were firm: "I originally came to see what's wrong with the tea garden, but I'll take a look at the Danjing. Now you're blocking it, I have to go. Look, what's wrong there."

Nie Hongfei's face turned cold, and he said gloomily, "Since you insist on courting death, then I won't stop you! After reading it, remember to go to Mid-mountain and Biejian, and collect the corpses for your mother and your sister!"

"Stewardess wife, you don't have to worry." Xia Xia said lazily with a casual look: "With the little girl with long legs, they will be fine."

Nie Xiaoli nodded in agreement: "I also believe in Sister Ning."

"Hmph, what a bunch of mortals who haven't seen the world." Nie Hongfei sneered and said to Nie Xiaoli, "Although the head of the family is not here, the old lady is. Do you think the old lady is an ordinary person, she is the vice president of the clan elders' association. Chang, the master who died under the nails of her jujube core, no matter what..."

Before he could finish speaking, Nie Hongfei's cell phone suddenly rang. He subconsciously took out his cell phone, opened it, and was stunned: "This, how is this possible?"

Nie Xiaoli looked over with a puzzled expression.

"Stewardess wife, there's nothing to see." Xia Xia said with a smile: "It's just that the old woman he relied on died, and he has no cards in his hand."

"The old lady is...how can she die?" After reading the information, Nie Hongfei's expression changed greatly, and he was surprised: "Impossible, there must be a mistake in the transmission of the information."

Xia Xia mocked casually: "Idiots are like this and can't accept reality."

"You!" Nie Hongfei was choked with anger, but his mind was spinning, and he finally decided that he had to go to see it, so he pointed to Nie Xiaoli and Xia Xia and said, "Hmph, I'll go there now, even if something really goes wrong, I will also kill it in time. Finally, I advise you that you can still survive if you stop now, and I can also help you to say good things about the Patriarch, otherwise..."

"No need to do otherwise." Nie Xiaoli interrupted him directly, "Don't go over there to cause trouble."

Nie Hongfei felt something was wrong: "What do you mean?"

"That's what it means." Nie Xiaoli suddenly rushed to the opponent and hit him with a punch.

"Haha, you are still able to punch. Today's eyes are opened." Nie Hongfei also thought that Nie Xiaoli was a weak woman, with a look of disdain on his face, he didn't even mean to dodge, he just raised his hand lightly, understatement. He blocked Nie Xiaoli's fist.


With a loud bang, Nie Hongfei felt as if his entire face had been hit by a stone, his bones were shattered, and his whole body flew out, rolled into the mud, and fell down.

"How is this possible?" Nie Hongfei crawled out of the ground, with burning pain on his face, but the pain couldn't compare to the shock in his heart, "When did you get so strong?"

Nie Xiaoli was also a little surprised. Just now, he was just in a hurry and planned to teach Nie Hongfei a lesson, but he didn't think he could hit. Who would have known that his punch was so powerful.

"Stewardess wife, don't be surprised." Xia Xia stood by the side and explained with a smile: "When I enlightened you just now, I helped you improve your physical fitness. Ten more like this can be easily dealt with.”

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