Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2572 see where he is sacred

Chapter 2572 see where he is sacred

"What Zhou Gongzi, the style is too low, so you can only use this kind of thing?"

Lan Yiren couldn't help shaking his head in disappointment. A gangster of this level, even in Guicheng, was probably an unpopular character, and it had been cleaned up a long time ago. Unexpectedly, Tianhai City still exists.

At this time, Lan Yi glanced at the Hummer and found that there were two people inside: "How many of you are here to catch me?"

"Ah, no, absolutely not!" Those two people just saw Lan Yiren kicking people away with their own eyes, and they were so frightened: "Let's go now!"

"Wait." Lan Yiren said indifferently, "You two, get down for me."

The two didn't dare not listen, and immediately got out of the car and knelt down: "Woman, female hero, it's none of our business, we're just Brother Tie's little brother, we don't know anything."

"Then get on your knees." Lan Yiren didn't have time to pay attention to them, and one person rewarded them with a kick, at least for a long time, so they couldn't move for a long time, then took the suitcases to the Humvee, and drove away.

After a while, a black Rolls-Royce Phantom drove up.

"Where are the people?" The man in the white suit got out of the car, looked around, and saw a broken car and three people squatting on the ground.

The three answered together: "Run!"

"Grass, you are all such rubbish!" The man in the white suit was very speechless, and scolded, "Can't the three of you catch even a woman?"

He scolded the driver again: "You too, just drive the car to the mansion, can she still jump from the car?"

"That woman is very fierce!" The driver was a little scared, and pointed to his neck: "If I don't stop, her neck will be pierced by her!"

"Fuck!" The man in the white suit couldn't help but swear, and said to the two bastards: "Old Tie, I asked him to drive over to block it, just in case, where did the others die?"

"Brother Tie is there." The two younger brothers pointed to a tree across the road.

"Huh?" The man in the white suit looked puzzled, turned his head and saw a big fat butt stuck between the branches of the tree, "This..."

At this time, he finally came to his senses, this woman named Lan Yiren is a bit complicated, and ordinary methods simply won't work.


Lan Yiren drove a Hummer, and according to the navigation, arrived at the hotel he had booked in more than half an hour.

"Mr. Lan, is there a traffic jam on the road?" As soon as the car stopped, a capable woman of twenty-five or six years old greeted her and glanced at the Hummer: "When did you buy a car in Tianhai City?"

"I didn't buy it, I grabbed it." Lan Yiren smiled lightly, and threw the car key to the hotel's doorman, "If you have something to say, go to the room and say it."

Xiao Zhu nodded understandingly, then followed Lan Yiren into the hotel, and went upstairs after registration.

The room was on the ninth floor. It was a suite. It wasn't the most luxurious, but it wasn't cheap either.

"Tell me more about the situation here." Lan Yiren put his luggage away, washed his face again, and went to the living room to continue chatting with Xiao Zhu.

During this period, Xiao Zhu boiled a pot of water, washed two cups, took out tea leaves, made a cup of tea for Lan Yi and himself, and sat opposite.

"The situation of the branch is a bit complicated and simple at the same time." Xiao Zhu paused for a few seconds, probably thinking about the appropriate wording in his mind: "For a while, I really don't know where to start. ."

Lan Yiren smiled lightly: "Relax, just say it, what is complicated and what is simple?"

Xiao Zhu's expression really softened, holding the teacup, and said slowly: "If it's complicated, the water here is very deep, and the competition of the same kind is seriously involuted. Not only us, but other companies' business here is also slow. and also……"

"Is that simple?" Lan Yiren asked after listening carefully for a while.

"Simple words, I actually said it before." The expression on Xiao Zhu's face was a little hesitant, and he even glanced around nervously, "All this may be the Yedu Group, no, it's that Zhou Gongzi who is doing the trick. ."

Lan Yiren had just learned a little bit about Zhou Gongzi's behavior: "Just why did he do this?"

"This...I don't know." Xiao Zhu shook his head, expressing he didn't know about it, so: "I have also tried to communicate with the Yedu Group, and even made great concessions in terms of interests, but they are not interested at all. , I just want to have it all, it doesn't look like a commercial company at all, it's more like a gang of that kind."

The two discussed in depth again, some matters of the Tianhai City Branch, and also analyzed specific issues together.

In the end, the crux of all the problems still points to the Yedu Group.

Lan Yiren couldn't help laughing, but there was no smile in his beautiful eyes: "So, if the Divine Doctor Group wants to develop in Tianhai City, it must conquer the Yedu Group, or this Young Master Zhou."

"Yes." Xiao Zhu nodded.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door in the room.

Lan Yiren frowned, a little strange.

Xiao Zhu was also nervous, showing a look of horror, but he just bit his lip and said nothing.

"Who?" Lan Yiren asked aloud.

A young man's voice sounded under the door: "Room service, Miss Lan, someone has sent you an invitation letter, please check it."

Blue Yi people probably

Guessing what was going on, just as he was about to stand up, Xiao Zhu took the lead and opened the door.

"Give me the invitation." Xiao Zhu said indifferently.

The waiter standing outside the door smiled and replied very politely: "I'm sorry, the invitation letter needs to be handed over to Miss Lan Yiren."

"I am." Xiao Zhu couldn't help but smile and reached out to take it.

The waiter immediately shook his head: "Please don't joke, this invitation letter was sent by Zhou Gongzi and must be handed over to Miss Lan."

Xiao Zhu's eyes narrowed, and he said doubtfully, "How do you know that I'm not Miss Lan? Have you seen Miss Lan herself, or have you seen the photos?"

The waiter's expression changed, and he simply stopped pretending and said directly: "I know you are not, so don't waste my time and let Miss Lan come to pick up the invitation."

"Yes, I'm not. I'm her assistant. She's not free in the shower, so just give me the invitation letter." Xiao Zhu said lightly.

The waiter sneered, pushed Xiao Zhu away, and walked directly into the room: "That's great, I'll wait here until Miss Lan finishes washing... Ah!"

Before the words were finished, Lan Yi directly raised his leg and kicked the man to the ground.

Lan Yiren's beautiful eyes are full of coldness: "You are not the waiter of the hotel."

Xiao Zhu stared at this man for a long time, and then said, "It's not really, there are calluses on the tiger's mouth, maybe it's a killer."

"I'm here to deliver the invitation, I don't know what you are talking about." The waiter was calm, but stared at Lan Yiren: "You are Miss Lan Yiren, please accept this invitation, otherwise , I can't explain it to Young Master Zhou."

Lan Yiren said lightly: "You are a waiter, what do you want to tell Young Master Zhou?"

The look on the waiter's face was confident: "If you don't accept the invitation letter again, Zhou Gongzi's people will come. At that time, you will be in big trouble."

"It seems that our itinerary is still leaked." Xiao Zhu's face turned pale, and he said to Lan Yiren not without vigilance: "Mr. Lan, let's change places."

"No." Lan Yiren waved his hand and said with a smile, "I just want to see what tricks he can play." He took the invitation letter casually.

"That's right, you... ah." The waiter wanted to say more, but he was kicked by Lan Yiren in the face and flew out of the room, hitting the wall of the corridor.

Xiao Zhu stared blankly at this scene, and said quietly, "Mr. Lan, when did you become so good?"

Lan Yiren said lightly, "Are you great? Not too great."

"Mr. Lan, it seems that Young Master Zhou is following you." Xiao Zhu said worriedly, "I will definitely send people to harass you endlessly."

"It doesn't matter, it's boring anyway, let them make a fuss." Lan Yiren's self-confidence is not as good as before, he doesn't care about such trivial matters, and lightly opened the invitation letter.

The invitation letter was actually made of gold, and when it was opened, a gold card fell out of it.

Xiao Zhu picked up the bank card and his face turned pale: "It seems that the rumor is true."

While turning over the invitation letter, Lan Yiren asked casually, "What rumor?"

"It's the rumor about that Zhou Gongzi." Xiao Zhu put the gold card on the table and said slowly: "The rumors that have arisen in Tianhai City in recent years, it is said that this Zhou Gongzi is quite lustful, as long as he takes a fancy to a woman , she will be issued a gold card with 5 million to 50 million in it, as long as the card is accepted, it is his person, and he will go to Lin Xing that night."

"Haha, when you are the emperor, you still flip the brand?" Lan Yiren sneered and asked, "What if you don't accept it?"

Xiao Zhu said hesitantly: "The next morning, the body may be in Shenjiang."

"Is it just a rumor?" Lan Yiren's heart froze, and he asked unhappily, "Or did he really kill people like this?"

Xiao Zhu shook his head: "I don't know, I just heard about it."

"Hmph, that will take a while." Lan Yiren already had some murderous aura in her heart, and she hated this kind of people who regarded women as tools and human life as a must.

Xiao Zhu was worried and persuaded: "After all, this is not our home court, why don't we transfer some bodyguards from Jianghai."

"No need." Lan Yiren glanced at the invitation letter, and found that Zhou Gongzi was going to hold a small reception in his mansion tomorrow night, and invited Lan Yiren to attend, "Tomorrow night, you go to the reception with me to see this week. What is the holy place of the son?"

Seeing that Lan Yiren had made up his mind, Xiao Zhu didn't say anything more: "Okay."

"As for this thing?" Lan Yiren gently picked up the golden card, smiled, and threw it out of the window with a slight flick.

At the same time, in the hall downstairs, I saw a man in a white suit sitting on the sofa anxiously.

"Brother Lu, Lan Yiren has accepted the invitation letter and the gold card." After a while, the elevator door opened, and a male waiter staggered out, his face was swollen.

Seeing this, the man in the white suit immediately stood up: "What's the matter, Lan Yiren refused again?"

"That's not true, she accepted the invitation letter and gold card." The waiter replied in a daze.

"That's good." The man in the white suit had a satisfied look on his face, and only then did he ask with concern, "What's wrong with your face?"

The waiter replied, "I was kicked by the Lanyi people."

"Since the matter is done, I will give you an extra 100,000 yuan, which is considered medical expenses." The man in the white suit said very generously.

"Thank you Brother Lu." The waiter's eyes lit up, and the pain on his face was ignored.

The man in the white suit was also in a good mood. The matter that Zhou Gongzi ordered was finally done. Otherwise, he would be scolded when he went back, and there might be more serious consequences.

He left the hotel with a smile on his face, and took out his mobile phone, intending to call Young Master Zhou first and report the results.

"Hello." After the phone was connected, Zhou Gongzi's voice rang: "If you have a fart, let it go!"

The man in the white suit shuddered subconsciously, and then said, "Young Master, what you ordered has been... ah!"

At this time, I saw a golden beam falling from the sky and sticking straight on top of his head. He didn't even finish speaking, and immediately rushed to the street.

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