Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2575 Who dares to trouble my hotel

Chapter 2575 Who dares to trouble my hotel

"Little Yiyi wife, who are these idiots, where did they come from?"

Xia Xia hugged Lan Yiren and asked a little unhappily.

"I don't know either."

Lan Yiren shook his head, "This woman smashed the door of my room and brought someone in, saying that she was here to catch rape, and she insisted that her husband was in my room."

Xia Xia glared at these people, and waved his hand impatiently: "I'm going to sleep with my wife Xiao Yiyi, you guys hurry up and get out."

The heavy makeup woman's lungs were about to explode, she got up from the ground and stared at Xia Xia fiercely: "Who are you calling an idiot, you are an idiot, say, what are you doing hiding in her room, did my husband give it to me? I took your money and asked you to top the bag?"

"Go see a doctor if your brain is sick."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "Don't court death here, I've never been used to idiots like you."

The woman with heavy makeup couldn't help laughing when she heard Xia Xia's words: "Do you know who my dad is?"

"Who your father is, it's none of my business, it's not me anyway.

" Summer pouted.

"I'll tell you now!"

The woman with heavy makeup didn't care whether she was already disheveled, but still had the expression of "You are all filthy and lowly, only I am noble and elegant": "My dad is a member of the World Famous Medical Association, and Wu Renkang, a famous brain expert in Tianhai City."

When Lan Yiren heard the name, Meifeng couldn't help frowning, and said with some doubts: "Wu Renkang, isn't that a magic trick liar who claims to cure all diseases, he should have been arrested a few years ago, why is he still here? Practicing medicine?"

"You dare to insult my father!"

The heavy makeup woman was immediately furious, and rushed towards Lan Yiren with her teeth and claws.

Lan Yiren felt that this woman was really annoying, and slapped her: "Go away."

"You, you hit me!"

The heavy makeup woman touched her face, her eyes were full of disbelief, and then she scolded the security guards: "You are all dead, kill her for me!"

The security guards couldn't help but look hesitant and looked at the manager.

"My uncle Zhou Gongzi is the shareholder of your hotel. If you don't listen to me, I will make you Tianhai City unable to survive!"

The heavy makeup woman gritted her teeth and cursed.

The hotel manager hesitated for a while, but went forward and said to Lan Yiren: "Miss Lan, if I remember correctly, this gentleman should not have registered in the lobby downstairs.

You did violate the rules and regulations of our hotel, so please leave now, thank you for your cooperation. "

Lan Yiren didn't want to stay in this kind of hotel anymore, so he rushed to Xia Tian and said, "Husband, let's change the place. This hotel is really meaningless."

"I think it's very interesting. I'm staying here tonight."

Summer replied with a smile.

"Husband, do you like living here?"

Lan Yiren couldn't help but have some doubts.

Xia Tian yawned lazily: "I'm too lazy to change it."


Naturally, Lan Yiren would not go against Xia Xia's decision, and said directly to the manager: "I don't care about her troubles. As long as you let them leave now, I can let it go."

The hotel manager was stunned for a moment, thinking he had heard it wrong.

"Don't think I'm joking."

Lan Yiren said indifferently: "You should also know my identity. If this matter gets out, I'm afraid your hotel's reputation will plummet. Do you think your boss will appreciate you?"

The heavy makeup woman was even more furious: "Who do you think you are, this is my uncle Zhou Gongzi's hotel, whether you can stay here or not, I have the final say."

Then he said to the hotel manager: "I asked you to drive them out. Are you deaf, or do you want me to call my uncle in person?"

After all, Young Master Zhou's deterrent power was stronger, and the hotel manager said to Lan Yiren and Xia Xia again, "Please leave the hotel immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"Why are you being rude?"

Summer giggles.

The hotel manager's face sank, and he was very upset. These two women came to force me. You, a little white face who doesn't know where, dared to talk to me like that. Do you really think I'm a sick cat?

"Come on together, throw him out to me!"

The hotel manager gave orders to several security guards.

The bodyguards glanced at each other, and went forward to grab Xia Xia's hands and feet together. When they were about to lift them, they found that they couldn't lift them!

"What are you doing, haven't you eaten?"

The hotel manager thought that these security guards were playing him, and immediately became furious: "I told you to throw people out!"

"Manager Li, it's not that we don't lose it, it's just that we can't carry him at all."

One of the security guards blushed and tried his best to suckle, but he still couldn't move Xia Xia.

The hotel manager almost laughed angrily: "Just how heavy can he be?

It only takes more than 100 kilograms if you die. You can't carry this special thing. You all eat shit! "

Xia Xia said casually: "An idiot is an idiot, it's useless to eat anything."

The security guards also felt humiliated, clenched their teeth together, exerted 12 points of strength, the blood vessels swelled up, and they felt like they were going to explode in the next second, but they were still useless.


Trash, can't lift it up, then kill him for me! "

The heavy makeup woman also felt that these security guards were acting on purpose, "I can't beat him to death, so I called someone to kill you!"

Xia Xia felt a little boring, so he rewarded one person and kicked them all out.

"You, you... don't mess around, I'll call the police!"

The hotel manager was startled, stepped back, pointed at Xia Xia and shouted.

Seeing that Xia Xia was so powerful, the woman with heavy makeup was also a little bit afraid, and soon became annoyed: "Okay, you little red guy, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger in front of the old lady, even if you can fight, I am today. I'll kill you too!"

"Ugly, you are so annoying."

Xia Xia glanced at the woman a little unhappily: "Get out, don't disturb me and my wife Xiao Yiyi sleeping."

Lan Yiren also said with a smile: "Isn't it enough, my husband is not very good-tempered, I advise you to stop in moderation, or you will really be beaten."

"Come on, then hit me, and then hit me again!"

The woman with heavy makeup simply poured it on the spot, she just wanted to make the incident bigger, and it was out of control, "You bitch, you not only seduced my husband, but also took care of the little white face, and now you dare to hit me, if you have any kind, you will be killed. I!"

Xia Tian curled his lips and flew directly over: "Okay, then it will satisfy you."


The heavy makeup woman flew out the door like a ball, smashing the opposite wall.

Of course, Xia Tian actually reserved his strength. For this kind of person, there is no need to come up to kill him.

I saw a pair of men and women screaming in panic.

"what's going on!"

Not long after, I saw a middle-aged man in a bathrobe raised his feet and stepped over a heavy makeup woman with his face on the ground, walked out of the hole, and saw the hotel manager at a glance:

"You are the hotel manager, what are you doing, decoration?

And let people not live in peace, since the quarrel just now, you are still a seven-star hotel, how is it like a vegetable market! "

"Sir, I'm sorry, this is what happened..." When the hotel manager was about to explain, another young woman with a petite stature but an unusual temperament rushed over and gave the hotel manager a slap.

The savage woman scolded viciously: "You scared me to death just now, do you know?

What a shitty hotel you are! "

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

The hotel manager had to desperately apologize.

"Also, what happened to this dead pig?"

The savage woman kicked the heavy makeup woman lying on the ground, and said dissatisfiedly: "My husband and I are working on errands, and the interest that I finally got up is all disturbed by you. How can you compensate us?"

The heavy makeup woman slowly woke up at this time, and found that someone was kicking her, and she was even more angry.

"I don't care what your situation is, now carry me away."

The middle-aged man scolded a few words, then pointed at the woman with heavy makeup and said, "And this thing... um, wife, why are you here?"

The heavy makeup woman looked up and was dumbfounded: "Husband?"

The pungent woman was stunned for a moment: "Is this ugly guy your wife?"

"Who are you calling ugly, you bitch, seduce my husband!"

The woman with heavy makeup immediately pulled the other party's hair, and the other party obviously didn't suffer this loss, and responded immediately.

The two crazy women ripped apart in public, scratching their hair and ripping their clothes, and they soon became unsightly.

"You don't fight anymore!"

The middle-aged man is so anxious that he doesn't even know how to persuade him!

The hotel manager also had a headache, and this scene could not end at all.

"What are you doing, hurry up and separate them!"

The middle-aged man yelled at the hotel manager.

The heavy makeup woman roared: "Who dares to touch me, my uncle is Zhou Gongzi, kill this crazy woman and bastard to me, or none of you will want to live."

The other savage woman also shouted: "Who dares to touch me, my uncle is from the Nangong family."

Well, both of them can't be bothered.

The hotel manager was dumbfounded.

Xia Xia shook his head at this time and said to Lan Yi: "Little Yiyi wife, you are right, this broken hotel is really meaningless."

"Then let's change the hotel."

Lan Yiren said with a smile, "I'll ask Xiao Zhu to order another one for us."

"Sorry, the two of you can't leave now!"

At this time, the hotel manager came to stop Xia Xia and Lan Yi people from leaving!

Lan Yiren said in a cold voice, "I just wanted us to leave, but now I want to keep us, do you really think we are so easy to bully?"

"Miss Lan, today's incident is because of you. You must stay and be a witness."

The hotel manager said solemnly, "If Young Master Zhou and the Nangong family ask questions, I want you to come out..."

"Sorry, I'm not available."

Lan Yiren interrupted him directly, "Also, this matter has nothing to do with me.

It was this woman who forcibly broke into my room. It's good that I didn't trouble your hotel. "

Just when the hotel manager didn't know what to do, the elevator door slowly opened, and a handsome and imposing young man walked out.

"What a big breath, who dares to

Trouble finding my hotel! "

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