Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2605 Are you still not doing it?


"what happened?"

Suddenly, Lan Yiren was taken aback and looked at Xia Xia quickly: "Husband, did you do it?"

"No." Summer shook his head.

Lan Yiren's heart froze, and she looked around vigilantly: "Who could that be, is there still someone hiding in the dark?"

"Someone is hiding in the dark and wants to attack." Xia Xia nodded, and quickly denied: "But he doesn't have that ability."

Kong Shuixiang was stunned: "Then... did he blow himself up?"

"Well, congratulations, you got the answer right." Xia Xia giggled, "It should be that he triggered some keyword, and then it was harmoniously dropped."

Lan Yiren didn't understand either, and asked directly, "Husband, what do you mean?"

Xia Xia said casually: "Someone has preset a keyword in his mind, or placed a ban, as long as he touches it, it will be automatically destroyed."

"What key word would that be?" Lan Yiren fell into a new round of doubts, "Did he mention any strange words just now?"

Kong Shuixiang's face was full of confusion, and she danced and imitated Hua Fengjun's appearance just now: "No, it's just that I figured out everything, what is invincible, what is invincible, and then... bang!"

"If you can't figure it out, then you don't have to think about it." Xia Xia never struggled with such riddles, and said directly: "Go to the depths of the secret realm of Tiangong and find that Fairy Fuyao. As soon as you ask her, she will know everything."

Lan Yiren smiled and shook his head, and then he was relieved: "That's right, this kind of thing really doesn't have any clues just by thinking about it."

"Then what should we do next?" Kong Shuixiang had to ask the others, pointing to the woman in the crystal coffin: "What about her?"

Lan Yiren looked at Xia Xia and asked softly, "Husband, can you wake her up?"

"This must be saved." Xia Xia replied with a smile, but added: "However, you must open the crystal coffin first."

"You don't want to use violence again, do you?" Lan Yiren said worriedly: "This is different from the coffin just now. If you punch down, it is estimated that the beauty inside will become..."

Saying that, Lan Yiren glanced sideways at Hua Fengjun's remnant body: "He's like this."

Xia Xia hesitated for a while, this kind of crystal coffin is really not easy to handle: "Then I will hold back some strength."

"Don't do it anymore, find some normal means." Lan Yiren took Xia Xia's hand, "As long as people are not dead, they can be rescued at any time. Husband, you won't be so anxious that you can't even wait, right? "

"Little Yiyi's wife, it's wrong for you to think of your husband this way." Xia Xia sternly corrected: "I'm not a monkey, why is there such a hurry, she's been trapped in it for so many years, I just want to rescue her as soon as possible. ."

Kong Shuixiang said at this time: "This crystal coffin doesn't seem to have any mechanism, just open it directly."

With a slight lift, she was about to remove the coffin lid.

Xia Xia's eyes narrowed, and he immediately pressed the lid of the coffin: "Don't move!"

"Mr. Xia, what's the matter?" Kong Shuixiang was startled, and quickly withdrew her hands!

"You are too stupid." Xia Tian curled his lips, "The idiot said just now, there is a very yin and frost in it, if you move away like this, I am afraid that your own life will be lost, and she will also temporarily I can't live without this frost."

Kong Shuixiang looked down and found that both hands had been frostbitten, and then she came back to her senses: "Ah, it hurts."

Xia Tian gave Kong Shuixiang a needle in each of her hands: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Hey, it really doesn't hurt anymore." Seeing that her hands were instantly restored to their original state, Kong Shuixiang immediately became excited: "Mr. Xia, your medical skills are really amazing."

Lan Yiren's face was speechless: "Okay, I've stayed here long enough, clean up and withdraw."

"Withdraw?" Kong Shuixiang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered her mission: "By the way, I'm here to perform a mission, and I still don't know who to kill or who the employer is."

Lan Yiren said jokingly: "Then what kind of stupid task did you get?" "It's not stupid." Kong Shuixiang explained: "At the level of the shadow group, usually employers have their own unique hobbies, and they often publish This kind of strange task, and the commission is very high. This is my first business, but

It can't be so vague. "

"What is your mission?" Lan Yiren was a little curious, and then asked: "By the way, can you say this?"

Kong Shuixiang said with a smile, "I definitely can't tell others, but of course it doesn't matter if I tell you."

"If you violate your rules, don't say it." Lan Yiren said lightly.

"Mr. Xia, can I tell Miss Lan?" Kong Shuixiang asked Xia Xia.

Xia Xia was still observing the crystal coffin, looking for a breakthrough, and asked Kong Shuixiang a little impatiently: "If you want to say it, just say it, don't bother me."

"That is to say." Kong Shuixiang said to Lan Yiren, "The task is to make me wait at the bottom of the lake at 10:30. No matter who appears there, just kill it."

"The bottom of the lake?" Lan Yiren was stunned for a moment, then glanced around: "That's right here."

Kong Shuixiang nodded: "Yes, Mr. Xia and I came in through an iron gate at the bottom of the lake."

"Don't think about that, most of you were hired by Xia Xia's enemies." Lan Yiren instantly had a guess, "I was afraid that the shadow group would not pick up, so I didn't dare to show up, and I didn't say who it was."

"Probably not." Kong Shuixiang was puzzled: "How can those people be sure that I know Mr. Xia, and they will drag him down to the bottom of the lake and stay here with him until half past ten?"

Lan Yiren couldn't help but fall into silence, and was quite puzzled about it, but said lightly: "No matter how those people predicted, in fact, isn't it just you and me, and summer, staying here together?"

"Huh?" Kong Shuixiang was stunned, and immediately took out a tiny timer, "It's almost half past ten."

"However, there are still some things that don't make sense." Lan Yiren said with some puzzlement: "It can only be regarded as my personal guess."

Kong Shuixiang was right when she thought about it: "If the employer's goal is really Mr. Xia, then I can absolutely not perform the task and pay him ten times the money."

"It is estimated that they have already made a later move." Lan Yi people are very aware of the mentality of those who like to play tricks and tricks. "They are used to being dark, and their methods are basically shameful."

"It doesn't matter if you're a stranger, if you dare to show up, just kill it." Xia Xia finally inserted into the topic at this time.

Lan Yiren joked a little funny: "Husband, are you finally willing to take your attention away from your new wife?"

"Wife Xiao Yiyi, don't blame me for hitting you again." Xia Xia pouted, "Don't learn bad from Bei girl, learn something good if you want to learn."

Lan Yiren smiled and asked, "Then who do you think is the role model to learn from?"

"Of course..." Xia Xia thought about it, and then said, "You can learn from Qingqing girl."

"That won't work." Lan Yiren also knew about the relationship between Zhao Qingqing and Xia Xia, and what happened between them, "She is too accommodating to you, so I can't do anything about it."

"Little Yiyi wife, you can do it." Xia Tian hugged Lan Yiren's slender waist at the right time.

Kong Shuixiang was stunned again, and she was really caught off guard by being shown dog food.

At this time, a radio sound suddenly sounded, it was the voice of that Zhou Gongzi, and then his figure was projected on the wall next to him, but he didn't know where he was.

Zhou Gongzi's voice was gloomy: "Xia Tian, ​​Lan Yiren, are you very proud now?"

"I'm proud, does it have anything to do with you being an idiot?" Xia Xia replied casually.

Zhou Gongzi sneered: "It's just that you are too complacent."

"You really aren't dead yet." Lan Yiren said lightly: "What do you want to do, just say it directly, don't beat around the bush." ​​"Originally, I wanted to set up a game, introduce Xia Xia into the set, and then let him use it for us. ." Zhou Gongzi put his hands in his sleeves, with a look of indignation on his face: "It's a pity that the bastard of the Xuanshi Sect couldn't hold back his temper and wanted to explore you first, but he showed his fault and hurt him.

My plan had to be pushed forward, so much so that the luck was really bad! "

Lan Yiren also laughed: "This is all nonsense, you still have to say something useful." "I said it, I haven't lost yet." Zhou Gongzi sneered and adjusted his mood: "I installed it in this secret room at the bottom of the lake. Explosives, of course, are not ordinary explosives. There are a million frost-burning insects buried in them. As long as they explode together, the entire Tianhai City will be destroyed.

All may go to dust. "

"It's a lunatic." When Kong Shuixiang heard this, she couldn't help being angry: "What good is it for you to do this."

Zhou Gongzi smiled lightly: "Good thing, my plan failed, what else do I want. What I want is that you all die with me!"

"If your brain is sick, go to the doctor." Xia Tian curled his lips and said casually: "If other doctors can't cure them, don't come to me. I will never treat an idiot like you." , I really envy you sometimes." Zhou Gongzi glared at Xia Xia bitterly, "Why do you always look casual, as if nothing can trouble you, can't trap you, can't beat you... ...but I don't believe it, I

I just want to try to stun you, trap you, and kill you! "

Xia Xia replied with a smile: "Then you are messing with the wrong person. It is impossible for anyone in the world to beat me, trap me, and beat me."

"Now I just want to kill you!" Zhou Gongzi said coldly: "That peerless beauty is indeed what I intend to give to you, of course, the premise is that you can't die this time!"

"I have accepted this beauty, but if you want to die, then you can just die yourself." Xia Xia said lightly, "We are not interested in being with each other."

Zhou Gongzi smiled: "I have prepared three killing moves for you in total, and the explosion is only the third one. Try the first two first, can you kill you!"

"It's useless for you to come back three hundred times." Xia Xia pouted.

"It's half past ten, Kong Shuixiang, you still don't do it!" Zhou Gongzi suddenly turned around and shouted at Kong Shuixiang, his eyes lit up.

Kong Shuixiang was still a little stunned at first, but her mind was suddenly shocked. After seeing the light in Zhou Gongzi's eyes, her body seemed to be out of control. There were bursts of black light all over her body. It stabbed in the past.

"Pfft!" The dagger penetrated from the back of the heart to the front of the chest, and stabbed it through.

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