Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2610 Is she also your woman

Chapter 2610 Is she also your woman

"Steward Lin—"

Someone screamed, and then quickly slammed on the window rail, looking at the crooked-mouthed man who fell into the water.

"You, you are finished! You are finished!"

Others rushed to Xia Xia, pointed at Xia Xia's nose and scolded: "You dare to shoot against Manager Lin, you are absolutely dead!"

"Then you go with that idiot."

Xia Tian pouted and threw the man into the river.

This time, the others were shocked, and they looked at Xia Xia with a look of astonishment, obviously treating him as a lunatic.

"Mr. Xia, let's go."

Mao Qizhu was also terrified, and hurriedly waved at Xia Tian: "At night, maybe the gang of thugs from the Lin family will come."

Xia Xia was still motionless, and said lazily, "What kind of thug, is he very powerful?

Just let them all come over, I'm just bored. "

"Those are not ordinary thugs, let's go."

Although Mao Qizhu boasted for Xia Xia before, he actually had no idea in his heart. If Xia Xia was really just an empty shell, then he would definitely be implicated.

"Where is Young Master Lin?"

Summer asked casually.

Mao Qizhu was stunned for a moment, with a hesitant look on his face: "I don't know, but, maybe it's on the Zhaoyue platform."

"You take me there."

Summer said casually.

"Ah good."

Mao Qizhu knew that he had no room for refusal at all, and Xia Xia was much more polite than the last time, otherwise, he would just grab the back of his neck like last time and leave.

So, before the tea was drunk, Mao Qizhu took Xia Xia towards Lin's house.

Zhaoyuetai was originally a large piece of land in the town, just beside the Lin family ancestral hall.

It is used to dry the millet in the free time, and it is also used to exercise for the residents of the town. Once there is a major event or a meeting, this is naturally the best choice.

At this time, there was a pavilion in the center of the platform.

On the stage, there were several figures playing ineffectively, and there were many residents and tourists gathered around to watch the fun.

On the second floor of a restaurant opposite, there are two clearly distinguished men and horses, also staring at the battle on the platform.


After one of them was punched by his opponent, he couldn't hold it any longer and fell on the table.

"The Lin family, win!"

A referee looked at the loser, and then shouted out the result.

"it is good!"

Lin Junyi in the restaurant immediately clapped his hands and applauded, and smiled at a beautiful woman sitting not far from him: "Miss Bai, this time our Lin family won again, your luck is not very good, today is another seven consecutive losses. ."

On the opposite side, Bai Xianxian didn't have much expression, she just said lightly: "Really, then congratulations."

"Haha, does Miss Bai find it boring?"

Lin Junyi laughed and felt that the other party was obviously unconvinced but helpless, so he suggested: "Actually, our Lin family is also a family of cultivators, and some methods are inconvenient to put on the table.

If Miss Bai is interested, I will invite a few real experts at the top of the Hanyue Building at night to open your eyes, how about it? "

"never mind."

Bai Xianxian still lacks interest. She is not very interested in fighting and killing. If Ajiu hadn't asked her to perfunctory Lin Junyi here, she would rather go to the mountains by herself to see the scenery.

Lin Junyi stared at Bai Xianxian's profile, his heart was already surging, the girl in front of him was so beautiful, and she seemed to be Xu Ajiu's sister, if he could take her down, he might be able to make Lin The two merged together.

In fact, the Lin family had long wanted to use marriage to gain the power of the Qi family, but it had never been possible to do so.

The original plan was for Lin Junyi to marry Qi Panyue, the third young lady of the Qi family.

It's just that Lin Junyi dislikes Qi Panyue for being too ugly, and has always rejected this plan in secret.

But things are different now.

That ninth girl had a close relationship with Xia Xia, so he didn't dare to make up his mind.

But the white Xianxian in front of him is so delicious and obviously not deep in the world. With his years of experience in the love field, Lin Junyi will be absolutely sure within three days.

"Since Miss Bai doesn't like it, then forget it."

Lin Junyi chuckled lightly, and then suggested again, "It's getting late, why don't we have a light meal together at noon, there are still a few games to watch in the afternoon."

Bai Xianxian said lightly, "No, I'll go back to Qi's house for lunch."

"Hey, Miss Bai, why do you see things like this?"

Lin Junyi showed an unhappy expression, and said earnestly: "If you just refuse, you will actually be living up to the painstaking efforts of the Xu family."

Bai Xianxian was a little strange to hear this: "Ninth sister's painstaking efforts?"


Lin Junyi stood up, standing tall, with the appearance of a gentleman: "You can also see that the current world of immortal cultivation is quite weak, and the qualifications of the monks from all sides are also mixed.

Lin Qi's family has some qualifications in the Southeast region, so it is their duty to revitalize the world of immortal cultivation. "

"I didn't quite understand what you said."

A suspicious look appeared on Bai Xianxianqiao's face: "Just say it directly, what is the painstaking effort of the ninth sister."

What Lin Junyi wants is this reaction, no matter what

What is said, first make people dizzy and then say: "Alright, then I will say it straight.

Miss Xu supported the Qi family, and then held the Southeast Immortal Fair so solemnly, in fact, she wanted to unify the forces of the Southeast Immortal Cultivation Realm, so that everyone would stop messing up like before.

However, those people can't support the wall with mud, and they are used to being free. How can they listen to orders. "

Bai Xianxian still didn't know what the other party said, and it was not easy to urge him directly, so he had to continue talking with him.

"In the southeast, there are many families that have passed down for thousands of years.

But there are very few people who can be one with the Qi family. "

While talking, Lin Junyi observed the expression on Bai Xianxian's face, feeling that it was almost the same, and said, "The only trustworthy one is the Lin family who is also in Fuliang, which is my family!"

Bai Xianxian understood this, and murmured, "Ninth sister did say that the Lin family might be her helper."

"now it's right."

Lin Junyi took this sentence as a hint of Bai Xianxian, so he was more confident: "But my Lin family and Qi family are comparable in strength and qualifications. Why should the Lin family help the Qi family?"

Bai Xianxian thought for a while and replied, "If this is done, your Lin family should also benefit greatly."

"That's what you say, but if the name is not right, the words are not right."

Seeing that Bai Xianxian hadn't understood the hints in his words, Lin Junyi couldn't help but remind him more bluntly: "It's the same sentence, my Lin family can do this kind of thing, why should I become a vassal of the Qi family.

Unless the Lin family has a reason to help the Qi family, or the Lin Qi family becomes one family. "

Bai Xianxian's beautiful eyes narrowed, showing a look of astonishment: "You, do you want to marry Aunt Qi Yushi?"


Lin Junyi's mouth was dry, and he was about to drink tea to moisten his throat. Hearing this, he directly sprayed: "Cough, cough, cough!"

After a while, he slowed down, put down the tea bowl, and said dissatisfiedly, "What are you thinking, why should I marry her!"

"Didn't you say you wanted to turn the Lin Qi family into one family?"

Bai Xianxian said inexplicably.

"She's old enough to be my mother."

Although Lin Junyi is also greedy for Qi Yushi's body, but when it comes to marrying her, forget it, he can't hold that kind of woman.

Bai Xianxian suddenly became angry and stared at Lin Junyi coldly: "Could it be that you are playing on Sister Jiu's idea?"

"of course not."

Lin Junyi shook his head directly. Not long ago in Hanyuelou, he had seen the power of Xia Xia, "That is Xia Xia's woman, how dare I."

"Then that's left with Miss Qi San."

Bai Xianxian remembered that there was a more suitable candidate for the Qi family, "However, she said that she doesn't like you, and she plans to study abroad, so you have no chance."

Lin Junyi couldn't help it anymore, and didn't bother to hint, and said directly: "The person I'm talking about is you."


Bai Xianxian stayed for a while, "I'm not from the Qi family."

"I know you're not from the Qi family."

Lin Junyi said, "But you have a close relationship with the Xu family, right?"

Bai Xianxian nodded: "Yes, sister Jiu is very kind to me."

"That's it."

Lin Junyi laughed, with a complacent expression on his face: "Xu Ajiu is the current head of the Qi family, and you and her are very close. As long as I marry you, then the Lin family will naturally have a reason to do everything in their power to help the Qi family, to get the best of both worlds. Isn't it beautiful."

"Then you think too much."

Bai Xianxian refused directly: "I already have a fiancé."

When Lin Junyi heard this, a look of disdain appeared on his face: "So what, your fiance will be better than me?

I am the future owner of the Lin family, and I have inexhaustible wealth, enough for you to be prosperous and rich in this life, and you will be able to live in brocade clothes and jade food. "

"Sorry, I'm not interested in you."

Bai Xianxian still shook her head, and her expression gradually became cold: "Also, you'd better put away this kind of thinking, otherwise I can't guarantee how long you will live."

"Haha, interesting."

Instead, Lin Junyi was aroused by the desire to conquer, pointed at Bai Xianxian and said: "Miss Bai, you may not know me very well, this kind of threat has no effect on me.

The person I want to chase will definitely be chased, there is absolutely no way she can escape. "

Bai Xianxian said lightly, "Don't be too self-righteous, or you will really die."

"Okay, I'm standing here."

Lin Junyi looked arrogant and stood in front of Bai Xianxian: "I'll fight, just fight, see if you can beat me to death.

If you can't beat him to death, then you will marry... poof! "

Before she finished speaking, Lin Junyi suddenly felt a pain in her heart, and then she opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of hard work.

Then, he felt as if his heart was being held tightly by someone, and he felt pain in waves, and the blood couldn't stop spurting.


Lin Junyi could not have imagined that this woman would actually dare to kill him, and she was still on the territory of his Lin family, "Why..."

"If you dare to hit my woman, you should expect this to end."

At this time, a lazy voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as Lin Junyi heard this voice, his whole body began to tremble, and he turned around.

At first glance, it really is summer.

"Xiamen, I-I didn't want to hit your woman!"

Lin Junyi was paralyzed on the ground, struggling and crying: "I have always respected Miss Jiu so much, and I don't think anything of it."

At this time, Bai Xianxian threw herself into Xia Xia's arms with a smile: "Brother Tian, ​​you are back."

"Wife Xianxian, why are you here?"

Xia Tian hugged Bai Xianxian and said casually, "Where's Jiu girl, where has she been?"

Lin Junyi's eyes widened when he heard Xia Xia's address to Bai Xianxian, "Is she your woman too?"

Xia Xia didn't even bother to answer, so she walked away with Bai Xianxian in her arms.

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