Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2713 They are preventing you from courting death

Chapter 2713 They are preventing you from courting death

"You don't even think about quibbling!"

The person who came was furious, his whole body was full of energy, and his robes were not blown by the wind, like a lion in a rage.

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Who is quibbling, this is an obvious thing, everyone has seen it."

"It was you who killed my son!"

The person who came here is obviously unreasonable, and he has no intention of being reasonable. After all, it was the pain of bereavement, or he killed himself. In any case, he needs to find someone to take the blame, otherwise, how can the nameless anger in his heart be vented.

He picked up his son, put it aside, and carefully sorted out his appearance and clothes.

"Come here for me!"

The visitor shouted angrily at Yue Tianhua's subordinates.

Although those people were extremely frightened in their hearts, they walked forward consciously:



Sect Leader Yue glanced at these people coldly, his eyes were full of resentment and hatred, and he raised his hand and slapped it!


I saw one of them let out a shrill scream, and then the whole head split open, and the brain and blood flowed all over the place, and he fell dead.

The others were so frightened that they lost their minds, and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy:

"Master, it's none of our business, it's the young master they provoked."

"Right, right, Alliance Leader, don't kill us! Forgive us."

"That kid is too powerful, the young leader is not an opponent, we can't do anything about it."


Yue Tianhua's subordinates kowtowed like smashing garlic, crying like shit.

It's a pity that the head of Yue has been blinded by the pain of losing his son, and he doesn't listen to their bullshit at all: "My son is dead, but you are still smooth skinned! This means you deserve to die!"


Another slap slammed out, and suddenly there were two more screams, and there was no sound again.

"Ah, I don't want to die!"

The remaining few people looked at each other, couldn't hold back the fear in their hearts, got up and ran.

"I want to run, but there is no door!"

The head of Yue's face was ferocious, and the whole person rose up into the sky, he chased after him in an instant, killed those people, and repeated in his mouth: "My son is dead, but you guys are still smooth-skinned. It looks really hateful, you damn it!"

Bing Yuxia watched this scene, and she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart, this father and son are simply perverts in the same line.

"It's just maddening!"

Ning Ruirui's stomach turned upside down, she felt like vomiting.

Only at this time did Hua Hongzhi and Xie Yinghe realize what kind of existence they were provoking, and couldn't help shivering.

After Yue Zhangmen vented a little, not only did he not feel relieved, but his anger and hatred became more intense, he turned his head and stared at Xia Xia: "Boy, there is a kind of registration, the old man will not only kill you, but also kill you. The whole family, destroy your nine clans and avenge my son!"

"My name is Xia, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the first day in the world."

Xia Xia was still as calm as the sky, and there was even a trace of contempt in his eyes, "I don't need to say anything else, anyway, you will die in a while, just know my name, so as not to get the underworld, but also Catch up with your son and ask who killed you."

"Okay, so brave! What a big dog!"

Sect Leader Yue was already extremely angry, but instead he laughed wildly and scolded: "Who gave you this guts to dare to kill my son!"

This rebuke, like a thunderstorm, shook the eardrums of the surrounding people.

Bing Yuxia couldn't help but turn pale, and an ominous premonition surged in her heart.

Even Ning Ruirui felt a great sense of oppression. For a while, she was a little short of breath, and she suddenly understood that this head of Yue was definitely not simple.

"Don't say I didn't kill him, even if I killed him, it wouldn't be a big deal."

Xia Tian pouted, with a nonchalant look on his face: "Just an idiot, kill it if you kill it, if you don't agree, I can send you to see your son right now."

This is an understatement, and it is obvious that he does not take Yue Sect in his eyes.

However, Bing Yuxia felt very domineering. Yue Wuya was the head of the Kunlun faction and the leader of the Nine Mountains Alliance. No matter his status or cultivation, he could be called the pinnacle of the contemporary world of immortality. Whatever the result, this momentum is extremely heartbreaking.

"good, very good, excellent!"

The head of Yue's face was threateningly cold, and his eyes were full of murderous aura. Seeing this posture, it seemed that he would make a bold move in the next second, smashing Xia Xia into flesh.

"Yue Wuya, what do you want to do?"

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew from the hall in the distance and stood in front of Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui.


When Ning Ruirui saw the person, her eyes were full of surprise.

The person who came was Ning Wanghai, but his image at this time was completely different from that of the idle old man before. He put on a pure white robe of the Snow Mountain School, and his beard was taken care of. The whole person looked sharp and immortal. bone.

"Rui Rui, Xia Tian, ​​don't worry, he doesn't dare to do anything to you when I'm here."

Ning Wanghai chuckled at Ning Ruirui and Xia Xia, and whispered, "I'll tell you about my experience when I go back."

Ning Ruirui nodded and didn't ask more.

After a while, Bai Wanbang also walked out slowly, and said with a sneer, "Yue Wuya, you are really going back the more you live, and you are starting to get angry with the juniors."

Then, a few more people came out of the palace, all of whom looked quite young.

Bing Yuxia raised her eyes and looked over, and found that these people were all representatives from the Nine Mountains Alliance meeting before, she couldn't help muttering to herself: "These people are all representatives of famous sects in various mountains, and now they have all come out. I know how the meeting of the Nine Mountains Alliance went."


Sect Leader Yue was already extremely angry at this time, and he was not in the mood to listen to any advice. He pointed at Bai Wanbang and scolded: "Bai Wanbang, get away from me, this kid killed my son, wait for me to kill this kid, and then come back to him. You settle the bill!"

"That son of yours, who committed adultery and plundering, committed all kinds of evil, should have died a long time ago."

Bai Wanbang laughed sarcastically: "Besides, looking at his injury, it is obvious that he died from your own palm.

It is truly admirable that the head of Yue kills his relatives righteously! "

Yue Wuya was so angry that he breathed fire, raised his palm and patted Bai Wanbang: "Since you are courting death, then I will send you to the west first!"

"Actually, our account should be calculated first."

Bai Wanbang said coldly, "Forty years ago, the change of the Snow Mountain faction must have been caused by your Kunlun faction!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, eat my palm first!"

While speaking, the palm force had already slammed into Bai Wanbang's face.

This palm, although it didn't use a lot of strength, was also powerful and should not be underestimated.

Bai Wanbang's expression became tense, and he felt the horror of the head of Yue, but he couldn't hide now, and most of the time he couldn't, so he had to take the palm first.

Over the years, he has been in retreat, and although he has never made a breakthrough, he has not achieved nothing.

At least in the area of ​​zhenqi, there has been considerable progress, and he can compete with the head of Yue.


The two palms intersected, and the energy surged out like a gust of wind.

"Hmph, with your strength, you dare to challenge me, die!"

Sect Leader Yue had a look of disdain on his face, so he added a bit of anger.

Bai Wanbang groaned, and immediately took advantage of the situation and flew out.

"Want to escape?"

The head of Yue sneered, his figure immediately followed, and another palm was slapped on Bai Wanbang's forehead.


However, Ning Wanghai suddenly appeared and blocked the palm for Bai Wanbang.

The head of Yue's face was ashen, and he said bitterly, "Ning Wanxiu, do you want to die too?"

Ning Wanghai was not afraid, and replied lightly: "For your son's death, we can only wish you our condolences.

However, the grievances and grievances from 40 years ago must be made clear today. It is best for Sect Leader Yue to be calm and not rash. "

Bai Wanbang saved his life and said, "Sect Leader Yue is probably afraid of not being able to explain clearly, so he is so eager to kill people and silence them."

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, you will die for me too!"

The head of Yue had a cold face, without any hesitation, his palms were like shadows, and he patted Ning Wanghai and Bai Wanbang.


Seeing this, Ning Ruirui couldn't help but feel a little anxious, she raised her leg and rushed over to help.

Xia Tian said lightly: "Little long-legged girl, you don't have to worry, your grandfather will be fine, let them solve this problem by themselves, if they can't solve it, you can go on."

"That Yue Zhangmen looks very powerful, can grandpa and the others really do it?"

Ning Ruirui hesitated.

"You know, it looks great."

Xia Tian pursed his lips with a careless expression on his face.

Ning Ruirui felt less nervous when she heard Xia Xia's words. Then she thought about it, even if her grandfather couldn't hold on any longer, with her current strength, she could help at any time, so her tense heart completely relaxed. .

On the other hand, Sect Leader Yue found that he was unable to take down Ning Wanghai and Bai Wanbang for a while, and immediately became furious and shouted, "Get out of the way! Don't force me to kill you!"

"That's right, didn't you show mercy before?"

Bai Wanbang sneered.

Ning Wanghai didn't sneer, but replied lightly: "We're not trying to divide life and death with you, we just hope you calm down, and then clear up your old grievances and grievances together."

"My son is dead!"

Sect Master Yue roared angrily, his eyes spitting fire: "If you stop me from taking revenge, don't blame me for not giving me any sympathy!"

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Actually, you should thank them, because they are not preventing you from taking revenge, but you are preventing you from courting death."

"Go away!"

When the head of Yue heard this, he broke out completely, and a nameless force spewed out like a tsunami, directly sending Bai Wanbang and Ning Wanghai flying out.

Then, there was a thin golden light on both palms, and they blasted towards the summer:

"Boy, I want you to pay for my son's life!"

At this moment, a figure appeared behind Xia Xia without warning.

"Summer, be careful..." Ning Ruirui glanced quietly and immediately reminded loudly.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

This person's attack speed is very fast. As soon as Ning Ruirui's word "Xia" is exported, he has already succeeded. When it comes to the word "天"

At that time, the man disappeared suddenly.

As soon as the words were finished, Yue Zhangmen's palms also slammed into Xia Xia's chest. When he closed his hands, his face couldn't help showing a look of revenge.

"You're nothing more than that!"

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