Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2719 Who is this beautiful sister?

Chapter 2719 Who is this beautiful sister?

"It's quiet here, not as turbulent as above!"

At the bottom of the pothole is a fairly clean prison, a girl in white with iron chains wrapped around her body, with a faint smile on her face, said to Xia Tian, ​​"If you don't have good tea or wine to entertain guests, you can only invite You try my aura here."

Xia Xia glanced down at the girl in white: "What are you doing?"

"I'm not a gadget, I'm the goddess of the Tianshan Mountains."

The girl in white smiled and moved a stone bench for Xia Xia, "That is, the mountain god after Tianshan's spiritual veins took shape, but he was trapped here by that demon a long time ago."

Xia Xia was not polite, and sat down directly: "Are you calling me just now?"

"it's me."

The girl in white did not shy away, and directly admitted it.

"you know me?"

Xia Tian was a little puzzled: "But I don't know you, and I haven't seen you."

The girl in white laughed: "Actually, so do I."

Xia Tian asked, "Then how do you know my name?"

"Because those people above often talk about you, and I can hear it here."

The girl in white raised her finger gently, took out a thin yellow aura, and sent it to Xia Tian.

Xia Tian waved his hand: "Forget it, I'm not interested in this thing."

"Is there anyone who doesn't like Reiki?"

The girl in white had a puzzled look on her face: "The spiritual energy I used was refined in advance and can be taken directly. The effect is better than what you left after running Zhoutian yourself."

Xia Xia said lazily: "I never run any Sunday."

"Then you are indeed a little strange."

The doubts in the beautiful eyes of the girl in white couldn't help but deepen, "Mortals want to cultivate immortality, they must first open their minds, then wash the marrow and cut the bones, and then introduce the air into the body, and then rely on the circulation of the body to remove impurities and store the essence, so as to keep it in the sea of ​​​​qi in the dantian. .

Usually, after one operation, less than one percent of the aura remains.

Therefore, it is difficult for mortals to cultivate immortals to ascend to the sky..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Xia Xian was irritated for a while, and interrupted the woman's words directly: "I don't need you to come to my science how to cultivate immortals, just tell me, what are you looking for me to do?"

The girl in white showed an embarrassed look: "I'm sorry, no one has chatted with me for a long time, and I can't help it as soon as I speak."

After hesitating for a while, she looked at Xia Xia's face. Although she was impatient, she was not angry.

"Actually, I want you to help me get out of here, I don't know if I can?"

The girl in white obviously knew that her request was inappropriate, and kept explaining: "Of course, this is a bit abrupt, you and I don't know each other, and we don't have friendship. It's really inappropriate for me to be so presumptuous.

It's just that I have no other way. After waiting for so many years, this is the only time. I don't know why, the suppression power of that pagoda has suddenly weakened a lot, I feel..."


Summer directly agreed.

The girl in white was afraid that Xia Xianhui would refuse, so she kept looking for supplements: "Of course, if you don't want to, it's fine, after all, you have helped me by killing the person above.

Asking you to do something else is indeed a strong man... What did you just say? "

Xia Tian curled his lips: "I said yes."

"You promised?"

The girl in white was very surprised.

"You don't understand human speech?"

Summer is a little uncomfortable.

"I understand, but I didn't expect you to agree."

The girl in white also prepared a whole set of speech techniques, which she simulated hundreds of thousands of times by herself, and even figured out how to benefit the other party step by step... I didn't expect that it would be completely useless.

She stood up suddenly and walked back and forth in the cell, stopping from time to time to look at Xia Xia.

Look up and down, left and right.

Xia Xia said casually and confidently: "I know that I am handsome and the most handsome guy in the world, but don't look at me like that, I'm afraid you will fall in love with me."

"Why did you agree?"

The girl in white directly asked her doubts: "Aren't you afraid that I'm with the guy above, aren't you afraid that I have other plans?

Why don't you ask me why I'm locked up here? "

Xia Tian said lightly: "I can tell if you are with that person.

Do you have any other intentions? It's none of my business why I'm locked up here, and I'm not interested in knowing. "

"Uh, I don't have any intentions with your body, don't worry about that!"

The girl in white explained slightly speechlessly.

Xia Xia said casually: "As long as you don't crave my body, then everything is easy to say, because I don't like you like this either."

The girl in white couldn't understand Xia Xia's brain circuit, and then asked: "Aren't you afraid of offending those demons?

In fact, their power has not been fully exerted. I have resisted before, but I failed, and then I was locked here. "

"Mozu, I have already killed several."

Xia Xia said casually: "I've already offended them all, and I don't think those idiots are happy. If they couldn't find their nest, I would have cut the weeds down long ago."

The girl in white replied slowly: "Their old nest is in a secret place.

in the environment. "

Xia Xia said: "You mean the secret realm of the Tiangong?"

"you know?"

The girl in white asked unexpectedly, "Then you said you didn't know their old nest."

"Have you stayed underground for a long time and your brain has degenerated?"

Xia Tian pouted and said unhappily, "Is it the same as knowing the secret realm of the Heavenly Palace and knowing where it is?"

The girl in white thought for a while, then shook her head: "It's really not the same thing."

"You are stupid enough, even stupider than the little girl with long legs."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here, I'll let you out now, and then I'll go back to Snow Mountain to find the little girls with long legs.

There are a few idiots out there too. "

"You came from Snow Mountain?"

The girl in white froze for a moment, "That distance is not short."

Xia Xia replied: "I was teleported from a broken tower."

"Da Xumi Golden Palace Tower, this tower is a bit weird."

There was a little panic on the face of the girl in white, and she said softly, "It's this tower that has been pressing me down. If I don't destroy that tower, I can't be free."

Having said that, the girl in white raised the iron chains on her body and said resentfully, "I want to break these iron chains, although it will cost a lot, but it is not difficult.

The thing that really grabbed a lot of spiritual energy, and I couldn't get away from it, was the tower, or something closely related to the tower.

That thing is definitely not something on earth. I want you to help me find that thing and destroy it. Is this okay? "

Xia Xia said casually: "I will definitely kill that idiot. If there is something, you can find it and destroy it yourself. I am not your father, so I take care of everything."

"You want to be my dad?"

The girl in white thought she heard a voice over the words.

"Take advantage of me less."

Xia Xia glared at the girl fiercely, "Let you go, just because I'm very upset with those idiots, because Bingbing's wife always told me to do good things, and because you quietly helped me just now, although I didn't. I need your help."

The girl in white smiled awkwardly: "Yes, I'm asking a little too much.

As long as you help me regain my freedom, I will give you advice in the future, and it is not impossible for you to be my father. "

"The devil is your father!"

Xia Xia cursed unhappily: "Don't go too far, or don't blame me for beating you."

The girl in white asked, "Then what should I call you?"

"Call me Xia Xia, or Xia Shenyi."

Xia Xia said solemnly: "I am the number one genius doctor in the world, and the number one handsome guy in the world."

"Okay, then I'll call you Xia Shenyi to heal."

It was only at this time that the girl in white began to introduce herself: "My name is Lian Susu, and I am the wisdom born from the spiritual veins of the Tianshan Mountains. Later, I changed shape, and I took the name myself."

Then he said to Xia Xia, "Do you have any magical weapon on you, and how do you plan to cut these chains?"

"No magic weapon is needed."

Xia Xia said lazily: "It's enough to just tear it off."

"That won't work."

The girl in white shook her head: "These are not ordinary iron locks, they have the atmosphere of law. Only magic weapons can cut them off, not ordinary weapons."

Xia Xia didn't believe in this evil, so he grabbed the chains and yanked them abruptly.


The chain didn't break, instead it became a lot longer.

"What is this?"

Xia Xia was a little puzzled, but he felt that his strength might be weak, and he added a little more strength.


The chain was stretched a lot again.

Xia Xia quickly changed his mind, took out the Sea Ding Shen needle, and stabbed it at the chain.

Spiritual energy surged like an arrow, pouring into the chain.

Unfortunately, it was still useless. The chain directly swallowed Xia Xia's spiritual energy, but instead expanded and became stronger.

"I said, it's useless to pull it like this, and it's not a problem to use a needle to induce aura to stab."

The girl in white sighed and explained to Xia Xia: "Unless you have more spiritual energy than the spiritual veins of this Tianshan Mountain, it is impossible to break it with strength and aura alone.

It can only be cut off with a divine weapon. "

"Magic weapon?"

Xia Tian murmured to himself at this time: "The little girl with long legs has the same thing, but it's a pity that she is still in the snowy mountains."

"Who called me?"

A voice rang from above, and then asked, "Xiamen, is that you?"


Hearing this voice, Xia Xia immediately flashed over and hugged someone down. It turned out to be Ning Ruirui: "Little long-legged girl, why are you here?"

"Of course I came with you."

Ning Ruirui glanced at the girl in white, and said angrily, "I knew that "good people don't live long, and disasters last a thousand years." Not only are you all right, but you also got a little sister."

"Little long-legged girl, don't be jealous."

Xia Xia said unhappily: "Look at how she looks like this, how could it be my dish."

Ning Ruirui said lightly, "You're an LSP, so what kind of taste do you have? It's enough to look pretty."

The girl in white suddenly blinked.

Blinking his eyes, he called out to Xia Tian:

"Dad, who is this beautiful sister?"

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