Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2735 Where did the savage come from

Chapter 2735 Where did the savage come from

"Then where are you the savage that came out of?"

Isabella didn't hide anymore, she appeared directly, and sarcastically said: "To do such an inhuman thing!"

"This will not be a man, but a god."

The fire-brow man smiled slightly, revealing his mouth full of red teeth, and said sullenly: "Besides, in the eyes of this general, you are nothing but talking ants, and being able to be my ration is already a blessing from your three lifetimes of cultivation. !"

Although Isabella had just arrived, she saw this person's evil deeds and couldn't help but said coldly: "Then I kill you now, which is also your blessing!"

A look of contempt appeared on the face of the man with fire eyebrows: "You have only been practicing for a few years, so you dare to say such a big thing, let's make ingredients for this general."

After speaking, he raised his middle finger with his left hand and poked it straight at Isabella's forehead.


Isabella snorted lightly, and her figure flashed in front of the fire-browed man in an instant.

Her speed is extremely fast, like a shadow, and there is not even a tenth of a second from shooting to closing.

From the day she became a killer, speed was her big killer.

In her career of more than ten years, she has encountered countless opponents stronger than her, and countless difficult goals, but they have all been defeated by her superb speed.

Especially after being washed marrow and bone in Xia Xia and promoted to the Transcending Tribulation period, her speed has entered an incredible realm.

It can be said that apart from Xia Xia and a few others such as Yue Qingya, no one can be faster than her.

And faster than her, she does not have as much murder experience as her, even in summer, she may not kill as many people.

In front of this person of unknown origin, she felt an ominous aura, so she must make a quick decision and nip the danger in the bud as soon as possible.

Even if the killing is wrong, he can only blame himself for being unlucky, not to mention the fact that he just killed innocent people indiscriminately, it is impossible to kill the wrong one!


After a second, the power of Isabella's move was revealed, and the fire-browed man's throat was directly disconnected, and blood splattered.

Isabella put away the dagger expressionlessly and turned to leave.

"This fairy, what are you doing?"

Just two steps away, a slightly annoyed voice sounded behind her.

"Are you all right?"

Isabella turned her head and saw that the fiery brow man was safe and sound, with a contemptuous look on the corner of his mouth.

The fire-brow man grinned: "Your realm should not be low, but why are the spiritual energy and mana so weak?

What a pity! "


As soon as the words fell, his throat and heart were stabbed at the same time, and blood spurted again.

"Who the hell are you?"

As soon as Isabella retracted the dagger, she saw that the fire-browed man's throat and heart had returned to their original state in the blink of an eye.

"My name Ba Huo, I am a divine general from the Mora world of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, and my cultivation is in the period of transcending tribulation."

With a mocking smile on his face, the fire-browed man said in a condescending tone: "For you cultivators in the Land of Abandoned Immortals, this would be a god, and it is too late for you to kneel down and worship. "

"What if you are in the tribulation period?"

Although there was indeed some suspicion in Isabella's beautiful eyes, she quickly calmed down: "I am also in the tribulation period, what god is not a god, and claiming to be a god is never a good thing!"

"It is really unforgivable to blaspheme the gods."

The fiery brow man shook his head slightly disappointedly, "Also, don't use the word, you are not in the tribulation period, no, your realm is not worthy of being called the tribulation period."

Isabella was too lazy to talk nonsense, clenched the dagger in her hand, and flashed to the fire-browed man again.

This time, it's faster.

There was even a trace of spiritual energy attached to the dagger, and a practice method learned from Yue Qingya was used.

"Shen Mang Slashing the Moon!"

A white awn, like a cloud across the sky, penetrated the body of the fire-browed man.

"Tsk, this exercise is not bad, but unfortunately the power is too weak."

The fire-brow man looked down at the wound, and commented indifferently: "Unfortunately, it's just a practice of the Golden Core Stage, and it will be useless to this."

"Shen Mang Broken Moon!"

Isabella furrowed her brows tightly, and Hua'er swiftly slashed at the man with the flaming eyebrows.

"Your tribulation period is too misnamed."

Although the figure of the fire-brow man immediately shattered into countless fragments, his voice still mocked unaffectedly: "Is it because Fairy Fuyao didn't spread the tribulation-transcending technique, or is it that you gang of immortals abandoned the land? The immortal cultivator is too wasteful."

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

Isabella felt a strange feeling in her heart.

The fiery brow man in front of her was too weird. She used six or seven points of her strength, but she still didn't hurt him in the slightest.

The last time she was so powerless was in the face of summer.

Could it be that there is such a big gap between the Tribulation Transcendence Period here on Earth and the Tribulation Transcendence Period on the side of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance?

"Flying Snow, Lian Yue!"

Isabella made a decision in an instant, and immediately threw the dagger in her hand.

I saw that this dagger was like a flash of light, flashing rapidly in the air, pulling the spiritual energy into a rope, and tying the fire-brow man.

The air within a radius of tens of meters also circulated rapidly, and in a short while, a vortex of spiritual energy was formed, which directly twisted the fire-brow man into a twist.

"Hey, it's all a little trick. It's really disappointing."

The fiery brow man shook his head with disdain on his face.

Isabella couldn't help being surprised, and out of the killer's intuition, she immediately retreated.

Unfortunately it's too late.


The fire-browed man snorted softly, the spiritual cord on his body was instantly broken, and the vortex of spiritual energy was directly scattered.

Immediately, a thin red light appeared on his body, and an aura that was completely different from the aura on the earth instantly spread out.

"Fairy, you have been busy for a long time, you should be tired!"

The fire-brow man raised the corner of his mouth, raised his palm abruptly, and patted Isabella abruptly.

Isabella instantly estimated the power of this palm and the range of the blow, and her body even took a step ahead of her brain and retreated to a safe area.

"Can you avoid it?"

The fire-browed man suddenly rang from behind Isabella.


Isabella suddenly felt a slap in the back, and a breath like magma blasted into her body, causing her to spit out a mouthful of painstaking effort in an instant.

"Hehe, your body is so fragile, how on earth did you cultivate the Tribulation Transcendence Period?"

The fire-brow man's face showed a slightly puzzled look: "It is said that as long as you solidify the Jindan Lingtai, quench the Nascent Soul Soul Tool, then separate the Primordial Spirit and the body, and then combine the Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi into one, in this way can a Dao meridian body be achieved. , and wait until the time of transcendence, to be able to withstand the power of the calamity."

When Isabella listened to what this person said, she was really confused. Almost all of their realms were raised by the eight needles against the sky in the summer. She never knew that there were so many steps and explanations in these realms.

"It's really weird."

The doubts in the eyes of the fire-brow man became stronger and stronger, and his interest in Isabella became even greater, "It seems that your brain must be eaten.

You must not have cultivated, but used some tricks, and then soared all the way to the transcendence period, no, you can only be called the pseudo-tribulation period. "

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

Isabella found that with her current strength, she might not be the opponent of the person in front of her. She tried to get out of the battle, and then informed Xia Xia and Ye Yumei that they had indeed come from the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, and they were quite powerful!

Such a strong opponent must not be underestimated, and must be eliminated as soon as possible.

"Lonely Shadow Falling Moon!"

After thinking for a while, Isabella immediately came up with a plan, and then used her stunt to press the bottom of the box.

"Hehe, are you trying to escape?"

The fire-brow man just glanced at it, and it broke Isabella's intention. He raised his palm again, and shot it out at the void.


The spiritual energy that Isabella just mentioned was cut off by the air, and a mouthful of blood spurted out immediately.

"Give me a taste of your brains."

The fire-brow man chuckled, his second finger in the food had already reached towards Isabella's Heavenly Spirit Cover.

At this time, Isabella had suffered a lot of internal injuries, and what made her even more anxious was that the spiritual energy could not be brought up for a while.

If it goes on like this, he may really be killed by the brains of the person in front of him.

She doesn't want to die!

Let alone such a useless death!

"In that case, let's die together!"

Isabella suddenly became ruthless, biting the tip of her tongue directly, and then licked out a small white ball full of patterns from the gap between the back molars, and sprayed it at the man with the flaming eyebrows!

This is a kind of Immortal Transformation Pill. If you use the three-point blood of the tip of your tongue, the tip of your heart, and your fingertips, it can explode with amazing power.

After knowing that their future opponent is the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, they are not doing nothing except daily practice and urging Xia Tian to improve the eight needles against the sky.

This kind of talisman is a life-saving means developed by Yue Qingya and Ji Qingying together.


The fire-brow man was still a little disapproving, but when the Fu Wan lit up with a faint white light, he couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and then quickly withdrew!

This white light is fleeting.

Then, within a radius of hundreds of miles, they fell into a silent situation, like a void.

Immediately in a very short period of time, all the living things within the reach of the white light withered directly, and the vitality dissipated completely.

Fortunately, this place was originally uninhabited within a hundred miles.

The people who were originally alive have also been killed by the fire eyebrow man.

"What kind of means is this, it's kind of interesting!"

A hundred miles away, the fiery brow man floated high in the sky, stared coldly at the white ground below, and said coldly, "However, you can't escape the palm of this general's hand, even if you dig a hundred feet into the ground, you will be killed. find out."

As he said that, he raised his palm and slammed into the ground.

A burst of flame spewed out from his palm, and the raging fire spread around like a plough.

Just when the fire-browed man was about to spread the fire thousands of miles away, the woman's somewhat anxious voice sounded in his mind:

"Hey, Ba Huo, I'm in trouble, come and help right away

. "

The fiery brow man replied, "I'm busy, I don't have time."

"Come here and find the person the god is looking for!"

the woman shouted.

The fire-brow man was startled, but he paid attention to it, so he had to withdraw his palms and said coldly: "Forgive you first, then come back and clean you up!"

Hundreds of meters underground, Isabella quietly breathed a sigh of relief, but the ominous premonition was stronger, it is likely that something happened in the summer.

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