Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2741 I want to focus on eating your brain

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The visitor is nearly three meters tall, wearing a red armor, a blood-colored cloak on his shoulders, long hair fluttering, and his eyebrows are like fire.

The dark eyes were full of madness, and the whole body exuded a murderous aura.

As soon as this person appeared, a scorching breath suddenly floated in the air, as if it would explode at any time.

The nearby rocks suddenly burst with a "bang", and the trees burned with a "bang", and soon they were burned to a pile of ashes.

Su Beibei only felt dry mouth and tongue, and the skin on her body had a tendency to crack, and she even felt that her internal organs were about to catch fire.

Just when she couldn't hold it anymore, a cool air flowed over, instantly calming the scorching pain inside and outside her body.

Turning his head and looking, it really is summer shot.

Su Beibei opened his mouth to say thank you, but hesitated for a while and didn't say it.

"Girl Bei, don't be nervous, this idiot is nothing to be afraid of." Xia Xia comforted Su Beibei casually, and said lazily, "The more you like to do this kind of trick, the more useless it is."

Su Beibei reminded: "Don't be careless, this person is not easy to me."

The first website is m.9biquge.

Xia Xia certainly knew that the guy in front of him was a little troublesome, but that didn't stop him from despising him, there was no contradiction between the two.

In fact, it is tactical emphasis, strategic contempt. "Haha, you're a bit interesting, I want to focus on your brains." The corner of the person's mouth twitched, showing an enthusiastic expression, and then he turned his eyes to the woman in the long skirt: "Senior Sister Shimizu, you are actually being... give defeat

Well, it really confuses me. "

The woman in the long skirt blushed, showing shame, but she soon shouted angrily: "That was because I was careless and fell for him, and now I was about to kill him, but you interrupted me. , it's you who broke me."

"Hehe, Senior Sister Qingshui, you can do it yourself, if you can take people down, you don't need me to take action." Ba Huoshen can't help sneering, with an expression of scorn.

The woman in the long skirt couldn't help but hesitate, but she was so angry that she couldn't hold back.

Although she was still a little afraid of the strange power in Xia Xia, but with Junior Brother Ba Huo sitting in the back, she strengthened her confidence.

"Boy, your time of death is here, no one can save you!"

The woman in the long skirt gathered waves again, but these black water did not surround Xia Xia and Su Beibei, but condensed on herself.

It will take a long time for her to completely absorb these black tides.

"You have used this trick many times, and it has no effect on me." Xia Xia felt a little bored, and the woman's prelude was a little long, "I don't have time to wait for you to do something here!" "Boy, this is fully exposed. Your ignorance." Ba Huo Shen Jiang laughed and said to Xia Xia: "No matter what means you used before, Senior Sister Qingshui suffered this loss, but the majesty of the tribulation period is not for your small

Pawns can offend. "

Xia Xia was noncommittal about this, just said lightly: "Why don't you two go together, don't waste my time."


When Ba Huoshen heard Xia Xia's words, he immediately burst into laughter, "You are so interesting, your brain is definitely the most delicious, I must taste it later, and slowly aftertaste it!"

"Idiot." Xia Xia was quite upset with this person. He was rarely so angry because of someone, so he said directly: "I'll blow your brains first!"

As soon as he spoke, his figure flashed to the other side, and the silver needle between his fingers pierced the other side's eyebrows. "Is this your way of fighting?" Ba Huo Shen Jiang stood still, letting Xia Xia do what he did, and then said with a smile, "There is indeed a very strange power in your needles, but unfortunately you don't seem to have complete control over them. he, even at all

I don't know what this power is. "

Xia Xia ignored this person and directly injected a trace of ice and fire aura into the other party.

"Hehe, your power is useless!" Ba Huo Shen Jiang shook his head, then slapped Xia Xia's chest with his palm.

Xia Xia stared slightly, took the silver needle, raised his hand and took the opponent's palm directly.


The palms crossed, and the flames splashed.

The fierce energy burst out, directly blasting the surrounding air.


When Tyrannical Vulcan saw that Xia Xia had really let go of his palm, he couldn't help but be a little surprised: "You shouldn't be in Jindan period, right?"

"What period do you think it is, that is what period." Xia Xia said with a smile: "You are more interesting than that woman, why don't we have a good fight."

"Okay!" Ba Huo Shen Jiang also laughed, his fists clenched, and the billowing fire overflowed, "I just don't know how many punches you can take from me?"

Xia Tian gave a casual expression: "Then it depends on how many punches you can take from me."

"Then let's fight!"

The tyrannical fire general shouted, and immediately there was a burst of flames that seemed to instantly burn the air in a radius of a hundred miles.

"Wait, this kid is mine!"

The woman in the long skirt was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect the two to actually fight, so Li Gui shouted. "Senior Sister Qingshui, you'd better forget it." Ba Huoshen will show a slight look of contempt, "You called me here, not because you can't deal with this little boy at all.

Son, why die. Since you want to start the next stage of calamity,

Then open it slowly, I'll take this kid's brains away first. "

The woman in the long skirt couldn't help shouting: "No, I must kill him myself, you can't rob me!"

It's a pity that Tyrannical Fire God will ignore him at all.

He clenched his fists tightly, brought his flaming arrogance, and rushed towards Xia Xia.

Xia Xia also showed a twelve-point strength and clenched his fists to meet him.

"It's unreasonable, even you look down on me, this fairy must make you look good together!"

The woman in the long skirt is in a hurry, but her big skill CD still has a long time, so she can't be in a hurry. "Leave that angry idiot to Xia Xia to solve it, your opponent is me!" Su Beibei didn't want to disturb Xia Xia's battle, but at the same time, he didn't want to watch the fun by doing nothing, so he found the long-time leader who was still in the CD. skirt woman


"What are you, get out of this fairy!" The woman in the long skirt did not expect that a woman who may not have Jindan period would come to provoke him.

A shout, indeed with supreme majesty.

Su Beibei frowned slightly and was too lazy to answer, so she rushed directly to the woman in the long skirt, raised her legs and swept across.

"Hmph, over your own strength, courting death!"

The woman in the long skirt raised her hand and raised a wave of water to block Su Beibei's leg, and at the same time another wave hit Gu Subeibei's heart.

"Su Beibei, let me help you!"

At this moment, a white cloud blade descended from the sky and cut the water wave in half.

"It's you?"

The woman in the long skirt looked up and found out that the person who came was the woman who had fought with her just now. She couldn't help but get even more angry: "I dare to show up, then let you all die together!"

"You think of a way to get rid of her black water!" Su Beibei didn't have time to thank Ning Ruirui, and immediately said: "As long as I get close, I might be able to kill her!"

"Okay!" Ning Ruirui didn't doubt Su Beibei's words.

Su Beibei had also explained to them before. She once followed Zhao Yuji to Tianwaitian in Xiaoxianjie and conducted one-on-one training. Maybe she did have some special methods.

"Conspiracy loudly in front of this fairy, you are really stupid!"

The woman in the long skirt felt that her IQ had been seriously insulted, and the black wave outside her was even faster, breaking into countless fine sword shavings, blowing towards Su Beibei and Ning Ruirui like the wind.

"I want to see how much water you can have!"

Ning Ruirui was also ruthless, and carried the flowing cloud iron blade, instead of cutting off the fine sword shavings, she directly stabbed the woman in the long skirt at the heart of the woman with a very fast speed.

"Good courage!"

The woman in the long skirt couldn't help sneering, and her figure suddenly flashed, and she appeared beside Ning Ruirui.


A palm hit Ning Ruirui's chest heavily.

Ning Ruirui flew out immediately, and Liuyun Iron Blade immediately let go.

"Hmph, send it to death now!" The woman in the long skirt immediately pursued her victory, condensed a water arrow that was several meters tall, and stabbed Ning Ruirui quickly.

Ning Ruirui was slapped on her body, and a thin layer of water marks formed on her body, which restricted her body movement for a short time, and there was no way to dodge.

"It's really courting death!" The woman in the long skirt sneered. In her opinion, in the next second, the huge water arrow would pierce through Ning Ruirui's body.

At this time, a sneering voice sounded behind her:

"Hey, beauty, did you forget that I still exist?"

When the woman in the long skirt heard the voice, there was indeed a stunned expression on her face, but she was not flustered. She didn't think Su Beibei could hurt her.


Immediately, a white cloud blade pierced through her body and came out from the back of her heart and through her chest.

It was Su Beibei who was manipulating the Liuyun Iron Blade.

"How is this possible?"

The woman in the long dress had an unbelievable look on her face, and her pupils trembled: "I am a cultivator in the tribulation period, and I have a strong body. How could I be pierced by the weapons of the land abandoned by your immortals!"

"I'm sorry, the iron blade of flowing clouds is not something on earth." Ning Ruirui sneered, "I didn't say it was something on earth." Su Beibei said lightly, "I know that the Immortal Cultivation Alliance is an imaginary enemy. , how could we be unprepared, just not long ago, Zhao Yuji taught me something. Today Zhang Lingling gave me another jade slip. Before I came, I temporarily

Hug the Buddha's feet! "

Then he smiled and said, "It just so happens that there is a mention of how the Dao meridian body was broken."

"You in the end..."

The woman in the long skirt was not too flustered at first, but she suddenly felt that the calamity in her body was fading away, so she had to panic.

"You have a high level of cultivation, and you are proud of yourself. You look down on us and think we are ants." Ning Ruirui stared at each other coldly and said, "But you forgot one thing, arrogant soldiers will lose."

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