Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2743 Let everyone see your defeat

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"Then what nonsense, come directly."

With an indifferent expression, Xia Xia pointed at the God of Ba Huo and said, "I also want to know if you have mixed water in this Tribulation Transcendence Period."

"Hehe, boy, I not only want to defeat you, but also let everyone see your defeat!"

Tyrannical Fire God rolled his eyes and suddenly thought of a good idea.

Then, the small world where they were surrounded by fire suddenly became transparent, and not only people nearby could see it, but even people thousands of miles away could see it clearly.

The battle between the two turned into a live broadcast.

"Where are they?"

Sure enough, Ah Jiu instantly saw the traces of Xia Xia and the divine general, and raised her finger to point in a certain direction.

"I'm here to help him!" Lan Yiren was so anxious that he didn't have time to think about it, and flew over directly.

It's a pity that when he got close, he was blocked by a layer of diaphragm, and he couldn't get close at all.

Remember http://om for a second

"Don't go there, it's useless." Ah Jiu quickly found the clue and explained to the others casually: "Xia Tian should have been brought into a small world by that person, we can only see and hear it."

Ning Ruirui gritted her teeth and said angrily, "That god will clearly want us to watch Xia Xia lose with our own eyes, so as to damage our confidence."

"I don't believe that summer will be defeated!" Su Beibei said seriously.

Ah Jiu coldly instructed: "Then let's see first, if the situation is not good, then make another plan!"


robbery hell.

Naturally, the voices from outside can also come in, and Xia Xia and Ba Huoshen will both hear them clearly.

"Are these your women?"

Tyrannical Vulcan looked at A Jiu and the others with a smile, "Every one of them is absolutely stunning. It's a pity that there are so many excellent furnaces in the Land of Immortal Abandonment."

"Yes, they are all my women." Xia Xia said with a serious face: "If you attack them, you will only make your own death worse."

"Hehe, I'm not interested in women." Ba Huo Shen Jiang sneered and said sarcastically, "The only thing that can excite me is their brains, and your brains, nothing delicious can compare with brains. , the brains of the strong, the brains of the beautiful... think about it

All excited. "

Xia Tian curled his lips: "You are not only an idiot, but also a complete pervert!"

"Whatever you say, this god will not care about other people's evaluations!" Ba Huoshen will point at Xia Xia with a manic smile on his face: "What I want to do now is to defeat you, and then enjoy your brain! "

Xia Tian said lightly: "What I want to do now is to kill you."

"Come on! Fight!"

The Ba Huoshen will fight like thunder, and his whole body is raging with raging fire, "Let's fight together happily, how about it?"

Xia Xia realized that he didn't have any cool special effects, so he just squeezed his fist casually: "Then come!" Ba Huoshen Jiang was so excited that he directly introduced himself: "This god general, famous Huozong Jue, and the title is Ba Huo Zong Jue. Huo, from the Immortal Cultivation Alliance Huokong Realm, is now the vanguard general of the Wuluo God. Boy, I will give you a name to repair

The chance of immortal battle history book, sign up! "

Xia Xia replied lazily: "My name is Xia, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the number one day in the world."

"Summer?" Tyrannical Vulcan grinned, "An unremarkable name, nothing special!"

Xia Xia replied casually: "Your name, it sounds fancy, it is meaningless except to engrave a few more words on the tombstone!"

"Haha, I will die for this god!"

Tyrannical Vulcan clenched his fists, rushed to Xia Xia, and blasted out his fists!

"You are the one who is going to die!"

In the summer, with twelve points of strength, squeeze your fists to meet them!


A splendid fire directly covered the summer.


Outside Xiaotiandi, Ning Ruirui and the others couldn't help screaming out, worried for Xia Xia.

Ah Jiu just stared at it coldly, her mind turned back and forth in an instant, but she kept her teeth silent.

Fortunately, the voice of summer soon rang.

"Don't think you're the only one with fire!"

Xia Xia flashed out of the fire unhappily, holding a silver needle, and stabbed it at the Tyrant Vulcan.

I saw the flames in the air, suddenly changed the door, and rolled with the silver needle in the summer, like a fire dragon pounced on the tyrant of the fire.


Tyrannical Vulcan grinned, dragged Xia Xia and said, "Your physique should have the fire attribute, but you haven't been stimulated, or the realm is not enough, and you don't know how to use it, what a pity!"

"Stop talking nonsense, come on!"

Xia Xia was carrying the fire tornado, and the other fist had already blasted it.


Tyrannical Vulcan just raised his hand, and then he stopped the fire dragon, and suddenly it burst.

For Xia Xia's fist, he squeezed his chest and abdomen to greet him.

"Use all your strength and hit hard!"

The Tyrannical God of Fire laughed wildly and roared: "The more ruthless, the more excited this God will be!"


This punch was so powerful that it almost shattered this little world.

However, Tyrannical Vulcan will only be slightly

He took a step or two back, still irritating himself.

"Do you have this strength?"

Tyrannical Huoshen will show a disappointed look, and he will say to Xia Xia: "You should not only be in the Jindan period, but you are still hiding when you fight, then this god will be angry!"

Twelve years ago, Xia Xia came to the Tribulation Transcendence Stage, but Ye Yumei suddenly drained her spiritual energy a few months ago, and then she fell to the Golden Core Stage.

If it is an ordinary immortal cultivator, even if the realm falls, as long as there is enough spiritual energy, he can restore the realm at any time.

Xia Xia practiced eight needles against the sky. If you want to restore the strength of the transcendence period, you can only raise the realm of needles first. During this period of time, Xia Xia discovered that using the previous method did not seem to be as efficient as before, so although he still accepted one or two women as concubines, he was not in a hurry to cultivate with them. But after wanting to break through the bottleneck of the eight needles against the sky

, and then do double cultivation with them, in this case, it will be of great benefit to him and his women.

I just didn't expect that the bottleneck had not been broken, and these people from the Immortal Cultivation Alliance arrived first.

"A lot of nonsense!"

Xia Xia's mood was of course a little unhappy, so he clenched his fists, raised the aura of ice and fire again, and slammed into the chest of the god of fire.

"Good come!"

The Tyrant Vulcan grinned and disappeared in a hurry.

"Summer, be careful!"

As a bystander, Ah Jiu watched carefully and immediately reminded loudly.

Unfortunately, her reminder was too late.


Tyrannical Vulcan's fist has already slammed into the back of Xia Xia's head.

This punch directly sent Xia Xia flying for more than ten miles, and smashed into a mountain, and the flames burned all the way.

"You are despicable and shameless!"

Su Beibei couldn't help but scolded: "You said it was good one-on-one, but you actually played sneak attack." Ba Huo Shen Jiang smiled: "Haha, this is his own stupidity, and this God General never said that he couldn't sneak attack. It hurts. To fight happily, that is to use all means to kill the opponent, even if you don't understand this, you can live for so long

Also a miracle! "

Ning Ruirui was also very angry: "You!"

Yang Shan wanted to save Xia Xia, but was stopped by A Jiu: "It's useless, the two of them are not in the same world as us. There is a barrier, it's useless for you to go."

"I know." Yang Shan nodded, but still rushed to where Xia Xia fell.

Sure enough, although she found Xia Xia, she couldn't touch him, and there was an invisible barrier in the middle.

"Little lamb wife, don't cry, I'm not dead yet!" Xia Xia said lazily, then slowly climbed up from the debris of the rocks, and rushed to the front of the God of Fire. .

Tyrannical Vulcan looked at Xia Xia with some curiosity: "You have a big fate, but the outcome is already divided, and you don't have to struggle anymore."

"I said that if I want to kill you, I will definitely kill you!" Xia Xia said with a serious face: "Before I kill you, the outcome will be inseparable!"

"I have already put a calamity into your brain!"

Tyrannical Vulcan will hold his arms with a relaxed and playful look on his face: "If you have another half a stick of incense, your brain will be cooked by the power of my fire, and then it will be time for me to start dinner. "

"Banzhuxiang?" Xia Xia asked Yang Shan and the others casually, "How long was that?"

Yang Shan was stunned for a moment, but did not respond.

Ah Jiu said directly, "About two to three minutes."

"Enough!" Xia Tian curled his lips and said to the Vulcan General: "These two minutes are enough for you to explain your last words and prepare for the funeral!"

Tyrannical Fire God will find it a little funny: "I really don't know... eh?"

Before the words were finished, Xia Xia's fist had already arrived.


The punch hit Ba Huo Shen Jiang's face heavily, his nose collapsed, and his nose bleeds all over the place immediately.

"My body has been tempered for a long time, and this damage is completely harmless." Ba Huo Shen Jiang stepped back and wiped his nose with a smile: "You don't want to waste your energy on this kind of... eh? "

Xia Xia didn't listen to his nonsense here at all, just punched the opponent's face hard!

The Tyrant Vulcan didn't even hide, and let Xia Xia fight.

Before I knew it, a minute passed.

Xia Xia's hair suddenly caught fire, apparently the calamity of fire was taking effect.

Ah Jiu and the others couldn't help worrying, but unfortunately they couldn't help at all, so they could only be anxious.

After a while, Ba Huo Shen Jiang suddenly raised his finger and pointed out a fiery screen gap, blocking Xia Xia.

"The time is almost up, the god is about to prepare for dinner."

Tyrannical Vulcan restores his face, which had been ripped apart from the beating, in an instant, unscathed.


He took a deep breath and showed an intoxicated expression on his face, "I can already smell the aroma of your brain, it's really intoxicating, it's the supreme delicacy in the heavens and the world."

When Ah Jiu and the others listened to this, they felt that this god would be so in love, it was disgusting.

"Beautiful mother!"

Xia Xia's voice exploded in the ears of Ba Huo God General, and his fists followed.


Another punch slammed into the temple of Ba Huo Shen Jiang. His strength was so great that he smashed the god general's head 360 degrees.

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