Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2746 The old lady is a big girl

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"Did you just feel...that"

Lan Yiren's pretty face showed a look of panic, and asked a few other people: "It just appeared in my mind in an instant, about the battle outside?"

She didn't dare to express her premonition that something had happened in the summer, so she had to be vague.

The other women looked at each other and instantly got the meaning of Lan Yiren's words, because this ominous premonition flashed in their minds just now.

"Did something happen in summer?" Ning Ruirui couldn't help feeling angry, "No, I want to go down and have a look."

Su Beibei immediately echoed: "I'll go too!"

When Lan Yi and Yang Shan saw this, they couldn't hold back, and both stood up.

"Don't move!"

Ah Jiu's face did not change, and they said lightly, "Nothing can happen in Xia Xia, and Sister Yiyi is below, there should be nothing wrong with her helping Xia Xia."

"Sister Yiyi is here?" Ning Ruirui felt a little relieved.

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Su Beibei nodded slightly. Although she sometimes dislikes Yi Xiaoyin's words and deeds, she has to admit that in the past twelve years, Yi Xiaoyin's growth has been the fastest, and she has been unable to keep up.

"What I have to do now is more important." A Jiu then persuaded: "If it is done, it will be the greatest help to Xia Xia."

Lan Yiren thought about it for a while, and was instantly convinced: "Then let's continue."

At this time, Yang Shan said hesitantly, "However, what was the feeling just now?"

"Yeah, something's not right." Su Beibei reacted instantly and murmured, "Why do we have a premonition that something is going to happen in summer at the same time?"

Ning Ruirui was a little puzzled, and said subconsciously, "Isn't it because we are all women in the summer?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not yet, the old lady is a big girl."

Su Beibei glanced at Ning Ruirui ambiguous, and then said, "Could it be that you are already? When did that satyr eat you?"

Ning Ruirui's face turned red, and she explained shyly: "I, I'm not, I haven't... Sister Bei Bei, don't talk nonsense."

"That's a bit strange indeed."

Ah Jiu couldn't help showing a puzzled look: "We and Xia... have not concluded any spiritual covenant, there is no reason to perceive this kind of information at the same time."

Yang Shan said casually, "If something happens to someone close to me, wouldn't it be possible for them to feel this way?"

"That kind of feeling is vague, unfamiliar, and vague."

Ah Jiu shook her head, denying this conjecture: "And the hunch just now was accurately put into our minds. I even suspect that it is not only us, but other... people who are not here, should also perceive it."

"Forget it, now is not the time to think about it." Su Beibei felt that this matter became more and more mysterious, so he said: "Since I can't figure it out for the time being, then I don't want to think about it, it's more important."

"Yes, let's get down to business first." Ah Jiu quickly adjusted her attitude, "As for Xia Xia, I'll ask someone to go out to check what happened." After a while, Ah Jiu called Xiao Yanyan directly and ordered her. Said: "In the summer, you are fighting with people over the snowy mountains. Take a few people out to see how the situation is going. If you can help, help, if you can't, then

Just keep watching the battle. "

"Okay, leave this to me." Xiao Yanyan immediately took the order. When Xiao Yanyan was in Frost Moon Island, she made a gesture to Xia Xia. After that, when she was trying out in the Little Immortal Realm, she went directly to Xia Xia. In the Little Immortal Realm, which is now the Heaven Realm, she obtained a high career and became a nine hearts


After taking the order, Xiao Yanyan left Tianwaitian immediately.

"Let's hurry up!" Ah Jiu retracted her gaze and her messy thoughts, and said to the other four women, "I told you about the activation of the formation and the steps to run it. Let's start now."

At this time, the woman in the long skirt in the Four Elephants Array was also struggling desperately. She was not willing to be suppressed by such a group of women with low status.

Although it is not clear what this formation is used for, it must not sit still.

At this moment, the entire formation slowly lit up.

A stream of clear light gathered little by little, and then flew into the head of the woman in the long skirt.

The woman in the long skirt was stunned to find that her brain was slightly out of her control, and she couldn't help but panic.

After hesitating for half a second, she bit her tongue and planned to sacrifice half of her cultivation to break through the formation.


In the formation, suddenly it seemed like a dam was connected, and a huge current was rolling, impacting the four walls of the Four Elephant Formation!


The four women in each corner felt suffocated in their chests, and the impact of the formation would be fed back to them.

Yang Shan couldn't hold it at first, so she spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Are you all right?" Seeing this, Ah Jiu immediately walked behind her and stuck a talisman behind her.

Yang Shan immediately felt a warm current pouring into her body, and the feeling of suffocation was instantly reduced a lot. A Jiu put a piece of talisman paper on everyone, and whispered at the same time: "These talisman papers were made by Ye Yumei and Sister Yiyi using the spiritual veins of Zhongnan Mountain. With it, you can temporarily borrow it from him. The aura. However, it should not be too much

Take it, so stick with it. "

Ning Ruirui had personally experienced the matter of Zhongnan Mountain's spiritual veins recognizing summer as the main thing, and had also chatted with everyone in the group, so everyone was not confused.

"Don't you die."

Ah Jiu stared coldly at the woman in the long skirt in the formation: "The more you struggle, the more painful it will be. If we cooperate actively, we might even let you go after we get what we want."

"Boom! Boom!"

The answer to Ah Jiu was that one wave was stronger than the other.

"If you don't know what's good or bad, then I'll send you to the West!" A ruthlessness flashed in Ah Jiu's eyes, and she also formed a seal, and chanted an obscure incantation, which she learned from Qi Jiagu. .


Outside Xiaoxianjie, at the top of the snow-capped mountains.

The endless fire is still burning.

The blazing high temperature almost fried the rocks.


Yi Xiaoyin looked not far away, the mass of magma was like a fire wave, and shouted again.

The Tyrannical Fire God showed a mocking smile on his face, took the Bi Fang Divine Sword and slashed at the fire wave again.


The flames burned even more vigorously, and the layers of flame tongues almost licked Yi Xiaoyin's face.

"Peng! Peng! Peng!"

Tyrannical Huoshen will be deeply rooted in the essence of making up the sword, and the long sword in his hand will cut out dozens of swords without stagnation.

It really does not give the slightest chance to live in the summer.

If at the beginning, there may be a possibility of escaping in the summer, then the chance of success now is slim.

"Haha, this fairy, your Taoist companion is sure to die." Ba Huo Shen Jiang admired Yi Xiaoyin's expression with interest, and murmured: "Even if he can dodge a sword or two Swords, even three swords and four swords, there are ten swords, a hundred swords...even ten thousand swords behind the divine sword, not to mention this one.

The fire of God's robbery is still burning, and his golden core is estimated to have been burned, let alone his life. "

"Summer is not dead, it's just a matter of time before we get out of trouble"

Yi Xiaoyin frowned and stared coldly at Ba Huo Shen Jiang: "It's just that it takes time for him to crack your robbery power, and I'm here to do it."

"Oh? Not to mention whether summer is life or death, let's talk about you first..."

The tyrannical fire general grinned, and the madness between his brows revealed: "This fairy, why do you have the confidence to think that you are qualified to say such things to this god?"

"Just rely on this!"

Yi Xiaoyin's fingertips suddenly lit up with a cold light, and at the same time, the person quickly retreated.

I saw that a few cracks suddenly appeared in the Hell of Tribulation Fire, and the slightest clear light leaked from the cracks and shone on the body of the God of Tyrant Fire.

When Tyrannical Vulcan General and Xia Xia were fighting just now, she was quietly making arrangements. In fact, the arrangement was not complete, but now she had to activate it in advance.

"This is... a formation? It's a bit interesting to look at, but unfortunately your cultivation is too low to exert your power."

Tyrannical Vulcan stood still, looked up at these light spots quietly, and said disdainfully, "Not to mention the formation of the Land of Immortal Abandonment, it's nothing more than child's play, what's there to be afraid of?"

"Then break your dog's eyes first!"

Yi Xiaoyin uttered a rare foul language, and immediately exited the Hell of Fire Tribulation. Just now, she quietly opened a small gap and sneaked in to help Xia Xia.

In a short while, I saw the clear light and the blazing, connected into a network.

This net was tightly attached to the body of the god of fire, as if it were a pearl undershirt.

"It's very cool, it's like we knitted a piece of clothes for this god."

The Tyrannical Vulcan grinned and waved the Bi Fang Divine Sword in his hand lightly, burning out the rays of light with ease.

Yi Xiaoyin frowned slightly, obviously not expecting this situation. "That's it?" Ba Huo Shen Jiang shook his head, raised his sword and pointed at Yi Xiaoyin, "I think your qualifications are good, if you are willing to be this god general's concubine, then this god general will not only spare your life, Also give you a great fortune, you can even bring

Wouldn't it be a million times better for you to go to the Immortal Cultivation Alliance than to be buried in this abandoned land? "

"You are delusional!"

A look of disgust appeared on Yi Xiaoyin's beautiful face, "Let's go to hell and have such a sweet dream."

"I don't know how to lift up!" Ba Huo Shen Jiang was also impatient, his figure flashed before Yi Xiaoyin, and the flaming long sword also stabbed into her heart.

Yi Xiaoyin was shocked, and instantly predicted that she could not escape at all.

If that's the case, then there's no need to hide.

Yi Xiaoyin used the nine needles of Yin medicine and stabbed it at the tyrant fire god.

Unfortunately, the gap in realm is really too big, and Yi Xiaoyin is not a heaven-defying existence like Xia Xia.

Yi Xiaoyin felt the tip of the sword approaching, and her whole body seemed to be scorched.

"An ant is an ant after all, and no matter how beautiful it is, it is an ant."

There was a hint of pity and contempt on the face of the Tyrant Fire General: "It's really boring."

"Hey!" There was a sudden sound, and the sword actually stopped its momentum.

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