Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2769 I heard that dragons have dragon tendons

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The dragon flies into the air, and in the mist, sharp minions and cascading black scales occasionally appear, exuding an indescribable pressure.

Most of the people in the secret realm were shocked by this scene.

"See if you don't see it, that's the real body of our ancestor of the Long family!"

"That's the body of a Flood Dragon. As long as you go through another Heavenly Tribulation, you may shatter the void at any time and enter the True Immortal Realm."

"It's still too late to worship at the door of our Long family!"

"" When the members of the Long family saw this scene, they all showed extremely proud expressions, and they showed off to others.

However, they are also qualified to show off.

After all, in the secret realm of Tiangong, apart from Fairy Fuyao in the Tomb of Extreme Immortal, there are only three people who have really touched the threshold of the Transcending Tribulation Period.

Among them, there is the most chance to really attract the catastrophe, and the one who may be able to withstand the catastrophe is really only the ancestor of the Long family in front of him, because he is indeed a descendant of the dragon family, and his physical body is a hundred times more tyrannical than the other two.

Of course, Tiangong Palace Master also had this kind of fear in his heart, so he deliberately sent Xia Xia to the Long family's territory, just to save the idea of ​​using Xia Xia to kill the ancestors of the Long family.

The first website is m.9biquge.

Xia Xia never mind being used by a woman, as long as the woman is beautiful.

It can't be ordinary beauty, it must be beautiful enough to have a unique charm, so beautiful that it is almost a work of art, so beautiful that he can directly vacate a wife's place.

The Palace Master of Tiangong happened to have reached this level, but now there is a little trouble.

The ancestor of the Long family just mentioned that the master of the Tiangong Palace is Su Mengli, which is a bit wrong. Su Mengli is not beautiful enough to make Xia Xia excited.

However, about this matter, I will talk to the Palace Master of Tiangong myself later in the summer.

Now what he wants to do is to kill the old loach in the sky, because it looks too annoying.

At this time, the Tiangong Palace Master had already appeared on a hill near the Long Family.

Standing beside him was a charming and handsome young man wearing a purple crown.

With a mocking smile on his face, the purple-crowned youth said slowly, "Palace Master Su, I think you should give up. You can't fight this old monster with your own strength."

"I don't need to fight him."

The Tiangong Palace Lord's expression was quite calm, "This old monster has already been dealt with."

"Hehe, you mean that summer?"

The Ziguan youth chuckled twice and shook his head: "You look down on him too much, although he does have some skills, but he is an outsider after all, under the spiritual pressure of the secret realm, it is not bad to be able to play 50 to 60%.

How could it be the opponent of the old monster Long Yinghuang? "

The Palace Master of Tiangong said lightly: "I bet that loach won't last ten minutes in Xia's hands."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Su Mengli, your persistence is beyond my understanding."

The Ziguan youth's face was full of doubts, "Why do you have such strong confidence in Xia Xia?

Even if he has eight needles against the sky, but he can't even use the fifth needle now, what else can he do? "

Tiangong Palace Master's beautiful eyes narrowed and stared straight ahead without blinking, because summer appeared.

Xia Xia flew out from the bottom of the cave with a slight vertical motion, swept into the air, and faced the ancestor of the Long family: "Hey, old loach, don't think that if you fly to the sky, I won't be able to kill you."

"court death!"

The pair of golden eyes of the ancestor of the Long family stared at Xia Xia coldly, and then opened his mouth.

I saw a golden light flickering in my mouth, and then the golden breath was like a spurting spring, instantly drowning the summer.


Seeing this scene, the young man with purple crown in the distance couldn't help laughing out loud, "This summer is really stupid, and he was actually sprayed by Long Yinghuang's divine flame in the front, and he will peel off his skin if he doesn't die. ."

The Tiangong Palace Master said with a blank face: "You can take a good look when you watch the play. If your eyes are useless, you can donate them."


When the young man with purple crown heard what Tiangong Palace Master said, he became a little more serious, and then looked at the cockroach in mid-air, and couldn't help frowning.

Of course Xia Xia wasn't hit, it wasn't that he was afraid, but that he felt sick.

"You really need to be beaten, and you actually spit everywhere."

Xia Xia's figure flashed like a ghost and appeared directly on the head of the ancestor of the Long family.

Then he stepped on the protruding forehead of the ancestor of the Long family, and scolded a little unhappily: "It's really unhygienic, according to Bingbing's wife, your behavior is very uncivilized, and you deserve to be beaten!"

After speaking, he squeezed his fist and smashed it casually on the eyebrow of the ancestor of the Long family.


The ancestor of the Long family had no time to dodge, so he took the punch, fell directly from the cloud, and fell heavily into the secluded pool.

"This" Ziguan youth couldn't help stunned when he saw this scene, "It's just an ordinary punch, how can it be so powerful?"

The Palace Master of Tiangong slightly raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a faint smile that was difficult to detect.

Soon, the ancestor of the Long family struggled from the secluded pool, and sprayed another divine flame against the summer in the air.

Xia Xia's figure flashed, avoiding this divine flame, but a dragon tail flew towards him, knocking him off instantly.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The Ziguan youth couldn't help laughing again, "

This summer is really poor, to be hit by such an obvious move, it can be seen that he really does not live up to his name. "

Tiangong Palace Lord said lightly: "Shut your mouth, either watch quietly, or I will abolish you now."

"Palace Master Su, you are a little too confident in what you said."

The purple-crowned youth chuckled and said disapprovingly, "You, me, and Long Yinghuang are known as the three peaks in the secret realm, with similar strengths, and basically no one can kill anyone alone.

This time, Long Yinghuang retreat is likely to break through the bottleneck and break the balance between the three of us. "

The Palace Master of Tiangong was too lazy to pay attention to this person's nonsense, and Mei Mu was still staring in the direction of Xia Xia.

However, the Ziguan youth didn't mind, and still said to himself: "I have no opinion on you bringing Xia Xia in to disrupt Long Yinghuang's retreat.

If you want to take advantage of summer to get rid of Long Yinghuang, although I don't think this is possible, I don't like your idea very much. "

"Do you like it or not, what does it have to do with me?"

The beautiful eyes of the palace master of Tiangong gave him a cold look, and said disdainfully, "I will not only get rid of Long Yinghuang, but also you and those monsters and monsters in the tomb of the extreme immortal!"

The purple-crowned man couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Hahahaha, Su Mengli, I don't know whether to call you naive or stupid."

"The secret realm of Tiangong, it's time to end."

The Tiangong Palace Master looked indifferent, and said slowly: "The future of the Pioneer God of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance has passed, and more powerful people will come soon. If Fairy Fuyao is not awakened, we may all have to die in the end."

"Fairy Fuyao closed the gate of life and death ten thousand years ago. Who knows whether she is alive or dead in the tomb?"

The purple-crowned man did not agree at all with the words of the Palace Master of Tiangong, and directly retorted: "This is just a place abandoned by immortals, and the spiritual energy is thin. Even if the Immortal Cultivation Alliance notices it, at most it will send someone to inspect it. Do something drastic.

On the contrary, you killed three pioneer god generals without authorization. This is the provocation of Chiguoguo! You didn't want to tie Xia Xia up so that you could plead guilty to the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, but instead you helped him, which is simply puzzling. "

The Palace Master of Tiangong said with contempt: "You don't understand, that only shows that you are stupid.

Or is it that you are already cowardly when you hear the words "Xiu Xian Alliance", your courage is also broken, your knees are weak, and you just want to kneel? "

"Su Mengli, do you think this kind of aggressive technique will be useful to me?"

The face of the young man with purple crown suddenly turned cold, and his body immediately burst out with a sullen suffocation, "There is nothing in the world, it is the trouble you caused, and now you still want to pull me into the water, do you really think our demons are easy to bully?"

"You said it yourself."

The Palace Master of Tiangong responded casually and looked into the distance again, because the battle between Xia Xia and the ancestor of the Long family had changed again.

The purple-crowned youth wanted to say a few more words, but he suddenly caught a glimpse of the situation ahead and was stunned.

Xia Xia not only flashed back, but also climbed on the back of the ancestor of the Long family again.

At this time, I don't know what Xia Xia did to the ancestor of the Long family, but the black-scaled Jiaolong screamed in agony.

"Summer, what have you done to me!"

After the ancestor of the Long family screamed, he gritted his teeth and held back the huge pain, and asked Xia Xia.

"It's nothing, I'm just treating you."

Xia Xia smiled, a silver needle lit up between his fingers, and he pierced more than a dozen needles on the head of the ancestor of the Long family.

Immediately after taking a dozen steps back, he stabbed him on the back again.

After a while, the big hole on the back of the ancestor of the Long family was almost pierced by Xia Xia.

"I heard that all dragons have dragon tendons, but unfortunately you don't seem to have them."

Xia Xian received the silver needle, with a slightly puzzled look on his face, "It seems that you only have half of the stuff. It's definitely not a dragon tendon. Let me help you find it."


The ancestor of the Long family had a horrified look on his face. He had practiced asceticism for nearly ten thousand years, just to attract a catastrophe, and then transcend the catastrophe and transform into a dragon.

This half of the dragon tendon is his reliance, and it is also the greatest achievement of his ten thousand years of hard work.

If it is gone, then his cultivation will be completely drained, and he may become an ordinary person.


Xia Tian smiled, "I have found it."


The ancestor of the Long family was panic-stricken, and immediately roared wildly. Not only did his body start to twist randomly, but also a thin golden light spread out. Obviously, he wanted to take the dragon and transform back into a human form.

"it's useless."

A mocking expression appeared on Xia Tian's face, "I have sealed several of your big acupoints with silver needles, and you will no longer be able to change back into a human form."

"no no!"

The ancestor of the Long family roared angrily, "Xia Tian, ​​if you dare to mess around, the ancestor will kill you, as well as all your women, family members, and friends, even if you have worked hard for ten thousand years of cultivation. No one left!"

In the distance, the palace master of Tiangong showed a regretful look and murmured: "There was still a trace of life, but he had to find his own way."

"Hmph, Long Yinghuang won't be defeated so easily."

The purple-crowned man snorted coldly and said indignantly, "I really want to annoy him, I'm afraid he will drag all of us to death."

The Palace Master of Tiangong shook his head, showing a clear expression: "He has already missed the opportunity."

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