Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2771 You lost in the summer

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A strong wind blew, and the scorched summer was instantly turned into ash and dissipated.

There was no happy expression on the face of the man with the purple crown, on the contrary his face was sinking like water.

Because, his palm was actually empty.

What burned just now was actually just the afterimage of summer.

"Is this your divine flame?"

Xia Tian's unique lazy tone rang behind the purple-crowned man.


The purple-crowned man twisted his body and slapped it with his palm again, and said, "Please don't apply the strange trick created by Old Monster Long to me. I used my own original [Three Points of Tribulation]."

A roar sounded at the same time as he spoke, and thunder was overflowing.

The range of dozens of meters behind him was blasted into a scorched area.

Remember the URL m.9biquge.

"It's actually a meaning."

Xia Xia flashed in front of the purple-crowned man, showing a disapproving expression, "Do you think a new name is better than this old loach's tricks?"

"My three-point robbery intention is ten times, more than a hundred times better than this old monster's divine flame."

The purple-crowned man seemed to have been humiliated, and was furious: "What do you know as an outsider? If it weren't for a coincidence, you probably wouldn't even know what Jie Li is."

The ancestor of the Long family has been holding his last breath, and now he can't hold it anymore, he can't help but urged: "Yin Shiji, you hurry up and save me, stop talking nonsense."

He also knew that the reason why the purple-crowned man delayed and didn't save him immediately was because he wanted to take the opportunity to ask for more benefits.

In normal times, he would never compromise. But now it's different. His dragon tendon has been held by Xia Xia, and his life and death are in the mind of this kid, and there is really no way to consume it any more.

The ancestor of the Long family continued to catch him: "As long as you save my life, the ancestor will promise you whatever you want!"

"Stop arguing, no one can save you." Xia Xia pouted. When he was dodging and moving just now, he never let go of the dragon tendon in his hand, and now his strength is a little heavier. The ancestor of the Long family was pale, and his death was gradually appearing, but he clearly still had a chance of life, so he had to pin all his hopes on the purple crown man: "Yin Shiji, you kill him! If I die, you will not do any good. , and my dragon family

Your children and grandchildren will not let you go. "

"Tell me again, believe it or not, I'll let him get rid of you." The purple-crowned man was quite upset, and he came to save people with good intentions, but this old monster even dared to threaten him. .

However, he quickly came back to his senses and said calmly, "With me here, he wouldn't dare to kill you, and he wouldn't be able to kill you."

"That's good." The ancestor of the Long family felt a little relieved, "Hurry up, I can't hold it anymore."

"Don't worry." The purple-crowned man casually reassured him, then looked at Xia Xia lightly: "As long as you let Long Yinghuang go, you can make any conditions, and I promise to satisfy you."

Hearing the words of the purple-crowned man, Xia Xia couldn't help but chuckle: "You reminded me, I really have to deal with this old loach first."

After speaking, he suddenly pulled, and immediately pulled the entire dragon tendon out of the body of the ancestor of the Long family, quite simply.

The dragon tendon is extremely tough and elastic. After leaving the body of the ancestor of the Long family, it actually became shorter and shorter, and finally retracted into a black and golden ball, which was pinched in the palm of Xia Xia's hand.


The ancestor of the Long family let out a shrill scream again, and tried his last strength to roar: "Yin Shiji, if you don't speak morality, this ancestor will not let you go even if he is a ghost..."

The purple-crowned man couldn't help being stunned. He never thought that Long Yinghuang, an old monster, was not the one who cursed before his death, but it was him.

"Summer, how dare you kill someone in front of me!"

The man in the purple crown felt that he had lost all face, and all his shame and anger turned to Xia Xia, "It's the person I want to protect, you are courting death, if I don't punish you severely, how can I stay in the future? Mix in the world!"

"Then don't mess around, just get out of here."

Xia Xia casually put away the ball with the dragon tendon retracted, then looked at the purple crown man and said, "What kind of forces did you just say you are from within the secret realm?"

"I am one of the three chiefs in the world, and I am called Yin Shiji."

The purple-crowned man stared at Xia Xia proudly, with a chill in his tone.

"That's not right." Xia Tian curled his lips, "I heard someone called Broken Arm King or Broken Sword King before saying that there are only three families and one sect in the secret realm of Tiangong, and there are four forces in total, and I have never heard of you. ."

The purple-crowned man sneered, and then said, "Because the Supreme Immortal Order of the Shangguan family and the Xiao family was taken by me ten years ago."

"So you have two Extreme Immortal Tokens on you?" Xia Xia immediately became interested and asked with a smile.

"Yes, I have two Extreme Immortal Tokens on me."

The purple-crowned man said coldly, "Actually, I originally wanted to save Long Yinghuang because of the Supreme Immortal Token on him. Now that you have taken it away, I naturally have to ask you for it."

Xia Xia smiled: "That's not a coincidence, I also want the two pieces you have."

"You want to enter the Tomb of Extreme Immortal?"

The man with the purple crown showed a disdainful look on his face, "I'm afraid you don't have that ability, so why don't you give me the Extreme Immortal Token and exchange some benefits from me."

Xia Xia looked lazy, and said lightly: "If you have this ability, it doesn't matter if you say it with your mouth.

Only one knows. "

After speaking, he added another sentence: "You'd better have some other tricks, and be stronger than this old loach, otherwise, it will be too boring."

"I can probably understand why you are so arrogant." The purple-crowned man glanced coldly at the remnant of the ancestor of the Long family, and said cautiously: "You seem to be extremely deceitful and your body skills. You are fighting against others. When the

Ming's body technique hides himself, and then sneaks in secretly, so that he can be hit with a single blow. "

Xia Tian was a little impatient: "If you want to fight, fight, what nonsense."

"However, your set is useless to me."

The purple-crowned man put his hands behind his back and put on an expert attitude, "Because I'm a demon, with an invisible body, your sneak attack is useless."

"Don't talk about it." Xia Xia shook his head, "What kind of demon clan of the Six Demon Platforms, you were killed by me outside."

"Don't compare them to me." The purple-crowned man said with a little disgust: "They went outside the world, that is, they abandoned their natural demon body, and they will naturally be taken advantage of by you. And I have been in the world since I was born. Inside, infiltrated with spiritual energy day and night, it is far from the body of a true demon.

But it's a step away. "

Xia Tian pouted: "I'm too lazy to care about your real or fake demons, so I just ask, do you fight or not?"

"You ungrateful animal!"

The purple-crowned man's eyes were already full of killing intent, "I originally wanted to spare your life for the sake of Palace Master Su, but it's a pity that you don't cherish it yourself, so don't blame me."

"Really?" Xia Xia said seriously: "I don't need to look at anyone's face, I have always treated others with reason, as long as you give me the order of the extreme immortal now, I can spare your life."


The purple-crowned man was instantly enraged by Xia Xia.

Immediately, a palm slapped over.


The thunderous roar shook, and the area within a radius of several kilometers was instantly shrouded, and the remnant of the ancestor of the Long family couldn't stand the pressure and shattered in an instant.

"Hmph, you knew you were going to hide!"

The purple-crowned man moved his eyes coldly, immediately caught the trace of Xia Xia, and flashed over: "Show me!"


Xia Xia's face did show a little doubtful look, but he quickly wiped his body again and disappeared again.

"it's useless."

The purple-crowned man snorted softly, "Your movement is actually very subtle, but you use it so crudely, it's almost like you haven't put any thought into it."

Xia Tian was a little puzzled: "It's just a movement technique, what kind of mind should I use?"

"That's it." The purple-crowned man laughed and said: "You are a wild boar and can't eat fine chaff. No matter how powerful you are, you don't know how to grind it, and you only use it by instinct. It's a complete waste. You Do you understand the subtlety of this movement technique? You know that this martial arts has profound implications

the avenue? You don't know anything, you're just a fool who uses it, abuses it, abuses it. "

Xia Xia obviously did not agree with this point of view, and said lazily: "Whether it be martial arts, body technique, or anything else, it's fine if you can use it, just enough, the rest is bullshit." "Sure enough. Play the qin to a cow." The purple-crowned man listened to Xia Xia's words, and became more and more contemptuous: "It's a miracle that a person like you can survive until now. Long Yinghuang is really confused, and his skill has degenerated to this point.

You can't even beat a small role like you. "

Xia Tian yawned lazily: "Are you addicted to talking? Are you still fighting?"

"Hmph, I've seen through your tricks, and now I'll send you to the West!" The purple-crowned man said lightly.

Xia Tian also smiled: "Actually, I can see through your tricks. Your palm strength is no longer valid for me."

"Then see the real chapter under your hand."

The purple-crowned man's face turned cold, and the murderous aura in his eyes was undisguised.

This palm looks light and fluttering, like the wind caressing a willow.

As far as the palm of the wind can reach, it seems that even the air has been smashed to pieces.

Faintly, the sound of wind and thunder trembled.

Even Summer seemed to be shocked by this sudden power, unable to move.

"Don't think about dodging."

The purple-crowned man laughed with a smug look on his face: "I forgot to tell you, my three-point robbery has the effect of shocking the mind. As long as you are caught in the palm of your hand, you can't move anymore."


At the same time as he spoke, his palm hit Xia Tian.

A blast of energy like wind and thunder poured into Xia Xia's body, and then exploded.

I saw Xia Xia's face suddenly changed greatly, and then he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of painstaking efforts.

"Xia Xia, you lost." The purple-robed man snorted softly, showing a proud look, "This time, I have shown mercy, otherwise, you would be dead now."

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