Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2778 The whereabouts of the good baby

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"What is this Dan?"

The purple-robed female Taoist asked hesitantly.

"You don't have to ask, and I won't answer either."

Mr. Gou said lightly: "You can eat it if you believe me. If you don't believe me, turn your head and leave now, that's fine."

"This" the purple-robed female Taoist hesitated for two or three seconds, but chose to take the medicine pill and swallow it directly.

When the medicinal pill entered her stomach, she felt as if a fire immediately burned in her stomach. In less than half a second, the fire burned her limbs and bones.


The female Taoist priest in purple robe let out a shrill scream.

Then, her body also changed visible to the naked eye, and her face was like a scalding pigskin, revealing a strange red light.

Not only the face, but the skin all over his body burned like paper.

Remember the URL m.9biquge.

"Ah—" the purple-robed female Taoist priest screamed, her body slowly pounced on Mr. Gou: "What did you eat for me, what did you eat!"

Mr. Gou sat still, with no emotion in his eyes.

Soon, the fire inside and outside the purple-robed female Taoist priest's body was burnt out.


The purple-robed female Taoist found that she had not been burned to death, but felt relieved all over, and then an indescribable relief surged up from the depths of her body, making her tremble all over.

"Let's see."

Mr. Gou took a mirror and handed it to the purple-robed Taoist priest.

The female Taoist priest in purple robe took the mirror with a puzzled look, and jumped up in shock just by looking at it: "Who, who is this woman?

"You are wrong, this woman is a peerless beauty."

Mr. Gou laughed and then explained: "But I have a strange congenital disease, and I am tortured by evil spirits every day, so that's why it became like this."

"Then who is she?"

The female Taoist priest in purple robe asked inexplicably, "What does it have to do with Xia Tian?"

Mr. Gou didn't answer, just said lightly: "You don't have to ask me, because everything you want to know is in the medicine pill. After about half an hour, you will no longer be you."

"Gou Xiujin, what did you do to me?"

The purple-robed female Taoist priest was shocked to realize that her memory seemed to be in chaos, as if there was another memory that did not belong to her at all, like sea water pouring into a stream, surging.

"It didn't do anything."

Mr. Gou slowly stood up and walked to the purple-robed female Taoist priest, "It's just to make you temporarily become another woman, a woman that Xia Xia can't refuse, as long as you complete the task, you can return to the original state, my promise. There will be no discount.”

The purple-robed female Taoist held on to her last sanity and asked, "Then you can just find that woman directly." "That woman won't cooperate with me."

Mr. Gou shook his head and said lightly, "You don't have to think so much. During the onset of the drug effect, you are her, no different."

The female Taoist priest in purple robe said, "Xia Tian is a genius doctor, you can't deceive her."

"You also said that Xia Tian is a genius doctor."

Mr. Gou looked up into the distance and said coldly, "It's not God."

The purple-robed female Taoist priest wanted to say more, but her mind roared, and she fell to the ground in a slump, not knowing anything.

"Come on."

Mr. Gou gave a soft cry and called a guard: "Send her to Shangguan's house in Nanzong."

the other side.

After getting the four Extreme Immortal Tokens in the summer, he continued to move in the direction of the Extreme Immortal Tomb.

Walking and walking, suddenly a figure came out of nowhere and followed Xia Xia.

"Why are you following me?"

Xia Tian yawned lazily and turned to look at the man.

This man was dressed in white and looked about thirty years old. He was tall and handsome. Judging from his clothes, he was quite ancient, and he might be a native of the world.

The man in white couldn't help laughing: "Could it be that this road belongs to your family, only you can walk, others follow you?"

"You're right."

Xia Tian thought about it for a while, and didn't pursue it any further: "Then you'd better not follow me, otherwise, you will be beaten badly by me."

The man in white showed an inexplicable expression, and said a little speechlessly: "You are not a beautiful and handsome guy, and you are not a trailing idiot?

Why should I follow you? "

"You know a lot of words. You came in from outside the secret."

Summer said casually.

The man in white gave Xia Xia a strange look: "Why should I tell you?"

Then he was startled and stared straight at Xia Xia: "You won't be a killer sent by someone else, waiting for me here, right?"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "Except my woman, no one in the world can send me, and you are not qualified to kill me."

"Who are you, with such a big tone?"

The man in white couldn't help but feel a little funny, "You still need qualifications to be killed by you. Could it be that you can't kill a god?"

"I'm not Killing God, because Killing God is my second master."

Summer replied lazily.

The man in white was stunned for a moment: "Alan, the god of killing, is your master?"

"He's my second master."

Summer said casually: "No

However, I have already surpassed him, but I am too lazy to grab his name. "

"It's a blessing to meet you."

The man in white smiled lightly: "When I was young, Mr. Ai saved my life, and I have always been impressed by it, I never thought that I would meet his apprentice here.

You must express your gratitude to him for me." Xia Tian curled his lips: "Thank you, go to him yourself, I will never do this kind of thing for you. "

"Oh, yes."

At this time, the man in white bowed his hands to Xia Xia and introduced himself: "My name is Shangguan Jinhuan, and I am from the Shangguan family of the Northern Sect. I don't know what brothers are called?"

"I am summer, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the invincible sky in the sky and the world."

Xia Xia introduced himself in a serious manner, and then said: "Except for some idiots who deliberately seek death, not everyone deserves to be killed by me."

Shangguan Jinhuan frowned slightly: "Summer?

I seem to have heard of it somewhere. "

Xia Tian showed a proud look: "I am the number one doctor in the world, and the number one expert in the world, and I'm so handsome, you've heard that I'm normal."

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the man in white couldn't help laughing: "Maybe."

Then he asked: "Then I don't know what Mr. Xia did in the secret realm?"

Before Xia Tian could answer, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face: "Isn't it the one who took the mission and came in to kill?"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "My shot fee is very expensive, and no one can afford me at present."

"I know the rules, missions can't be spread out, right?"

Shangguan Jinhuan obviously didn't believe it, and said jokingly, "Haha, as long as you don't come to kill me."

Xia Tian glanced at him and yawned, not bothering to repeat what he just said.

"Mr. Xia, do you know what I'm here for?"

Shangguan Jinhuan was a little surprised when he saw that Xia Xia didn't talk to him, so he continued to stir up the topic: "Actually, I came in to attend a wedding on behalf of the Shangguan family outside the world."


Xia Tian suddenly became interested, "Who is the bride and how does she look?"

Shangguan Jinhuan didn't expect Xia Tian to ask such a direct question, so he was stunned for a moment, and then continued: "This one, it's not easy to say.

In fact, I know the bride. She used to be a classmate, but she dropped out of school due to illness and never saw her again. "

"It's all bullshit."

Xia Tian yawned lazily: "Just say it looks good, or it doesn't look good."

Shangguan Jinhuan touched his nose and said hesitantly, "Actually, he used to be very beautiful, but then he contracted a strange disease. His body was covered with black plaques and it gave off a strange smell."

Xia Tian suddenly thought of something and asked, "Is this woman surnamed Shen?"

"Hey, do you know Mr. Xia too?"

Shangguan Jinhuan showed an unexpected look, "It's true that her surname is Shen, and her family's influence in the lighthouse country is not small. She is a genius hacker herself."

Xia Tian asked again, "Does she have a brother named Shen Hongfei?"


Shangguan Jinhuan nodded hurriedly: "Mr. Xia, you really know each other, then we can go together."

Xia Xia's mood was a little unhappy, because what Shen Hongfei said was completely different from what he said.

Shen Hongfei told him that he brought his sister down to relax.

Then, in the process of relaxing, he was caught by the people of the Long family and stole it directly.

Just now, Shen Hongfei told him that his sister ran away.

At that time, Xia Xia knew that he was lying, but he didn't care, and it had nothing to do with him anyway.

Now it seems that this Shen Hongfei is deliberately deceiving him.

"What's that girl's name?"

Xia Xia had a guess in his heart, and then asked.

Shangguan Jinhuan showed an unexpected expression: "Don't you know Mr. Xia? Don't you know her name?"

Xia Tian said unhappily: "I will answer whatever I ask you."

"Her name is Shen Meng."

Shangguan Jinhuan replied immediately, but added another sentence: "But there was a nickname before, like Shen Baobao."

Xia Xia Meifeng raised his head slightly, turned his head and stared at Shangguan Jinhuan: "Is she still called a good baby?"

"Good baby?"

Shangguan Jinhuan shook his head: "This is not clear, we used to just call her baby."

At this time, Xia Xia has become expressionless: "Then who is she married to?"

"It's the youngest son of the Shangguan Patriarch in the world, it seems to be called Shangguan Xiaofei."

Shangguan Jinhuan laughed and said a little embarrassedly: "I am only eighteen or nineteen years old, but in terms of seniority, he is my uncle."

Xia Tian basically decided that this baby Shen was a good baby.

As for whether it was the good baby who had entered the Nether Realm with him at the beginning, or the other good baby who never showed up, he needed to confirm it.

"Which direction is Shangguan's house?"

Summer asked casually.

Shangguan Jinhuan pointed at him: "It's over there. If you walk there, it will take about three hours, eh?"

Before he could finish speaking, he found himself suddenly rising into the air, turning into a startling rainbow, and swiftly swept in the direction of Shangguan's house.

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