Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2781 Don't you think you're laughing too loudly?

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"Don't do it yet!"

Just when the Shangguan Patriarch launched the [Burning Sun True Qi] and slammed it heavily on Xia Xia, a figure suddenly flashed over and stopped drinking.

"It's too late!" The Shangguan Patriarch heard this man's voice, but he didn't hold back, instead he added a bit of spiritual power and hit Xia Xia's chest.

The Shangguan Patriarch succeeded with one palm, and his murderous aura was released, so he did not continue to make further killing moves.

"Didn't I tell you not to do it?" The man who suddenly appeared said a little unhappily.

The Shangguan Patriarch was furious and shouted indignantly, "Palace Su, he killed my son and humiliated my Shangguan family..."

"Shut up, I didn't ask you."

The person who came was actually Su Mengli, she rolled her eyes when she heard the words of the Shangguan Patriarch, gave a casual rebuke, and then looked at Xia Xia.

"He was hit by my palm, and he was sure to die."

The Shangguan Patriarch said with a somewhat unpleasant expression: "Don't make waves on him... eh?"

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"Separated so soon?" Xia Xia yawned lazily, and gave Su Mengli a deep look: "Sure enough, it's better to separate, it's more pleasing to the eye."

Then, he casually patted his chest, rushed to the Shangguan Patriarch and said, "Your true qi is very ordinary, it's a little lower than that loach's divine flame and another three-point calamity."

"You're actually fine!" The Shangguan Patriarch showed an unbelievable look on his face: "The old man clearly used 70% to 80% of his skills. Even if he can't kill you, he can at least make you seriously injured!"

"Okay, it's none of your business here." Su Mengli said with a displeased expression: "If you don't want to die, just get out of the way."

"Su Mengli, as the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, why are you so partial to a person outside the world!"

The Shangguan Patriarch was furious and shouted at Su Mengli.

"Get out!"

Su Mengli didn't say a word, and instantly swept up to the Shangguan Patriarch, and slapped him out with a palm. "Palace Su, you..." The young woman in the white dress was stunned for a moment, she opened her mouth to say something, but after meeting Su Mengli's warning gaze, she had to swallow it back: "Palace Master is free, our Shangguan family will not interfere anymore. , please forgive my father

One life. "

Xia Tian said casually: "Forget it, I haven't relieved my anger yet."

The young woman in the white skirt looked unhappy, and said to Xia Tian, ​​"You killed my brother, and now my father is also seriously injured, isn't it enough to write it off?"

"Whether it can be written off, you don't have to say it, I say it." Xia Xia said casually, then turned to look at Shen Meng: "Good baby No. 2, what do you want to do with them, kill them all or what? "

Shen Meng couldn't help showing a wry smile on her face, and said slowly, "It's up to you to decide."

"That's fine." Xia Tian curled his lips: "Then kill them all."

Su Mengli laughed and said to Xia Tian, ​​"When did you become so murderous, it's unnecessary."

"Are you here to intercede for them?" Xia Xia said unhappily.

"Where are they worthy?" Su Mengli shook her head and said, "I'm here to deliver news to you. Those women of yours seem to have asked some key information from the Demon Race, and they insisted that I pass it on to you. The one who couldn't escape. , so I sent my clone directly

. "

"You still want to intercede for them." Xia Tianqing still heard that Su Mengli meant to intercede for these people, and couldn't help but snorted: "It doesn't matter, let's talk about the news first."

Su Mengli smiled, turned her head and said to the young woman in the white dress, "You guys still don't get out?"

"Thank you Palace Master! Thank you Mr. Xia." The young woman in the white skirt bit her lip, but she still had her father and his brother's corpse lifted up and slowly left.

Su Mengli glanced at Shen Meng again, smiled and said to Xia Xia: "Your taste is getting heavier and heavier, you can catch her eye, why did you reject me before?"

"She's different from you." Xia Xian didn't bother to explain anything. "Let's talk about it."

Shen Meng said lightly to Su Mengli: "I don't have that kind of relationship with Xia Xia, you don't have to misunderstand."

"Sooner or later, you thought you could escape." Su Mengli rolled her eyes and said unwillingly, "It's just that I don't understand, since you don't like me in the summer, why did you have to let that one separate me? ?"

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Because the palace lord is very beautiful, you have lowered her appearance a bit, so it is better to be separated."

"Hey, you're really a straight man." Su Mengli obviously didn't like this answer, but she quickly adjusted, "Come closer to me, what if the news you said is heard by others?"

Xia Tian was speechless for a while: "Do you think that with me here, who can eavesdrop?"

"Yes." Su Mengli changed her posture and put her hand on Xia Xia's shoulder: "The demons sent people to the other two secret realms to hunt down your women, but they have already been killed. They asked from the mouths of the demons. A key piece of information."

Xia Tian yawned: "Say."

Su Mengli said slowly, "The demons want to take advantage of this opportunity to open the tomb of the extreme immortals and kill you!"

"That's it?" Xia Tian pouted slightly disdainfully. "Of course it's not that simple." Su Mengli shook her head with a smile, and then said: "What's going on, those demon killers don't know either. I only know that they did tricks on the door of the tomb of the extreme immortal. time to go

open that door,

An extremely terrifying force will erupt, which is said to be an energy that can shatter the entire Heavenly Palace. "

"Then they died themselves." Shen Meng was a little puzzled, with a puzzled look on her face.

Su Mengli didn't like Shen Meng very much, and answered in a rather unpleasant tone: "The traps they made must have been prepared long ago."

"Then what are you trying to express when you tell Xia Xia?" Shen Meng was not angry, but was still a little puzzled.

"Of course it's delayed."

Su Mengli ignored Shen Meng, looked at Xia Xia, and said softly: "Originally, the best time to open the secret realm of the Tiangong is two months away, and instead of being caught in the trap of the demons, it is better to wait for a while, what do you think? "

"Not much." Xia Tian curled his lips, "It's their business that they set a trap, and it's my business that I want to open that door."

"Then are you stupid?" Su Mengli was speechless, "You know that someone else has set a trap, but are you stupid enough to step in?"

Xia Xia said nonchalantly: "No matter what traps they have, it doesn't work for me."

Su Mengli said with a smile: "This is the opinion of the palace master and Ye Yumei, you don't listen?"

"Since it's here, do it directly." Xia Xia said disapprovingly: "There's no need to postpone it because of a bunch of idiots."

"Okay, since you've made a decision, it's useless for me to say more." Su Mengli knew what Xia Tian's temper was, so she didn't persuade any more, but said goodbye: "Then I'll go to convey your instructions, and see you later. "

No response in summer.

Su Mengli was a little dissatisfied: "Hey, I haven't seen you for a while, so why don't you keep me?"

"It won't be long." Xia Tian waved his hand, "Do you like to go or not."

"Don't be afraid that I will stay here and delay you picking up girls." Su Mengli said a little jealously.

Xia Tian smiled: "Do you think I care?"

"You are really ruthless and unjust, go!" Su Mengli gave Xia Tian a white look and left immediately.

After a while, Shen Meng found that Xia Xia didn't speak, so she asked, "Xia, Xia Xia, what should we do next?"

"Of course I'll treat you first." Xia Xia said solemnly as a silver needle lit up between her fingers.

"Now?" Shen Meng said somewhat unexpectedly, "Here?"

Xia Xia nodded: "Why not?" At this time, Su Mengli's voice rang again, and she complained dissatisfiedly: "Hey, Xia Xia, are you alright. This is the secret realm of the Tiangong, not to mention the demons everywhere, the Shangguan family alone may be still hate you, you are here

Needle, don't be afraid of being plotted. "

"No one can count against me." Xia Xia said with a look of disdain.

Su Mengli appeared in front of Xia Xia again, and persuaded bitterly: "Even if I can't count you, what if you consume a lot of spiritual energy here, and you won't be able to open the door of the tomb of the extreme immortal?"

"Have you ever thought that this may also be one of the tricks of the demons, just to take the opportunity to consume your spiritual energy?"

The silver needle in Xia Xia's hand was quite stable, and slowly pierced into Shen Meng's eyebrows: "What do you do when you think about so many unnecessary things, let's cure the good baby first."

At this moment, the roar of the Shangguan Patriarch suddenly sounded in the room:

"Burning Yang True Qi, burning the sky and burning the earth!"

"Summer, the old man perishes with you, die for me!"

Then, an endless moxibustion hot breath suddenly filled the entire room.

Before a few of them could react in the summer, the aura exploded.

As a result, most of the Shangguan's house collapsed suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, it fell into a huge pit.

"Hahaha, that's really interesting."

In the distance, Mr. Gou from a certain hill saw this scene and couldn't help laughing loudly: "Patriarch Shangguan is a bit tougher this time. Even if he can't kill Xia Xia, he can still consume some of his spiritual energy."

"Summer, summer, I know that you are very powerful, and I also know that your eight needles against the sky are very powerful."

"However, if you don't have the support of ice and fire aura, your anti-sky eight needles probably won't show much success."

"You're just too arrogant. You know it's a trap and you step on it! You know that others are plotting against you, but you'll still be fooled!"

"Be smart enough to say that you are such a person! In the end, you will inevitably die of your arrogance!"

"So, to destroy you, you don't need to be stronger than you, you just need to be smarter than you, more tolerant than you, better than you... and I, Gou Xiujin, just happen to be this kind of person."

"What Tiangong Sankui, what six magic platforms, the ultimate winner can only be me, someone! Hahahaha!"

Just when Mr. Gou was laughing at the subtlety of his calculations, a lazy voice suddenly sounded behind him. "Don't you think you're laughing too loudly?"

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