Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2797 Heavenly Demon Lord

"Thousands of years are far away, and the magic flame is immortal.

All sentient beings suffer, why don't you worship me! "

A rather hoarse and deep voice suddenly rang out, like an ancient god who had slept for endless years chanting, causing confusion and uncontrollable blood boiling.

"Keep your mind and calm your blood."

The Palace Master of Tiangong shouted loudly: "Don't be deceived by its words."

The others acted according to their words, and as expected, they regained their senses a little, without the feeling that their internal organs were about to explode.

"what is this?"

Nie Xiaoli was a little stunned, there was still an indescribable fear in her beautiful eyes, and she couldn't help but look back at Xia Xia.

Xia Xia Meifeng wrinkled slightly, showing a slightly unhappy expression: "Don't pretend to be a ghost, just get out."

"Haha, the mere ants dare to yell at me."

The voice sneered, and the tone was full of contempt and disdain.

Xia Tian pouted: "Hide your head and show your tail, don't dare to show up, don't call it a devil, call it a mouse."

"Hmph, you are worthy of seeing my devil's real body just because of you rubbish?"

The voice snorted softly, and said with a murderous aura: "I will guard the tomb of the extreme immortals, and those who trespass here will be killed without mercy!"

Then he emphasized again and again: "You! You! All! Gotta! Die!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw thousands of white water foam splashing in the boiling lake, like dense raindrops, rushing to the sky and covering the earth, with nowhere to escape.

The Palace Master of Tiangong waved his hand and turned into a transparent mask, and said to the others, "Hide behind me."

The women in the summer did not hesitate at all, and immediately hid together under the hood.

Only Zhao Yuji and Xia Xia did not act, they still stood in place, but their expressions were rather solemn.

"Ah—" As for those who had already changed, they screamed again at this time.

Just as these half-human, half-monster immortal cultivators fell into despair, some people barely regained a little consciousness and shouted: "This is a demon, everyone quickly withdraw, or it will really become a monster."

Those who remained conscious immediately tried their best to escape.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of people fell from the dome, and fell to the ground like dumplings.

Some people were pierced by white water droplets before they landed, and some fell to their death as soon as they landed... The rest collided with mutants who wanted to escape, and the scene was momentary. Extreme chaos.

Xia Tian curled his lips: "What are these idiots doing, looking for death is not such a way."

Zhao Yuji quickly thought of a possibility: "It may be that the spiritual energy outside the door has been recovered by the tomb of the extreme immortal. These people can't stay outside at all, so they all broke in."

"Ignore them."

Tiangong Palace Master's eyes are always fixed on the lake in front: "The most urgent task is to find a way to force the thing under the lake out, and then destroy it in one fell swoop."

Su Wushuang asked coldly, "Who is it under the lake!"

"A great devil who was subdued by Fairy Fuyao back then was also her former Dharma protector."

The Heavenly Palace Lord's expression was extremely solemn, "The world leader of the Nine Demon Realm in the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, known as the Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demons, was already in the tribulation period back then.

Fairy Fuyao also took advantage of it to subdue it.

To wake up Fairy Fuyao, you must kill it first. "

Zhao Yuji said suspiciously: "In fact, this is your real purpose, right?"

"You grew up in a prestigious family, and there are too many conspiracy theories in your mind."

The Palace Master of Tiangong glanced coldly at Zhao Yuji, and said with some waking up: "The avenue of immortality is different from the official methods you play in. Enlarging the pattern can prevent you from being deceived by the little tricks in your heart."

Zhao Yuji disapproved of these words, but she did not continue to speculate on the woman's mind.

"No matter how many ants there are, they are just ants, and nothing will change."

The voice laughed disdainfully, and said coldly: "Before you were outside the door, I couldn't help you, now is a good time to slaughter all of you."

Soon, those cheap white water droplets were glued together into silk. It looked sticky and soft, but it was extremely tough when touched, and it was difficult to cut off swords.

"Puff puff!"

Not long after, some people were caught in these white threads, and they seemed to be frozen and unable to move.

He could only allow the white stains to spread rapidly across his body, turning into an inhuman monster, and some couldn't stand it, so he exploded and died.

This hellish scene not only made the person who had just fallen down terrified, but even the girls hiding behind the mask were inexplicably panicked.

Xia Xia still had a light-hearted expression, and said lazily, "You don't have to be afraid. With me here, these broken things can't hurt you."

Among those people, someone suddenly shouted: "Everyone, don't walk around, gather together, like them, condense a spiritual barrier, otherwise everyone will die!"

Xia Tian glanced at the man and found that his face was a little familiar, as if it was the second child of the Long family.

It doesn't matter if you don't remember it, anyway, it's just a trick, not a beauty.

However, those people were very obedient, and they soon gathered dozens or hundreds of people to transport the spiritual energy together, and condensed a huge aura screen in mid-air.

Barriers, blocking those white silk threads like beams of laser light, as well as the splashing white water droplets.

When the others saw it, they either followed them or joined them directly.

In a short time, nearly a thousand people gathered around this Long Xingyun, and the aura barrier also became extremely thick, which seemed to be thicker than what Tiangong Palace Master condensed alone.

Seeing this, Su Beibei felt that it was not the way to go on like this, so she suggested: "Otherwise, let's help her too."

"Need not."

Tiangonggong refused directly, and said lightly: "You need to save your spiritual energy, and it is not time to take action, and remember what I just said."

Shi Chun was a little distracted because he patronized and touched Ning Ruirui's legs, and asked casually, "Ah, which sentence?"

The girls couldn't help but glared at her, and Ning Ruirui also patted her offending hand.

"Learn better, don't keep learning from that stinky wolf."

Ning Ruirui criticized angrily: "It's like a hooligan."

Shi Chun said a little embarrassedly: "Yes, yes, it was my brother-in-law who brought me down.

If you blame him, blame him, it doesn't matter to me. "

"Pure girl, you deserve to be beaten, don't you!"

Xia Xia said unhappily: "Don't think I won't beat you."

Shi Chun stuck out his tongue and didn't dare to talk nonsense any more.

"Wait a minute and listen to my orders."

The Palace Master of Tiangong was not angry, and repeated calmly: "Except Xia Xia and Zhao Yuji, others will drive those who are in the way out of the door, and then seal the door of the tomb of the extreme immortal first."

This time, everyone understood.

All the women responded in unison: "Okay."

Zhao Yuji approached Xia Xia at this time, and said softly: "Stay a while, I and the Tiangong Palace Master will find a way to hold back that Heavenly Demon Lord. You take the opportunity to fly to that stage and find a way to wake up Fairy Fuyao."

Xia Xia said lightly: "Don't be so troublesome, kill that devil first, and you can still pass."

"Whatever you say, do whatever you want."

Zhao Yuji glared at Xia Xia and reminded earnestly: "This is the principle discussed by me, Yu Mei, and the Tiangong Palace Master. If you don't want us to be angry, then be obedient."

Although Xia Xia felt that it was unnecessary, he still nodded: "Okay, I will listen to you.

However, if you can't stop it, then I will definitely shoot. "

"of course."

Zhao Yuji chuckled and said casually, "When the time comes, if you don't take action, I will force you to take action."

After a while, the white slurry in the lake was reduced by half, and the splashing speed was also much slower.

"Tian Sha, don't waste time, show up."

The Palace Master of Tiangong said provocatively at the right time: "Or, you haven't seen it for nearly 10,000 years, your real body has degenerated, and you dare not show up in front of others?"

"Hehe, Qi Ling, do you think the trick will work for me?"

The voice showed a bit of contempt: "Actually, I don't understand you a little bit.

In the past, you were an invisible and colorless spirit. You were invisible in the world, coming and going without a shadow. No one else could hurt you. I didn’t expect you to transform into a human being. "

The Palace Master of Tiangong didn't answer, but said lightly: "The nonsense is over, and if you don't show up, don't blame me for suffocating you in this broken pool, and you will become a dead turtle in the urn."

"I want to see my real body, hehe, then I will fulfill you all!"

The voice below suddenly became sharp, and along with the voice, there was a burst of incomparable tremors, not only the tomb of the extreme immortal, but the entire secret realm of the Tiangong, and even the surface of the earth was trembling slightly.


The lake in front suddenly turned upside down, and the white spirit slurry was surging, rushing towards the crowd.

Xia Xia suddenly appeared in front of the Heavenly Palace Palace Master's spiritual hood, the Sea-Ding Divine Needle lit up between his fingers, and he dashed forward with the ice and fire aura.

The white spirit paste immediately split into two halves, passing Xia Xia and the women behind him.

However, the rest of the people were not so well.

Soon, dozens of people were washed down by the white spiritual pulp, and then the flesh collapsed and the spirit scattered, disappearing from the world directly.

That Long Xingyun was a little clever, and actually took out dozens of scales of the ancestors of the Long family, used it as a boat, and loaded all the people who followed him on it.

Xia Xia took the dragon tendon of the ancestor of the Long family and left immediately, and the rest of the body remained in place. It seemed that it was collected by this Long Xingyun.


There was a huge quake ahead, and a huge black monster suddenly protruded from the bottom of the lake, like a small mountain peak ten meters high.

Everyone looked at it, and it took a while to understand what it was, and they were almost shocked.

"That...just a finger?"

Someone screamed.

"One hand is so huge, then his figure is going to be sky-high!"

"Let's run! Although there is no spiritual energy outside the door, I can survive anyway!"


Some people really couldn't bear this fear, and immediately abandoned the aura barrier, soared straight into the sky, and flew to the gap in the dome, trying to escape from here.

At this time, a whole wrist has been stretched out from the lake.

The giant palm was swept away and caught some white

The color spirit pulp was in the palm of his hand, and he suddenly clenched his fist.

Countless spiritual pastes burst out from the fingers, and the speed was more than ten times faster than before.

These knives-like spiritual pastes instantly smashed into several spiritual energy barriers, slicing all those people into flesh.

Then, he loosened his fists and slapped Xia Tian with his palm.


Like a thousand-year-old thunder, within the reach of the palm of your hand, even if the Kunlun Sacred Mountain is here, most of it has been blasted into a giant pit, not to mention a few mere cultivators.

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