Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2799 It's okay to eat 10,000 swords from you

"How, am I comfortable with this sword?"

The Demon Lord Tiansha grinned, his eyes full of contempt and disdain: "Before you die, do you have any last wishes, maybe my demon can help you realize it."

Summer has not been beaten in a long time! It's been a long time since I've been hurt so badly! After this white thunder slammed into his body, it immediately rampaged, destroying unscrupulously.

"Don't struggle, your body is almost an empty shell with broken organs and broken bones."

Xia Tian didn't speak, and there was no expression on his face.

"Are you confused?"

The Demon Lord Tiansha stared at Xia Xia's eyes tightly, as if he could see his satisfied emotions from the inside, and said with a smile, "Can't you figure out why you can't move, and why you can't use your spiritual energy?"

Before waiting for Xia Tian's answer, he continued to laugh loudly: "No need to guess, I will tell you directly, because this pool of spiritual pulp, after ten thousand years of infiltration, has long been turned into a demon by me.

From the moment you enter this lake, you have lost, and there is no doubt that you will lose, there is no chance of winning! "

"Are you finished talking nonsense?"

Xia Xian didn't die, and he didn't look scared at all. On the contrary, he was a little excited. I haven't felt this way for a long time: "You can't kill even an ant with your strength, so you want to kill me?"


When the Demon Lord Tiansha heard this, he couldn't help showing some doubts: "You are just a mere mortal, your spiritual energy is frozen, and your body has been shattered by my demon, why are you still alive?"

"The aura is frozen, so don't use the aura."

Xia Tian curled his lips, showing a disapproving look: "You don't think I can only use spiritual energy, no."

After he finished speaking, a silver needle flashed out and shot directly into the right eye of the Demon Lord.


The Demon Lord Tiansha was stunned for a moment, and then a hand subconsciously touched his right eye, but the hand holding Xia Xia did not retract.

Xia Xia said unhappily: "You still want to hold me down, but you are not hopelessly stupid."

"It's impossible, my eyes are also protected by Astral Qi, how could it be punctured by a mere silver needle?"

The right eye of the Demon Lord of Heavenly Demons was bleeding with golden and black blood, but what made him even more uncomfortable was the doubt in his heart, "What tricks have you played, or are there any magic weapons?"

"No magic weapon."

Xia Tian smiled and took out another silver needle: "I just want to blind you."

"I underestimate you."

The Demon Lord Tiansha was not in a panic, but in the remaining eye, there was a bit more viciousness: "No matter what tricks you play, in front of absolute strength, it's just a trick. Can't decide the victory!"

"you're right."

Xia Xia nodded unexpectedly, then with a slight break, he broke the hand that was holding him, and said with a smile, "So, you are sure to lose."

The Demon Lord Tiansha roared, and withdrew his arm directly, and then at a faster speed, he punched the past: "Then I will kill you directly!"


With one punch, a huge pit collapsed from the wall, and the entire Tiangong Secret Realm shook again.

The spiritual pulp in the pool was also overflowing.

However, this summer is not in this pit.

Instead, he appeared above the head of the Heavenly Demon Lord, pacing slowly, as if he were walking.


The Demon Lord Tiansha knew that he was empty when he punched it out, but he was also puzzled: "Your body has clearly been eroded by my demon seed, how could you still move!"

"You can't do this with any kind of demon."

Xia Xia said lazily: "I have already cracked it, and it is not really useful to me."

After saying this, the Demon Lord Tiansha couldn't help but sneer.

"The only thing that can break the Demon Seed is Jie Li!"

Demon Lord Tiansha's eyes are full of superiority, and he puts on a condescending pride: "This land abandoned by immortals, the spiritual energy is extremely thin, I am afraid that in the past ten thousand years, there has been no such thing as a catastrophe, right?"

The implication is that it naturally means that there is no possibility of calamity in the summer.

"So your vision is actually not very good, and your thinking has been solidified."

Xia Tian sighed softly, showing a little regretful expression: "What devil, he has been in prison here for nearly ten thousand years, and his mind is not sober."

The Demon Lord Tiansha felt greatly insulted, and shouted: "Since this is the case, it is useless to say more, see the real chapter under your hand!"


Immediately, he roared, and his entire body trembled.

It was so shocking that in the summer, I couldn't stand up, and my brain was about to boil.

The huge body twisted slightly, and in the blink of an eye, it changed its direction, turning into the appearance of all fours facing the sky. Then, he folded his hands and slapped the ground like a fly, trying to slap Summer between his palms.


Xia Xia squeezed his fist and hit one of his palms.

It turned out that it was of no use. In terms of physical strength, he really couldn't pass the other party.

During this period, he also tried to use a silver needle to pierce several key points of the Demon Lord, but found that he really couldn't penetrate it for a while.

I have to say that the scales on this Demon Lord are really powerful.

Even if the summer stabs again

The other eye of the Blind Sky Demon Lord is basically useless, not to mention that the other party must be prepared.

Unless the silver needle can completely break the qi shield in the opponent's eyes, and then go straight to the mind, it may be able to kill the enemy with one hit.


Once again, the palms folded together, and a huge vibration sounded again.

"I want to see how long you can escape."

The Demon Lord Tiansha snorted coldly: "In this pool, no matter what you rely on, you will eventually be captured by my demon!"

Xia Xian was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, his eyes were fixed on the body of this demon, and he punched him in the back.

"It's useless."

The Heavenly Demon Lord sneered, showing a clear expression: "If I knew you would be like this, how could my demon be unprepared."

While speaking, the slap had arrived, and Xia Tian couldn't dodge in time, just hit.

Xia Xia was blasted out like a cannonball, and it stopped twice after unloading the force twice.

How could that Heavenly Demon Lord miss such a good opportunity, and his palms slapped over immediately.

Despite his huge body, his movements are not awkward at all. On the contrary, he has a very strange agility, which is hard to guard against.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The Demon Lord Tiansha blasted out hundreds of palms in a row, almost smashing the opposite wall into mud.

Xia Tian gasped slightly, and the smile on his face was still hanging: "I have already figured out what's going on with your body."

"Hmph, death is imminent, and you are still talking about such big things."

The Heavenly Demon Lord didn't believe a word, "My demon's body is one of the supreme spiritual bodies in the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, and only two people in the entire Nine Demons Realm once possessed it, even if the gods took action, they could not Hurt me in the slightest."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "You said it so powerfully, I was still subdued by that Fuyao Fairy back then."

"That's different."

The Heavenly Demon Lord sneered, showing a disapproving look: "Fairy Qin also used some means back then, plus I admire her as a person, so I am willing to be her servant.

Who knew that she was so stupid, that she offended the top management of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, and that she was banished to this place where the immortals don't shit, and I was also implicated! "

"There are so many excuses."

Xia Tian said casually: "Is it so difficult to admit that you lost to her?"


The Demon Lord Tiansha was instantly furious and broke his defenses, and the black scale armor on his body suddenly spread out, turning into countless fine black fish, surrounding Xia Tian.

Xia Xia was a little puzzled, and looked at these black fish, while popping out a few silver needles to try it out.

Sure enough, Yin was useless against these little black fish, but he didn't attack him either, just surrounded him.

Don't think about it, this is just buying time for the Demon Lord.

Sure enough, the Heavenly Demon Lord snorted suddenly, and a thin layer of golden light radiated from his body.

Then, the white spiritual pulp that filled the lake rolled up, and then seeped in from all over his body.

In less than half a second, almost half of the lake's spiritual pulp was absorbed by him alone.

Not only did the huge body not get bigger, but it also got smaller, tightening round by round, and finally becoming no different from a normal person.

In a short time, the Demon Lord Tiansha turned into a handsome young man with a height of nearly two meters.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, heroic.

Moreover, he was also wearing a white robe with a fluttering robe, just like the appearance of a turbid Shijia son.

However, there is still a circle of gold borders in the bottom of his eyes, his eyes are gloomy and murderous.

The Demon Lord Tiansha looked at Xia Xia with a sneer: "Boy, if you can see my true body, even if you die, you will be lucky for three lifetimes."

"No, I just think you're not as handsome as me."

Summer pouted.

The Demon Lord Tiansha replied indifferently: "The appearance is nothing but an illusory skin, why are you so persistent?"

Xia Xia said unhappily: "Then why don't you look uglier?"

"This is my real body, not transformed."

The Heavenly Demon Lord floated in the air, with his arms behind his back, but he was a bit of an expert, "Now you can choose a way to die, I'm a demon, it's impossible to go back if I don't kill it happily. Fortunately, I was fortunate to be the first sacrifice."

Xia Tian replied directly: "Sacrificing your head."


The Demon Lord Tiansha shook his head and waved gently at Xia Xia.

"Xuuuuuuu——" In an instant, thousands of white sword qi slashed towards Xia Tian.

"It's this kind of move again, the sword qi is not too much to be criticized."

Xia Xia shook his head, his fingertips lit up the Sea-Ding Divine Needle, and greeted these sword qi.


Before those sword qi could reach Xia Xia, they were smashed by a vortex of spiritual qi.


The Heavenly Demon Lord was not in a hurry at all, holding the sword, he waved again: "Take another sword from me."

The white sword energy condensed again, turned into a giant sword, and stabbed straight at Xia Xia.

"It's okay to eat another ten thousand swords from you."

Xia Xia yawned lazily, and flicked the silver needle out of his finger.

The sound of breaking the sky sounded immediately.

The silver needle pierces the white sword energy

In the middle, it was like a broken bamboo, and it penetrated in an instant, directly catching the left eye of the Demon Lord.


The Heavenly Demon Lord chuckled lightly, and as soon as the sword art was released, the silver needle was caught between his two fingers.

"Your silver needle is nothing but... eh?"

Before he could finish speaking, a white light flickered slightly and disappeared into his intact left eye.

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