Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2806 Ugly you don't understand

Chapter 2806 Ugly you don't understand

"fear death?"

Wuluo Shenjun smiled contemptuously, showing a disdainful look: "I will not die, let alone be killed by a person like you, and if I want to kill you, it is as easy as pinching an ant!"

Xia Xia sneered: "I'm afraid not necessarily, if you are really so invincible, why do you talk so much nonsense to us, you should have done it directly."

"Boy, I warn you!"

The anger in Wuluo Shenjun's eyebrows became stronger and stronger, "Don't be too presumptuous, it's useless!"

"Then I want to show you presumptuously!"

Xia Xia snorted softly, his hand had already clasped Wuluo Shenjun's shoulder just now, and the clasp was tight, not giving him a chance to wriggle.

After saying this, he punched him directly.


Wuluo Shenjun took Xia Xia's punch so hard that he spurted blood from his nose and mouth, as if he was dying.

It's just that his eyes are still cold. After all, this is just a borrowed clone, but the anger in his heart is hard to calm: "This gentleman is really careless and underestimated you."

Then, the words turned abruptly, and he said savagely: "However, don't be complacent. When my deity arrives, you will not be able to escape even if you put your wings on it! I will definitely give it back a hundred times and ten million times. I hope you can enjoy it when the time comes. ."

Xia Xia replied lazily: "Even if your deity comes, it will also die in my hands!"

"I don't know how high the sky is."

Wuluo Shenjun sneered, "What is your background, I have already figured it out clearly. All together, we can barely reach about 50% of this deity's strength. Killing you is as simple as killing a group of chickens."

The Tiangong Palace Master said with a blank face: "It seems that you are also a person who does not learn a lesson. We still have a trump card that is useless."

"Hehe, you said Fairy Fuyao?"

Wuluo Shenjun said contemptuously: "A person who has been lying in the immortal coffin for nearly ten thousand years, even if you wake up, so what, I am afraid that her strength has long been lost, how can it be me opponent!"

Zhao Yuji couldn't help but said: "If you want to come, come over now, we are really afraid that you will not succeed!"

The few people who had just been shaken back all came back, and they firmly surrounded Wuluo Shenjun.

"You're dead anyway."

Xia Xia shouted with an unhappy face: "Even if your deity comes, there is only one way to die!"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you for this momentary anger."

Wuluo Shenjun's expression changed several times, and this body really won't last long, but the deity still needs some work to get here, and after thinking about it, he thought of a way, so he rushed to Xia Xia and said: "Boy, do you dare to follow me? Life and death?

See if it's your fist or mine! "

Similar words, Xia Xia actually said it not long ago, but he ignored it.

Unexpectedly, in just a few minutes, the situation was directly reversed, and it was his turn to speak.

"Husband, don't listen to him."

Zhao Yuji immediately persuaded: "He must have some bad idea, just kill him directly."

"Even if you temporarily control me, it still takes some effort to kill me."

Wuluo Shenjun sneered, and said with a proud expression: "Also, if I insist on fighting to the death and breaking the net, you people..."

With that said, he looked around and looked at the women in the summer: "So many beauties, at least half of them will die, can you bear the consequences?"

Su Beibei said worriedly, "Xia Tian, ​​be careful of his tricks!"

"Yes, husband, don't believe him."

Lan Yiren also said: "Even if we can't help much, we still have the ability to protect ourselves."

Su Wushuang said: "Yes, you have absolutely no reason to listen to the enemy's words."

Bai Xianxian said firmly: "Brother Tian, ​​you don't have to worry about us."

Yang Shan didn't say anything, no matter what Xia Xia's decision was, she just had to follow it without any regrets.

Nie Xiaoli bit his lower lip and made up his mind to live and die with Xia Xia.

Shi Chun is also firm: "Brother-in-law, no matter what you do, we will support you unconditionally!"

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Wuluo Shenjun looked around and looked at the women in Xia Xia with a puzzled expression: "Actually, this gentleman is very puzzled, such a arrogant, ignorant and arrogant person, there are still women who like it and are willing to die for you, It's incredible!"

"That's because I'm handsome."

Xia Xia said solemnly: "You can never understand an ugly person like you."

Wuluo Shenjun smiled contemptuously: "It's really unreasonable."

"You're not even a person, and of course you can't understand this emotion."

Summer pouted.

"Don't talk nonsense, answer me directly."

Wuluo Shenjun said a little impatiently: "If you don't want to, then just kill the fish and break the net, you just need to be mentally prepared to lose a few women."

"Since you have chosen the method of death, then I will fulfill you."

Xia Xia certainly didn't want her women to bear this threat, and nodded in agreement: "Come on!"

Wuluo Shenjun snorted softly and shook his shoulders: "Aren't you going to let go?"

"Who knows if you will cheat!"

Tiangong Palace Master asked with some doubts.

Wuluo Shenjun scolded unhappily: "This monarch is the monarch of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, a cultivator at the peak of the tribulation period, my face is more important than your life, do you think this monarch will break his promise?"

"Don't worry, he won't do such an idiot."

Xia Xia said this casually, and then said to the girls: "You are all scattered, you can wait outside the tomb, or just leave."

The girls looked at each other, no one really had the idea of ​​leaving.

"Let's spread out."

Zhao Yuji said to them at the right time: "Everyone is crowded here, and it is not convenient for my husband to play."

At this time, they slowly swept up their bodies and retreated to the edge of the tomb of the extreme immortal, but they still did not leave.

Zhao Yuji also retreated and left, but gave Tiangong Palace Master a very secretive look.

"Since you want to fight, it's up to you!"

The beautiful eyes of the palace master of Tiangong were lowered, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry, but he just retreated to the edge of Xuanjing fairy coffin.

The towering giant sword that Wuluo God used just now was led to the front of the fairy coffin by them, as if a crack was opened.

The Tiangong Palace Master intends to take this opportunity to try to open the fairy coffin.

At this time, under the high platform of Jixian Tomb, Xia Xia and Wuluo Shenjun who borrowed Xiao Junxian's body stood opposite each other.

Under the aura, the robe fluttered.

"Since it's going to be a fight, then have a good fight."

With an excited look on Xia's face, he pointed at Wuluo God and said, "Do you have any tricks, or magic powers, etc., use them directly."

There was a trace of disapproval on Wuluo Shenjun's face, and a thin golden light suddenly appeared on his body, so bright that it was impossible to look directly.

"It's this kind of bells and whistles again."

Xia Tian curled his lips, "I'm afraid it's a trick that doesn't work."

Wuluo Shenjun was covered with golden light, and the whole person descended like a god: "Hey, now I will open your eyes!"

"You shattered light, it's a bit dazzling."

Summer said a little unhappily.

"Shen Luo Gangshou, the sword without me!"

Wuluo Shenjun gave a soft drink, and suddenly his body swept up, and the whole person was like a sword unsheathed, with a stern sword glow, slashing straight to the summer.

People are fast, swords are fast!

It's almost impossible to tell where the sword is and where the man is!

Almost unbelievably fast!

Even the palace master of the Tiangong Palace and Zhao Yuji, two immortal cultivators who were also in the tribulation period, did not capture his figure for a while, and they couldn't help but feel their hearts sinking and worry about Xia Xia.

Xia Xia just stood there blankly, clenched his fists, and stared at the opposite side without blinking.

Almost instantly, the sword arrives, and the person arrives!

At the same time, Xia Xia's fist also slammed out.


The two forces collided in mid-air, arousing an extremely violent and ferocious wind, blowing the entire Tiangong secret realm to the verge of collapse, making a crashing sound.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuji couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

The girls standing on the edge of the tomb of the extreme immortals were also frightened, and immediately gathered together to temporarily build a magic circle in order to resist the invasion of this energy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Before they could relax, there were a few more violent noises in the air.

Xia Xia and Wuluo Shenjun started a head-to-head confrontation.

No dodges, no concessions, no calculations, and no tricks...

Xia Xia used a pair of meat fists, relying on the ice and fire aura in the body, and the operation method of the eight needles against the sky, the fists were fierce and direct, without any fancy.

Wuluo Shenjun uses palm wind, but his qi is like a rainbow, like a sword unsheathed, and he is tirelessly slashing in the face of summer, and he is also not at all sloppy.

These two people, Xia Xia suffers from the fact that their cultivation has not fully recovered to the Transcending Tribulation Period, and they cannot release their full strength.

In the same way, Wuluo Shenjun was living in Xiao Junxian's body because he was distracted, and his cultivation was also limited to a certain extent.

It is precisely this kind of flaws and scruples that allows the two of them to fight without anyone else.

In such a battle, who wins and who loses, who lives and who dies, we will see the outcome soon!

"Boy, you are indeed tenacious, but you will definitely lose!"

Wuluo Shenjun's palm wind is like pouring rain, and when it hits, it is airtight.

Xia Xia's fist was a little clumsy, a punch was a punch, and it was not accompanied by a smooth backstroke, but it was very fast and seemed to be continuous.

"You are doomed!"

Summer casually.

Lord Wuluo suddenly seemed to have caught a flaw, and laughed loudly: "It's now, die for me!"

All of a sudden, he ate his middle two fingers together, and used a sword tactic to take Xia Xia's middle door.

At this time, it happened that the old force was about to be exhausted and the new force was not yet born, and the middle door opened wide.

Xia Xia didn't learn any boxing skills. Fighting with people was all based on instinct. Because of the speed, he never lost a boxing match before.

However, the Martial God Sovereign in front of him is not an extraordinary person, but an existence that is slightly better than him in terms of cultivation, knowledge, and martial arts, and he instantly seized the opportunity.

The sword energy passed through Xia Xia's fist without any hesitation, straight to the heart.


Blood splattered.

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