Flower Master in the City

Chapter eight hundred and twelve take your people out

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Are you so stingy? You're still working hard with me." Xia Xia was a little dissatisfied. "It's fine if you don't agree. I'll find someone else to do the experiment in the future."

Qiao Fenger glared at Xia Xia angrily, ignored him, and continued to watch her TV.

In the summer, he began to think about who should be used for the experiment? You definitely can't use your wife as an experiment. If your wife becomes unbeautiful, that's not good.

After thinking about it, Xia Xia still felt that this Qiao Fenger was the best test item. Her breasts were already so big, and it would not take long to get another size bigger, and the test effect would soon be seen.

"How can I get her to agree to be a test subject?" Xia Tian said to himself, feeling a little depressed. Why are these test subjects so stingy? Ning Jie was so stingy before, but now Qiao Fenger seems to be even more stingy, they are all cheapskates!

Before Xia Xia could think of how to convince Qiao Fenger to be his test object, Qiao Xiaoqiao had already woken up, and Xia Xia naturally returned to Qiao Xiaoqiao's room.

According to Qiao Xiaoqiao's original plan, she had to contact Meng Jincai first, and then talk to the local officials responsible for the development of Qingfeng Mountain in Muyang County, but now, the plan has been completely disrupted, so she didn't go out, just fight Yunqing first After getting on the phone, I asked her to test whether Shi Changgeng was willing to help.

But Yunqing didn't have time to talk about it at the moment. She planned to mention it to Shi Changgeng at dinner. She also took the initiative to invite Qiao Xiaoqiao to have dinner with Xia Xia, but Qiao Xiaoqiao still declined. I followed Yunqing's proposal, mainly because she felt that it was not very suitable to go now.

Yunqing didn't force it, and the summer night didn't pass. He accompanied Qiao Xiaoqiao in the hotel, and just after he and Qiao Xiaoqiao had dinner, Yunqing called.

Shi Changgeng readily agreed to help, and after dinner, he went to the house of Xue Shengli, the secretary of the county party committee, to discuss this matter with Xue Shengli.

If it was before, Shi Changgeng might not have agreed so readily, but after the incident in Xiayang Village at noon, Shi Changgeng already understood that Xia Xia was not an ordinary person, whether it was for Yun Qing's face or his own interests. , and getting closer to Xia Xia are his most sensible choices.

"Husband, it seems that this time things should go well." Qiao Xiaoqiao is also optimistic about the situation now, not to mention, this husband seems to have good luck, originally just to chase Yunqing, but Yunqing was caught by him After catching up, I also met Shi Changgeng by mistake, so it seems that the problem of Qingfeng Mountain has to be solved.

"That's right, we just have to wait for the news from Sister Yunqing." Xia Xia was also very happy.

"It's really a blind cat meeting a dead mouse!" Qiao Feng'er couldn't help but muttered, it's so unreasonable that this hooligan can get the job done.

Qiao Huanger was quite happy. She felt that in this case, she should be able to return to Jianghai City as soon as possible. She felt that the hotel's conditions were not very good, and she didn't want to stay here very much.

However, whether it is Xia Xia or Qiao Xiaoqiao, it seems that they are too happy. Originally, Yun Qing said that she should reply to the news this evening, but in fact, this evening, Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao did not wait for Yun Qing. clear news.

Xia Xia slept with Qiao Xiaoqiao in his arms for one night, but he still did not eat Qiao Xiaoqiao, because although Qiao Xiaoqiao had gained a lot of weight, Xia Xian hoped that she would be fatter before eating her. Not at all in a hurry.

the next morning.

"Husband, there's a call..." In Qiao Xiaoqiao's beautiful voice, Xia Xia woke up, took the phone and saw that it was Yun Qing who called, and immediately answered the phone.

"Sister Yunqing..." Xia Xia was interrupted as soon as she said a few words.

"Husband, come quickly, something happened to Uncle Shi!" Yun Qing's voice was extremely urgent.

Xia Tian was stunned for a moment: "Sister Yunqing, where are you?"

"It's at Uncle Shi's house, come here quickly!" Yun Qing said in a hurry.

"Oh, I'll be right here!" Xia Xia jumped up from the bed, dressed quickly, and said to Qiao Xiaoqiao, "Wife, I'll go to Sister Yunqing, Shi Changgeng seems to have an accident!"

Xia Xia left the room at the fastest speed and ran to Shi Changgeng's small villa built by the river. In less than two minutes, he arrived at his destination. At this time, he found that there were several cars parked at the door. , At the same time, there were more than ten people standing in the yard. Several people wanted to enter the house, but were stopped by Yun Qing.

"I warn you one last time, get out of the way immediately, or I'll arrest you too!" At this moment, a middle-aged man shouted at Yun Qing, "I'm Guo Hao from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Shi Changgeng has been slapped. We are going to search his residence now, and if you don't let him go, you are obstructing official business!"

"Why is it you again?" Xia Xia appeared next to Yun Qing in a flash, staring at Guo Hao dissatisfiedly, "Do you really like heat stroke and want to do it again?"

"It's you?" Guo Hao's expression changed when he saw Xia Xia. Although in fact, Guo Hao had only dealt with Xia Xia once, there was no doubt that Guo Hao's impression of Xia Xia was quite deep.

Xia Xia's impression of Guo Hao is not very deep, but this guy once wanted to capture his police flower sister, he still remembers.

At that time, Guo Hao and half of his subordinates all suffered from heat stroke and went to the hospital. In the end, Leng Bingbing was also arrested and sent to the Disciplinary Committee. However, neither Xia Xia nor Guo Hao expected to meet again on a similar occasion, and this time they met unexpectedly. Not in Jianghai City, but in Muyang County, which is hundreds of kilometers away from Jianghai City.

"Nonsense, of course it's me

! Xia Xia was a little unhappy, but he also remembered it now. This guy named Guo Hao seems to have something to do with the Dong Lin who has died. It was the Dong Lin who wanted to deal with Sister Jinghua at the beginning, but after he killed Dong Lin , I haven't seen Guo Hao again, so I didn't do anything to Guo Hao, but now, he actually met Guo Hao again, it seems that the account should be settled.

So, before Guo Hao could speak, Xia Xia shouted again: "Hey, I warn you, get out with your people immediately, or I'll be rude to you!"

"How did you talk? Ah? Do you know who this is? This is Secretary Guo of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection..." Someone next to him yelled at Xia Xia.

"Go away!" Xia Xia glared at the man impatiently, "Or I'll beat you up!"

"Beat me? It's a joke, but you try it? See if I won't let you... er!" This man didn't know Xia Xia, and thought he heard something funny, but before he could laugh, he felt that his stomach was passing on. There was a sharp pain, and the whole person instantly flew into the sky, flew directly out of the yard, and fell on the road outside.

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