Flower Master in the City

Chapter 849 Whoever wants to hurt my wife will kill even if they are far away

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

The late night in Toronto seems to be getting colder and colder. At this moment, in a villa, there is a man in his thirties. He looks very talented. He is also dressed in suits and shoes at home, and he is very formal. At this moment, he is answering the phone.

"Summer has already taken a plane to Toronto, and the plane landed three hours ago. You'd better be careful, it's not ruled out that he is looking for you." The voice on the other end of the phone was very low and somewhat dissatisfied, "I have warned I've passed you, let you not be hard on him, if you don't listen, do you think you're great in Toronto? It's only dozens of hours by plane!"

"Don't worry, he doesn't know who I am at all, he couldn't have come to find me, maybe he just came here to play, the scenery of Lake Ontario here is good." Although the 30-year-old man's tone was quite respectful, But he clearly didn't see himself in any trouble.

After a short pause, he said again: "Besides this is Canada, even if he really came to me, don't be afraid of him, the security measures here are very good, I believe he would not dare to mess around here, if there is any movement , the police will show up soon.”

"You underestimated Xia Xia's ability, and you also underestimated his power. He is not alone. He has many people to help him." You'd better transfer the funds you raised recently, just in case!"

"Okay, I'll transfer the money right away." The man replied, but he was scolding inwardly, using the summer to scare him, didn't he just want him to transfer the money? For fear that he swallowed the money.

After hanging up the phone, the man's expression turned gloomy. In fact, in this place in Toronto, he is still very influential. It is not that he has done any big things himself, but that he has an influential father.

This man is Wei Jiahua. Although he is also Chinese, he was born and raised in Canada. His grandfather is the first generation of Chinese immigrants here. It is said that although his grandfather left the motherland, he has been thinking about his hometown, so he named his father. , called Xiangdong, that is, always facing the east, and his name was also taken by his grandfather, let him remember that his home has always been China.

Toronto can be said to be the foreign city with the largest number of Chinese. In Toronto, with a population of several million, there are 400,000 to 500,000 Chinese alone. Such a huge number has also begun to make the Chinese have a certain influence on the city. Wei Jiahua's father Wei Xiangdong , has a very high prestige in the Chinese community. Because of this, Wei Xiangdong has a very good position in Toronto. It is said that the current mayor of Toronto has a very good relationship with Wei Xiangdong. In the latest mayoral election , Wei Xiangdong mobilized the Chinese to vote for the mayor and let him be elected successfully.

As the son of Wei Xiangdong, Wei Jiahua also has a natural advantage in the Toronto Chinese community, which also makes him more convenient to do some things, perhaps because of this, that is the reason why he is favored by that organization.

It seems to be a loose but actually quite tight organization. Although he is the backbone of this organization, he still knows very little. He has earned countless funds for this organization over the years, but he has never Knowing where these funds went, and what he got himself was only a very small part of it.

"Damn, you eat meat, I drink soup, and I'm worried that I will swallow the money!" Wei Jiahua scolded angrily, but after the curse, he still came to the transfer, he did not dare to disobey the order, because the other party knew everything about him The bottom line is that once he disobeys the order, he may die at any time.

Wei Jiahua logged into the bank online, entered the account number that he was already familiar with, entered a number followed by a large series of zeros, and finally confirmed the transfer.

It seemed that everything was normal, but at this moment, Wei Jiahua suddenly found that the computer screen went black, and then words began to flash on the screen, and it was in Chinese: "Thank you very much for your sponsorship of the little goblin, the money has arrived, you can go died!"

Wei Jiahua's expression changed suddenly, and he hurriedly tapped on the computer keyboard for a while, but unfortunately it had no effect at all, but a few words changed on the computer screen: "You have ten seconds left in your life, now the countdown begins!"

"10!" Huge Arabic numerals take up almost the entire computer screen.



Although there was no sound from the changed number, Wei Jiahua felt that a person was shouting loudly at his ear with a loudspeaker when he looked at the number. At this moment, Wei Jiahua finally felt panic in his heart. a feeling of.

"Someone, come quickly!" Wei Jiahua suddenly shouted loudly.

There are eight security personnel in his villa, and the best security system is also installed. It stands to reason that as long as someone comes in, the system will call the police immediately, but now he has not heard the sound of the alarm, it should be people come in.

However, according to common sense, once he shouted loudly here, the bodyguard would also arrive in front of him within a minute. However, now that a minute has passed, he still did not hear any movement, nor did he hear footsteps. No one else was heard, and the whole villa was surprisingly silent.

Wei Jiahua felt a strong unease in his heart. He picked up the phone next to him and was about to call the police. However, when he picked up the receiver, he immediately found that there was no sound on the phone, which made him immediately guess that the telephone line should have been cut by someone. .

Wei Jiahua picked up the mobile phone again, but immediately found that the mobile phone had no signal. At this time, the fear that came from the bottom of his heart was already oppressed involuntarily.

"Who, who? Come out to me!" Wei Jiahua was a little disappointed

The control shouted, but at the same time, he quietly opened the drawer, ready to take out the pistol inside.

Just as he put his hand into the drawer, Wei Jiahua suddenly felt a sharp pain, and when he saw it, he suddenly screamed out in horror, "Ah..."

Wei Jiahua couldn't help but panic, because he suddenly discovered that his right hand had been chopped off!

"Idiot, are you looking for me?" A voice suddenly came into his ears, "What a mess of you, it took me nearly a minute to find a kitchen knife!"

Wei Jiahua turned around suddenly, and then saw a face that was no stranger to him: "You, you, it's Summer..."

"Idiot, I said I would cut you into eighteen pieces!" Xia Xia stared at Wei Jiahua with a bit of dissatisfaction, "Don't think it's great for you to hide away, let me tell you, if you want to hurt my wife, you will kill even if you are far away. !"

Before killing the word, Xia Xia waved the kitchen knife in his hand and slashed at Wei Jiahua again!

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