Flower Master in the City

Chapter 931 You will also be punished

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"It's you, it must be you, it's you who killed my family Xiaozhen, I'll fight with you!" Lin Xianmei, who had been pestering the doctor, heard Xia Xia's words, and suddenly seemed to have come to her senses, and then she went crazy. Xia Xia rushed here, but she failed to do so because two police officers involved in the rescue stopped her.

"Lady, please calm down." One of the policemen also opened his mouth to persuade, and he was still muttering in his heart, this person actually wants to fight Xia Xia hard? That would definitely only cost him his life.

Maybe there are still people in Jianghai City who don't know Leng Bingbing, and maybe there are people who don't know Xia Xia, but neither of them know each other. It is estimated that there are not many. Even these fire police basically know Xia Xia. In fact, this is normal. , Usually they chat with their friends and colleagues, and these things spread very quickly.

"Let go of me, let me go, that bastard did it, everyone in their Leng family is a murderer!" Lin Xianmei shouted frantically, "He was the first to know that the villa collapsed, saying that my son died early. It was also him who was killed, I think it was he who brought down the villa, it must be him..."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense and wrong people, it's a villa and not a building block, how could it be broken down by one person?" Wang Wei couldn't help talking to Xia Xia next to her, "I think it's your son He Zhen who does too much. If something bad happens, this is called retribution, do you understand?"

"Yes, God is watching!" Leng Hongbo also helped his girlfriend.

Although Wang Wei's words sounded reasonable, according to common sense, it is indeed impossible for a person to destroy a villa, but many people present couldn't help but glance at Xia Xia, because this is a very unreasonable thing. If it is related to Xia, it may become a reality. At this moment, the police who just arrived, and the bodyguards all think that Lin Xianmei may have guessed correctly, that the villa may really be destroyed by Xia Xia.

As for Leng Bingbing, it is not a suspicion, but a confirmation. She knows that this must have been done in summer, otherwise, how could such a good villa collapse so coincidentally?

"Fart, my mother never believes in retribution, it's you murderers who killed my son, I'm going to sue you, I'm going to shoot you all..." Lin Xianmei shouted frantically.

At this time, Xia Xia spoke again: "Hey, you idiot and ugly, I tell you, there is actually retribution, but it's not the retribution of some bullshit God."

Everyone whispered to themselves, this is true, even if there is retribution, it should not be a matter of God's control.

It's just that Xia Xia continued to say: "The person who offends my wife will definitely be punished, your idiot son actually wants to peep at my wife with a telescope, so he died, this is retribution ."

"Listen, listen, he killed my son, arrest him!" Lin Xianmei roared.

He Guangming, who had been silent just now, but looked in pain, suddenly raised his head and stared at Xia Xia with fierce eyes: "Is it true that you killed my son?"

"I said it all, that is retribution." Xia Xia said solemnly: "Also, don't look at me like this, you idiot, or you will also be retributed."

"Okay, you are kind, I don't care how you did it, but I swear here, He Guangming, I will not let you go!" He Guangming looked at Xia Xia fiercely, and then swept Leng Bingbing with fierce eyes Waiting for a glance, "And you, it's all the same, I won't let you go, I'll let you pay for my son's life!"

"That's right, let these murderers die..." Lin Xianmei also roared sharply, but before she seemed to finish speaking, she suddenly lost her voice, her body suddenly softened, and she fell to the ground.

"Xianmei..." He Guangming suddenly realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted, but this was also the last sound he made. In the next second, he also fell to the ground.

"Where's the doctor? Come on!" Several policemen saw that something was wrong and shouted hurriedly. The doctor was still there before the ambulance left.

The doctor came again to check and rescue, and finally declared that the rescue was invalid and died. The preliminary conclusion was sudden death.

"Hey, I said earlier that offending my wife is retribution, why do people always believe it? Look, is it dead now?" Xia Xia said to himself in that, and then yawned, "Bingbing, it's not lively to watch, let's go back to sleep!"

Xia Xia took Leng Bingbing towards the house, and everyone present looked at the backs of the two. Some people could not help shivering in their hearts. Almost everyone had the same idea, that is, don't offend Xia Xia's wife!

Although everyone has not seen anything, but now, as long as they are not fools, they can guess that the deaths of He Guangming and Lin Xianmei are definitely related to Xia Xia!

After returning home, Leng Bingbing took Xia Xia upstairs, and couldn't help but say, "Why did you kill them all? Although they are not good things, but you are too..."

Although Leng Bingbing knew that Xia Xia had killed many people, as a police officer, she always felt that this method was too violent.

"Sister Police Flower, they are not good things anyway, and since I found out that Li Mingxuan's trash almost hurt you, I think it is better to kill people." Xia Xia said calmly, and finally said with emotion, " I found out that the second master was right, in order for the other party to have no chance to retaliate, he had to kill the other party completely!"

Leng Bingbing opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.

After a while of silence, Leng Bingbing said softly: "Forget it, it's getting late, let's go to bed earlier.


"Okay!" Xia Xia couldn't ask for this, he reached out to the landlord's cold waist and quickly kissed her lips.

However, after less than a minute of kissing, Xia Xia let go of Leng Bing Bing, and then said with a sad face, "Bing Bing, I'd better go."

Leng Bingbing was a little confused for a while: "What's the matter? You, are you busy at night?"

"I'm fine, but Bingbing, you'll have something to do soon." Xia Xia looked bitter, "You have a relative coming, and you will entertain her later."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Leng Bingbing couldn't help giving Xia Tian a blank look, "Where do I have any relatives? My aunt, aunt and cousin are all here!"

"No, Bingbing, you also have a very annoying relative." Xia Xia looked depressed.

Leng Bingbing became more and more confused: "Hey, who are you talking about?"

While confused, Leng Bingbing is still a little angry, what is this rascal playing? She was all prepared to accompany him tonight, so that his long-cherished wish could be fulfilled, but he actually wanted to leave? Even if you want to leave, you have found such an excuse!

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