Flower Master in the City

Chapter 966: Your Majesty the Witch Mengmeng

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Liu Meng jumped up, her long hair fluttered, her white dress fluttered, her posture was very graceful, and then she flew to the bridge at once, but when the four little gangsters saw this graceful posture, they were immediately stunned. Not because the pose is too good-looking, but because it is too bizarre, completely beyond the common sense they know.

"Damn it, she's not a fairy, she's a witch, run away!" After a few seconds, the man with the earring finally reacted, shouted hurriedly, and turned around and ran.

Just after two steps, he flew up and fell straight towards the bridge.

"I'm not a fairy!" It was Liu Meng who kicked the man with earrings away.

"I'm not a demon girl either!" Liu Meng said again, and at the same time kicked the other nearest gangster off the bridge.

"I am the most beautiful and most beloved witch, Mengmeng!" Liu Meng said a dozen words in the last breath, and at the same time kicked the other two gangsters with a flying kick.

"Uh...ah...help..." A few thugs screamed in horror, and one guy even called for help in mid-air.

"Little villain, wait for me here, I'll go down and play for a while!" Liu Meng said again, and then jumped off the bridge again.

"I step on, I step on, I step on, step on, step on..." Liu Meng ran around and kept stepping on the four poor guys, who never got up. The only thing they can be thankful for now is that Liu Meng doesn't like to wear high heels, otherwise they would have died directly.

But even so, after being trampled by Liu Meng like this, the four guys couldn't take it anymore and began to beg for mercy.

"Sister, forgive me..."

Liu Meng stepped on it: "Don't call me eldest sister, I'm not your eldest sister."

"Little aunt, forgive me..."

Liu Meng stepped on it again: "I'm not your aunt, you can call me Your Majesty the Witch Mengmeng!"

"Your Majesty the Witch Mengmeng, please spare us, we will never dare..."

"Witch Mengmeng is boring now. You are now Witch Mengmeng's toys. You should feel honored." Liu Meng stepped on the poor guy again.

"Your Majesty the Witch Mengmeng, we really don't dare, we don't dare to collect money to trouble you anymore..." Another guy begged for mercy.

"Huh?" Liu Meng finally stopped, "Did you come to trouble me on purpose?"

"Which idiot made you come to trouble my wife on purpose?" A dissatisfied voice also sounded at this moment, but Xia Xia also jumped down.

He had been watching in the summer just now, because Liu Meng wouldn't let him steal her toys, but now, he heard that these guys were instructed to deliberately trouble Liu Meng, and things were different.

"I, we don't know each other, we were just hanging out on the side of the road, there was a car parked next to us, someone gave us 10,000 yuan, let us teach this... this witch, Your Majesty Mengmeng, and also Said that if we could take and take nude photos, they would give us 100,000 yuan, and when we saw that we had money and could flirt with beautiful women, we agreed immediately... uh!" Before the man could finish his words, he was kicked by Xia Xia. He flew up, and in the next second, the guy found himself on the bridge, and then, the other three flew up one after another and fell on the bridge one after another.

Xia Xia jumped up with Liu Meng and landed next to the four people: "Hey, idiot, find me the guy who gave you the money right away, or I'll throw you off the bridge again!"

"We'll look for it right away..." The four of them hurriedly got up.

"Just that car, that's it!" One of them suddenly shouted in surprise, and then pointed to a black car parked not far away.

"Are you sure it's that one?" Xia Tian asked again.

"That's right, it's that one. I know it's an Audi. It has four circles. There aren't many Audis here. I still remember that the two numbers on the back of the license plate are 45. That's right, it's that one!" The man replied affirmatively.

"Oh, then you can get off the bridge." Xia Xia kicked the guy down.

"Why did you throw me off the bridge..." The man thought angrily in mid-air, but he immediately balanced, because he found that his three buddies were also following him.

Xia Tianyi pulled Liu Meng and walked towards the black Audi: "Sister Meng, let's change a toy!"

"Okay!" Liu Meng was instantly happy when she heard that there were toys. She finally found out that the little villain was the best for her, and only he took the initiative to find toys for her.

Xia Xia and Liu Meng soon came to the Audi car. The windows of the car were blacked out, and the inside could not be seen from the outside. Xia Xian took a photo on the car, but there was no response from the inside.

"Hey, get out, if you don't get out, I'll throw your car under the bridge!" Xia Xia shouted in dissatisfaction.

But the people in the car still didn't respond, and Liu Meng jumped up: "Little bastard, come, let's lift the car and throw it down!"

"Okay!" Xia Xia agreed, and then started to act. He and Liu Meng lifted the car one by one and lifted the back, and they lifted the car easily. In fact, he and Liu Meng could carry the car alone. Now two people carry it is no different from carrying a toy car.

"Hee hee, throw it down!" The two carried the car and ran to the bridge quickly, and then threw the car down under the dumbfounded eyes of some bystanders.

"Ah!" A scream came from the car, and a woman suddenly opened the door,

The woman jumped out of the car before it fell into the river.

With a loud bang, the car finally smashed into the river, and the woman also fell on the riverbed next to it at almost the same time. Not to mention, this woman was very lucky, because she happened to hit the four previous ones. On one of the little gangsters.

This little bastard felt that his luck had finally come, but a beautiful girl fell from the sky and hit him.

"Is it your idiot woman who asked these idiots to deal with my wife?" Xia Xia had already appeared in front of this woman, and he found out that this woman was actually known to him. It was Dai Jin who asked him to go to the bath a few days ago. The so-called beauty, what an international star, Jiang Xiaoyi.

"I, I don't know what you're talking about." Jiang Xiaoyi had already stood up, but her body was unscathed, but her face was pale.

"Miss Jiang, are you alright?" At this time, the car finally opened, and two men in suits got out of it. The two were very embarrassed, but they didn't care about sorting themselves out, so they came as fast as possible. Jiang Xiaoyi was beside her and protected her.

"It's him, he gave us the money." A gangster who just barely got up from the ground pointed to one of the men in a suit.

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