"What's wrong, Yukihira? What do you want to talk to us about?"

After class, Liu Yun found Tanomo Megumi as usual. Speaking of which, Liu Yun also discovered a problem during class, that is, Nakiri Erina did not use the right of the Ten Elites to not come to class.

And the most important thing is that this arrogant young lady always looks at Liu Yun from time to time.

Under the enhancement of food justice, Liu Yun's perception is also very sharp, so he can see Nakiri Erina's small movements clearly.

Especially when Liu Yun picked up the kitchen knife, Nakiri Erina's eyes would always look in his direction.

Liu Yun didn't think that he could win the heart of this young lady with his charm. Obviously, he was not good at it. Fang was interested in her own whirlwind blade.

However, the whirlwind blade cannot be learned simply by watching. Not to mention simply watching, even if Liu Yun is willing to teach her, she needs to spend a lot of time to learn it.

Liu Yun can master and use this whirlwind blade, on the one hand because of the special learning efficiency in the inheritance, and on the other hand because Shi Yi can make him use the whirlwind blade with the minimum consumption.

So he can use the whirlwind blade continuously, otherwise the whirlwind blade at the secret level is very physically demanding.

The reason why the secret technique is called a secret technique is not only because it has a very special effect, but the most important point is that it is difficult to learn and consumes a lot of energy to use.

Just like the fierce bull Qinglong slash used by Ryan, it seems to be completed in an instant, but in this instant, it is necessary to understand the body structure of the bull, and when the knife is out, it is necessary to calculate the angle and strength of the knife, etc.

There are so many operations to be completed in such a short time, and the energy consumed is naturally not less, and it also has requirements for the human body.

Without a physique beyond normal people, such a secret technique cannot be used at all.

Similarly, Liu Yun's whirlwind blade is also the same. The speed is so fast that other people's naked eyes can't keep up, which is very difficult for The requirements for physical fitness are naturally not low.

Although Liu Yun's physical fitness cannot be compared with Ryan and others who can fly over eaves and walk on walls, he is much stronger than normal people because of training since childhood.

The most important thing is Shiyi. Shiyi has reduced the hard conditions for using secret skills a lot, allowing Liu Yun to use the whirlwind knife for a long time.

Without these prerequisites, even if Liu Yun is willing to teach Erina Nakiri, it will be very difficult for Erina Nakiri to learn, not to mention how can this secret skill be taught to the other party.

So now Erina Nakiri is completely doing useless work.

After finding Tanomo Megumi, Soma Yukihira stopped the two of them.

"I heard something about the research club, so I want to ask about it."

Soma Yukihira said. Today, when he was in class, he heard other people talking about the research club. Liu Yun happened to come to see Tansho Kei, so he was naturally very curious.

"To put it simply, the research clubs are study groups, and the research topics are also different.…………"

Liu Yun also gave Soma Yukihira a brief explanation, and then the three of them came to the location of the billboard with information about the research clubs.

This billboard is also for students to find the research clubs they are interested in. It has detailed information and locations of various research clubs.

"There are so many research societies, and there are all kinds of them. So, Liu Yun, which research society are you and Tansho from?"

Yukihira Soma asked curiously.

"I am from the Local Cuisine Research Society. As for Ayun, the Chinese Cuisine Research Society has invited Ayun more than once before, but Ayun refused each time, so Ayun did not join the research society."

Tanokoro Hui told Soma Yukihira about herself and Liu Yun.

"Chinese Cuisine Research Society? Why not join?"

Soma Yukihira asked curiously. He already knew the cooking system that everyone in Polar Star Dormitory was good at, and Liu Yun was good at Chinese cuisine.

Logically speaking, it should be normal for him to join the Chinese Cuisine Research Society, and they had invited him many times, which showed that they valued Liu Yun very much. But in the end, Liu Yun did not join, which made Soma Yukihira a little curious.

"Because the leader of the Chinese Cuisine Research Society has a very one-sided understanding of Chinese cuisine. Not only has he only learned the basics of Chinese cuisine, but he has also gone astray. It would be fine if he went astray by himself, but he also led a group of people astray. Naturally, I have no interest in this kind of research society."

Liu Yun shook his head. Kuga Teruki's philosophy is indeed quite distorted. He is good at Sichuan cuisine, but he has only learned the spicy and hot flavors of Sichuan cuisine.

It would be fine if he only learned this part, but he also tried to use spicy and hot to cover the entire Sichuan cuisine system, and then use the entire Sichuan cuisine system to cover the entire Chinese cuisine system.

Anyone who has studied Chinese cuisine a little deeper would not join such a research society. This is true for Liu Yun, and the same is true for Hojo Miyoko.

"The leader of the Chinese Cuisine Research Society? Since his understanding of Chinese cuisine is so one-sided, how did he become the leader?"

Yukihira Soma asked with some confusion. Shouldn't the one who can become the leader be the strongest? But the strongest one's understanding of cuisine was called one-sided by Liu Yun, which made him confused.

"Because the leader of the Chinese Cuisine Research Club is one of the top ten, the second-year senior Teruki Kuga."

Tanokoro Megumi's words finally made Soma Yukihira understand what was going on.

"This guy is indeed very talented, and has good luck. Even if he went astray, he could still climb to the top ten, but this does not prevent him from having problems with his research on Chinese cuisine."

Liu Yun also added that Kuga Teruki's talent is indeed strong enough, and the most important thing is luck.

Because the Chinese cuisine system is too large, it takes a lot of time to fully master it.

Because of his own understanding, Kuga Teruki focused all his energy on the spicy Sichuan cuisine, specializing in one point, so his progress was naturally fast.

Of course, this also has a price. Now the progress is fast, but if he does not change his understanding of Chinese cuisine, then the speed of growth will become slower and slower in the future.

In the end, he will stagnate like Shinomiya Kojiro.

"But now Ayun has been able to defeat the opponent, but Senior Isshiki said that he is not as good as Ayun."

Tadokoro Megumi on the side reminded, which gave people the feeling that she was praising her lover. Tadokoro Megumi is not a person who likes to show off.

But now Tadokoro Megumi can't help but start showing off, as if she is the one who achieved this achievement.

Looking at Tadokoro Megumi's appearance as if she was praising her husband, Yukihira Soma suddenly felt that the two people in front of him were showing off their love, and he was almost full.

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