"you…………"Forget it, this is your own business, you can talk to grandpa yourself!"

Nakiri Erina did not say much. Although she also felt that the atmosphere here was very good, she knew that she could not live here casually. As for Nakiri Alice, she did not have so many burdens, so she could naturally make such a choice.

After the party, several people left and returned to their respective residences. After washing up, everyone in Polar Star Dormitory also returned to the room to rest. As for Liu Yun, he still entered the Food Forest Temple as usual to improve his food justice.

After a few days of adaptation, he has initially integrated the food justice into his own movements, and gradually adapted to the pattern of the corridor. As long as he is careful, he will not frequently trigger the attack of the corridor.

Of course, the long corridor Although the attacks on the corridors are not triggered frequently, there will still be some minor movements that are not qualified and will be attacked.

Once an attack is triggered, there will be a chain reaction afterwards. Adjusting your mentality is the most important thing. This is the same as when climbing the stairs before.

It's just that the requirements are more stringent this time.

At this time, Liu Yun was walking on the corridor, always paying attention to the amplitude of his movements. The super concentration after the improvement of Shi Yi was also brought to the extreme.

However, the more people deliberately think about these things, the more likely they are to have problems. He observes, controls, and adjusts his movements all the time, but still makes mistakes. The amplitude of the arm movement is slightly larger. The next second, a spike stabbed towards his arm.

Facing the attack of the Grateful Cactus, Liu Yun just stood still and let the spike of the Grateful Cactus brush past his arm.

The reason why he didn't dodge was because he had suffered many losses before. Although it was easy for Liu Yun to dodge the first attack, once he dodged, the movements of his whole body would change completely.

By then, it would not just be a spike that would poke at him. Many times when Liu Yun was walking in the corridor before, he collapsed because of a spike. After dodging one spike, there might be dozens or even hundreds of spikes flying over. In addition, there are Attacks like various boulders.

However, dodging attacks is often an instinctive reaction, just like when a small insect flies towards a person's eyes, the eyes will close before the person can react.

People will only react after the eyes are closed. After learning the food virtues, dodging attacks has become an instinct, so Liu Yun was very uncomfortable at first.

This is also the reason why the corridor exists, in order to exercise this control, and to use the concentration brought by the food virtues completely on his own will.

At this time, Liu Yun has mastered this skill, so even if the spikes fly over, he can control his body not to dodge.

In this way, there will be no chain reaction.

"call…………Fortunately, it's just a simple scratch."

After the spike flew past, Liu Yun had a scratch on his arm. For him, who had suffered various fatal attacks, this scratch was nothing to worry about.

"No, you need to adjust your mentality and don't be too deliberate, otherwise you will still suffer!"

Liu Yun kept convincing himself, because after being attacked once, he would tend to be more careful, but the more he was like this, the more likely he would make mistakes.

So Liu Yun was also trying to convince himself at this time to restore his previous mentality. As long as he kept his previous mentality, the number of mistakes would be very small, enough for him to slowly walk to the hall.

At this time, Liu Yun didn't even dare to take a deep breath, because deep breathing would cause his movements to be deformed, and he would still be attacked.

At this time, Liu Yun was like a statue, standing still.

Gradually, Liu Yun thought of the state when he received the inheritance. That state was very special and brought his learning efficiency to an extreme.

The concentration was even more terrifying. Liu Yun himself had tried many times to enter this state, but he failed without a doubt.

However, this time, Liu Yun did not deliberately try to put himself into this state, but simply thought of the skills he had mastered when he was studying.

Gradually, his thoughts began to diverge, and he fell into a very special state. Even Liu Yun himself forgot that he was still on this corridor.

The next second, his body moved and walked towards the main hall. During this period, his movements did not deform at all, and he was no longer as cautious as before. He looked very casual.

However, even with such a casual posture, the Gratitude Cactus and Shilin Temple itself did not move at all, as if Liu Yun did not exist at all.

In this way, Liu Yun passed through the corridor and the square very smoothly, and walked all the way directly into the main hall.

After arriving at the main hall, a piece of information once again flooded into his mind. The appearance of this information also made Liu Yun directly exit this special state.

"That was…………What happened? I actually walked directly to the main hall, and my control has increased so much."

Liu Yun could clearly feel the changes in himself. Although his state just now was very special, he still had memories.

He estimated that he had entered a state of enlightenment similar to the one in the novel.

So he walked all the way to the main hall, and the most important thing was that he found that his control had increased a lot. Before, he still needed to think and control those actions deliberately.

But now, it was as if it was instinct, and it felt like the difference between not learning the food ethics and after learning the food ethics.

Obviously, his food ethics has been greatly improved in that special state of enlightenment just now, so that his concentration and control have also improved.

Now when walking in the corridor again, he doesn't need to enter the previous state of enlightenment again, and he can walk here easily.

"As expected, the improvement of each stage of food ethics is very important. The corridor that was difficult for me before is now completely easy, just like climbing the stairs before."

Liu Yun sighed, but now is not the time to pay attention to these. At this time, Liu Yun is paying attention to the information in his mind.

When he just entered the gate, Liu Yun got the inheritance information, and now there are also very useful things in the information.

This information guides the next course and another inheritance information. This inheritance information also comes from a chef, but this chef's food ethics attainments are higher than Liu Yun's previous inheritance chef.

As for what kind of skills he has mastered, Liu Yun needs to learn it himself to figure it out.

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