Talent is innate, and for chefs, special talents are of great help. The most typical example is Erina Nakiri's divine tongue.

With the divine tongue, she can detect defects that other chefs need a long time to discover and correct them after tasting them once. Such an innate advantage is enough to make those who chase her despair.

Similarly, Liu Yun now has this gift of special touch. This sense of touch can judge the specific situation of the ingredients the moment he touches them.

When flipping the pot, the strength of flipping the pot can be accurately controlled. Although it seems to overlap with the meaning of food, the superposition of the two will only be stronger.

In terms of fire control, the most important thing is that Liu Yun also got the fire control ability of the flame demon. Although this ability is as strong as the ability of the inherited chef, it is enough.

This chef is obsessed with the meaning of food, and the development of cooking and gourmet cells has been put aside a lot, but this ability to control fire is enough to compete with the leopard head Yakan in the Little Chef.

Because of the ability to control fire, Liu Yun also has the ability to be immune to fire, that is, his hands can directly touch the flame without being burned, and he can use this sense of touch to accurately control the temperature.

In contrast, Liu Yun is equivalent to getting two superpowers at once, and the upper limit of this superpower is higher than the upper limit of the superpower in the food wars world, which is not comparable to a mere superpower.

After leaving Shilin Temple, Liu Yun tested his abilities. This special sense of touch is not only effective on food, but also can receive specific data on other things touched.

For example, his bed, the length, width, height, weight, material and other information are directly clear at the moment of touching.

Fortunately, Liu Yun has mastered the food meaning, and has also improved the food meaning to a certain level, otherwise it would be really difficult to have a lot of information pouring in when touching anything.

With the help of food meaning, he can eliminate the useless information and keep the useful ones and sort them out instantly.

It can only be said that food meaning is worthy of being the foundation of Shilin Temple, and other abilities can be used in conjunction with food meaning.

Finally, Liu Yun found that his physical fitness had improved a lot, but he did not lose control of his power. This was also because of Shi Yi.

Shi Yi allowed him to instantly control his power without losing control.

At this time, he was completely a little superman to ordinary people.

"This is only the second reward. What will happen when I finish all the courses in Shilin Temple? Maybe there will be the inheritance of Zhenzhen Town!"

Thinking of this, Liu Yun's eyes lit up. Zhenzhen Town is a super existence known as one of the national treasures of gourmet food.

People with such a title mean that they have reached the extreme in what they are good at and stand at the top among these hundreds of billions of people.

Maybe Zhenzhen Town's combat effectiveness is not the strongest, but there are definitely few people who can match his food righteousness.

If I really get the inheritance of Zhenzhen Town, that would be great.

With this idea in mind, Liu Yun took a rest directly. It's time to sleep. Although his physical fitness has improved, his mental state has also improved a lot because of food righteousness.

But he still needs to sleep, but now he only needs to sleep three or four hours a day to ensure that he is energetic all day.

The next day, after school, a group of people came to Polaris Dormitory. This group of people was the one that Alice Nakiri asked to help move.

Originally for students, You don't need to bring much stuff, and it's even more impossible to move a dormitory without so many people.

But Alice Nakiri is good at molecular cooking, which requires a lot of instruments, so naturally a lot of people are needed.

After some discussion, Ohmido Fumio even agreed to clear out an empty room to place Alice Nakiri's equipment.

After all, there are so many empty rooms in Polaris Dormitory, and other people usually use these empty rooms for something, such as Ibusaki Shun, who uses the empty rooms to smoke ingredients.

Although Ohmido Fumio would scold a few times every time, it would be over after the scolding, and he would not really cause trouble for Ibusaki Shun.

The same is true for those little animals of Yoshino Yuuki who run into the dormitory, at most a few verbal lectures.

Now Alice Nakiri does have a lot of these kitchen utensils and equipment, and it seems too crowded to put them in one dormitory, so just clear out a room for Alice Nakiri to put her things.

"These devices have never been seen before, and many of them have never been heard of. What are they used for?"

Looking at the various mechanical equipment in front of them like a wall, everyone was very surprised and looked around at these equipment.

This is actually normal. After all, everyone is learning traditional cooking, and the kitchen utensils used are nothing more than those few.

So the kitchen utensils and equipment of Alice Nakiri have never been heard of, let alone seen.

Not only them, even Liu Yun was also circling around, after all, this thing does look quite magical

"These are all my kitchen utensils. As for their functions, you will know what they are for after I use them!"

As she spoke, Alice Nakiri began to operate these kitchen utensils to cook. This way, it did not feel like cooking, but more like doing a chemical experiment.

These devices have many functions. Some are used to extract ingredients, some are used to separate ingredients, and there are even rapid freezing functions, etc., which dazzled everyone.

Soon, Alice Nakiri made some small cakes. They looked very small and could basically be eaten in one bite.

However, the inside of these small cakes was not so simple. They were wrapped with a lot of granular things with completely different tastes. These small particles were made from other ingredients.���The juice extracted from the juice was condensed into small particles through these utensils and stuffed into the small cake.

The taste is really good, the only drawback is that it is too small and can be eaten in one bite. You can only taste it, and forget about eating it.

At night, everyone also held a banquet in Marui Zenji's room under his welcome (wailing).

Nakiri Alice completely integrated into this atmosphere. As for Kurokiba Ryo, this guy went directly to the kitchen with Yukihira Soma, and soon made a lot of dishes for everyone to taste.

The relationship between the two people is getting better and better. It is obviously only the second time they met, but it gives people a very intimate feeling, which makes Liu Yun look at them with a strange look.

He even suspected that there would be some problems between the two of them, as for what the problem is, he can't say.

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