"yes…………Is that so? No matter what, even if it's just accommodation, it's enough. After all, it's absolutely impossible for me to spend more than 4,000 to stay here for one night!"

Yoshino Yuuki said, making a red cross gesture in front of her with her hand.

"Actually, if you want to come, I can help you. It's no problem to bring a few friends to the resort for a free vacation during the holidays."

Alice Nakiri, who was standing by, also smiled after hearing what Yoshino Yuuki said.

As the eldest daughter of the Nakiri family, she could have been picked up by a special car, but because of the people in Polaris Dormitory, she chose to sit on a bus with everyone else.

"Is it really possible?"

Hearing Alice Nakiri's words, Yoshino Yuuki's eyes began to light up, and her eyes, twinkling like little stars, looked at Alice Nakiri expectantly.

"Of course, no problem."

Alice Nakiri said that she was a member of the Nakiri family after all. There were only her and Erina Nakiri in their generation, so in the end, the Nakiri family itself was controlled by the two of them.

Although she was young and had limited resources, it was no problem for her to take a few friends on a free vacation.

"That's great, she's worthy of being the eldest daughter of the Nakiri family, rich man, let's be friends!"

Yoshino Yuuki said directly, it's also because Nakiri Alice is a girl, if it's a man, she can't help but throw herself into his arms.

Looking at Yoshino Yuuki, who is like a live treasure, everyone is also a little funny. It has to be said that with such a happy fruit, the atmosphere will not cool down no matter what the situation is.

In this way, everyone came to the Totsuki Resort with laughter all the way. Unlike them, many students are extremely nervous at this time. After all, the highest record of residential training has eliminated half of the students.

The probability of dropping out is too high, and they are also worried that they will encounter it, so it is inevitable that they will be a little nervous.

After all, not everyone is like the group of people in Polaris Dormitory, who are elites. Even if they are elites, Yoshino Yuuki and others have been nervous, so they can't laugh at this time.

After arriving at the Totsuki Resort, the group came to a hall under the arrangement of the staff. There was a podium right in front of the hall.

At this time, there was already a person standing on the podium. This person was Roland Chapelle

"No way, I saw Teacher Chapelle right away. I feel like the future is dark!"

Because Roland Chapelle had extremely high requirements for students during class and often had a stern face, many students began to despair about the next assessment after seeing Roland Chapelle.

"All right, students, be quiet for a moment. Next, I will explain the rules of this residential training. But before that, let me introduce you to your mentors, the graduates of Totsuki!"After

Roland Chapelle finished speaking, more than 20 figures walked out from behind the stage.

This scene also made Liu Yun stunned for a moment, because in the original book, there were not so many graduates participating in this assessment.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is no problem. After all, there are more than 980 students participating in the assessment this time, divided into 20 groups, and each group must have a graduate in charge.

In addition, collective assessments also need to be responsible for a dedicated person, such as the steak set meal assessment that Guan Shouping is in charge of.

So it is normal for more than 20 graduates to appear.

Liu Yun had just put down his thoughts when Shinomiya Kojiro on the stage spoke directly, calling out a student next to Soma Yukihira and directly giving him the result of expulsion.

"This is too much, is it that someone was expelled from school just because of this?"

It must be said that this scene was indeed very shocking. After all, it was incomprehensible for a normal person to expel someone from school just because of the perfume issue.

"It seems arbitrary, but don't forget that Teacher Chapelle is standing on the stage, so Shinomiya Kojiro's approach is obviously approved by Teacher Chapelle, which means that it was planned in advance."

Liu Yun shook his head. It seems that this operation is excessive, but looking at Roland Chapelle's reaction, you can know that this was discussed in advance.

Roland Chapelle is a person who attaches great importance to rules and is very strict. He will not hesitate to give students low scores in his courses, but that is also because the other party is unqualified, it's that simple.

He will not deliberately target any student, and his severity is so severe that even graduates are very afraid.

But now Roland Chapelle did not stand up and say more, but tacitly approved the actions of Shinomiya Kojiro and others. There is obviously something fishy here.

"Ayun meant that this was planned in advance, but why did they do this?"

Tanokoro Hui still couldn't understand the meaning of doing this.

"It's very simple. In order to establish their authority, although the graduates are now mentors, in the eyes of others, they are more like graduated seniors."

"The attitude towards teachers and seniors is completely different. The simplest example is your reaction to Mr. Chapelle and Senior Isshiki."

"So we have this scene now. This is done to tell students that these graduates have absolute power and can expel you at will, even without any reason."

"With such a show of strength, 99% of the students will be obedient, which is also more conducive to management."

"Moreover, even if you are directly judged as unqualified and expelled by the graduates, no one will make a fuss."

"As for the unlucky guy who was expelled, his grades should be at the bottom of the 980-plus students, and he is destined to be eliminated in this residential training."

"It's just that he was more unlucky, so he was dragged out to make an example of others."

Liu Yun said, this show of power seemed very casual, but if you think about it carefully, there are many details behind it.

""My classmate, you are really observant. I remember your name is Liu Yun, right? You are one of the current Ten Outstanding Students of Totsuki!"

Just as Liu Yun was speaking, the graduates also mixed into the crowd. The person who spoke at this time was Donato Wutongtian. He originally came for Tansho Kei.

But he happened to hear Liu Yun's words. He knew very well how long he and others had discussed when they decided on this plan.

After all, the students who were expelled needed to be evaluated, and they would only be pulled out to kill the chicken and scare the monkey after it was determined that the other party would definitely be eliminated.

As for Liu Yun's name, these graduates also knew a little about it. After all, they came to recruit students, and the more outstanding students naturally needed to be known in advance.

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