At the beginning, due to Liu Yun's own cooking skills and the other party's youth, Liu Yun was able to surpass the other party in all aspects.

This also caused the other party to age very quickly, but as the other party grew older, his cooking skills naturally improved.

So Liu Yun was gradually surpassed by the other party, and it took longer and longer time to catch up.

The other party's changes also slowed down, and Liu Yun continued to catch up.

At this time, Liu Yun entered a very strange state, as if everything around him could not affect him, and his mind was all on the other party's actions.

This is not simply imitating the other party, but really learning the other party's skills and integrating them into himself, mastering the other party's skills, and improving his cooking skills.

I don't know how long it took, the other party's appearance completely turned into a middle-aged uncle, and his movements stopped abruptly.

By the time Liu Yun reacted, the man had reappeared in front of Shilin Temple. Everything before seemed like an illusion, but his movements still maintained the state of cooking with kitchen utensils.

"hiss…………What happened to that state just now? Did you enter that state because of the inheritance?"

Recalling the state when he was learning from the other party before, Liu Yun also took a breath of cold air. He was sure that the state of extreme concentration was definitely not something he could do now.

And he could maintain it until he learned all the other party's skills. This was outrageous.

In the end, Liu Yun could only attribute it to the inheritance that allowed him to enter such a state. Now there is only this explanation. As for whether it is true or not, we will know when the inheritance appears later.

"It's a pity that I can't keep this state, otherwise I can walk around in Shilin Temple at will."

Liu Yun also felt it was a pity. If Gratitude could keep it like this, then he estimated that he could be like Zhen Zhenzhen, and he didn't need to worry about excessive movements, poor emotional control, etc., because at this time, Shilin Temple couldn't find any fault with his every move.

"Speaking of which, the chef's knife skills were…………"

Suddenly, Liu Yun thought of the last knife skills of the chef. The chef's cooking skills were not weak, but his most outstanding skill was knife skills.

In the final stage of inheritance, Liu Yun found that the chef's knife skills seemed to have undergone a qualitative change.

The other party was best at knife skills, so he summed up some special techniques that suited him, and combined these techniques to finally create a very special set of knife skills.

Once this set of knife skills is performed, the knife light will wrap around the ingredients like a whirlwind, and when the whirlwind dissipates, the ingredients have been cut into the desired shape

"The sword technique is like a whirlwind. Since that’s the case, let’s call it the Whirlwind Sword. It can be considered a secret skill!"

Liu Yun was somewhat amazed. Although the people in the world of food captives are terrifyingly strong, not all of them are strong. Most of them are still ordinary people.

Now this chef is also an ordinary person. It's just that because of his entry into the art of food and his talent in knife skills, he finally created this set of whirlwind knives.

His inheritance also came to an abrupt end at this step. Liu Yun can also understand that not everyone can easily get started with food and master it like A Lu Xiaosong.

Most people can't make any more progress after getting started with food. As for mastering food, those second-class masters who have been in Shilin Temple for decades can only stare blankly and can't reach this level at all.

This chef couldn't make any more progress in food after getting started, so the whirlwind knife stopped here.

It doesn't even have a name. Liu Yun named it the whirlwind knife because this knife technique seems to be wrapped in a whirlwind after it is performed.

This whirlwind knife gives Liu Yun the feeling that it can be compared with secret skills such as the fierce bull blue dragon slash and the Arhat crystal slash.

So Liu Yun thinks that this whirlwind knife can also be called a secret skill.

"This inheritance actually allowed me to master a secret skill, and it’s not just a secret skill.…………"

Liu Yun followed this chef and learned all the way under that special state. It can be said that he walked the other party's chef's road.

Even if this chef is not particularly outstanding in other aspects, Liu Yun has made great progress in all aspects of his basic skills after such a long period of hard training.

Now he can easily defeat him before he got the inheritance in terms of cooking.

Before, Liu Yun had reached the level of the top ten in this period of food learning, and now, he can easily defeat most of the top ten.

In addition, his concentration has also improved a lot. Now Liu Yun is not so easily disturbed by emotional fluctuations and other information. There are too many benefits to Liu Yun from an inheritance. At this time, Liu Yun is more looking forward to what good things he will get after arriving at the hall, whether it is a more powerful inheritance, or something he has always been looking forward to.

What Liu Yun is looking forward to is naturally the gourmet cell, which is the foundation of the world of gourmet capture.

With gourmet cells, you can eat a lot of food, have super strong combat power, and even prolong your life.

In short, there are too many benefits of gourmet cells, so now Liu Yun is also looking forward to whether he will get the reward of gourmet cells.

After digesting the harvest this time, Liu Yun left Shilin Temple and returned to his room. He needed to rest.

Although the physical pain can be completely repaired when leaving the space, and the mental fatigue was weakened by the inheritance before, but after digesting the things learned in the inheritance, his spirit is also a little tired.

So now he needs to rest. As for the main hall, Shilin Temple is here anyway, and it is not so easy to walk to the main hall.

If climbing the steps only requires a certain degree of inner gratitude, then walking inside Shilin Temple requires more than just gratitude. Walking inside Shilin Temple, in addition to gratitude, it is also necessary to meet the standards in terms of movements, which is also a further practice of food righteousness.

After improving concentration, it is necessary to apply this concentration to all aspects, including every move, otherwise simply practicing gratitude is not called food righteousness.

Food righteousness can eliminate unnecessary movements and exertion. This is the case with every move after entering Shilin Temple. It is necessary to focus on these movements, reduce unnecessary movements and consumption, and wait until this concentration is applied to various movements, and then you can walk to the main hall.

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