"The assessment of fifty steak sets is completed?"

The other graduates were also confused. After all, this speed was beyond their understanding.

"Wait, Liu Yun, shouldn't you go and rest after completing the assessment? Why are you here?"

Soon, Mizuhara Fuyumi discovered the blind spot. Although Liu Yun's speed was indeed terrifyingly fast, it didn't seem to have much to do with Liu Yun's appearance here.

"I asked him to come here. Liu Yun, don't you want to compete with the graduates? How about I be your opponent?"

Dojima Gin explained for Liu Yun and directly challenged Liu Yun.

"Of course, no problem. I'd love to compete with Senior Dojima!"

Liu Yun's goal this time was simply to test his current level, not to beat the graduates, so even if his opponent was Gin Dojima, it would be fine.

"I have to say that you are much braver than we were at that time. At that time, I guess only Seiichiro's mentality could compare with yours!"

Dojima Gin said with some emotion. At that time, they also met some graduates, and even had the idea of competing with the graduates.

But it was just an idea. At that time, they were very clear about the gap between themselves and the graduates.

So except for Seiichiro who really took action to challenge the graduates, they were just thinking about it. But now Liu Yun, even facing his invitation, is not timid at all, which is what he admires the most.

After all, he is different from other graduates like Dojima Ginga. Among this group of graduates, except for him, the strongest is Shinomiya Kojiro, who is only a senior chef and has not reached the special level.

But what about him? He is a real special chef. Although his cooking skills have not improved as fast as Seiichiro after graduation, his own talent should not be underestimated.

"Senior Dojima, you want to compete with Liu Yun?…………"

Inui Hinatako didn't know what to ask. Why would a student go up against a graduate? And the most important thing was that the graduate was Gin Dojima.

Since Totsuki was founded, the most outstanding thing was the Golden Age, except for the Jade Age.

Now the Jade Age has not yet fully emerged, so the Golden Age still occupies the top of all graduates. A student challenging the top of many graduates, this was something she couldn't understand.

""Gin, what's going on?"

Roland Chapelle asked directly. He was also very curious about what was going on. His tone was not questioning, but pure curiosity.

Because he knew very well that Gin Dojima was different from other graduates. Other graduates might be willful, but Gin Dojima has been in a high position for many years and would not do anything without thinking about the seriousness of the matter.

Therefore, Gin Dojima's invitation to fight was obviously a decision made after careful consideration.

"Here's what's going on…………"

Dojima Gin told everyone what happened to Shinomiya Kojiro just now. Shinomiya Kojiro was also present at this time, and his face was very ugly, but he did not dare to interrupt casually, so he could only let Dojima Gin tell everyone what happened before.

"Shinomiya, is it really as Yin said?"

After listening, Roland Chapelle looked at Shinomiya Kojiro. Shinomiya Kojiro was a student he was very optimistic about. He didn't want to see this student go astray.

Facing Chapelle's question, Shinomiya Kojiro chose to remain silent. Obviously, this was a tacit agreement.

"Senior Shinomiya, how did you become like this?"

Hinatako couldn't understand it either. You know, Shinomiya Kojiro was his idol. Such an outstanding person back then not only has his cooking skills stagnated, but he has also done such a thing, targeting a group of students. This is not a qualified teacher.

"There is no need to explain my affairs to you!"

Shinomiya Kojiro was forced to speak, but his stiff tone also made the scene cold.

The graduates who came this time were either from the same class as Shinomiya Kojiro or from the younger class, so they had a good relationship with Shinomiya Kojiro.

Their current inquiries were more of concern, but Shinomiya Kojiro was now angry and embarrassed. He didn't think these people cared about him. It can only be said that once people's thinking goes into a dead end, their ideas will completely deviate from the scope of normal people's understanding.

"Okay, Shinomiya, put your things aside for now, go back and have a rest, I will talk to you later. Of course, you can also just pack up and leave, just pretend that what happened today never happened."

Dojima Gin didn't want everyone to continue arguing with Shinomiya Kojiro here, so he gave Shinomiya Kojiro a choice.

What Dojima Gin wanted to express was very clear. Either choose to stay here, go back and calm down first, and then deal with his affairs later, which means that Dojima Gin has not given up on him and wants to help him.

Or choose to leave now. This choice is equivalent to directly breaking up with Dojima Gin. In a sense, it is also a choice to break up with Totsuki.

Dojima Gin will not target him, but if he encounters any problems in the future, Dojima Gin and others will not interfere.

"I…………I understand. I'll go back and rest first."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Shinomiya Kojiro chose to compromise. Although with his cooking skills, even if his cooking skills stagnated, he was still a top chef, and a leader among top chefs.

Such cooking skills were enough for him to live a very comfortable life, but he was unwilling to stagnate and be finally���He was surpassed by his juniors, juniors and classmates.

So he finally chose to compromise.

"Wise choice!"

Dojima Gin nodded. Shinomiya Kojiro made such a choice, which meant that Shinomiya Kojiro could still be saved. He also didn't want to see a junior with such talent go astray and eventually become ordinary.

After Dojima Gin finished speaking, Shinomiya Kojiro left. He needed to calm down by himself now. It would not do him any good to stay here.

"I didn't expect that after not seeing you for a while, Senior Shigong would become like this!"

After watching Shigong Kojiro leave, the others were also a little emotional, and finally shook their heads helplessly. They would definitely take care of this matter, but how to take care of it specifically would depend on Dojima Gin's arrangements in the future.

As for now, the matter between Liu Yun and Dojima Gin is the key point.

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