When the others heard Roland Chapelle's question, they pricked up their ears. If one of the contestants could come up with such a super dish as the Seven Kingdoms Fried Noodles, then the other one must be very good too.

"Another dish is called Ganges Fried Noodles, which uses 108 different ingredients to make one noodle, and the flavors are even more inclusive, and the 108 ingredients correspond to the 108 Liangshan heroes."

Ganges Fried Noodles" does not mean using Ganges water to make fried noodles, but taking the Ganges' all-inclusive characteristic.

Liu Maoxing's Ganges Fried Noodles uses 108 ingredients to make one noodle, and the flavor combination is also very perfect, corresponding to the number of 108 Liangshan heroes.

It perfectly fits the theme of the heroes of the continent, and at the same time, the diverse flavors of the ingredients suppress the Unified Seven Kingdoms Fried Noodles of Yakan.

Liu Yun did not make this dish, and the reason is very simple, because this dish is different from the Unified Seven Kingdoms Fried Noodles. The

Unified Seven Kingdoms Fried Noodles is a super dish made by Yakan after using the explosive flame ability to bring the pyrotechnics to the extreme.

The key point is the pyrotechnics, and it is precisely because of this that Liu Yunfu Only after engraving this dish, can its grade be raised to the special level.

If it is Ganges Fried Noodles, Liu Yun can still make it, after all, his sense of food and touch are no joke.

But the problem is that without this ultimate characteristic, Liu Yun's cooking skills cannot be compared with Liu Maoxing, so when he reproduces this dish, the effect is not as good as the Unified Seven Kingdoms Fried Noodles, which is why he did not choose Ganges Fried Noodles. After listening to Liu Yun's description of Ganges Fried Noodles, although at first when everyone heard the name, they did think of the Ganges water, which can be said to have the entire periodic table.

But after listening carefully, without thinking about the Ganges water, this Ganges Fried Noodles actually sounds more terrifying than the Unified Seven Kingdoms Fried Noodles. Because of the ingredients used.

The key to the Unified Seven Kingdoms Fried Noodles lies in the seven ingredients, but in comparison, the number of ingredients used in the Ganges Fried Noodles is astonishing, a full one hundred and eight.

Everyone present is a chef, and at worst they are all senior chefs. They know very well that cooking with one hundred and eight ingredients is actually very simple.

The real difficulty lies in how to perfectly blend these one hundred and eight ingredients together. The Ganges Fried Noodles can compete with the Unified Seven Kingdoms Fried Noodles, or even surpass it, which means that these one hundred and eight ingredients are perfectly blended together.

These are a full one hundred and eight ingredients, and the difficulty of blending them perfectly together is astonishing.

Even in the world of Little Chef, This is also extremely difficult, not to mention the level of the Shokugeki world. Although the worlds are now integrated, it does not mean that the people in the Shokugeki world have the cooking skills of the world of Chef Boy. The top chefs in Chef Boy’s world are all in China. As for other countries and regions, it can be seen from Badjeel in the original work.

Badjeel is already a leader in their country, but in China, he is just a senior chef, not even a top chef.

Although Sakura was defeated, it is not so easy to assimilate completely.

So although this world is a fusion version of the Shokugeki world and the world of Chef Boy, there is actually no big change in the cooking skills of the people in the Shokugeki world.

"It's unbelievable, how did they achieve the perfect combination of 108 ingredients?"

After hearing Liu Yun's words, everyone was amazed, even Dojima Gin.

After all, with each additional ingredient, the difficulty of perfectly blending it into the dish will continue to soar. The taste, flavor, whether there will be any negative effects after the combination, etc. must be considered.

"Although it is incredible, this dish does exist."

Liu Yun said that let alone the noodles made of 108 ingredients, there is an even more explosive dish in the world of food captives, that is the Century Thick Soup, which is at least a perfect dish made by blending tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of ingredients.

So even at the level of Sanhu and others, the gourmet cells will fluctuate when facing the Century Thick Soup.

For chefs, how to blend the ingredients is a very tricky thing, but for Liu Yun, because of the blessing of food, he can easily grasp the essence of the ingredients. It is naturally much simpler to blend the ingredients. As long as he knows the ingredients well enough, he can find a way to blend them together.

Of course, there is also a hard condition, that is, there are materials that can make the ingredients blend. Ingredients, in the world of Food Captives, there are a lot of special ingredients, so they can be combined with many other ingredients.

But in the world of Food Wars, it is different. As the saying goes, a good cook cannot cook without rice. Without the ingredients, it is difficult to combine them simply by relying on cooking skills.

Unless the nature of the ingredients can be changed, and such means do exist. In the world of Little Chef, the leader of the dark cuisine world, Ruyunlong Kaiyou, can use qigong to change the nature of the ingredients.

Let the moldy ingredients return to the freshest state, while also retaining their toxicity or even making the toxicity continue to increase.

However, this ability is only available to Kaiyou and Teacher Yuxian who appeared later. A very small number of people can do it. Now Liu Yun does not need to think about these things. After all, he is not a top chef yet.

"Liu Yun, you mean you can make this dish?"

Hearing this, Qian Hinata's eyes lit up. Since Liu Yun made this dish of unified seven countries fried noodles, then the other one, Ganges fried noodles, should be able to be made without any accident. Otherwise, Liu Yun would not be so sure that this dish exists.

"I can do it, but my cooking skills are not good enough.���So it is impossible to fully show the deliciousness of Ganges fried noodles, even this unified seven countries fried noodles is the same"

"If I didn't have the ability to control fire, I wouldn't be able to make this dish reach the top level."

Liu Yun shook his head. Of course he could make it. Although Liu Maoxing's Ganges fried noodles didn't have a specific recipe, with the help of Shi Yi, he was confident that he could complete this dish.

It just took some time.

"Then can Liu Yun make it for us to taste?"

Qian Hinatazi asked excitedly when she heard that Liu Yun could make this dish.

""What's the reason?"

However, Liu Yun's question made everyone silent. Indeed, what's the reason? You ask them to cook and they will do it? Don't be ridiculous.

Liu Yun has already demonstrated the cooking skills of a senior chef, even among them, he is above average. Why should they let him cook?

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