The courses that the graduates are responsible for are not one class per day. After all, there are more than 900 students in total. Although the number of students has been reduced during this period, there are still many left, so each graduate needs to assess several groups every day.

The same is true for the students. Except for the first day when there was only one assessment due to lack of time, they have to take multiple assessments every day in the following days.

When they go back at night, they still have to face Guan Shouping’s steak set torture. What’s more, Guan Shouping’s steak set torture is not just static. As the number of days increases, the number of steak sets is also increasing.

In this way, everyone passed the courses on the second and third days smoothly.

"Today's assessment is finally over. I really envy Ayun for not having to take part in this kind of steak set assessment that is so physically and mentally exhausting.

After a day of assessment, Yoshino Yuuki almost burst into tears. She was so exhausted after this day.

"You should be thankful that Ayun didn't participate, otherwise it would be a physical and mental torture!"

Sakaki Ryoko complained, and the others couldn't help but nodded when they heard it. Indeed, once Liu Yun participated, it would be a gap-like lead, which would easily hit the others.

""Come to think of it, there is no arrangement for sleeping time tonight, what's going on?"

Alice Nakiri asked with some confusion while looking at the manual.

After all, she had just returned not long ago, and she didn't know as much about Totsuki as the students who had been here for several years, so she was a little confused.

Not only her, but also Kurokiba Ryo and Yukihira Soma were very puzzled.

After all, the manual had strict arrangements for lights out and sleeping time on other days.

After all, they were just a group of students, and they came out for training this time, not for enjoyment, so they naturally had to be strictly managed.

"If there is no time arrangement, it can only mean one thing: the biggest test is coming!"

Hearing this, Yoshino Yuuki and the others all changed their faces. Breakfast assessment is a tradition of residential training, and it is not a secret. It's just that Totsuki will disrupt the schedule and randomly select a day for breakfast assessment.

This is the biggest test for students, because this time it can be said to be a practical simulation of business, and you must reach 200 copies to pass.

This is also the first time in the original book that Soma Yukihira really suffered a loss in Totsuki, and in the end he passed the test on time, but he was almost expelled from school.

Liu Yun didn't think it was strange that Soma Yukihira was in such a situation. Although Soma Yukihira used to help in the store and had rich practical experience, the guests of Yukihira Restaurant were all repeat customers, and it was full every day. There was no need for them to rack their brains to find ways to attract customers, and Soma Yukihira had been smooth sailing before, so they underestimated such an assessment.

The result was a big loss, and it was after this incident that Soma Yukihira fully woke up, and then he made rapid progress.

The protagonist needs a turning point, and Soma Yukihira's turning point is here

"The biggest test? Do you know what we are going to do next?"

Alice Nakiri asked curiously, and then everyone told her the content of the next test.

"Breakfast assessment, this is quite interesting, it's not the boring assessment like before."

Alice Nakiri was not afraid of such an assessment, after all, she was confident enough to pass it.

Just as everyone was talking, the broadcast suddenly sounded, and all the students were gathered in the hall below. Compared with the first day, the number of people had been reduced by more than a hundred, so it looked a lot emptier than before. Compared with the first day, the expressions on the students' faces became more nervous, and there was also a strong sense of fatigue.

After all, the second and third days were from morning to night, and it was physical work at night, and dozens of steak sets needed to be made. The number increased to eighty on the third night.

In addition, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and the students were naturally quite tired.

Liu Yun also came with everyone. Although he had nothing to do with the breakfast assessment, he didn't mind coming to see the excitement.

After seeing the students arrive, Dojima Gin also announced the content of the next assessment.

"It turned out to be a breakfast assessment, and it was set at this time. It would start at six o’clock tomorrow morning. There were only eight hours left. Who would dare to sleep?"

After listening to Dojima Gin's words, many students were furious. There was nothing they could do. They were already exhausted today and just wanted to rest early, but suddenly such an assessment popped up.

There were still eight hours before the assessment began, and they could use these eight hours as they pleased. They could choose to sleep or stay up all night to study the dishes. The specific choice was entirely up to them.

This assessment also had an element of psychological warfare. Even students whose cooking skills were good enough to pass this assessment dared not slack off, because the breakfast they made needed to be recognized by the guests.

Choosing what kind of cuisine was a big problem. The key to this assessment was how to attract the guests' attention. Students who could stay in these few days of assessment must have enough abilities.

But then it depended on how to use this ability.

This was a bit similar to Liu Yun's assessment to enter Shilin Temple. At the beginning, it was to get started with food ethics and gather a heart of gratitude, and then to apply food ethics to oneself.

It is the same now. Their cooking skills will basically not filter out many people if they continue with such an assessment, so they might as well just play actual combat.

Actual combat is the most challenging thing to do.

"Eight hours is plenty of time. Sleep for six hours first, and stay for two hours to prepare!"

Alice Nakiri glanced at the time. She would not stay up late to study the dishes. She was confident that she could pass the test.

In fact, for everyone in Polaris Dormitory, it was very simple to pass this test, but due to the psychological pressure, Yuki Yoshino and others could not sleep at all. The only ones who could sleep were probably Soma Yukihira, Alice Nakiri and Kurokiba Ryo.

"Xiaohui, have you decided what to cook next?"

When everyone dispersed, Liu Yun also asked Tanaka Hui what she was going to cook next.

In the original work, Tanaka Hui cooked oden, which was the kind that could be eaten in one bite, attracting the attention of customers with its pocket-sized appearance.

Generally, as long as the first batch of customers are attracted and they think it tastes good, other customers will not be able to resist coming over, so how to attract the first wave of customers is the key.

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