"So it's a superpower, that's right, the fireball that just wrapped around the pot can only be described as a superpower."

The examiners nodded, they couldn't forget the fire just now, and if they thought about it carefully, apart from superpowers, it seemed that there was nothing else that could cause such a scene.

"Although he used his supernatural powers, his knife skills were also terrifyingly strong. This dish has even reached the special level. It's a pity that this assessment is for senior chefs, otherwise you would not be a senior chef but a special chef."

"However, based on your cooking skills, it is estimated that there will be another top-class chef in the world soon. We look forward to that day."

The examiners became more and more excited. There was nothing they could do. Liu Yun was too young. It was already outrageous enough for him to become a top-class chef. If he could become a top-class chef, it would be shocking.

They seemed to have witnessed the birth of a legend.

"Is it really that outrageous? Special-grade cuisine?"

The chefs were all a little confused when they heard this. This was almost too much praise, and they knew very well how big the gap was between a senior chef and a special chef.

After all, they had worked hard for so long to become a mid-level chef, not to mention the more powerful special chef.

"It's really outrageous. At this age, it's ok for him to have the cooking skills of a senior chef. According to the examiner, he is even close to being a top chef. I even wonder if I am still asleep.…………Ah, what are you doing?!"

A chef who was complaining suddenly felt a sharp pain in his arm. He turned around and found that his friend had pinched him. This made him a little angry. Why did this guy pinch him for no reason?

"You know the pain means this is not a dream!" said the friend next to him seriously.

""I understand everything, but why don't you pinch yourself but me? Don't tell me you're afraid of pain, bastard!"

The chef who was pinched directly pinched back. This scene also made the people around speechless. Seeing two middle-aged men pinching each other here, well, literally pinching each other, it is indeed quite speechless.

"If you don't want to continue the assessment, just go out. Also, time won't stop just because you're dazed, you'd better hurry up and cook your own food."

Looking at the mess, one of the examiners also took out the examiner's majesty and shouted at the people below with a serious face. Suddenly, the chefs quieted down and quickly started cooking.

Indeed, no matter how amazing Liu Yun was, they were also part of the assessment. The purpose of this time was to pass the senior chef assessment, so now was not the time to be dazed.

"Okay, Liu Yun, you have passed the assessment. Take this certificate and go outside to exchange your certificate. Congratulations on becoming one of the senior chefs.

The serious examiner looked at Liu Yun again and fully demonstrated what it means to change a professional face in thirty years. His serious expression instantly turned into a friendly smile.

"Thank you examiners, I will leave first!"

Liu Yun also thanked them and left with the certificate issued by the three people. There were three seals on the certificate. These three seals were stamped by the three people. Only with the seals, the certificate is useful.

After leaving, Liu Yun took his intermediate chef certificate and certificate to replace the certificate directly. The replacement of the certificate was completed very quickly. The work efficiency of WGO is indeed beyond words. For the chef assessment of WGO, except for the first certificate that needs to be mailed, other certificate replacements can be completed directly on the spot.

The same is true for the assessment. The assessments of the levels from lower chefs to senior chefs can be conducted at the branch of WGO at a specific time, except for the special chefs.

Because the special chefs are at the top of the WGO, the assessment of the special chefs can only be conducted at the headquarters of O.

Although it is a bit troublesome to go to the headquarters, there is no need to wait for the assessment of the special chefs. As long as you have passed the WGO's senior chef assessment, you can apply directly.

After the review, there is no need to wait, you can go directly to WGO for the assessment.

After taking his brand new certificate, Liu Yun returned to the hall. At this time, the people outside were sitting on the chairs waiting for him.

"Ah Yun, how come you came out so quickly? Is the assessment over?"

Seeing Liu Yun coming out, everyone was a little confused. The assessment took quite a long time, but Liu Yun came out so quickly.

"You all know that the assessment was not difficult for me, so I completed the assessment as quickly as possible and also changed my certificate."

Liu Yun said as he raised the certificate in his hand. The words"Superior Chef Certificate" on it also attracted everyone's attention.

"Senior chef certificate? That's great!"

Everyone was a little surprised when they saw this scene. Although they knew that Liu Yun had superb cooking skills, Seiichiro and others had said before that Liu Yun's cooking skills would easily pass the senior chef assessment.

But when this certificate really appeared, everyone was completely relieved. After all, the assessment also depends on performance. It is possible that a top student may perform worse than a poor student during the exam.

So everyone was completely relieved after seeing this certificate, and then a group of people took the certificate from Liu Yun's hand and kept flipping through it.

After all, this is a senior chef certificate. There is only one copy among all the students in Totsuki. It is a rare thing.

""Okay, go back and look at it."

After Liu Yun reminded them, the group came to their senses and left. During this time, Alice Nakiri kept looking at the certificate. She had seen the senior chef certificate many times.

But Liu Yun's certificate was completely different from other senior chef certificates. Because of Liu Yun's age, the value of his certificate was completely incomparable to other senior chef certificates.

After the group returned to Polaris Dormitory, they learned that Liu Yun had passed the assessment easily. Omido Fumio also invited everyone to have a banquet.

During the period, some people who were not from Polaris Dormitory and were still in Totsuki were also invited, such as Hojo Miyoko.

"It has only been a short time, and you have become a senior chef. It is incredible."

After learning the purpose of this celebration, Hojo Miyoko said that she was also shocked. Because Liu Yun did not go to class during this period, Hojo Miyoko and Liu Yun had less communication. So she did not know how outrageous Liu Yun was now. In the blink of an eye, Liu Yun actually became a senior chef. This is really outrageous.

When everyone was celebrating, the news that Liu Yun became a senior chef also spread among the upper echelons of WGO, and the news also reached Nakiri Senzaemon and others.

"Did you pass the assessment? I know!"

In Nakiri Senzaemon's office, Dojima Gin was also here at this time. He came here to report on his work.

As a result, Nakiri Senzaemon received a call from WGO. His connections in WGO are no joke. After all, his daughter is the only special executive officer there.

"What happened? Commander-in-Chief?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Dojima Gin asked curiously.

"It's about Liu Yun. He has passed the senior chef assessment. You should know what it means to pass the senior chef assessment at this age."

Nakiri Senzaemon said in amazement.

"Did he pass? It was not surprising, after all, that kid's cooking skills are almost at the top level!"

Gin Dojima and Liu Yun had a food battle, and he knew that Liu Yun could even make top-level dishes, and he was not far from being a top-level chef, so it was normal for him to pass the senior chef assessment.[]

"It's a pity that Liu Yun has no chance to break the record of senior chef, but the record of special chef will be broken by him if nothing unexpected happens!"

Dojima Gin said. Liu Yun did not break the record of senior chef recorded in WGO, because this record was left by Nakiri Managi.

Nakiri Managi became a senior chef at the age of fourteen. In Totsuki, she became a senior chef in the third year of the middle school, while Liu Yun became a senior chef in the first year of the advanced school.

Therefore, Liu Yun did not break the record of senior chef, but this is also because Liu Yun's golden finger arrived relatively late, and the record of special chef will definitely be broken by Liu Yun.

After all, according to the current progress, Liu Yun As long as she is willing, she can pass the assessment of a top chef in her first year of the advanced department.

You know, when Nakiri Managi became a top chef, she was already 18 years old.

And Nakiri Managi's cooking skills came at a great price. The Divine Tongue made Nakiri Managi grow very fast, but it also made it difficult for her to move forward, and even her survival became a problem.

Although Nakiri Erina is not so amazing at this stage, it is entirely because Nakiri Senzaemon restricted the development of her Divine Tongue, so Nakiri Erina's cooking skills are not improving very fast....

Otherwise, if the growth of the Divine Tongue is not suppressed, Erina Nakiri will probably have a chance to break the record of Managi Nakiri.

"Sorry, Gin, it's Managi calling, I have to answer a call."

Nakiri Senzaemon said, to which Dojima Gin said he understood.

Then Nakiri Senzaemon answered the call.

"You called me at this time because of Liu Yun, right?"

Nakiri Senzaemon said

"Yes, it is indeed for him. Father should know my purpose."

Nakiri Masagi on the other side said, to which Nakiri Senzaemon nodded. He naturally knew what his daughter's purpose was. After all, the problem of the Divine Tongue had not been solved.

Due to the fusion of the world, the Divine Tongue was naturally not completely unsolvable, but the price of solving the Divine Tongue was naturally not small.

Nakiri Senzaemon also knew about the affairs of the Chinese culinary world, or the top leaders of the international culinary world basically knew about it.

When Nakiri Masagi's Divine Tongue went berserk, Nakiri Senzaemon The door tried every possible way to find a solution, and finally found some useful records in the past records of the Nakiri family.

Because the divine tongue of the Nakiri family is hereditary, but the probability of it appearing is not very high. It is extremely rare for both Nakiri Managi and Nakiri Erina to have the divine tongue.

According to records, the people in the Nakiri family who possessed the divine tongue would go berserk after developing it to a certain extent, and then the divine tongue would infinitely magnify the shortcomings of various dishes.

Let the people who eat it again They could not taste delicious food, but only unpalatable tastes, so the result was that many people who had the Tongue of God in the past starved to death.

In the end, a generation of Nakiri family found the Chinese culinary world. After learning about the situation in the Chinese culinary world, they spent a lot of money to hire a Lin chef to make food that the Tongue of God could eat.

But this did not fundamentally solve the problem, because the characteristics of the Tongue of God are that the more delicious the food is, the more it can make the Tongue of God continue to grow.

And the growing Tongue of God evolved to the point where even the food of the Lin chef could not satisfy it in just a few years.

The food made by the Lin chef was also unsatisfactory, so naturally they could only hire a dragon chef, but it was not so easy to hire a dragon chef. The number of dragon chefs was extremely rare, and they had everything they needed.

In this case, it was naturally impossible for the Nakiri family to hire a dragon chef. At that time, a dragon chef was somewhat interested in the Tongue of God, so he agreed to cook for the 3.0 people who possessed the Tongue of God.

In the end, facts proved���, the cooking of the Dragon Chef has surpassed the growth limit of the Divine Tongue. The limit of the Divine Tongue is the limit of the Lin Chef, and it cannot continue to grow.

So as long as there is a Dragon Chef by your side, then for the holder of the Divine Tongue, there is no need to worry about not being able to eat.

Although it seems that the problem has been solved, a new problem has arisen, that is, how to let a Dragon Chef cook for one person all the time?

Dragon Chefs are extremely rare in the Chinese cuisine world, and each of them is a big shot, so it is naturally impossible for them to ask the other party to cook for the Nakiri family.

After discovering this record, Nakiri Senzaemon also used all his connections in the Chinese cuisine world to ask people to cook for Nakiri Managi.

And in order to prevent Nakiri Managi's Divine Tongue from continuing to grow, cooking is also done once a week to ensure that Nakiri Managi can eat one meal a week.

As for the rest of the time, she can only rely on the nutrient solution to stay alive. There is no other way. If she doesn't do this, it won't be long before Nakiri Masagi's divine tongue will grow to the point where the cooking of the Lin chef is useless.

At this time, Nakiri Senzaemon will have no choice. After all, he can still hire the Lin chef, but not the Dragon chef.

Nakiri Masagi is also very clear about this, so she doesn't mean to blame her father. After all, she can only hire the Lin chef by using the energy of WGO, but as for the Dragon chef, that's not enough.

But this is better than the original work. After all, Nakiri Masagi in the original work can't eat anything. Now it's okay. At least she can have a full meal a week and won't completely collapse..

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